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Rosellnica L.

Balasoto Professor David

III 9 BS Psychology July 4, 2014
Reaction Paper
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest

1. Is the main character normal or abnormal? Explain your answer and provide evidence of
the manifestation of normal or abnormal behavior.
I belive that the main character, McMurphy, shows normal behavior.
First, he is fully aware of what is happening in his environment. He reacts and participates to
these. One concrete example is his awareness of Nurse Ratcheds authoritative way of handling
the wards patients. He started to upset her hoping that she will lose grip of them. Another
example is his recognition of the conditions of his co-patients. He knows how to handle them
without hurting anybody. A scene in the movie shows that in order for his co-patients to stop
fighting, he showered them with water. In result, the quarrel stopped and they have all calmed
Secondly, he has self direction. He knows why he was there and what he would do in order
for him to escape. McMurphy ahs concrete goals. Unfortunately, he didnt accomplish his plans
to escape due to the punishment that was given to him when he showed aggressive behavior.
Lastly, McMurphy has care for others. He is aware of their needs and wants the best for
them. An evidence for this is his desire to stop Nurse Ratcheds unreasonable treatment to them.
He did his best to change the policies inside the ward. And even though he died at the end of the
movie, he has succeeded. Nurse Ratched became more understanding and compassionate to her

2. What could have been done to avoid the tragic fate of the main character?
Open communication between the authorities and the patients in the ward could have avoided
the tragic fate of McMurphy. Nurse Ratched is oblivious of the negative effects of her therapy
session. She always brings back the dreadful past of her patients. She also doesnt give them
more freedom. In result, the patients conditions only seem to worsen. They wanted liberty.
If only Nurse Ratched took time to consider the complains and suggestions of her patients,
McMurphys aggressive behavior could have been avoided. They may have understood each
other and work out to solve their problems.

3. Do you think that the main character would have benefited from counseling or
Yes, McMurphy would have benefited from a counseling session. If it was done, he may
have known how to control his aggressiveness. He may have also been more aware of his
situation that he is under medical authority and not all of what he wanted would be granted.
Through a counseling session, he may have also realized the value of compromising and

4. In relation to Abnormal Psychology, what insights have you gained from the film?
I have learned that even mentally ill people should be treated as normal as possible. Therapy
sessions should help them, not damage them. Disastrous happenings from their past should not
be the topic of the session. Moving on and going with the future should be their focus.
The one leading the session should be understanding and caring of his patients; just like the
way that he would do for other persons. He must be aware of not just their medical needs, but
also of their social needs. Activities such as doing sports or having board games could help them
get better.

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