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A. Background Study
English is the first foreign language in Indonesia. English is one of
compulsory subject in Junior High School to college level. In Elementary School
English is taught as local content.
In the elementary school curriculum, teaching English covers four skills,
namely reading, listening, speaking, and writing. The four skills are supported by
learning of language elements. They are structure, vocabulary, pronounciation,
and spelling. Therefore vocabulary is the important language element that the
students should master. Vocabulary includes collections of words. The words are
known not only as individual words, but also as a group of words that have
meaning. To develop students language skills in reading, listening, speaking, and
writing, the learners must have some degree of vocabulary.
Vocabulary according to Hornby (1995: 131) is a number of words in a
language. Vocabulary plays a very important role in language learning. It is
required in all kinds of language skills covering listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. It is also the basic step to learn English in written form as well as spoken
form. McCharty (1990: 1) states that the experience of most language teachers
shows the single biggest component of any language course is vocabulary.
Laufer (in Schmitt, 1997: 140) explains that vocabulary is no longer a
victims of discrimination in second language learning research, nor in a language
teaching. After decades of neglect, lexis is now recognized as central to any
language acquisition process, native, or non-native. What many languages
teachers might have intuitively known for a long time, that or vocabulary is
necessary in every stage of language learning, is now being openly stated by some
second language acquisition (SLA) researchers. The following quotations from
some experts (in Schmitt, 1997: 140) illustrate this:

No matter how well the students learn grammar, no matter how successful
the sounds of L2 are mastered, without word to express a wide range of
meanings, communication in an L2 just cannot happen in any meaningful
way. (McCharty, 1990: viii)
Knowing that vocabulary is important in real life many researcher start to do
research in learning vocabulary, especially where English is considered as second
or foreign language. Chamot (in Schmitt, 1997: 201) says that high school ESL
learners reported more strategic use for vocabulary learning than for any other
language learning activity, including listening comprehension, oral presentation,
and social communication.
This might be due to the relatively discrete nature of vocabulary learning
compared to more integrated language activities, like giving oral presentation,
making it easier to apply strategies effectively. It may also be due to the fact
classrooms tend to emphasize discrete activities over integrated ones. On the other
hand, the higher strategic use may be a result of learners awareness of the
importance of vocabulary. Horwitz (in Schmitt, 1997: 201) adds that a subtantial
number of ESL students completing her questionnaire (ranging between 25 per
cent and 39 per cent) either agreed or strongly agreed that the most important part
of learning a foreign language is vocabulary.
Vocabulary mastery has important role in English. Vocabulary is the basis
to acquire other competence such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Therefore, vocabulary is the basic competence which need to be taught in
Elementary school. Knowing a lot of words is important because the more words
we know, the better chance to understand. For this reason, the major aim of
teaching English program in Elementary school is to help students gain large
vocabulary of useful words. In fact, in Indonesia, the teaching of vocabulary has
not been done optimally yet. There are English vocabulary mastery, such as: (1)
Students should know the meaning of word; (2) Students should pronounce the
words correcty; (3) Students can spell the word well; and (4) Students can use
words in sentences.

From the classroom condition point of view, the classroom itself actually
has a good atmosphere which can make the learning process run well. The
classroom also has good ventilation. There is no decoration in the classroom such
as paintings, small tree, teaching aids, etc. The teacher should bring the teaching
aids and find suitable method which makes interest and understand the material.
Based on pre-research, it is found that the students of third grade get some
difficulties in mastering vocabulary. The writer finds that the students have low
competence on mastering vocabulary. It is indicated through the following
indicators: (1) Students get difficulties in finding the meaning of the words.
Generally, students could identify the English names of things at the enviroment
quite well. There were found some students who could not identify the correct
English names of some words yet; (2) Students get difficulties in spelling the
words; (3) Students get difficulties in pronouncing the words. They made many
mistakes in pronouncing English words in the oral pre-test; and (4) Students get
difficulties in using of words on the simple sentence.
Dealing with the importance of vocabulary, the researcher finds out that the
students vocabulary mastery in SDN Kratonan 3 Surakarta is still low. This is
seen in the result of students pre-test which is conducted in preliminary
observation. The average of studentsscore is 55.45. This score is computed from
average score of each indicator and the descriptor of vocabulary mastery. From
the explanation above, the students of SDN Kratonan 3 get some problems in
grasping and interpreting meaning, pronouncing the words, spelling, and also
using words in appropriate context of situation.
Problems in classroom that appear during the lesson also happened: (1)
Students made noise. Most of students were busy talking with their friends when
the teacher explained the material. Therefore, the class became noisy; (2) Students
did improper activities (non-,academic) in the class like sleeping, chatting,
drawing, etc; (3) Students did homework of other lessons; (4) Students did not

respond to the teachers commands; and (5) Students did not pay attention to the
The preliminary observation reveals the possible cause why the problems
above arise in the classroom. The causes are dealing with the teaching media. The
model of teaching was teacher-centered and lecturing. When introducing the new
material, the teacher wrote words related topic on the blackboard in English and
the students were asked to copy them on their note book. They are asked to find
their meaning from dictionary. Therefore, every student was required to have
dictionary. After finding the meaning of words from dictionary, the teacher drilled
the vocabulary by reading the words one by one followed by students either
together or individually. In the end of class, the teacher asked to do exercise
dealing with the topic on their worksheet (LKS) and gave homework. The
homework would be checked in the next meeting. It is necessary for teacher to
find a new variation of teaching model in order to make students pay attention to
the lesson. The new media should be able to make them get involved to teaching
learning process.
From the students, it can be seen that the students didnt give their attention
in class. Some of the students didnt bring English book and also they didnt do
homework. And from teaching and learning process. The students had no
attention, they thought that English was difficult. Almost all of students kept silent
to the teacher when the teacher asked them.
To overcome the problem faced by the students, the researcher takes a
solution by using puzzle to improve the students vocabulary mastery. Puzzles are
kinds of games that can be used as teaching aids in the process of teaching
learning. According to Hornby (1986: 683), puzzles are defined as question
problems difficult to understand or answer. He also says that puzzles are problem
designed to test a persons knowledge, skill, patience, or temper. Using puzzle is
one of techniques to increase students interest in learning vocabulary.It can make
the students more interested in the lesson, because puzzle is the games that test

ingenuity and offer challenge to be done. Adenan (1984:9) states that puzzle is
obvious types of self-motivating material, it has a strong appeal. Puzzle is self-
motivating because it offers a challenge that can commonly be met succesfully.
Many puzzles are designed varying with the aim of making the young learner
interested. The young learnerscan be motivated to learn new words and they find
an enjoyable way to mastering vocabulary. The learners attitude can be more
positive and they will think that English is not a boring even frightening subject.
Based on description above, the writer in her thesis decides to make an
action research to improve the vocabulary mastery of the third grade students of
Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kratonan 3 by using one of media in teaching vocabulary.
In this case, the writer tries to use puzzle. The research is entitled: Improving
Students Vocabulary Mastery Using Puzzle (An Action Research in the Third
Grade Students of Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kratonan 3 in the Academic Year
B. Problem Statement
1. Can teaching English vocabulary by using puzzle to the third year
students of Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kratonan 3 improve the students
vocabulary mastery?
2. What happens when puzzle is implemented in the vocabulary class of
third grade of SDN Kratonan 3?

C. Benefits of the study
The result of the study can give some advantages for the students, teacher,
the school, and the other researcher. The following are some advantages of this
1. For the students
It is expected that the result of this study can give some advantages to the
students at the third grade of Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kratonan 3. Through puzzles,

students are expected to have good improvement in vocabulary and learning
behaviour during the teaching and learning process.
2. For the teacher
The result of the study will help the teacher to know the students
difficulties in learning vocabulary and enable to solve the problem by applying
appropriate media.
3. To the school
It is expected that the information can be useful input for teaching English
in Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kratonan 3. It is hoped that the school is able to improve
its quality of teaching and learning process.

4. For the Other Researcher
It is expected that the result of the research will be able to become a
reference for similar studies.


A. Vocabulary Mastery
1. The Definition of Vocabulary Mastery
There are some definitions of vocabulary proposed by linguist experts,
Hatch and Brown (1995:1) state that vocabulary is list or set of words for
particular language or a list of words that individual speakers of language might
use. Since vocabulary is a list, the only system is alphabetical order in
dictionaries. The choice in vocabulary selection and methods used in teaching
vocabulary are important factors. It means that the choice of words is the essential
factor on vocabulary mastery.
Ur (1996:6) defines that vocabulary iswords that are taught in foreign
language. It means vocabulary is written or spoken unit of language as symbol of
idea in foreign language for the learners. For example, if someone learns new
words in foreign language, it means that someone learns vocabulary. The items in
vocabulary may be more than a single words, for example post office, mother in
law, which express a single idea.
Furthermore, McWhorter (1989:311) says that vocabulary mastery means
the ability to recognize individual words and to associate meaning with the
particular combination of letters that form a word. In other word, vocabulary is
the competence or skill in recognizing words and their meaning. Words are
symbol, group of letters that stand for, or represent, either a physical object or
anidea. Then recognizing words means knowing their meaning or idea and how
they are formed by combination of letters. For example, the words chair in our
minds a physical reality, on object with a flat surface, usually supported by four
legs, and used for sitting.

Based on Hatch and Brown (1995:1)vocabulary deals with a series of words
in particular language. Ur (1996:60) adds that vocabulary deals with word taught
in foreign language. Meanwhile, McWhorter (1989:311) states that vocabulary
deals with the competence in recognizing words and their meaning. Based on
three definitions above, vocabulary can be constructed as a series of words in
foreign language used to express maning. The words here are the symbols in form
of group of letter representing either a physical object or an idea. It can be formed
from a single or more than one word.
On the other hand, it is necessary for one to know what vocabulary is before
discussing about vocabulary mastery. Hornby (1995: 985) illustrates that
vocabulary is the total number of the words (with their meaning and with rules for
combining them) making up a language. Manser (1995:461) in the Oxford
Learners Dictionary states that vocabulary is the total number of words in
language, all words known to a person/ used in a particular book, subject or list of
words with their meaning. From the definition, it is concluded that vocabulary is
the total number of words in a particular language that a person knows or uses.
Hornby (1995:721) defines mastery as complete knowledge or complete
skill. It is supported by Swannel (1994:656) who states that mastery is
comprehensive knowledge. Based on definition above, it can be concluded that
vocabulary mastery is the ability of using knowledge of the total number of words
in a particular language.
2. Aspects of Vocabulary
According to Ur (1996: 60-62) there are some aspects of vocabulary that
should be mastered by students as follows:
a. Form: Pronunciation and spelling
The learner has to know what a word sounds like (its pronunciation) and
what it looks like (its spelling).

b. Grammar
The grammar of a new item will need to be taught of this is not obviously
covered by general garmmatical rules. An item may have an unpredictable
change of form in certain grammatical context or may have some
idiosycratic way of connecting with other words in sentences; it is important
to provide learners with this information at the sam time as we teach the
base form.
c. Collocation
The collocation typical of particular items are another factor that makes a
particular combination sound right or wrong in a given context. So this is
another piece of information abput a new item which it may be worth
d. Aspects of meaning (1): denotation, connotation, appropriateness
The meaning of word is primarily what it refers to in the real world, its
denotation; this is often the sort of denotation that is given in a dictionary. A
less obvious component of the meaning of an item is its connotation; the
associations or positive, or negative feelings it evokes, which may or may
not be indicated in a dictionary definition. A more subtle aspect of meaning
that often needs to be taught is whether a particular item is the appropriate
one to use in a certain context or not.
e. Aspects of meaning (2): meaning relationship
How the meaning of one item relates to the meaning of others can also be
useful in teaching. There are various such relationships; here are some of the
main ones.
1) Synonyms
2) Antonyms
3) Hyponyms
4) Co-hyponyms
5) Superordinates
6) Translation

f. Word formations
Vocabulary items, whether one-word or multi-word, can often be broken
down into their component bits. Exactly how these bits are put together is
another piece of useful information perhaps mainly for more advanced
Harmer also (1991: 156-158) declares several aspects in knowing a word
that are needed to be taught by teacher:
a. Meaning
1) The first thing to realize about vocabulary items is that they frequently
have more than one meaning.
2) In deciphering meaning, it is needed to look at the context in which a
word is used (meaning in context).
3) Sometimes words have meanings in relation to other words (sense
b. Word use
1) Word meaning is frequently stretched through the use of metaphor and
2) Word meaning is also governed by collocation; that is which words go
with each other.
3) The use of words is often governed by the style and register in which
they are used.
c. Word formation
Students need to know how words are written and spoken and can change
their forms.
d. Word grammar
The use of certain words can trigger the use of certain grammatical patterns.
There are many areas of grammatical behavior that students need to know:
what are phrasal verbs and how do they behave? How are adjectives
ordered? What position can adverbs be used in?

In this research, the researcher considers the needs of the elementary
students in learning English vocabulary in four aspects, such as meaning,
pronunciation, spelling and word use.
The meaning is focused on how the students interpret the words in the
simple context of tenses. The aspect of meaning for the elementary students is
limited into several kinds, such as denotation (real meaning of words or what
the dictionary said); appropriateness in using words in a certain context;
synonyms; antonyms; and translation to the students first language.
Another aspect being taught in this research are pronunciation (the
sounds of words) and spelling (the arrangement of the letters in a word). Those
kinds of form are needed to be taught as the basic introduction of foreign
language to the elementary students.
The last aspect is word use. Word use means the way of using the
vocabulary in some contexts of phrases or sentences. Furthermore, in this
research, the researcher limits the using of vocabulary in simple tenses.

3. Kinds of Vocabulary
Haycraft quoted by Hatch & Brown (1994) divides two kinds of vocabulary,
namely receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary.
a. Receptive Vocabulary
Receptive vocabulary is words that the learners recognize and understand
when they occur in context, but which can not produce correctly. It is vocabulary
that the learners recognize when they see it in reading context but do not use it in
speaking and writing. The receptive vocabulary is also called a passive process
because the learner only receives thought from others. In language application the
receptive vocabulary is considered as the basic vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary
is much larger than productive vocabulary because there are many words
recognized when the learner hears or reads but do not use when he speaks or
writes. In this respects, Richards and Rogers (1987:308) give a profound
explanation that the listening vocabulary is larger than speaking vocabulary and

similarly to the reading vocabulary that is relatively larger than writing
b. Productive Vocabulary
Productive vocabulary is the words, which the learners understand, can
pronounce correctly, and use constructively in speaking and writing. It involves
what is needed for receptive vocabulary plus the ability to speak or write.
Therefore, productive vocabulary can be addressed as an active process, because
the learners can produce the words to express their thought to others.
To cover the whole range of language skills, the learners require the
productive vovabulary and large receptive vocabulary. If the productive learning
and the quality development of the learning small vocabulary are important, an
intensive practice in using vocabulary in speaking and writing is useful activity. If
the receptive learning is important and the quality of vocabulary is the main goal,
the techniques that give familiarity to target words are required.
By considering all of the definitions above, it can be concluded that
vocabulary mastery is the ability of using knowledge of the total number of words
in a conducting communication. It is the complete mastery of some aspects of
vocabulary, such as:
1. Pronounciation
The students have to able to pronounce the words correctly. They have to
know how to speak and read them well. It is very important because the
mistakes in pronouncing a word can make its meaning different.
2. Spelling
The students have to be able to spell a word both in written and spoken
way. They have to be able to spell a word so that they can write word

3. Understanding the meaning
The students also have to be able to understand the meaning of a word.
The meaning of a word can be more than one according to the context.
4. Using words in sentence
The students have to able to use words in a sentence. They have to be
able to remember a word then use in a sentence correctly.
Vocabulary mastery in the context of this research is the ability of the
students to have knowledge of words and word meaning to use it in a conducting
communication in each aspects of language fluently and properly . The researcher
takes the school enviroment as the material to develop the ability of the students
vocabulary. The abilty that will be developed by the researcher in vocabulary is
about meaning, pronunciation, spelling and using in a context.

4. Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary
There are numerous ways of helping children to acquire knowledge of many
words and proficiency in their use. In general, there four main techniques of
teaching vocabulary proposed by some experts (Nation. 1990: 51; Ur.1998: 63,
Haycraft 1978: 47-51).
a. Ostensive means
Ostensive means is the way of teaching vocabulary by showing or holding
up things and pointing to objects. The kinds of ostensive means are as
1. Realia or real thing
Realia is the way of presenting vocabulary by bringing the things in
the classroom. The object (real things) can be in the classroom outside
of classroom, for example: a piece of bread, a broom, a stick, and so
on. Realia can create the students interest and imagination.
2. Picture
Objects are not easily carried or are unavailable. Teacher can use other
that represent objects in the form of picture. Teacher can collect them

from magazines, newspaper, wall pictures or drawing the things on the
blackboard. For presentation purposes, simple picture are better
because the focus is clear and the meaning is not ambigous. Teacher
can use blackboard to make rapid sketches of things. To draw more
complex items, teacher should prepare them first at home on flash
3. Body
Both the teachers and the students body can be used to get the
meaning across. The techniques of using body in teaching vocabulary
are facial expression, to show feelings (e.g. happy, smilling, hot),
gestures, mime, and actions.
b. Audio Presentation
Audio presentation is the way of teaching vocabulary by giving signals via
audio, like tape recorder together with the teachers talk to get meaning of
words. The noises of an argument, a jet plan, a locomotive, a horse
galloping and so on. The teacher just tells the class to listen to the sound (for
example jet) and then the teacher creates agreat deal of the words related to
the sound (for example jet) and then the teacher creates a great deal of the
words related to the sound on the tape recorder.
c. Running context
Running context is the way of the teaching vocabulary by linking the new
words with the surrounding words that they already know, then asking the
students to deduce or guess the meaning of such words. Running context is
also called context clues.
d. Verbal definition
Verbal definition isthe way of teaching vocabulary by using teachers talk.
1. Word sets/enumeration
Word set/enumeration is the way of teaching by giving a group of
related words to introduce new words. The words must be related
from general word tos pecific word, for example: transportation is
a general word and a taxi, a bus, a car as the specific words.

2. Synonyms
Using is a way of teaching vocabulary by giving two or more
words with the same meanings. Though words may have similar
denotations, their connotations often differ.
3. Antonyms/opposites
Using antonyms is a way of teaching vocabulary by giving the
opposites of words. Here, the learners have to be aware that a word
may have different opposites in different contexts.
4. Cognates
Using cognates is a way of teaching vocabulary by giving words in
the students own language that have the same or very similar
forms as the English words.
5. Complements
Using complements is a way of teaching vocabulary by presenting
two groups of incompatible words in which each is defined as
being not the others.
6. Converses
Using converses is a way of teaching by pairing two words that
imply the other.
7. Building on general knowledge
Building on general knowledge is the way of teaching vocabulary
by capitalizing on what the learners know about the world.
8. Using scales or grades
Using scales or grades is way of teaching vocabulary by scaling or
grading the related words.
9. Definitions or Description
Using definition or description is a way of teaching vocabulary by
defining or describing objects.
10. Demonstration
Demonstration of teaching vocabulary is by doing physical
demonstrations together with the verbal explanation. The

demonstrationhelps to make the meaning cleare and to fix the
words in the students mind. Demonstration highlights a particular
word and helps associates it in the students mind both visual and
aural memories.
11. Word Games
Using word game is a way of teaching of vocabulary by presenting
word games like crossord puzzles, spelling bee, Simon says, etc.
The word games are useful for practicing vocabulary after it is
From those various techniques, there are several ways in teaching
vocabulary which might suit young learners characteristics like object, pictures,
description, and definition.
As it has been stated above that denotes stock of words that it can be said
that teaching vocabulary means teaching words. The words themselves have some
aspects in which through the aspects, vocabulary can be taught appropriately by
language teachers. In another word, in teaching vocabulary, a teacher must take
into account aspects of words. Lado (1979: 76) believes that there are three
aspects of words, namely their form, their meaning, and their distribution. He
states, In most language, the form of words consist of sound segment, stress, and
tone, and pitch. By considering the statement above, the teacher is regarded to be
aware of the components of the word form so that the vocabulary he teaches can
be delivered appopriately to learners.
In term of meaning, he (1979: 79) says:
As matter of fact the meaning into which classify our experience are culturally
determined or modified, and they vary considerable from culture to culture. Some
meanings found in one culture may not exist in another.
From the statement teaching meaning is important since the meaning
differences are seldom as forcefully noticable as when one attempts to translate
accurately a text from one language to another.

B. Young Learners
1. The Nature of Young Learners
Students in elementary school can be called young learners. As to the
definition of young learners, Philips (1996: 5) says that young learners mean
children from the first year formal schooling (five or six years old) to eleven or
twelve years age. Scoot and Ytreberg (2000: 1-4) mention that there are two main
groups of children. They are five to seven years old and the eight to ten years old.
Both of them are assumed as the beginner stage.
Generally the way children learn foreign language or the way to teach it
obviously depends on their development stage. According to
Phillips(1996:7)young learners respond language depending on what they do or
what they can do with the language. This needs to be considered that teaching
language with the concrete thing is better than teaching something abstract to
2. Characteristic of Young Learners
Young learners are basically different from adult learners. It is due to the
fact that children have some characteristic that vary greatly from adults. Those
characteristics should be known and understood by the teacher to give
contribution to improve the quality of teaching and learning process. In relation to
this, Halliwel(1998:3)mentions the following:
a) Children are already very good at interpreting meaning without
necessarily understanding the individual words.
b) Children already have a great skill in using limited language creatively.
c) Children frequently learn indirectly rather than directly.
d) Children take a great pleasure in finding and creating fun what they do.
e) Children have a ready imagination.

f) Above all take great delight in talking.
Scoot and Ytreberg (1998:3-4) give their opinion about general
characteristic of young learners as following:
a) Children of five years old are little children.
b) Their basic concepts are formed.
c) They can tell the difference between fact and fiction.
d).They ask question all the time.
e) They rely on spoken word as well as physical words to convey and
understanding meaning.
f) Children are able to make some decisions about their own learning.
g) Children have developed sense of fairness about what happens in the
classroom and begin to question the teachers decisions.
i) They are able to work, with others and learn from others.
Based on the opinion about characteristic of young learner above, it can be
concluded that the students at elementary school is defined as young learners that
have special characteristics. The students as young learners need more fun and
interesting atmosphere in their teaching and learning process.
3. How to Teach Young Learners
The characteristics of young learners described above leads to same
consideration on how to teach children. Ytreberg (1998:5-6) gives some
explanations as follows:
a. Words are not enough
Most activities for the young learners should include movement and involve
the senses. Teacher will need to have plenty objects and pictures.

b. Play with language
Teacher should let pupils talk to themselves. Teacher can make rhymes, sing a
song, and tell stories. Playing with language in this way is very common in first
language development and very natural stage in the first stage of foreign language
learning too.
c. Language as language
Becoming aware of language as something separate from events taking
place takes time. Most eight to ten years old children already have awareness in
their own language.
d. Variety in the classroom
Since concentration and attention spans are short, variety is a must. Kinds of
variety are variety of activity, variety of place, variety of organization, and
variiety of voice.
e. Routines
Children benefit from knowing the rules and being familiar with the situation.
Teacher should have system, have routines, organize and plan the lesson.
f. Cooperation not competition
Teacher avoids rewards and prize to the children. Other forms of
encouragement are much more effective. Although it can be great fun, it usually
leads to a great deal of involvement. There is always a winner and a looser,
winning team and loosing team. Language learning is situation where everyone
can win.
g. Grammar
Teacher should note the structure functions and grammar items which teachers
want the pupils to learn as well as those they already know, but their actual
teaching should only include the barest minimum of grammar taught as grammar.

This does not mean teaching grammar rules to the whole grammar. The best time
to introduce some sort of simple grammar is when a pupils gets benefit from
learning some grammar. This may be when the teacher is correcting written work,
or it may be in connection with oral exercise with practice.
4. The Objectives of Teaching to Young Learners.
Teaching English at elementary school will be the bases for the teaching
English in higher level, for instance junior and senior high school.
Brewster(1992:4) mentions that the general aims of early foreign language
learning are to prepare children linguistically, psychologically, and culturally for
language learning. Psychological preparation is one which helps monolingual
children make fundamental discovery that they notions they have learnt to master
in their mother tongue can be expressed equally well, albeit differently using other
language, where different forms serve the same communicative function as in
their mother tongue.m
Besides that Hueberner says that the general aim of language teaching is to
equipthe student with the knowledge and skill required for effective
communication in the foreign language (1960:4). He also adds some aims of
Teaching English to Young Learners as follows:
a) Only by an early start can language mastery be assured.
b) Preadolescent can learn a foreign language without self consciousness.
They are free of the inhibition of adult learner.
c) The early start instills respect for other people and foster tolerance.
d) Appreaciably more children can be eager to study a foreign language
later on.
e) The students who began early will be much further along in high school
and in college (1960: 198).

From the explanation above it can be concluded that teaching foreign
language for young learners is aimed to prepare the studentswith the readiness
linguistically, psychologically, and culturally in getting knowledge and skills of
English at higher level. Teaching English in early age also can make the students
remember for along term and eager to continue the study the foreign language.
C. Puzzle
1. Definition of Puzzle
Puzzles are kinds of games that can be used as teaching aids in the process
of teaching learning. Hornby (1986: 683) puzzles are defined as question
problems difficult to understand or answer. He also says that puzzles are problem
designed to test a persons knowledge, skill, patience, or temper. Using puzzle is
one of techniques to increase students interest in learning vocabulary.It can make
the students more interested with the lesson, because puzzle is the games that test
ingenuity and offer challenge to be done. Adenan (1984: 9) states that puzzle is
obvious types of self-motivating material, it has a strong appeal. Puzzle is self-
motivating because it offers a challenge that can commonly be met succesfully.
Many puzzle are designed varying with the aim of making the young learner
interested. The young learner can be motivated to learn new words and they find
an enjoyable ways to master vocabulary. The learners attitude can be more
positive and they will think that English is not a boring even frightening subject.
From definitions above, it can be concluded that puzzle is a subspecies of
game that is designed varying in various types or solutions; and test someones
knowledge by presenting difficulties to be solved by the students effort which is
appropriate with vocabulary. The children are not only playing a game but also
thinking in solving a problem, particularly in vocabulary mastery. That is why the
teacher should give the material in different way such as using puzzle. It is done
with the purpose of improving the students vocabulary mastery.

2. The Characteristics of Puzzle
Most of people enjoy puzzles. They feel a sense of some satisfaction at
solving puzzle. Lewis and Hill (2004: 86) describe that puzzles as problem
solving ischallenging, amusing, and frequently done as a social activity.
Then,Adenan (1994: 9-10) says that puzzles and games are obvious types of self-
motivating material because they offer a challenge that can commonly be met
successfully. They have a strong appeal. In language teaching, puzzles and games
need to meet some requirements, namely:
a. The vocabulary and sentence structure should be in a controlled
range so that the challenge they offer can be met by the learner.
b. The focus should be on the language. The learner should be able
to make a good use of the language.
c. The puzzles and games should offer the learner much
opportunity to practice and repeat the sentence pattern and
vocabulary. Puzzles and games that can be finished within a time
20 minutes and that meet the language requirements are certainly
3. Types of Puzzle
There are some kinds of puzzles that can be played in language
learning.Adenan (1994: 4-6) states there are three general types of puzzles. First,
puzzles for the pre intermediate level. It is classified as the easy one. Second,
puzzles for the intermediate level, and the last is puzzles for the advanced level.
There are three kinds of puzzles that can be classified depending on the form,
crossword puzzles, riddles, and puzzles. Crossword puzzles are puzzles in which
the word written (from numbered clues) vertically (=clues down) and horizontally
(clues across) in spaces on a chequered square or oblong, such as a word diamond.
Then, riddles are puzzling questions, statements or description, intended to make a
person use his wits, an example is matching sentences to pictures. Puzzles are

question or problems difficult to understand or answer or problem designed to test
a persons knowledge, skill, patience, or temper. (Hornby 1986: 683).
4. The Teaching Procedures of Puzzle
The teaching procedures of puzzle consist of three steps, they are as follows:
1. Pre activities
a. Give picture related to the topic.
b. Give brainstorming to the students to mention the vocabulary related to
the topic.
2. Main Activities
a. The teacher assign puzzle to the students.
b. The teacher explains and gives example about the meaning,
pronounciation, and spelling.
c. The teacher ask students to arranging and mention name of it.
d. The students read simple sentence and the teacher explain.
e. The teacher give worksheet to the students.
3. Post Activities
a. The students share their worksheet in front of the class.
b. Using a word. The teacher asks the students to complete some

5. The Advantages of Puzzle in Learning
Case (1994) states that puzzle are uselful for language learners because the
enjoyment, satisfaction, reflection, and play can focus learners attention on the
language in concentrated but nonstressful way. Puzzles are thus a helpful
complement to exercises. Exercises are useful and necessary, of course. A puzzle
involves less stress. Solvers do not necessarily expect to find every single answer.
The solution may have to be consulted for one or two answers, but as long as the
puzzle is percieved as fair and interesting, it remains an enjoyable activity.

Also, contain exercise discrete items-separate sentences to be completed, for
example. In a puzzle, finding one answer often helps the solver to find other
answers, thus giving more scope for reasoning and deduction. And the learners
attitude towards encountering unknown words may be more positive in a puzzle
than in an exercise: a degree of mystery is a part of the puzzle context, and
unknown words may thus be less threating. Puzzles are often described as light
relief from serious learning. This rather undervalues their usefulness. It would
be better to describe them as enjoyable contribution to and reinforcement of
learning (Case,1994:5)
From those definition, it can be concluded that puzzle is useful medium in
language learning. Puzzles encourage the children more imaginative and make
them are motivated to guess it. The value of the puzzles is not only limited to
improving the main teaching skills, but also teach the child how to be patient and
persistent and other great life skills. When the child put each part of the puzzle
into its proper space as it has unique combination of form and shape, and it can
make skills of coordination are improved.
6. The Disadvantages of Puzzle in Learning
Based on the reasearcher experince the disadvantages of puzzle in learning is
the students tended to make noise during the lesson. The researcher asked them
not to speak too loudly and monitored every activity they did.

D. Rationale
The writer wants to prove that puzzle can improve the vocabulary mastery
of the students here primary students. Vocabulary is important in everyday life
and language learning. In language learning, we must have a good vocabulary
Based on the observation at the third grade students of SDN Kratonan 3.
There are many problems that should be solved in SDN Kratonan 3. First,
students get difficulties in finding the meaning the words. Generally, students

could identify the English names of things at the enviroment quite well. There
were found some students who could not identify the correct English names of
some words yet. Students get difficulties in spelling the words. Students get
difficulties in pronouncing the words. They made many mistakes in pronouncing
English words in the oral pre-test. Fourth, students get dificulties in spelling the
words. Students could not provide the missing letters to construct correctly spelled
words. They also could not arrange the jumbled letter into the correct spelling.
Fifth, students get difficulties in using of words on the simple sentence.
The preliminary observation reveals the possible cause why the problems
above arise in the classroom. The causes are dealing with the teaching media. The
model of teaching was teacher-centered and lecturing. When introducing the new
material, the teacher wrote words related topic on the blackboard in English and
the students were asked to copy them on their note book. They are asked to find
their meaning from dictionary. Therefore, every student was required to have
dictionary. After finding the meaning of words from dictionary, the teacher drilled
the vocabulary by reading the words one by one followed by students either
together or individually. In the end of class, the teacher asked to do exercise
dealing with the topic on their worksheet (LKS) and gave homework. The
homework would be checked in the next meeting. It is necessary for teacher to
find a new variation of teaching model in order to make students pay attention to
the lesson. The new media should be able to make them get involved to teaching
learning process.
From the students, it can be seen that the students didnt give their attention
in class. Some of the students didnt bring English book and also they didnt do
homework. And from teaching and learning process. The students had no
attention, they thought that English was difficult. Almost students kept silent to
the teacher when the teacher asked them.
To solve the problem, the researcher tries to give solution, that is puzzle. It
gives a way to make teaching vocabulary to children easy and effective. The

reason are: (1) it does not make the children feel bored; (2) it will entertain the
students to be happy the class; (3) it can see desire to communicative; (4) and the
students become active in the classroom.
In teaching vocabulary to children , the teacher should consider about the
media to attract the childrens attention and involve them in whole activity. Most
activities for young learner should include movement and involve the senses.
Teacher needs to have plenty of objects and pictures. It means that the teacher not
only relies on the spoken word but also uses some objects to build their
One of media in teaching vocabulary is using puzzle. Using puzzle is one of
media to increase students interest in learning vocabulary.It can make the
students more interested with the lesson, because puzzle is the games that test
ingenuity and offer challenge to be done. A puzzle involves less stress. Solvers do
not necessarily expect to find every single answer. Although they hope to do so.
The solution may have to be consulted for one or two answers, but as long as the
puzzle is percieved as fair and interesting, it remains an enjoyable activity. So, it
can make the students interested in the lesson. This media is applied in teaching
and learning process to young learner because of the characteristics of young
learners that they love to play and learn by doing something.
In understanding the meaning, the teacher begins using puzzle to give
understanding to the students first. In pronouncing the word, the teacher as a
model, gives example of how to pronounce the word then the students must repeat
after the teacher. In spelling, after they pronounce the word together, the teacher
tries to remind the students how to spell the alphabets. In using the words, the
teacher gives example use the word in sentence. Then ask students to make simple
sentence using the word.
Puzzle are considered a way to help students but also to enjoy and entertain
with the language they learn. It is suitable to aplly puzzle as media in teaching
vocabulary to elementary students because most of young learners of second

language have their own characteristic to learn language: they like playing, at that
period they still like moving their body to conduct any activities.
In conclusion teaching vocabulary in elementary students using puzzle is
suitable. The teacher assigns puzzle to the students. Next, the teacher asks the
students to arrange puzzle and mention name of it. After that, the students read
simple sentence and the teacher explains. Then, the teacher giving worksheet to
the students and the students should share their worksheet in front of the class.
Finally, using a word, the teacher asks the students to complete some sentences. It
is aprropriate media used to teach English especially vocabulary to children.
Besides that, by introducing new vocabulary using this media, the researcher
hopes the students can discover the strategy of defining and clarifying the
unknwon word so they will get many vocabulary items and their vocabulary
mastery will improve.
E. Action Hyphotesis
Based on the theories underlying the study dealing with the use of Puzzle in
teaching vocabulary, the hypothesis can be formulated as follows: teaching
English by using puzzle can improve students vocabulary mastery.

A. Context of the Research
This classroom action research will be carried out in SDN Kratonan 3 which
is located in Jln. Madukoro 22, Serengan. The research will be conducted for a
months from January to February. The subject of research is the students in the
third gradeof SDN Kratonan 3. The third grade consists of 17 boys and 15 girls.
The small number of the students is quite big.
B. Research Method
1. Action Research
In this research, the writer uses action research to solve the problem faced in
pre-research. There are several definitions of Action Research.
According to Burns (1999:30), action research is the application of fact
finding to practical problem solving in social situation with view to improve the
quality of action within involving the collaboration and cooperation of
researchers, practitioners and laymen.
Ur (1996:328) states that action research is primarily used to improve the
teacher-researchers own teaching. It is based on a cycle investigation, action, and
re-investigation, and usually done by two or more collaborating teachers.
Wallace (1998:1) defines action research as systematic collection and
analysis of data relating to the improvement of some aspect of professional
From definiton above, it can be concluded that action research is systematic
collection and analysis of data by teacher researcher, principals, or school
counselor in the teaching or learning enviroment, to gather information about the
ways that their particular schools operate, how they teach, and how well their

students learn. The goal of actions research is improving and evaluating the result
of strategies practiced.
2. The Model of Action Research
The model of action research used in this study is based on the model
developed by Kemmis and McTaggart (1998) in Burns (1999:33). They state that
action research occurs through a dynamic and complementary process, which
consist of four essential moments of planning, action, observation, and reflection.
These moments are fundamental steps in spiraling process in action research.
1. Planning:develop a plan of action to improve what is already happening.
2. Action: act to implement the plan
3. Observation: observing the effects of the action in the context in which it
4. Reflection: reflecting on these effects as the basis for further planning,
subsequent action, and so on, through a succession of stages.

Burns (1999:30) suggest a number of common features which can be
considered to characterize action research:
Action research is contextual, small scale and localized. It identifies and
investigates problems within a specific situation.
It is evaluative and reflective as it aims to bring about change and
improvement in practice.
It is participatory as it provides for colllaborative investigation by teams
colleagues, practitioners and researchers.
Changes in practice are based on the collection of information or data
which provides the impetus for change.

C. The procedures of Research
In this classroom action research, the writer as a teacher researcher has the
roles to plan, implement, observe, reflect and revise the action. However,the
writer doing observation will helped by the teacher as the collaborator. The
procedure of the research takes six steps. Each step is described as follows:
1. Identifying the problems
The problems are identified first before planning the action. In this research,
the problem deal with the students vocabulary mastery: how the students
vocabulary mastery is and why it could be.
In identifying the problem, the writer uses test, observation, questionaire,
and interviews.
a. Using test
The writer gives a vocabulary test to know the students competence in
vocabulary mastery.
b. Observation
The writer makes an observation to the teaching learning process to know
the students problems and causes.

c. Questionnaire
To get more comprehensive data, the researcher also gives the students
questionnaire to fill in. The researcher gave the students a statement and
try should give their opinion by thicking the Yes or No box.
d. Interview
The writer gives an interview to the teacher to know the problems that
the teacher faces during the teacher learning process.

2. Planning the Action
The researcher prepares everything needed in the research as follows:
- Preparing materials for the teaching
- Making lesson plan
- Preparing students work sheets
- Preparing draft for the interview
- Preparing teaching aids (puzzles)
- Preparing tests.

3. Implementing the Action
In implementing the action, the researcher does not planning has made. The
researcher applies puzzle in teaching and learning process in order to enhance
students vocabulary mastery.
4. Observing / Monitoring the Action
The teacher and the researcher make an evaluation on all they have observed
to find the weaknesses of the activities that have been carried out.
5. Reflecting the Result of the Observation
The teacher and the writer make an evaluation on all they have observed to
find the weaknesses of the activities that have been carried out.

6. Revising the Plan
Based on the evaluation, the writer revises the plan for the next cycle. The
classroom action research will take one or more cycles until the goal of the
research can be reached.

D. Techniques of Collecting Data
There are two kinds of data collected in this research: Qualitative and
Quantitative. Qualitative data are collected using observation, notes, photographs,
questionaire, interviews, document. Meanwhile, quantitative data are collected
using test (pre-test and post-test). Both of them must be valid and reliable.
Validity means testing what is supposed to test, and not something else (Wallace,
1998:36). Reliability means if the test is repeated, the findings or result will be the
Some techniques of collecting data are mentioned as follows:
1. Observation
The researcher observes and notes all that happen before, during, and
after the implementation of Puzzle in the classroom.
2. Field Notes
Taking notes or field notes is another way of collecting information
about classroom events, the teaching process, or the students
behaviour. They are used to record activities happening in the class.
3. Interview
In this research, researcher will be using informal interview where the
interviewer and interviewee within conversational process based on
the issues and topics of the resarch study. The aim of unstructured
interview is to give as full a scope as possible to the informations
perceptions of themselves, the social situation and their experiences
within it (Burns, 1999: 121). Interview will be donetwice, before and
after research. The researcher interviewed the English teacher and the

4. Photograph
In the process of the implementation of the action, the researcher take
photographs which over students behaviour and students learning
activities ti provide the more accurate data.
5. Test
The researcher tested the students by using pronounciation and written
test, that consist of pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2. The result of
the test was analyzed to know the students ability on vocabulary
To know whether or not the instrumental used in pre-test and post-test
is valid and reliable, the teacher tries our test.
a. The validity of the Instrument
Validity is the degree to which a test measures what it claims to be
measuring. The formula is as follows:

= The coefisien of correlation between X and Y
Xi = The average of each student
i =
The total number of the right answer divided by n
i =
The total number of wrong answer divided by n
N = number of students

b. The Realibility of the Instrument
Sunarno (2000: 130) states realibility is concerned with the
consistency of the test score. As in the validity, the writer uses the
following formula:
kk =
k 1- pq
k 1 S

= the total realibility of instrument

k = the number of valid item
E. Techniques of Analyzing Data
There were two types of techniques analyzing data that were used by the
researcher. They are namely quantitative and qualitative data.
1. Quantitative
The researcher will get the data from written test namely pre-test and
post-test. The data from pre-test and post-test will be analyzed to prove
whether the students vocabulary mastery improves or not. The
formula is as follows:

In which :

= mean of pre-test score

= mean of post-test score

= the sum of pre-test score
= the sum of post-test score
= numbers of sample

2. Qualitative Data
There are five stages of analyzing qualitative data (McKemman in Burns,
1999: 157-160).
a. Assembling the data
Assembling data means assemble data that are collected over the period
of the research. The data that collected by the researcher in this research
were field notes, interview scripts, and photographs.

b. Coding the data
Coding is a process of attempting to reduce the large amount of data that
may be collected to more manageable categories of concepts, themes or
types. The data that coded in this research were field notes and interview
scripts. Here, the researcher coded the data by categorizing the
statements into: (1) students good response, (2) students negative
response and problems,(3) classroom situation, and (4)
teachers/researchers classroom management. By coding the data, the
researcher could know the information of the students attitude,
enthusiasm, and reaction in attending the English classes.
c. Comparing the data
Once the data are categorized, comparisons can be made to see whether
themes or patterns are repeated or developed across different data
gathering techniques.
d. Building interpretations
This stage demands a certain amount of creative thinking as it is
concerned with articulating underlying concepts and developing theories
about why particular patterns of behaviours, interactions or attitudes have
e. Reporting the outcomes
The final stage involves presenting an account of the research for others.

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