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C-103 Westend Park / Bodakdev / Ahmedabad 59 / +919712924299 / !"arshah#2$%&ahoo'(om

Award-Winning Retail Manager
Passionate Retail Manager )!th a(t!ve e*+er!en(e o, - &ears )!th +o+./ar reta!/
brands has been d!st!n".!shed b& advan(ements0 a)ards 1!n(/.d!n" be!n" named
2ev!s 3Best 4tore 5ana"er o, the 6ear7 20128 and "oa/ s.r+ass!n" +er,orman(e
to +/an'
Successfully involved in both start-us and turnaround !anage!ent roles
have o+erated m./t!+/e stores !n sa/es and (.stomer sat!s,a(t!on )h!/e
s!m./taneo.s/& /o)er!n" shr!nk and sta,, t.rnover to a// t!me /o)s'
"o!rehensive bac#ground leading all asects of retail oerations 1e'"'
strate"!( +/ann!n"0 sa/es0 b.&!n" / mer(hand!s!n"0 (.stomer serv!(e0 !nventor&8
re!n,or(ed b& e*tens!ve reta!/ mana"ement tra!n!n"'
$%& S$I''S
B.d"et!n" 9 Cost Contro/
B.&!n" 9 5er(hand!s!n"
:eta!/ ;+erat!ons <nventor& 5ana"ement
4a/es 9 5arket!n"
=eamb.!/d!n" / =ra!n!n" /
4hr!nk :ed.(t!on / 2oss Contro/ C.stomer 4erv!(e >*(e//en(e
Retail *uyer fro! +eburary, -./0 1 till date
Saffron 'ifestyle 2raders 'td 1MS+ of )i#e India Pvt 'td3, Ah!edabad
5ana"!n" mer(hand!se +/ann!n" and b.&!n" ,or ?.arat re"!on )!th 10 stores !n a//
Cond.(t!n" store v!s!ts ,or +rod.(t tra!n!n" 9 ,ore(ast!n" the market trends !n the re"!on
Cons!stent/& meas.r!n" se//-thr.s o, ,resh 9 d!s(o.nted mer(hand!se
@.arter/& )ork on (onso/!dat!on0 order +ro(ess!n"0 ;=B /eve/s 9 +rod.(t tra!n!n"
5onth/& ma++!n" o, ,ast-mov!n" 9 s/o)-mov!n" art!(/es ,or better /!A.!dat!on o, the sto(ks
Retail Manager fro! July, -.// 1 January, -./0
Saffron 'ifestyle 2raders 'td 1MS+ of 'evis Strauss "o 'td, Ah!edabad
5ana"!n" reta!/ o+erat!on and estab/!sh!n" !nnovat!ve sa/es strate"!es0 ,or ,/a"sh!+ store )!th
t.rnover o, 5-$ Cr'
Per,orm!n" da!/&/)eek/&/month/& ana/&s!s o, b.s!ness dr!vers 1k+!s80 tar"et v/s a(t.a/ sa/es0 &ear-on-
&ear +er,orman(e 9 tra(ked team +rod.(t!v!t&'
=ra(k!n" !nventor& on )eek/&/month/& bas!s ,or tar"et v/s a(t.a/ sa/es 9 .+dat!n" the .+(om!n"
trend o, +rod.(ts thro."h v!s.a/ /!ne +resentat!on'
A(t!ve/& !nvo/ved !n v!s.a/ mer(hand!s!n" to sho)(ase ,ash!on trends0 (omm.n!(ate the (o/o.r o,
the season 9 +.shed the s/o) mov!n" mer(hand!se b& st&/!n" ,o(a/ +o!nts'
5ana"!n" e*+enses0 +ett& (ash0 and store a((o.nts shr!nka"es'
Store Manager of the
Year Levis, Flagship
Store, 2012
Best Mystery Audit
Score, Levis Flagship
Store, 2012 & 2011
"%R2I+I"A2% 4+
APPR%"IA2I4) ,or
(ontr!b.t!on to the
s.((ess o, event at
B!" BaBaar0 Ca!+.r0
A)ard ,or e*(eed!n"
)arrant& sa/es at
5e/bo.rne0 A.stra/!a
'45% &46R G447
W4R$ 1C.stomer
4erv!(e8 a)ard ,or
40/50 +o!nts on
5&ster& 4ho++!n"
:e+ort0 ;,,!(e)orks0
5e/bo.rne0 A.stra/!a0
<nvo/ved !n re(r.!tment0 se/e(t!on o, sta,, +er,orman(e rev!e)s
=o .nderstand the market better tra(ked (om+et!t!on brands b.s!ness'
Asst Store Manager fro! 4ct -./. 1 July -.//
+uture Retail 5alue India 'td 8*ig *a9aar:, Jaiur, India
Prov!de ne(essar& (ontro/ and d.e mana"ement re"ard!n" the e(onom!( transa(t!on !n reta!/ market
s.rro.nd!n"s and var!o.s e*+enses as )e// as (ash ,/o) (ontro//!n" )!th seasona/ b.d"et
o+erat!ons ,or A++are/s 9 ?enera/ 5er(hand!se de+artment )!th avera"e t.rnover o, 3'5 - 5 Cr'
A(t!ve/& tra(ked sa/es reven.e v/s tar"eted b.d"ets on )eek/&/month/& bas!s'
Prov!de essent!a/ adm!n!strat!on 9 /ed a team o, 150+ +ersonne/ !n the or"an!Bat!on
Work as the s.+erv!sor to a// t&+es o, (ons.mer serv!(es0 ma!ntenan(e0 em+/o&ee !nstr.(t!on
+ro(ed.res and d!s+/a& +rod.(ts et('
Carr!ed o.t !nterna/ a.d!ts and e*+enses (ontro/ meas.res )!th d.e +rote(t!on o, assets'
Pre+ared +roe(t tra(k!n" re+orts as +er the reA.!rement o, the or"an!Bat!on !n a t!me/& manner
P/a&ed a ke& ro/e !n mak!n" de(!s!ons re"ard!n" sto(k (ontro/ as )e// as mana"ed sto(k /eve/s
Dand/ed other tasks /!ke da!/& ,!nan(!a/0 !nventor& (ontro/ and a((o.nt!n"
Retail 4erations Manager fro! Aug -..; 1 Set -./.
Mystores India Pvt 'td 1 Master +ranchise of 'evi Strauss "o 'td, Surat, India
5ana"ed o+erat!ons o, m./t!+/e stores !n ?.arat 9 5adh&a Pradesh 9 "enerated an avera"e
t.rnover o, 2'5 3'5 Cr'
E!re(t/& res+ons!b/e ,or the deve/o+ment o, the store ,rom (on(e+t des!"n!n" to ,!na/ o+en!n" o, the
Fo(.s on ke& b.s!ness !n!t!at!ves0 store +resentat!on0 market!n" e*e(.t!on0 !nventor& mana"ement0
/oss +revent!on0 +a&ro// mana"ement0 r!sk mana"ement0 and da!/& o+erat!ona/ (ost (ontro/
:es+ons!b/e to mana"e m./t!+/e +r!or!t!es )!th demonstrated mana"ement sk!//s to !n(/.deG
(oa(h!n"0 tra!n!n"0 re(r.!t!n" and (omm.n!(at!on
Part!(!+ated !n sta,, deve/o+ment and !n(reased e,,!(!en(& thro."h +rob/em so/v!n"0 hand/!n"
.n.s.a/ (!r(.mstan(es'
Ass!sted (ons.mers )!th e*(e+t!ona/ serv!(e standards and reso/ve the!r ! )!th sat!s,a(t!on'
Prov!de a (/ean0 ,.n and sa,e env!ronment ,or the em+/o&ees and (.stomers'
=o .nderstand the market better tra(ked (om+et!t!on brands b.s!ness'
7eart!ent Sales Manager fro! July -..< 1 June -..;
4fficewor#s, Melbourne, Australia
5ana"ed o+erat!ons 9 sa/es o, <= +rod.(ts and o,,!(e ,.rn! !tems 9 "enerated an avera"e
t.rnover o, 4-5 Cr'
Prov!ded (.stomer serv!(e at (ash re"!ster and s(ann!n" stat!ons ,or h.ndreds o, (.stomers da!/&
:es+ons!b/e ,or sto(k!n"0 arran"!n" ,/oor d!s+/a&s0 and o+en!n"/(/os!n" +ro(ed.res
:es+ons!b/e ,or mana"!n" da!/& o+erat!ona/ )ork0 re+ort!n" /!ke da!/& 4a/es re+ort0 sto(k
movement re+orts0 b!//!n" and (.stomer (are 9 em+/o&ee +er,orman(e re+orts'
:es+ons!b/e ,or +rod.(t!v!t& /eve/s mon!tor!n" thro."h +ro,!t-(ost rat!os
<nvo/ved !n 4to(k take +ro(ess ,or the store'
:es+ons!b/e o, ,or tra!n!n" and (o-ord!nat!on o, to.(h +o!nts to sta,, ,or best o.t+.t'
Dand/!n" (.stomer (om+/a!nts s.((ess,.//& 9 (/ear the!r (on,.s!ons'
4erations Manager fro! June -..= 1 June -..<
"af> Sice Indian Restaurant, Melbourne, Australia
5ana"ed da!/& resta.rant o+erat!ons (over!n" area o, a++ro*!mate 1500 sA' ,t'
:es+ons!b/e ,or Ba(k-o,-Do.se1B;D8 A.a/!t&0 san!tat!on 9 +resentat!on o, the ,ood sto(ks
*usiness Manager fro! June -..0 1 May -..=
+ace - +ace Global, Melbourne, Australia
:es+ons!b/e ,or market!n" and sa/es o, ,!nan(!a/ +rod.(ts v!BG (red!t (ards0 +ersona/ /oans 9 /!ne o,
<nvo/ved )!th the or"an!Bat!on ,or market resear(h !n the se(tor o, ,!nan(!a/ +/ann!n"
Sales ? "ontent 7eveloer fro! May -... 1 June -..0
A9ure 2echnologies Pvt 'td3, Ah!edabad
=e/e(a//!n" 1Co/d8 sa/es ,or (am+a!"ns !n the ,!e/d o, Dea/th(are 9 F!nan(!a/ +rod.(ts ,or H4 (/!ents
Ees!"n!n" and ed!t!n" o, adverts ,or (/!ents based !n H4
Content deve/o+er and te(hn!(a/ )r!ter ,or (om+an& )ebs!te
'%AR)I)G "R%7%)2IA'S
MAS2%R 4+ *6SI)%SS A7MI)IS2RA2I4) -..@, 2A =:;B> HI<J>:4<=60 5>2B;H:I>0 AH4=:A2<A
MAS2%R 4+ PR4+%SSI4)A' A""46)2I)G, -..<, 2A =:;B> HI<J>:4<=60 5>2B;H:I>0 AH4=:A2<A
P4S2 GRA76A2I4) I) I)+4RMA2I4) 2%"H)4'4G&, -..-, ?24 <I4=<=H=> ;F <IF;:5A=<;I
=>CDI;2;?60 AD5>EABAE0 <IE<A
*A"H%'4R 4+ *6SI)%SS A7MI)IS2RA2I4), -..., ?24 <I4=<=H=> ;F BH4<I>44 AE5<I<4=:A=<;I0

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