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Deck Crane Lifting Operations

The following contains subjective comment on lifting operations with the Grove AT1500, telescoping crane
with flyboom It does not constitute a set of instructions and does not supersede in any way !"# of
other lifting operation regulations$ In addition there are several factors such as outrigger e%tension,
outrigger pad si&e and ground state which have been specifically e%cluded as they apply only to a shore
based lift$ 'e assume that the counterbalance weight is fi%ed and that the stability area of the load
capability chart does not apply
In addition not considered here is the trim of the vessel although this will have an effect and
should be considered
Crane Mounted Load Computer
The Grove (rane has a load computer which measures the load weight, )oom "%tension and )oom angle$
*orm this it can compare computed load against a model stored within its memory$ As the load
approaches overload alarms are sounded$ The computer has an e%tra mode which ta+es into account
operation with the flyboom$ This load computer is there as a safety factor and in no way should be
considered to replace proper planning$
Lifting operations.
To carry out a safe lifting operation a set of variables must be known; these consist of the following
The weight of the lift.
The height of the lift
The Radius of the lift
Obstructions within the lift area
The Sea State
Weight Of lift
This may be either a +nown weight i$e$ a weight which is certified and clearly mar+ed, or an un+nown
estimated weight, in which case the weight is estimated and a factor of safety applied
To be added to the lift weight is the weight of the hook and lifting accessories before calculations are
carried out. For the hook this is given as a test weight of
o 0.0 tonne for !0t hook and headache ball
o 0."# tonne for #0t $ sheave block
Note that unless the lift weight is certified it is always classed as estimated in all
Height of the Lift.
-ote this is measured form the boom pivot point and not the dec+$
The height of the pivot point above the dec+ is .$/m
Radius of Lift
In a similar fashion the radius is measured from the pivot point and not the centreline of the crane$ The
distance from the pivot to the centreline is /$1m
Ostructions within lift area
The area not only where the load will be lifted and put down, but also the area covered whilst the crane is
slewing$ 0hould this be of particular concern a lifting plan should be created and discussed with the crane
driver highlighting areas of concern and how best the (rane drive may avoid them$ It should be
understood that the crane driver may be unsighted of some of these obstructions therefore where this is
considered to be a high ris+ a lift supervisor should be designated to guide the crane driver at all times$
0pecial consideration has to be given to lifts of unusual shape or where spreader bars are in
!he "ea "tate
1essel lift operations differ from shore based operations in that dynamic load forces have to be ta+en into
consideration$ The worst sea state condition considered to occur during the whole operation should be
used and lift calculations based on that The 2ynamic oading factor stated in 3G40 ifting "5uipment
#egulations is /$. times for routine loading6unloading$ A factor of 1$75 may be applied after written
consent$ ma%imum wind speed is given as /5+nots and ma%imum wave height of /m
Lifting tackle #nspections
A lifting tac+le inspection by a competent person is re5uired on all lifting accessories every 8 months$
9owever, it is also re5uired that all lifting accessories are e%amined for defects before use and this
includes all crane operations$ Appendi% ( gives a listing of the failure parameters applicable to typical
lifting accessories
Worked $%ample
A load of estimated weight 7 tonne is to be lifted from a platform at a level of /0m above sea level$ The
vessel can manoeuvre so that the base of the centreline of the crane is within /0m of the lift$ The sea
state is calm
Lift Weight
The weight is a estimated 7tonne lift with a 100: factor of safety this gives a weight of 8 tonne for
calculation$ The 10 tonne bloc+ is fitted adding 0$/ tonne$ The lifting accessories are estimated at 0$1
tonne$ This gives a total weight to lift of 8$. tonne
Lift Height
The height of the lift above sea level is /0m$ The freeboard is 1$5m and the crane pivot is .$1m above the
dec+ This gives a lift height of 1.$.m
Lift radius
The ift is /0m from the centre line$ The pivot is /$1m behind the radius therefore the lift radius becomes
The lift is clear of obstructions$ 9owever to clear the lift and ensure that the accessories are properly
placed the Gib head has to be /m above the lift$ This changes the height of the boom to 18$.m
Calculation of &oom e%tension
The easiest way to do the following is with graph paper with suitable scaling
however it is possible to calculate the re5uired boom length$
Checking the Cranes Capaility
'e now loo+ at the ifting capacity chart for the crane
$ 9ere we can see that at /0m radius6/;$0.m boom e%tension the lift capability is 11$< tonne$ *or a //m
radius with same boom e%tension the lift capability is 10$5 tonne$ As are lift is 8$. tonne the crane is
'e therefore instruct the crane driver to Gib =p and )oom out to />$5 m placing the Gib /
metres above the lift
These instructions may also be used for shore crane operations$ !n the capability chart a
dar+line denotes the limit of stability and refers to lifting weights with the boom at right angles to the bed
rather than over the cab$ *or shore operations the capability chart refers to full outrigger e%tension only
and a separate chart must be in place if half outrigger e%tension is to be used
$ffects of sea state
A set of (lass approved Guidance charts indicate the effects of seat state on the lifting capabilities of the
vessel$ These supersede the lifting capability chart although they are for guidance and care must be ta+en
to observe additional factors given by the crane manufacturer$
'ly &oom $%tended
"%tending the flyboom creates a special case$ The flyboom is only used with all the sections at ma%imum
e%tension$ *or this crane that is a boom e%tension of ./$>8m$ The lifting capacity chart now changes from
a radius6boom length relationship to a boom angle6fi%ed boom length relationship$ Again the re5uired
angle to chec+ the capability of the crane can be found by either by use of graph paper or by calculation
It should be noted that great care when operating with the flyboom e%tended must be ta+en
to ensure that the crane is not overloaded something which is entirely possible even with no load on the
hoo+ when Gibbing down
In addition a "wing (way may be used which ta+es the form of a fi%ed boom that bolts to
the jib head and generally sits at an angle to the boom$
!he $ffects of Dynamic Loading on the Lifting Capaility of a Crane
*or this document ?2ynamic loading refers only to the effects of movement of the vessel due to rolling
only$ The effects of 4itching, lift and lower acceleration and deceleration, relative movement between
vessel and platform from which weight is being lifted or lowered to is not considered$
$ffects of Heel (ngle
As the crane comes under load there is a tendency for the vessel to heel towards the load$
The effect of this is to increase the lift radius$ This effects increases with increasing boom length$
Increase in ift #adius @ -ew ift #adius #/ , !riginal ift #adius #1
@ (os A/ , (osA1
@ B (os A/ , (os A1 C
It can be seen that this effect increases with increasing boom angle$
*or e%ample with an original boom angle of /0
a heel of 5
will increase lift radius by about 7:
At 85
the same heel will increase lift radius by about ;:
Lift radius is computed as a function of &oom angle and &oom $%tension only) no
compensation is gi*en for Heel. #n such conditions O*erload may occur and proper planning
including a reduction in the Lift capacity should e made.
$ffects of Rolling
The effects of rolling are two partD
*irstly they increase the ift radius in the same fashion as described under ?"ffects of 9eel?$
0econdly they accelerate and decelerate the Gib head and thereby the ift weight, as well as the main
structure itself$ All of which adds up to increased load on the crane$
(onsidering the effect of the lift weight only
*or e%ample a ma% heel angle of 10o, radius of gyration .0m and a period of oscillation of 8s
would cause acceleration of the head of about 0$.g increasing load due to weight by /$5 to 7$5:
dependent on )oom Angle
This effect increases with increase boom length and boom angle and worsening weather
The effect of this will be rapid transients in the indicated load on the computerD the effect of
increased radius of lift would not be accounted for$ In such conditions !verload may occur and proper
planning including a reduction in the ift capacity should be made$
+endulum $ffects on Weight during Rolling
The effects of this is to increase the radius of ift as the weigh moves away from the Gib 9ead
as well as to impart forces onto the Gib head for which it was not designed$
This action tends to increase with increased distance between gib head and load as well as
rolling severity$
Please note that the above information is given without guarantee but based on my training as an
Appointed Person.

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