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ESL World Cultures

• You will make an in-depth, well-researched PowerPoint presentation of any

Native American group of your choice, and present it to the class.
• You will make a recording of your presentation, and edit it in MovieMaker, we
will be listening to these in class next week.

You must choose from the following groups (only one person can do a group):

Cheyenne, Inuit,

• In your presentation, you will answer the following questions:

1. Geography/Region:
a) What part of North American was/is your tribe found?
b) What are the characteristics of this region, for example are there mountains,
woods, ocean or deserts?
c) What was the climate like (hot and dry; cold and wet)?
d) Did the region have a growing season?
2. Food:
a) Describe the type of food your tribe ate.
b) How did they get their food (hunters, gatherers, farmers)?
c) Did their food differ according to the seasons?
3. Clothing:
a) Describe the type of clothing the members of your tribe wore.
i. What did women wear?
ii. What did men wear?
a) Did they have different clothing for different seasons?
b) Did they have clothes for special occasions or ceremonies?
4. Shelter:
a) Describe the type of homes the members of your tribe lived in.
b) What were the homes made from?
c) Were these temporary or permanent homes?
d) Did their houses (dwellings) depend on the season? How?

5. Religion:
a) Name and describe the gods that they worshipped.
b) Who were the main gods?
c) Was there a shaman? What was his role (function)?
d) Name and describe the some of their legends/mythology or creation stories.
6. Customs, Ceremonies and Traditions:
a) Name and describe the different kinds of ceremonies and customs that were
b) Was special clothing worn?
7. Language and Art:
a) Art: What kind of art forms did they create?
b) Music: Did they use musical instruments
c) Language: What language did they speak? Is it still in use today?
8. Interesting information/fun facts:
a) What facts or interesting pieces of information have you discovered about
your tribe?


• Minimum of two (2) slides per question/category = 18 slides with the title
• At least one picture/photograph per slide
• List of all sources used (text and pictures) on the last slide

Points and Grading:

• Students will be graded according to their PowerPoint presentation, if they

have answered all the questions/categories.
• They will also be graded according to how well they record the audio part of
their presentation and edit into MovieMaker.
✔ PowerPoint: 100
✔ Audio: 50

✔ Total Points: 150

Due Date: Monday, December 14

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