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Lighting is the largest consumer of electricity in India. If we are capable to
do the usage savings (kWh), then indirectly we are reducing the energy demands.
The quality and work life of the lighting devices can be increased by utilizing the
devices with dimming control.
It also indirectly controls the lighting pollution and wild life habitat
destruction. By implementing technologies in diming, scheduling, occupancy an
fixtures, we can able to achieve up to 30% to 70% of energy savings.
Smart grid is a term referring to the next generation powergrid in which the
electricity distribution and management areupgraded by incorporating advance
communication and capabilities for improved control, efficiency, reliability
The Smart Grid is expected to affect all areas of theElectric Power System,
from generation, to transmission, todistribution and to end use consumers and
citizens and theirelectric vehicles, street and in-building lighting services, and
other household devices. New industrial approaches have been developed recently
inorder to achieve an efficient lighting, which can be summarized in improvements
in lamps technology and electronic ballasts, soft start systems, and
lightingautomatisms. Traditional energy saving techniques includetotal or partial
shutdown, but those techniques involve loss ofthe lighting uniformity and suppose
a very strong impact inthe lamp life expectancy. Saving energy in lighting can be
also achieved by dimming.

One of the most wanted applications of automated buildings and homes is to
save operational costs. This is particularly valid for commercial buildings but
slowly makes its way into private homes as well. Taking influence on the
consumption of buildings and homes falls into the category demand side
management. This ranges from changing light bulbs or insulation up to
sophisticated energy information systems (EIS) and automated load management
The possibly most important aspect of energy management is energy
efficiency. Efficient buildings can save emissions and costs. The main hurdle for
making the right efficiency decisions is typically the lack of information. The
operators of buildings usually have no idea about where and how their building
uses(and maybe wastes) energy and how it compares to similar(size, climate, etc.)
buildings. An EIS is the tool of choice for this problem. Integrating a large variety
of data sources (sensor networks, meters, databases, statistics, structural data, etc.
An energy consultant needs to increase the efficiency of a building.
The active load management. Depending on the incentive, a building might
react to online energy prices or to messages from the grid operator. Such demand-
responsive buildings are a hot research topic and are expected to be a valuable
contribution to stable and economic grid operation .
The basis for responsive buildings is the fact that several processes in the
building allow for temporary shedding. The most prominent ones are those with
some hidden storage characteristics or (thermal) inertia like heating or air

However, even lighting is a candidate for demand response. Dimming the
lights by 15% for an hour will not harm anyone and is fast and clean.Classically, a
building only consumes energy, although that might even change if distributed
energy resources and local generation become more widespread. In this case,
automation and integration are even more important.

1.1.1 Building Automation
The technology area of building automation/management systems
(BAS/BMS) andcontrols includes a variety of systems, over a wide range of
complexity, designed for the control, monitoring and optimization of various
functions and services provided in a building, including heating and cooling,
ventilation, lighting and often the management of electric appliances[3].
They make environments more comfortable, safe and efficient by integrating
systems such as heating, air conditioning, lighting, security and
telecommunications rolled into one centrally controlled, automated system[5]. In
order to do this effectively different systems need to be able to communicate and
interact with each other.

The primary objective of such a system is to achieve an optimal level of
control ofoccupant comfort while minimizing energy use. Monitoring temperature,
pressure,humidity occupancy and flow rates are key functions of modern building
control systems.A BMS has to be properly installed and commissioned for optimal
operation and to realize potential savings. Energy efficiency can be optimized by a
combination of scheduling, controlling temperature and using system economizer
functions. Sensors outof calibration can lead to enormous energy waste. Integration
of other auxiliary functions such as fire detection and suppression and security and
occupancy detection can result insubstantial cost savings.The basic control
technologies have been in existence for some time.
Systems available range in complexity, from the extreme case of the timer-
controlled water heateror thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs), to the so-called
intelligent houses whichmanage everything from the security and safety systems
to the air conditioning, lighting and ventilation system, to telemetric services and
to most appliances of a house according to efficiency criteria.The use of these
technologies allows the optimization of various services oftenwith large energy
savings. There are numerous methods by which building serviceswithin buildings
can be controlled.
Most systems seek to control either by:
Time: when a service such as heating or lighting is provided and when it
should not be provided a parameter representative of the service like temperature
for spaceheating or luminance for lighting. This can also vary with time.

1.1.3 Control Networks
There are many ways to create automated systems, from pneumatics to
custom,proprietary hardware and software solutions to open interoperable
standards-basedcontrol networks. The open device networks have common traits
including an openprotocol a prescribed architecture (flat or tiered); device level
interoperability; and a network operating system for easy management, installation
and remote services[5].
In this sense, automation networks have evolved similarly to PC networks.
There are two competing standards today, LONWORKS and BACnet. The two
architectures aspire the same goals of vendor independence and interoperability
with very different implementation requirements

1.1.4 Role of Sensor Networks
The field of building automation can reap great rewards from the advent of
the wireless sensor networks. A BAS already employs a wide variety of sensing
peripherals that are networked together to provide a wired sensor network[3].
Adding wireless sensory terminals/peripherals can greatly reduce the cost and time
required for installation and maintenance of such systems.
Addition of wireless nodes to the existing systems has caught the attention
of control systems manufacturers, who are now actively involved in seeking
solutions in this space. As a result sensor network companies are gearing towards
providing wireless nodes that can be easily integrated into existing open system


K. Gill, S. H. Yang, F. Yao, and X. Lu, A ZigBee-based home
automation system, IEEE Trans. Consumer Electron., vol. 55, no. 2,
pp.422-430, May 2009.This paper describes features of the ZigBee standard
that is great solution for wireless sensor network. Four popular
microcontrollers was selected to investigate memory requirements and
power consumption such as ARM, x51, HCS08, and Coldfire.

D. M. Han, and J . H. Lim, Design and implementation of smart home
energy management systems based on ZigBee, IEEE Trans. Consumer
Electron., vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 1417-1425, Aug. 2010.This paper develop a
new routing protocol DMPR (Disjoint Multi Path based Routing) to improve
the performance of ZigBee sensor networks and this paper introduces the
proposed home energy control system's design that provides intelligent
services for users.

D. Dietrich, D. Bruckner, G. Zucker, and P. Palensky,
Communication and computation in buildings: a short introduction and
overview, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 57, no. 11, pp. 3577-3584, Nov.
2010. This paper is an introduction for the special IEEE TRANSACTIONS
huge economic potential but also is of significant today.

F. Ferreira, A. L. Osorio, J . M. F. Calado, and C. S. Pedro, Building
automation interoperability A review, 17th Int. Conf. on Systems, Signals
and Image Process (IWSSIP), J un. 2010. The paper presents a comparison
between the characteristics of the BACnet, LonWorks or KNX protocols and
the best one to implement an open building automation system is chosen.



Both IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE.802.15.4n have brought about the boomof
wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and its application into Smart Home and Smart
Grids appliances.
No routing mechanism,star and peer-to-peer network topologies. As can be
seen, star topology is most useful when several end devices are located close
together so that they can communicate with a single router node. That node can
then be a part of a larger mesh network that ultimately communicates with the
network coordinator.
Mesh networking allows for redundancy in node links, so that if one node
goes down, devices can find an alternative path to communicate with one another.
As regards the lighting control protocol, it can be chosen between an open
protocol, like
DMX 512
0-10 V or DALI



DALI stands for Digital Addressable Lighting Interface, it was defined by
annex E.4 of IEC 60929 as a digital signalcontroller for control interface ballasts
and modified by IEC62386, which also integrates other application of DALI apart
from lighting and extend the kind of lamp to high intensitydischarge (HID),
halogens, incandescent, LEDs, etc.
This Project focuses on developing a lighting managementsystem by making
use of wireless sensor networks and DALIballasts, materials used in the system are
described and resultsabout tests and measurements are presented.
DALI is the ideal, simplified, digital way of communication tailored to the
needs of present day lighting technology. Communication and installation have
been simplified as much as possible. All intelligent components communicate in a
local system in a way that is both simple and free of interference[8].
The use of wireless sensor network greatly reduces the size and cost of the
system and is suitable for a lighting system[1]. In the proposed system, there is an
array of light sensor nodes which can communicate with a master node(MN),
providing information about the light conditions at each sensor node.
Based onthe feedback information the MN decides which all light sources to
control. Once this is decided the MN transmits the data frame to a particular light
control node to control the light, which is electrically connected to it. Each DALI
loop can support up to 16 individual groups. The illumination level can be varied
from 3% to 100%[9]. Similarly Scenes may be applied to individual ballasts or
applied to the group of ballasts.



DALI is an acronym and stands for Digital Addressable Lighting
Interface. It is an international standard that guarantees the exchangeability of
dimmable ballasts from different manufacturers. The DALI-interface has been
described in the fluorescent lamp ballast standard IEC 60929 under Annex E.
DALI is the ideal, simplified, digital way of communication tailored to the needs
of present day lighting technology. Communication and installation have been
simplified as much as possible. All intelligent components communicate in a local
system in a way that is both simple and free of interference[8].

There are no special requirements for the wiring of data cables, and there is
no need to install termination resistors on the cables to protect them against

Users have the following options when installing DALI - ballasts in their
lighting system:
Simple wiring of control lines (no group formation, no polarity)
Control of individual units (individual addressing) or groups (group addressing)
is possible
Automatic search of control devices
Simple formation of groups through flashing lamps
Automatic and simultaneous dimming of all units when selecting a scene
Logarithmic dimming behaviour matching the eyes sensitivity
Operational tolerances of lamps can be stored as default \values (for example for
the purpose of energy savings maximum values can be set)
Fading: adjustment of dimming speed
Identification of unit type
Options for emergency lighting can be chosen (selection of specific ballasts,
dimming level)
No need to switch on/off the external relay for the mains voltage (this is done by
internal electronic components)
Lower system cost and more functions compared to 110V-systems

DALI has been defined for:
a maximum of 64 single units (individual addresses)
a maximum of 16 groups (group addresses)
a maximum of 16 scenes (scene light values)
The intelligence of the system has not been centralized for the purpose of
defining the DALI-interface for control devices. This means that many of the set
points and lighting values are
stored within the individual ballast:
Individual addresses
Group assignments
Light scene values
Fading times
Emergency lighting level (System Failure Level)
Power On Level

Operational tolerances of lamps can be stored as default values (for example for
the purpose of energy savings maximum values can be set)
Fading: adjustment of dimming speed
Identification of unit type
Options for emergency lighting can be chosen (selection of specific ballasts,
dimming level)
No need to switch on/off the external relay for the mains voltage (this is done by
internal electronic components)
Lower system cost and more functions compared to 110V-systems

Characteristics and features of the digital interface

Definition in IEC 60929 this allows the combination of units from
different manufacturers. It must be emphasized as a special fact that all
manufacturers, who are represented in the AG DALI, have made a joint effort to
verify the compliance of their units with this standard to guarantee a high
functional security.
Effective data transfer rate (1.200 bits/sec.) It enables an interference-
free operation of the system. The physical low-level has been defined with the
interface voltage at 0 Volt (- 4.5 Volt to +4.5 Volt) on the receivers side. The
high-level condition is represented by the interface voltage of 16 Volt (9.5 Volt to
22.5 Volt) on the receiving side. A maximum voltage decrease of 2 V between
sender and receiver is admissible on the leads of the interface.
Safety distance of interference voltage a safe operation is guaranteed by
the large-scale interference voltage distance between the sender and the receiver
Data coding the Manchester-Code has been used here; its structure allows
the detection of transmission errors.
Limited system size the maximum number of 64 units with an individual
address can be distinguished within a system.
Two-wire control lead two base-isolations should be provided between
two leads. A single-threaded isolation of a lead is therefore sufficient.
The maximum lead length between two connected systems must not exceed 300
No termination resistors required it is not necessary to terminate the
interface leads with resistors.
Dimming range 0.1 % 100 % the lower limit depends on the
manufacturer. The course of the dimming curve is standardized and adapted to the
sensitivity of the eye (logarithmic dimming curve). The impression of a similar
brightness, when electronic ballasts of different manufacturers are used, is a result
of the standardization. This requires however, that the lower limit of the dimming
range is equal for all units (e.g. all units show a lower dimming range of 3 %)
belonging to the same power class (lamp power).
Programmable dimming times special adjustments like adjusting light
change speeds are possible.
Interruption of the data transfer fixed light adjustments are interpreted
automatically (emergency operation).
Storage of lighting scenes a storage of up to 16 scenes is possible.
Connection to Building Management Systems by converters
the very first design intent has been to apply the interface in rooms for an
integration into BMS by means of converters.

2.1.1 Selection of units
The draft standard allows for the compatibility of the ballasts. For all other
variants, such as sensors and controllers, the planner has the responsibility to
ensure in the product specification that the compatibility can be guaranteed.

The draft standard defines the following types of units:
Type 0 Standard units
Type 1 Units for emergency lighting
Type 2 Units for discharge lamps
Type 3 Units for low voltage halogen lamps
Type 4 Dimmable units for incandescent lamps
Type 5 1-10V interface converter
Types 6-255 Reserved for future units.

It has a set of rules from ballast perspective as follows
Power connection
Lamp response
Control interface
Command set



Step Up
Step Down,
On and Step Up
Set Max
Step Down and Off
Set Min
Go to Max
Go to Min
Up to Max
Down to Min
Fade to Level
Set Actual Level
Set Power On Level
Set System Failure Level
Set Fade Time
Set Fade Rate
Set Scene
Go to Scene
Remove from Scene
Set Group
Remove from Group
There are 255 types of devices are classified as DALI fixtures. Some of the
examples are
Type 0 Standard (fluorescent)
Type 1 Emergency lighting
Type 2 HID lamps
Type 3 Low voltage halogen lamps
Type 4 Line voltage incandescent lamps
Type 5255 Future device types
In DALI programming, each DALI loop can support up to 64 individual
addresses. When in initial programming mode:
Each ballast generates a 24 bit random address
Control unit then assigns a 6 bit short address (0 to 63) to each
May reassign a 6 bit address to each ballast
May assign a 6 bit address by disconnecting a lamp from the
Group Addressing is also possible with DALI interface. Each DALI loop
can support up to 16 individual groups. Each ballast may belong to any or the
entire 16 available groups. Another important feature of the DALI is the scene
setting. For example a same room/ hall can have as many as 16 preset levels of
lighting. The illumination level can be varied from 3% to 100%. Similarly Scenes
may be applied to individual ballasts or applied to the group of ballasts.
This project examines the use of Wireless Sensor Networks interfaced with
light fittings to allow for daylight substitution techniques to reduce energy usage in
existing buildings. This creates a wire free system for existing buildings with
minimal disruption and cost.
This project proposes a dynamic automated power conservation system
which uses wireless sensor networks (WSN). The advantage of using WSN is that
this system can be easily installed in already existing buildings where as a wired
system will be expensive and difficult to install in the same scenario. The use of
wireless sensor network greatly reduces the size and cost of the system and is
suitable for a lighting system[9].

Figure 2.1 Block Diagram of Transceiver

Figure2.1 shows a Wireless Sensor Network system which can provide work
plane light measurements, and is integrated with a standard building monitoring
system, the wireless network controls the dimmable ballast elements, allowing the
retrofitting of existing installations without the need to re-cable and with minimal

A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of spatially distributed
autonomous sensors to cooperatively monitor physical or environmental
conditions, such as temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants.
The development of wireless sensor networks was motivated by military
applications such as battlefield surveillance[1]. They are now used in many
industrial and civilian application areas, including industrial process monitoring
and control, machine health monitoring, environment and habitat monitoring,
healthcare applications, home automation, and traffic control.
A sensor network normally constitutes a wireless ad-hoc network, meaning
that each sensor supports a multi-hop routing algorithm (several nodes may
forward data packets to the base station)[7].
Unique characteristics of a WSN include:
Limited power they can harvest or store
Ability to withstand harsh environmental conditions
Ability to cope with node failures
Mobility of nodes,communication failures
Dynamic network topology
Heterogeneity of nodes
Large scale of deployment
Unattended operation
Node capacity is scalable, only limited by bandwidth of gateway node.

Operating systems for wireless sensor network nodes are typically less
complex than general-purpose operating systems both because of the special
requirements of sensor network applications and because of the resource
constraints in sensor network hardware platforms. For example, sensor network
applications are usually not interactive in the same way as applications for PCs.
Because of this, the operating system does not need to include support for user
interfaces. Furthermore, the resource constraints in terms of memory and memory
mapping hardware support make mechanisms such as virtual memory either
unnecessary or impossible to implement.
The applications for WSNs are varied, typically involving some kind of
monitoring, tracking, or controlling. Specific applications include habitat
monitoring, object tracking, nuclear reactor control, fire detection, and traffic
monitoring. In a typical application, a WSN is scattered in a region where it is
meant to collect data through its sensor nodes.
Area monitoring
Area monitoring is a common application of WSNs. In area monitoring, the
WSN is deployed over a region where some phenomenon is to be monitored. For
example, a large quantity of sensor nodes could be deployed over a battlefield to
detect enemy intrusion instead of using landmines[5].
When the sensors detect the event being monitored (heat, pressure, sound,
light, electro-magnetic field, vibration, etc), the event needs to be reported to one
of the base stations, which can take appropriate action (e.g., send a message on the
internet or to a satellite). Depending on the exact application, different objective
functions will require different data-propagation strategies, depending on things
such as need for real-time response, redundancy of the data (which can be tackled
via data aggregation and information fusion techniques), need for security, etc.
Environmental monitoring
A number of WSNs have been deployed for environmental monitoring.
Many of these have been short lived, often due to the prototype nature of the
projects. Examples of longer-lived deployments are monitoring the state of
permafrost in the Swiss Alps: The Per ma Sense Project, Per ma Sense Online Data
Viewer and glacier monitoring.
Industrial monitoring(Water/Wastewater Monitoring)
There are many opportunities for using wireless sensor networks within the
water/wastewater industries.
Facilities not wired for power or data transmission can be monitored using
industrial wireless I/O devices and sensors powered using solar panels or battery
As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), funding
is available for some water and wastewater projects in most states.
Vehicle Detection
Wireless sensor networks can use a range of sensors to detect the presence of
vehicles ranging from motorcycles to train cars.
2.3 IEEE.802.15.4 NETWORKS
Motivation For IEEE.802.15.4
IEEE.802.15.4 is a worldwide open standard for wireless radio networks in
the monitoring and control fields to meet the following principal needs:
It has low cost
It has ultra-low power consumption
It has use of unlicensed radio bands
It is cheap and easy installation
It is also flexible and extendable networks
It has integrated intelligence for network set-up and message routing.
Some of the above requirements are related - for example, the need for
extremely low power consumption is motivated by the use of battery-powered
nodes which can be installed cheaply and easily, without any power cabling, in
difficult locations.
An example of a IEEE.802.15.4 network is shown below in Figure 2.2

Figure 2.2 IEEE.802.15.4 Network
The figure above introduces the concept of the IEEE.802.15.4 network
topology. Several topologies are supported by IEEE.802.15.4, including star,
mesh, and cluster tree. Star and mesh networking are both shown in the figure
As can be seen, star topology is most useful when several end devices are
located close together so that they can communicate with a single router node.
That node can then be a part of a larger mesh network that ultimately
communicates with the network coordinator.
Mesh networking allows for redundancy in node links, so that if one node
goes down, devices can find an alternative path to communicate with one another.
Figures 2.3 and 2.4 below provide an example of how mesh networking
allows for multiple paths between devices.

Fig.2.3 Mesh Networking Path 1


Fig.2.4 Mesh Networking Path 2
IEEE.802.15.4 network 's self-forming and self-healing mesh network
architecture permits data and control messages to pass from one node to other node
via multiple paths. This extends the range of the network and improves data
reliability. You could use the peer-to-peer capability to build large, geographically
dispersed networks where smaller networks link together to form a cluster-tree
IEEE802.15.4 operates in two main modes. The modes are,
Beacon mode
Non-beacon mode.

Beacon mode
Beacon mode is a fully coordinated mode in that all the device know
when to coordinate with one another. In this mode, the network coordinator
will periodically "wake-up" and send out a beacon to the devices within its
network. This beacon subsequently wakes up each device, who must
determine if it has any message to receive. If not, the device returns to sleep,
as will the network coordinator, once its job is complete.
Non-beacon mode
Non-beacon mode, on the other hand, is less coordinated, as any device
can communicate with the coordinator at will. However, this operation can
cause different devices within the network to interfere with one another, and
the coordinator must always be awake to listen for signals, thus requiring more
2.3.2 IEEE.802.15.4 Device Profile
The IEEE.802.15.4 Device Profile is a collection of device descriptions
and clusters, just like an application profile. The device profile is run by the
ZDO and applies to all IEEE.802.15.4 devices.
The IEEE.802.15.4 Device Profile is defined in the IEEE.802.15.4
Application Level Specification. It serves as an example of how to write an
application profile[1].


2.4 IEEE 802.15.4 LAYERS
The Physical/Data Link level comprises two IEEE 802.15.4 layers:
MAC (Media Access Control) sub-layer
PHY (Physical) layer
The IEEE.802.15.4 standard has the capacity to address up to 65535 nodes
in a single network[2].
2.4.1 IEEE.802.15.4 Stack Layers
The stack layers defined by the IEEE.802.15.4 specification are the
network and application framework layers. The IEEE.802.15.4 stack is loosely
based on the OSI 7-layer model. It implements only the functionality that is
required in the intended markets.
2.4.2 Network (NWK) Layer
The network layer ensures the proper operation of the underlying MAC
layer and provides an interface to the application layer. The network layer
supports star, tree and mesh topologies[4]. Among other things, this is the
layer where networks are started, joined, left and discovered.
When a coordinator attempts to establish a IEEE.802.15.4 network, it does
an energy scan to find the best RF channel for its new network. When a channel
has been chosen, the coordinator assigns the logical network identifier, also known
as the PAN ID, which will be applied to all devices that join the network.
A node can join the network either directly or through association. To join
directly, the system designer must somehow add a node's extended address into the
neighbour table of a device. The direct joining device will issue an orphan scan,
and the node with the matching extended address (in its neighbour table) will
respond, allowing the device to join.
To join by association, a node sends out a beacon request on a channel,
repeating the beacon request on other channels until it finds an acceptable network
to join. The network layer provides security for the network, ensuring both
authenticity and confidentiality of a transmission.
2.4.3 Addressing Modes Supported by 802.15.4
802.15.4 supports both short (16-bit) and extended (64-bit) addressing.
An extended address (also called EUI-64) is assigned to every RF module
that complies to the 802.15.4 specification. When a device associates with a
WPAN it can receive a 16-bit address from its parent node that is unique in that
Personal Area Network ID
Each WPAN has a 16-bit number that is used as a network identifier. It is
called the PAN ID. The PAN coordinator assigns the PAN ID when it creates the
network. A device can try and join any network or it can limit itself to a network
with a particular PAN ID.
IEEE.802.15.4 PRO defines an extended PAN ID. It is a 64-bit number that
is used as a network identifier in place of its 16-bit predecessor.
Typical Application Areas
Application areas that are suitable for IEEE.802.15.4 networks are likely to
have the following characteristics or requirements:

It has low data rates (less than 250kbps)
The nodes which are idle (not transmitting/receiving) for long periods
In node locations where cables would be difficult or expensive to install
A need to modify the network (add, remove or move nodes) while in service
Commercial Building and Home Automation
Electronic control within a building or home can be implemented through
wireless networks - example applications are HVAC (heating, ventilation and air-
conditioning), lighting, curtains/blinds, doors, locks and home entertainment

The IR2156 incorporates a high voltage half-bridge gate driver with a
programmable oscillator and state diagram to form a complete ballast control
IC[9]. The IR2156 features include programmable preheat and run frequencies,
programmable preheat time, programmable dead-time, and programmable over
current protection. Comprehensive protection features such as protection from
failure of a lamp to strike, filament failures, as well as an automatic restart
function, have been included in the design.

2.5.1 Features
_ Ballast control and half bridge driver in one IC
_ Programmable preheat frequency
_ Programmable preheat time
_ Internal ignition ramp
_ Programmable over-current threshold
_ Programmable run frequency
Programmable dead time
_ DC bus under-voltage reset
_ Shutdown pin with hysteresis
_ Internal 15.6V zener clamp diode on Vcc
_ Micropower startup (150 mA)
_ Latch immunity and ESD protection


Figure 2.5 Pin Diagram of IR2156



This figure shows that the circuit diagram of ballast circuit.

Figure 2.6 Circuit Diagram of Ballast

DALI is based upon the master-slave principle; the master sends messages
(frames) to any slave device in the system. Those messages contain an address and
a command, thus only the addressed ballast will react to the message. A message
sent by the master is called a forward frame[8]. The first bit is a start bit, the next 8
bits are the slave address and the next 8 are the command. There last two stop bits
are not in Manchester code. There are query commands that make the DALI device
enter into active mode and send a backward frame to the master.

The architecture of the 89C55 microcontroller is referred to as the MCS-
51architecture, or sometimes simply as MCS-51. The microcontrollers have an 8-
bitdata bus. They are capable of addressing 64K of program memory and a
separate64K of data memory. The 89C55 has 20K of code memory implemented
as on-chip Read Only Memory (ROM). The 89C55 has 128 bytes of internal
Random Access Memory (RAM). The 89C55 has two timer/counters, a serial port,
4 general purpose parallel input/output ports, and interrupt control logic with eight
sources of interrupts. Besides internal RAM, the 89C55 has various Special
Function Registers (SFR), which are the control and data registers for on-chip
facilities. The SFRs also include the accumulator, the B register, and the Program
Status Word (PSW), which contains the CPU flags.
Programming the various internal hardware facilities of the 89C55 is
achieved by placing the appropriate control words into the corresponding SFRs. As
stated, the 89C55 can address 64K of external data memory and 64K of external
program memory. These may be separate blocks of memory, so that up to 128K of
memory can be attached to the microcontroller. Separate blocks of code and data
memory are referred to as the Harvard architecture. The 89C55 has two separate
read signals, RD#(P3.7) and PSEN#. The first is activated when a byte is to be
read from external data memory, the other, from external program memory.
Both of these signals are so-called active low signals. That is, they are
cleared to logic level 0 when activated. All external code is fetched from external
program memory. In addition, bytes from external program memory may be read
by special read instructions such as the MOVC instruction. There are separate
instructions to read from external data memory, such as the MOVX instruction.
That is, the instructions determine which block of memory is addressed, and the
corresponding control signal, either RD#or PSEN#is activated during the memory
read cycle.
A single block of memory may be mapped to act as both data and program
memory. This is referred to as the Von Neumann1 architecture. In order to read
from the same block using either the RD#signal or the PSEN#signal, the two
signals are combined with a logic AND operation.This way, the output of the AND
gate is low when either input is low. The advantage of the Harvard architecture is
not simply doubling the memory capacity of the microcontroller. Separating
program and data increases the reliability of the microcontroller, since there are no
instructions to write to the program memory.
A ROM device is ideally suited to serve as program memory. The Harvard
architecture is somewhat awkward in evaluation systems, where code needs to be
loaded into program memory. By adopting the Von Neumann architecture, code
may be written to memory as data bytes, and then executed as program
instructions. The 8052 has 256 bytes of internal RAM and 20K of internal code
ROM. The 89C55 internal ROM cannot be programmed by the user.
These are usually referred to as One-Time- Programmable (OTP)
microcontrollers, which are more suitable for experimental work or for small
production runs. The 8955 contains FLASH EEPROMs (Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read Only Memory). These chips can be programmed as the
EPROM versions, using a chip programmer.

Figure 3.1 Architecture of AT89c55

Figure 3.2 Pin Diagram of AT89c55


A sensor is a converter that measures a physical quantity and converts it into
a signal which can be read by an observer or by an instrument[7].For example,a
mercury in glass thermometer converts the measured temperature into expansion
and contraction of a liquid which can be read on a calibrated glass tube.A
thermocouple converts temperature to an output voltage which can be read by a
voltmeter.For accuracy most sensors are calibrated against known standards.
Sensors are used in everyday objects such as touch-sensitive elevator buttons
and lamps which dimmer brighten by touching the base.
A photo resistor or light dependent resistor (LDR) is a resistor whose
resistance decreases with increasing incident light intensity; in other words, it
exhibits photoconductivity.
A photo resistor is made of a high resistance semiconductor. If light falling
on the device is of high enough frequency, photons absorbed by the semiconductor
give bound electrons enough energy to jump into the conduction band. The
resulting free electron (and its hole partner) conduct electricity, thereby lowering
A photoelectric device can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. An intrinsic
semiconductor has its own charge carriers and is not an efficient semiconductor,
for example, silicon. In intrinsic devices the only available electrons are in the
valence band, and hence the photon must have enough energy to excite the electron
across the entire band gap. Extrinsic devices have impurities, also called dopants,
and added whose ground state energy is closer to the conduction band; since the
electrons do not have as far to jump, lower energy photons (that is, longer
wavelengths and lower frequencies) are sufficient to trigger the device. If a sample
of silicon has some of its atoms replaced by phosphorus atoms (impurities), there
will be extra electrons available for conduction. This is an example of an extrinsic
semiconductor. Photo resistors are basically photocells.

Figure 4.1 Photo Resistor
Main task of sensor node is to sense the surrounding light level and report to
master node. For sensing the light level light dependent resistor (LDR) is
interfaced to the controller. As the name suggest resistance of LDR changes when
light falls on it. When light increases resistance decreases and vice versa.
The resistance of the Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) varies according to
the amount of light that falls on it. The relationship between the resistance RL and
light intensity Lux for a typical LDR is

With the LDR connected to 5V through a R1 K resistor, the output voltage
of the LDR is

Reworking the equation, we obtain the light intensity

LUX -Intensity of light.
Vo -Output voltage from LDR.
R1 -Series resistance connected to LDR

The pyro electric sensor has two sensing elements connected in a voltage
bucking configuration. A body passing in front of the sensor will activate first one
and then the other element.
The other sources will affect both elements simultaneously and will be
cancelled. The arrangement of pyroelectric sensor and the fresnel lens for the
human detection.
Materials called ferroelectrics absorb thermal energy, which changes spontaneous
polarization generating a surface electrical charge. The charge is proportional to
polarization change. This phenomenon is called the pyroelectric effect.
This detecting principle also applied when a human body appears from left
to right but this time the voltage potential difference is reversed and the right
sensing element will become back to equilibrium state first. Mean while, the
ambient temperature change, vibration or optical noise is usually located at a fixed
position or changing slowly. Therefore the infrared energy charge of the left
sensing element is equal to that of right sensing element and hence the voltage
potential difference is zero.
Referring to the above principle, in order to make the PIR sensor to detect
human body more easily, a special lens is needed to create the strobe and null
Fresnel lens
A fresnel lens (pronounced Fresnel) is a plano convex lens that has beeen
collapsed on itself to form a flat lens that retains its optical characteristics but is
much smaller in thickness and therefore has less absorption losses. Our FL65
Fresnel lens is made of an infrared transmitting material that has an IR
transmission range of 8 t0 14 mm which is most sensitive to human body radiation.
It is designed to have its grooves facing the IR sensing element so that a smooth
surface is presented to the subject side of the lens which is usually the outside of an
enclosure that houses the sensor[7].

Serial Port
A serial port, like other PC ports, is a physical interface to establish data
transfer between computer and an external hardware or device. This transfer,
through serial port, takes place bit by bit. IBM introduced the DB-9 RS-232
version of serial I/O standard, which is most widely used in PCs and several
devices. In RS232, high and low bits are represented by flowing voltage ranges:

Bit Voltage Range (in V)
+3 +25
-25 -3

Table 4.1 Serial Port RS232
The range -3V to +3V is undefined. Due to this reason RS232 voltage levels
are not compatible with TTL logic. Therefore, while connecting an RS232 to
microcontroller system, a voltage converter is required. This converter converts the
microcontroller output level to the RS232 voltage levels, and vice versa. IC
MAX232, also known as line driver, is very commonly used for this purpose.
The simplest connection between a PC and microcontroller requires a
minimum of three pins, RxD (receiver, pin2), TxD (transmitter, pin3) and ground
(pin5) of the serial port of computer.

Figure 4.2 Serial Port
TxD pin of serial port connects to RxD pin of controller via MAX232. And
similarly, RxD pin of serial port connects to the TxD pin of controller through
MAX232. MAX232 has two sets of line drivers for transferring and receiving data.
The line drivers used for transmission are called T1 and T2, where as the line
drivers for receiver are designated as R1 and R2. The connection of MAX232 with
computer and the controller is shown in the circuit diagram.

Figure 4.3 Connection of MAX232
An important parameter considered while interfacing serial port is the Baud
rate which is the speed at which data is transmitted serially. It is defined as number
of bits transmitted or received per second. It is generally expressed in bps (bits per

For serial communication AT89C51 has registers SBUF and SCON (serial
control register). SBUF is an 8-bit register. For transmitting a data byte serially, it
needs to be placed in the SBUF register. Similarly whenever a data byte is received
serially, it comes in the SBUF register, i.e., SBUF register should be read to
receive the serial byte. SCON register is used to set the mode of serial
communication. The project uses Mode1, in which the data length is of 8 bits and
there is a start and a stop bit. The SCON register is bit addressable register. The
following table shows the configuration of each bit.
SCON (Serial Control) Register
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

0 0 Serial mode 0
0 1 Serial mode 1, 8-bit data, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit
1 0 Serial mode 2
1 1 Serial mode 3

TI (transmit interrupt) is an important flag bit in the SCON register. The
controller raises the TI flag when the 8-bit character is transferred. This indicates
that the next byte can be transferred now. The TI bit is raised at the beginning of
the stop bit.
RI (receive interrupt) is also a flag bit of the SCON register. On receiving
the serial data, the microcontroller skips the start and stop bits, and puts the byte is
SBUF register. The RI flag bit is then raised to indicate that the byte has been
received and should be picked up.

The specifications and variations required for work plane lighting, for some
sample areas are shown in Table 1.1.
Individual work plane light levels are typically read and forwarded to a
facilities management system which can issue control signals to the lighting

Figure 4.4 Light Sensors


Table 4.2 Specification and Variation for Lighting


All light sources emit light, but in what direction (angle) that light travels
and how strong it is are collectively described as the light distribution. Light
distribution properties are used to determine what light source would be good for,
for example, a strongly directional light or a diffused light. With lighting fixtures
and the like, they are similarly measured and evaluated together with light sources,
shades, background deflector panels, etc.

With fluorescent fixtures, the light distribution actually includes the effect of
parts other than the bulb. One method for categorizing light distribution is the
international method. It defines the light distribution as the ratio of upward moving
flux from the light source to the downward moving fl ux. In this category, the
fixtures configuration can be addressed and a rough idea of the Utilization factor,
an important factor in lighting design, can be understood.

Lighting distribution measurement is basically divided into two approaches.
One is to position sensors a certain distance from a sample and measure the light
distribution. In this case, results are obtained by measuring from multiple points
concentrically located around the sample.
The other approach is to measure distribution at different distances from the
sample using a measuring device consisting of a CCD sensor and an optical system
with an extremely wide-angle lens similar to a fisheye lens. Luminous flux is a
value for evaluating the radiant flux based on the spectral luminous efficiency
function of the human eye and the maximum luminous efficacy. Total flux is the
luminous flux radiated in all directions from a light source and it is used as a
measure of brightness for lighting fixtures. Its units are Lumens (lm).
The terms luminosity and brightness are often heard to express a
quantity of light. Both of these terms include the meaning of directionality. Total
flux does not have any connotation of directionality.
V= Kme() V () d
V: Luminous flux
Km: Maximum luminous efficiency
e(): Radiant flux
V(): Spectral luminous efficiency

Total flux is used in calculations when designing lighting fixtures.
Luminous efficacy of a lamp, obtained by dividing the luminous flux by the
electrical power (power consumption), has also been used from an ecological
perspective recently.

There are two ways to measure total flux: by using an integrating sphere or
by light distribution measurement. The integrating sphere method places a sample
light source in an integrating sphere (a sphere that is hollow with the inner wall
painted a highly diffusive white color) and receiving the light with a sensor. In this
case, the sensor must be calibrated against a reference light source.

In the proposed system, there is an array of light sensor nodes which can
communicate with a master node(MN), providing information about the light
conditions at each sensor node. Based on the feedback information the MN decides
which all light sources to control. Once this is decided the MN transmits the data
frame to a particular light control node to control the light, which is electrically
connected to it.

The RS 232 serial communication is utilized for communicating with
IEEE.802.15.4. Most systems designed today do not operate using RS232 voltage
levels. Since this is the case, level conversion is necessary to implement RS232
These ICs typically have line drivers that generate the voltage levels
required by RS232 and line receivers that can receive RS232 voltage levels
without being damaged. These line drivers and receivers typically invert the signal
as well since a logic 1 is represented by a low voltage level for RS232
communication and likewise a logic 0 is represented by a high logic level.
Figure illustrates the function of an RS232 line driver/receiver in a typical
modem application. In this particular example, the signals necessary for serial
communication are generated and received by the Universal Asynchronous
Receiver/Transmitter (UART).

A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat display device made up of any number of
color or monochrome pixels arrayed in front of a light source or reflector. It is utilized
in battery-powered electronic devices as it uses very small amounts of electric power.

Figure 4.5 LCD Display

Figure 4.6 Character x 2 Line LCD Module

Above is the quite simple schematic. The LCD panel's Enable and Register
Select is connected to the Control Port. The Control Port is an open collector /
open drain output. While most Parallel Ports have internal pull-up resistors, there
are a few which don't. Therefore by incorporating the two 10K external pull up
resistors, the circuit is more portable for a wider range of computers, some of
which may have no internal pull up resistors.
16 Characters x 2 Lines
5 x7 Dots with Cursor
Built in controller
+5v Power supply(Also available for +3v)
1/16 Duty circle
An LCD consists of two glass panels, with the liquid crystal material sand
witched in between them. The inner surface of the glass plates are coated with
transparent electrodes which define the character, symbols or patterns to be
displayed polymeric layers are present in between the electrodes and the liquid
crystal, which makes the liquid crystal molecules to maintain a defined orientation
One each polarisers are pasted outside the two glass panels. These polarisers
would rotate the light rays passing through them to a definite angle, in a particular
direction. When the LCD is in the off state, light rays are rotated by the two
polarisers and the liquid crystal, such that the light rays come out of the LCD
without any orientation, and hence the LCD appears transparent.
When sufficient voltage is applied to the electrodes, the liquid crystal
molecules would be aligned in a specific direction. The light rays passing through
the LCD would be rotated by the polarisers, which would result in activating /
highlighting the desired characters.
The LCDs dont generate light and so light is needed to read the display. By
using backlighting, reading is possible in the dark. The LCDs have long life and a
wide operating temperature range. Changing the display size or the layout size is
relatively simple which makes the LCDs more customer friendly.
The LCD display consists of two lines, 20 characters per line that is
interfaced with the PIC16F73.The protocol (handshaking) for the display is as
shown in Fig. The display contains two internal byte-wide registers, one for
commands (RS=0) and the second for characters to be displayed (RS=1).
Pin Diagram
The Pin diagram for LCD is shown in the following figure and the pin
description is also explained in Table.


1 2 3 15 16

2x16 Liquid Crystal Display

RS R/w


D2 D3 D5 D7 D6 D4 D1

The power supply circuits built using filters, rectifiers, and then voltage
regulators. Starting with an ac voltage, a steady dc voltage is obtained by rectifying
the ac voltage, then filtering to a dc level, and finally, regulating to obtain a desired
fixed dc voltage.
The regulation is usually obtained from an IC voltage regulator unit,
which takes a dc voltage and provides a somewhat lower dc voltage, which
remains the same even if the input dc voltage varies, or the output load connected
to the dc voltage changes. The block diagram of power supply is shown in fig

Figure 4.7 Block Diagram of Power Supply


The potential transformer will step down the power supply voltage (0-230V)
to (0-6V) level. Then the secondary of the potential transformer will be connected
to the precision rectifier, which is constructed with the help of opamp. The
advantages of using precision rectifier are it will give peak voltage output as DC,
rest of the circuits will give only RMS output.

Bridge rectifier
Bridge rectifier is used to maintain the proper DC polarity at the input to the
circuit, irrespective of telephone line polarity. It comprises of four diodes
connected to form a bridge. It uses the entire AC wave (both positive and negative
sections). 1.4V is used up in the bridge rectifier because each diode uses 0.7V
when conducting and there are always two diodes conducting, as shown in fig


Figure 4.8 Bridge rectifier

IC Voltage Regulators
Voltage regulators comprise a class of widely used ICs. Regulator IC units
contain the circuitry for reference source, comparator amplifier, control device, and
overload protection all in a single IC.
Three terminal Voltage Regulators
Fig shows the basic connection of a fixed voltage regulator has an
unregulated dc input voltage, V
, applied to one input terminal, a regulated output
dc voltage, V
, from a second terminal, with the third terminal connected to

Figure 4.9 Fixed Voltage Regulator

Figure 4.10 Circuit Diagram of Power Supply

4.8 MRF24J40MA
2.4 GHz IEEE Std. 802.15.4 RF Transceiver Module

The MRF24J 40MA is a 2.4 GHz IEEE Std. 802.15.4 compliant, surface
mount module with integrated crystal, internal voltage regulator, matching
circuitry and PCB antenna. The MRF24J 40MA module operates in the non-
licensed 2.4 GHz frequency band and is FCC, IC and ETSI compliant. The
integrated module design frees the integrator from extensive RF and antenna
design, and regulatory compliance testing, allowing quicker time to market. The
MRF24J 40MA module is compatible with Microchips ZigBee, MiWi and
MiWi P2P software stacks.
The MRF24J 40MA module has received regulatory approvals for modular
devices in the United States (FCC), Canada (IC) and Europe (ETSI). Modular
approval removes the need for expensive RF and antenna design and allows the
end user to place the MRF24J 40MA module inside a finished product and not
require regulatory testing for an intentional radiator (RF transmitter).
Interface Description
Figure shows a simplified block diagram of theMRF24J 40MA module. The
module is based on the Microchip Technology MRF24J 40 IEEE 802.15.4 2.4
GHz RF Transceiver IC. The module interfaces to many popular Microchip PIC
icrocontrollers via a4-wire serial SPI interface, interrupt, wake, Reset,power and
ground, as shown in Figure.
The MRF24J 40MA is a complete 2.4 GHz IEEE Std. 802.15.4 compliant
surface mount module with integrated crystal, internal voltage regulator, matching
circuitry and PCB antenna. The MRF24J 40MA module interfaces to many popular
Microchip PIC microcontrollers via a 4-wire serial SPI interface, interrupt, wake,
Reset, power and ground.
A schematic diagram of the module is shown in Figure. The MRF24J 40MA
module is based on the Microchip Technology MRF24J 40 IEEE 802.15.4 2.4
GHz RF Transceiver IC. The serial I/O (SCK, SDI, SDO and CS), RESET, WAKE
and INT pins are brought out to the module pins. The SDO signal is tri-state
buffered by IC2 to solve a silicon errata, where the SDO signal does not release to
a high-impedance state, after the CS pin returns to its inactive state. Crystal, X1, is
a 20 MHz crystal with a frequency tolerance of 10 ppm @ 25C to meet the IEEE
Std. 802.15.4 symbol rate tolerance of 40 ppm.
A balun is formed by components: L1, L3, C2 and C14. L2 is an RF choke
and pull-up for the RFP and RFN pins on the MRF24J 40. C15 is a DC block
capacitor. A low-pass filter is formed by components: L4, C16 and C17. The
remaining capacitors provide RF and digital bypass.
IEEE Std. 802.15.4 Compliant RF Transceiver
Supports ZigBee, MiWi, MiWi P2P and Proprietary Wireless
Networking Protocols
Small Size: 0.7 x 1.1 (17.8 mm x 27.9 mm), Surface Mountable
Integrated Crystal, Internal Voltage Regulator, Matching Circuitry and PCB
Easy Integration into Final Product Minimize Product Development,
Quicker Time to Market
Radio Regulation Certification for United States (FCC), Canada (IC) and
Europe (ETSI)
Compatible with Microchip Microcontroller Families (PIC16F, PIC18F,
PIC24F/H, dsPIC33 and PIC32)
Up to 400 ft. Range

Operating Voltage: 2.4-3.6V (3.3V typical)
Temperature Range: -40C to +85C Industrial
Simple, Four-Wire SPI Interface
Low-Current Consumption:
RX mode: 19 mA (typical)
TX mode: 23 mA (typical)
Sleep: 2 A (typical)

RF/Analog Features

ISM Band 2.405-2.48 GHz Operation
Data Rate: 250 kbps
-94 dBm Typical Sensitivity with +5 dBm Maximum Input Level
+0 dBm Typical Output Power with 36 dB TX Power Control Range
Integrated Low Phase Noise VCO, Frequency
Synthesizer and PLL Loop Filter
Digital VCO and Filter Calibration
Integrated RSSI ADC and I/Q DACs
Integrated LDO
MAC/Baseband Features
Hardware CSMA-CA Mechanism, Automatic ACK Response and FCS
Independent Beacon, Transmit and GTS FIFO
Automatic Packet Retransmit Capable
Hardware Security Engine (AES-128) with CTR, CCM and CBC-MAC
Supports Encryption and Decryption for MAC Sublayer and Upper Layer

Figure 4.11 MRF24J 40MA Block Diagram

Table 4.3 Pin Description

Figure 4.12 Microcontroller to MRF24J 40MA Interface

Figure 4.13 MRF24J 40MA Schematic
4.9 Analog to Digital Converter IC MCP 3204
The MCP- 3204 is a programmable ADC to provide two pseudo- differential
input pairs or four single-ended inputs. Non-linearity is specified at 1 LSB
(expand?). Communication with the devices is done using a simple serial interface
compatible with the SPI protocol. Low current Design permits operation with
typical standby and active currents in the order of nano-amperes.The MCP3204
ADC is a 12-bit serial ADC which converts the analog input signal to a 12 bit
Digital output Data.
Main Features of MCP 3204
12-bit resolution so more accurate.
SPI Serial Interface Modes.
Analog inputs programmable as single-ended or differential pairs.
On chip sample and hold circuit so no need of extra circuitry.
Single supply Operation(2.7 to 5.5 V)
4 or 8 input channels.
Analog inputs for channels 0-4 are treated as independent input channels
configured in a single-ended mode.
The CS/SHDN pin is used to initiate communication with the device when
pulled low and will end conversion and put the device in low power standby when
pulled high. The SPI Clock is used to initiate a conversion and to clock out each bit
of the conversion as it takes place.
The Serial Data is sent to the input port to configure data into the device.
The Serial data output pin is used to shift out the results of A/D conversion. Data
will always change on the falling edge of each clock as the conversion takes place.

Figure 4.14 Prototype Model



Figure 4.15 Prototype output


Figure 4.16 Output For Luminance


Figure 4.17 Output For Occupancy sensor


A new remote management system for buildings lighting automation has
been presented. With the use of wireless sensor networks we could be able to
extend DALI initial capacity of 64 devices to a number big enough to be used in
real scenarios such as residential areas and large buildings without additional
investments in different DALI loop.
The use of DALI devices with wireless sensor network allows a half-duplex
communication which can provide many parameters about the lighting and lamp
status, this is very useful for saving energy and maintenance purposes, as it can
detect any single lamp fault allowing a predictive maintenance and group
replacement or schedule power consumptions rules enabling the integration of the
lighting system in home and buildings into Smart Grid approaches, since we can
monitor and act over them.
The tree network topology implemented over fully IEEE 802.15.4-compliant
modules is able to cover a wide area. Both common frequency bands (868MHz and
2.4GHz) have been implemented and tested. Interoperability is assured
implementing the developed NWK layer in other MCUs which control any IEEE
802.15.4 transceiver. The implemented routing mechanism is very robust and
supports easy and quick reconfiguration of the network.
Future system development will be focus on the integration of the other BA
services in the DALI-WSN system. The use of these low-cost radio devices with
their processing units and the integration of different sensors and DALI protocol
may result in the single chips solution for Building Automation Systems

Future work will include a comparative study between the proposed system
and other wired system, focusing on energy efficiency, Smart Grid capabilities and
installation and maintenance costs. We will take also into consideration the higher
flexibility of wireless systems against wired systems. Further implementations will
be done in order to extend the proposed system to other standards or technologies
of lamps, luminaries or lightning communication and control protocols. Finally, the
application or User Interface may be developed in deep in order to support
functionality for Smart Grid at home and buildings, for energy saving and for its
integration into a broad Home Automation or Building Automation scenario,
pursuing also the improvement of the user experience.




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