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Prepared By Norman Harker

Name Source Type Descrp!on
ABS Built In Maths Returns the absolute value of a number
ACCRINT Analysis ToolPak Financial
ACCRINTM Analysis ToolPak Financial
ACOS Built In Maths Returns in raians the arccosine of a number
ACOS! Built In Maths
A""R#SS Built In $ooku% & Ref
AMOR"#'RC Analysis ToolPak Financial
AMOR$INC Analysis ToolPak Financial
AN" Built In $o(ical Returns TR)# if all its ar(uments are TR)#
AR#AS Built In $ooku% & Ref Returns the number of areas in a reference
ASC Built In Te*t
ASIN Built In Maths Returns in raians the arcsine of a number
ASIN! Built In Maths
ATAN Built In Maths Returns in raians the arctan(ent of a number
ATAN+ Built In Maths
ATAN! Built In Maths
A,#"#, Built In Statistical
A,#RA'# Built In Statistical
A,#RA'#A Built In Statistical
BA!TT#-T Built In Te*t
B#SS#$I Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
B#SS#$. Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
B#SS#$/ Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
Returns the accrue interest for a security that
%ays %erioic interest
Returns the accrue interest for a security that
%ays interest at maturity
Returns the inverse hy%erbolic cosine of a
Creates a cell aress as te*t base on (iven
ro0 an column rumbers
Returns the e%reciation for each accountin(
%erio usin( the French accountin( system
Returns the e%reciation for each accountin(
%erio usin( the French accountin( system
Chan(es full10ith 2ouble1byte3 #n(lish
letters or katakana 0ithin a character strin( to
half10ith 2sin(le1byte3 characters
Returns the inverse hy%erbolic sine of a
Returns in raians the arctan(ent from * an y
Returns the inverse hy%erbolic tan(ent of a
Returns the avera(e of the absolute
eviations of ata %oints from their mean
Returns the avera(e 2arithmetic mean3 of u%
to 45 numeric ar(uments
Returns the avera(e 2arithmetic mean3 of its
ar(uments an inclues evaluation of te*t an
lo(ical ar(uments
Converts a number to Thai te*t an as a
suffi* of 6Baht6
Returns the Bessel function evaluate for
%urely ima(inary ar(uments
Returns the Bessel function re%resente by
Returns the moifie Bessel function
re%resente by /
B#SS#$7 Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
B#TA"IST Built In Statistical
B#TAIN, Built In Statistical
BIN+"#C Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts binary number to ecimal
BIN+!#- Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts binary number to he*aecimal
BIN+OCT Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts binary number to octal
BINOM"IST Built In Statistical
CA$$ Built In #*ternal
C#I$IN' Built In Maths
C#$$ Built In Information
C!AR Built In Te*t
C!I"IST Built In Statistical
C!IIN, Built In Statistical
C!IT#ST Built In Statistical
C!OOS# Built In $ooku% & Ref
C$#AN Built In Te*t Removes all non%rintable characters from te*t
CO"# Built In Te*t
CO$)MN Built In $ooku% & Ref
CO$)MNS Built In $ooku% & Ref
COMBIN Built In Maths
COMP$#- Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
CONCAT#NAT# Built In Te*t .oins several te*t items into one te*t item
CONFI"#NC# Built In Statistical
Returns the Bessel 8 9eber 8 Neumann
function 7
Returns the cumulative beta %robability
ensity function
Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta
%robability ensity function
Returns the iniviual term binomial
istribution %robability
Calls a %roceure in a ynamic link library or
coe resource
Rouns a number 2a0ay from :ero3 to the
nearest inte(er or to the nearest multi%le of
Returns information about the formattin( ;
location or contents of the cell or u%%er left cell
of the reference
Returns the ANSI character set 2Microsoft3 or
Macintosh character set 2Macintosh3 s%ecifie
by the coe number
Returns the one1taile %robability of the chi1
s<uare istribution
Returns the inverse of the one1taile
%robability of the chi1s<uare istribution
Returns the value from the chi1s<uare 2=+3
istribution for the statistic an the a%%ro%riate
e(rees of freeom
)ses a s%ecifie ine* number to select one
from u% to +> s%ecifie values
Returns a numeric coe for the first character
in a te*t strin(
Returns the column number of the cell or a
s%ecifie reference
Returns the number of columns in an array or
Returns the number of combinations for a
(iven number of ob?ects
Converts real an ima(inary coefficients into
com%le* numbers of the form * @ yi or * @ y?
e%enin( u%on suffi*
Returns the confience interval for a
%o%ulation mean
CON,#RT Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
CORR#$ Built In Statistical
COS Built In Maths
COS! Built In Maths Returns the hy%erbolic cosine of a number
CO)NT Built In Statistical
CO)NTA Built In Statistical
CO)NTB$AN/ Built In Information
CO)NTIF Built In Maths
CO)P"A7BS Analysis ToolPak Financial
CO)P"A7S Analysis ToolPak Financial
CO)P"A7SNC Analysis ToolPak Financial
CO)PNC" Analysis ToolPak Financial
CO)PN)M Analysis ToolPak Financial
CO)PPC" Analysis ToolPak Financial
CO,AR Built In Statistical
CRITBINOM Built In Statistical
C)MIPMT Analysis ToolPak Financial
C)MPRINC Analysis ToolPak Financial
"AT# Built In "ate & Time
"AT#"IF Analysis ToolPak "ate & Time
Converts a number from one measurement
system to another
Returns the correlation coefficient bet0een
t0o arrays of ata
Returns the cosine of a (iven an(le (iven in
Counts the number of cells that contain
numbers an also numbers 0ithin the list of
counts ho0 many values are in the list of
Counts the number of non1em%ty cells an the
values 0ithin the list of ar(uments
Counts the number of cells that meet the
criteria s%ecifie in the ar(ument
Returns the number of ays from the
be(innin( of the cou%on %erio to the
settlement ate usin( the s%ecifie or efault
ay countin( basis
Returns the number of ays in the cou%on
%erio that contains the settlent ate usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the number of ays from the
settlement ate to the ne*t cou%on ate usin(
the s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the ne*t cou%on ate after the
settlement ate usin( the s%ecifie or efault
ay countin( basis
Returns the number of cou%ons %ayable
bet0een the settlement ate an maturity ate
usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay countin(
Returns the %revious cou%on ate before the
settlement ate usin( the s%ecifie or efault
ay countin( basis
Returns covarianceA the avera(e of the
%roucts of eviations for each ata %oint %air
Returns the smallest value for 0hich the
cumulative binomial istribution is less than or
e<ual to a criterion value
Returns the cumulative interest %ai bet0een
t0o %erios
Returns the cumulative %rinci%al %ai on a
loan bet0een t0o %erios
Returns the se<uential #*cel ate 8 time serial
number that re%resents a %articular ate
Calculates ifferences bet0een t0o ates in
terms of s%ecifie units an assum%tions
"AT#,A$)# Built In "ate & Time
"A,#RA'# Built In "atabase
"A7 Built In "ate & Time
"A7S4B5 Built In "ate & Time
"B Built In Financial
"CO)NT Built In "atabase
"CO)NTA Built In "atabase
""B Built In Financial
"#C+BIN Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts a ecimal number to binary
"#C+!#- Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts a ecimal number to he*aecimal
"#C+OCT Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts a ecimal number to octal
"#'R##S Built In Maths Converts raians to e(rees
"#$TA Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Test 0hether t0o values are e<ual
"#,SC Built In Statistical
"'#T Built In "atabase
"ISC Analysis ToolPak Financial
"MA- Built In "atabase
"MIN Built In "atabase
"O$$AR Built In Te*t
"O$$AR"# Analysis ToolPak Financial
"O$$ARFR Analysis ToolPak Financial
"PRO")CT Built In "atabase
Converts a ate te*t form to an #*cel ate 8
time serial number
Returns the avera(e of selecte list or
atabase entries base on s%ecifie criteria
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
the ay of a month
Calculates the number of ays bet0een t0o
ates usin( a s%ecifie 45 ay month 4B5 ay
year metho
Returns the e%reciation of an asset for a
s%ecifie %erio; usin( the fi*e eclinin(
balance metho
Counts the cells containin( numbers from a
s%ecifie atabase that match s%ecifie
Counts non blank cells from a s%ecifie
atabase that match s%ecifie criteria criteria
Returns the eoreciation of an asset for a
s%ecifie %erio; usin( the ouble1eclinin(
balance metho of some other metho that is
Returns the sum of the s<uares of the
eviations from the sam%le mean
#*tracts from a s%ecifie atabase a sin(le
value that matches s%ecifie criteria
Returns the iscount rate for a security usin(
the s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
#*tracts ma*imum number in a column of a
list or atabase that matches s%ecifie
#*tracts minimum number in a column of a list
or atabase that matches s%ecifie conitions
Converts a number to te*t; usin( currency
Converts a ollar %rice 2e*%resse as a
fraction3 into a ollar %rice e*%resse as a
ecimal number
Converts a ollar %rice 2e*%resse as a
ecimal number3 into a ollar %rice e*%resse
as a fraction
Multi%lies the values in a %articular fiel of
recors that match the s%ecifie criteria in a
"ST"#, Built In "atabase
"ST"#,P Built In "atabase
"S)M Built In "atabase
")RATION Analysis ToolPak Financial
",AR Built In "atabase
",ARP Built In "ataBase
#"AT# Analysis ToolPak "ate & Time
#FF#CT Analysis ToolPak Financial
#OMONT! Analysis ToolPak "ate & Time
#RF Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
#RFC Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
#RRORDT7P# Built In Information
#)ROCON,#RT A1in #*ternal
#,#N Built In Maths
#-ACT Built In Te*t
#-P Built In Maths
#-PON"IST Built In Statistical Returns the e*%onential istribution
#stimates stanar eviation of a %o%ulation
base on a sam%le usin( numbers in a
column of a list or atabase that match
s%ecifie conitions
Calculates the stanar eviation base on
the entire %o%ulation usin( numbers in a
column of a list or atabase that match
s%ecifie conitions
As the numbers in the fiel column of
recors in the atabase that match the
s%ecifie criteria
Returns the Macauley uration of a security
0ith %erioic interest %ayments usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
#stimates the variance of a %o%ulation base
on a sam%le by usin( the numbers in a column
of a list or atabase that match s%ecifie
Calculates the variance of a %o%ulation base
on the entire %o%ulation by usin( the numbers
in a column of a list or atabase that match
s%ecifie criteria
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
the ate that is the inicate number of
months before or after the s%ecifie number of
months from the startEate
Returns the effective annual interest rate of a
(iven nominal rate 0ith its com%ounin(
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
the last ay of the month before or after a
s%ecifie number of months from startEate
Returns the error function inte(rate bet0een
lo0erElimit an u%%erElimit
Returns the com%lementary #RF function
inte(rate bet0een * an infinity
Returns a number corres%onin( to an #*cel
error ty%e
Converts a number to or from #uros to or from
a member currency or converts bet0een one
euro member currency to another usin( the
#uro as an intermeiary 2trian(ulation3
Rouns a number a0ay from :ero to the
nearest even inte(er
Checks to see 0hether t0o te*t values are
Returns e 2F+DGHI+IHI+IJK>5J3 raise to the
%o0er of a (iven number
FACT Built In Maths Returns the factorial of a number
FACT"O)B$# Analysis ToolPak Maths Returns the ouble factorial of a number
FA$S# Built In $o(ical Returns the lo(ical value FA$S#
F"IST Built In Statistical Returns the F %robability istribution
FIN" Built In Te*t
FIN"B Built In Te*t
FIN, Built In Statistical
FIS!#R Built In Statistical Returns the Fisher transformation at *
FIS!#RIN, Built In Statistical
FI-#" Built In Te*t
F$OOR Built In Maths
FOR#CAST Built In Statistical
FR#C)#NC7 Built In Statistical
FT#ST Built In Statistical
F, Built In Financial Returns the future value of an investment
F,SC!#")$# Analysis ToolPak Financial
'AMMA"IST Built In Statistical Returns the (amma istribution
'AMMAIN, Built In Statistical Returns the inverse of the (amma istribution
'AMMA$N Built In Statistical
'C" Analysis ToolPak Maths
'#OM#AN Built In Statistical
'#ST#P Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
'#TPI,OT"ATA Built In #*ternal Returns ata store in a %ivot table
Fins one te*t value 0ithin another 2case
Fins one te*t value 0ithin another 2case
sensitive3 base on the number of bytes each
character usesD
Returns the inverse of the F %robability
Returns the inverse of the Fisher
Formats a number as te*t 0ith a fi*e number
of ecimals
Rouns a number o0n to0ars 5 to the
nearest inte(er or to the nearest multi%le of
Calculates a %reicte value of y for a (iven *
value base on kno0n values for * an y
Counts ho0 often values occur 0ithin (iven
ran(es of values an returns those counts as
a vertical array of numbers
Returns the result of an F1testA the one1taile
%robability that the variances in arrayH an
array+ are not si(nificantly ifferent
Returns the future value of an initial %rinci%al
after a%%lyin( a series of com%oun interest
Returns the natural lo(arithm of the (amma
function L2*3D
Returns the (reatest common ivisor of + 1 +>
Returns the (eometric mean of an array or
ran(e of %ositive ata
Tests 0hether a number is (reater than a
threshol value
'RO9T! Built In Statistical
!ARM#AN Built In Statistical
!#-+BIN Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts a he*aecimal to a binary
!#-+"#C Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts a he*aecimal to a ecimal
!#-+OCT Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts a he*aecimal to an octal
!$OO/)P Built In $ooku% & Ref
!O)R Built In "ate & Time
!7P#R$IN/ Built In $ooku% & Ref
!7P'#OM"IST Built In Statistical
IF Built In $o(ical
IMABS Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMA'INAR7 Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMAR')M#NT Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMCON.)'AT# Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMCOS Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IM"I, Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IM#-P Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IM$N Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IM$O'H5 Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
Calculates %reicte e*%onential (ro0th an
returns the y1values for a series of s%ecifie
ne0 *1values by usin( kno0n *1values an y1
Returns the harmonic mean of a ata set by
calculatin( the reci%rocal of the arithmetic
mean of reci%rocals
$ooks in the to% ro0 of a table or array an
returns the value of the inicate cell
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
an hour
Creates a shortcut that o%ens a ocument on
your har rive; a server or the internet
Returns the hy%er(eometric istribution by
calculatin( the %robability of a (iven number of
sam%le successes; (iven the sam%le si:e;
%o%ulation successes; an %o%ulation si:e
Returns one value s%ecifie conition
evaluates to TR)# an another value if it
evaluates to FA$S#
Returns the absolute value 2moulus3 of a
com%le* number %rovie in the te*t format 6*
@ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Returns the ima(inary coefficient of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the ar(ument theta 1 an an(le
e*%resse in raians
Returns the com%le* con?u(ate of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the cosine of a com%le* number
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the <uotient of t0o com%le* numbers
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Returns the e*%onential of a com%le* number
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Returns the natural lo(arithm of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the base1H5 lo(arithm of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
IM$O'+ Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMPO9#R Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMPRO")CT Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMR#A$ Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMSIN Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMSCRT Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMS)B Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IMS)M Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin(
IN"#- Built In $ooku% & Ref
IN"IR#CT Built In $ooku% & Ref
INFO Built In Information
INT Built In Maths
INT#RC#PT Built In Statistical
INTRAT# Analysis ToolPak Financial
IPMT Built In Financial
IRR Built In Financial
ISB$AN/ Built In Information Returns TR)# if the value is blank
IS#RR Built In Information
IS#RROR Built In Information Returns TR)# if the value is any error value
IS#,#N Analysis ToolPak Information Returns TR)# if the number is even
IS$O'ICA$ Built In Information Returns TR)# if the value is a lo(ical value
Returns the base1+ lo(arithm of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns a com%le* number %rovie in the
te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6 raise to an
inte(er number
Returns the %rouct of + 1 +> com%le*
numbers %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the real coefficient of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the sine of a com%le* number
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the s<uare root of a com%le* number
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Returns the ifference of t0o com%le*
numbers %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the sum of + 1 +> com%le* numbers
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Alternative formsD Array form returns a value
or array of valuesD Reference form returns a
Returns a reference inicate by a value
%rovie as te*t
returns information about the current o%eratin(
Rouns a number a0ay from 5 to the nearest
Calculates from (iven * an y values the %oint
at 0hich a line 0ill intersect the y1a*is
Returns the interest rate for a fully investe
security usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay
countin( basis
Returns the amount of the interest element in
a %ayment for an investment for a (iven %erio
Returns the internal rate of return for a series
of cash flo0s
Returns TR)# if the value is any error value
e*ce%t MN8A
ISNA Built In Information
ISNONT#-T Built In Information Returns TR)# if the value is not te*t
ISN)MB#R Built In Information Returns TR)# if the value is a number
ISO"" Analysis ToolPak Information Returns TR)# if the number is o
ISPMT Built In Financial
ISR#F Built In Information Returns TR)# if the value is a reference
IST#-T Built In Information Returns TR)# if the value is te*t
.IS Built In Te*t
/)RT Built In Statistical
$AR'# Built In Statistical
$CM Analysis ToolPak Maths
$#FT Built In Te*t
$#FTB Built In Te*t
$#N Built In Te*t
$#NB Built In Te*t
$IN#ST Built In Statistical
$N Built In Maths
$O' Built In Maths
$O'H5 Built In Maths Returns the base1H5 lo(arithm of a number
$O'#ST Built In Statistical
$O'IN, Built In Statistical
Returns TR)# if the value is the MN8A error
Returns the interest associate 0ith a s%ecific
loan %ayment
Chan(es half10ith 2sin(le1byte3 #n(lish
letters or katakana 0ithin a character strin( to
full10ith 2ouble1byte3 charactersD
Returns the kurtosis of a ata setA a measure
that com%ares the relative %eakeness or
flatness of a istribution com%are 0ith the
normal istribution
Returns the kth lar(est value in a ata set
Returns the least common multi%le of H 1 +>
Returns the left most characters from a te*t
Returns the first character or characters in a
te*t strin(; base on the number of bytes you
Returns the number of characters in a te*t
Returns the number of bytes use to re%resent
the characters in a te*t strin(
#ntere as an array formula; $IN#ST returns
an array that escribes a line of best fit by
usin( the least s<uares metho
Returns the natural lo(arithm 2base e F
+DGHI+IHI+IJK>5J3 of a number
Returns the lo(arithm of a number to a
s%ecifie base
#ntere as an array formula; $O'#ST
calculates an e*%onential curve that fits kno0n
ata an returns an array of values that
escribes that curve
Returns the inverse of the lo(normal
cumulative istribution function of *; 0here
ln2*3 is normally istribute 0ith (iven
%robability; mean; an stanar eviation
$O'NORM"IST Built In Statistical
$OO/)P Built In $ooku% & Ref
$O9#R Built In Te*t Converts te*t to lo0ercase
MATC! Built In $ooku% & Ref
MA- Built In Statistical
MA-A Built In Statistical
M"#T#RM Built In Maths Returns the matri* eterminant of an array
M")RATION Analysis ToolPak Financial
M#"IAN Built In Statistical Returns the meian of the (iven numbers
MI" Built In Te*t
MI"B Built In Te*t
MIN Built In Statistical
MINA Built In Statistical
MIN)T# Built In "ate & Time
MIN,#RS# Built In Maths Returns the matri* inverse of an array
MIRR Built In Financial
MM)$T Built In Maths Returns the matri* %rouct of t0o arrays
MO"NN Built In Maths
MO"# Built In Statistical Returns the most common value in a ata set
Returns the cumulative lo(normal istribution
of *; 0here ln2*3 is normally istribute 0ith
kno0n mean an stanar eviation
Alternative formsD ,ector form looks u% values
in a one ro0 or column ran(e an returns a
value in a secon one ro0 or column ran(eD
Array form looks in the first ro0 or column of
an array for the s%ecifie value an returns a
value from the same %osition in the last ro0 or
column of the array
Returns the relative %osition of an item in an
array that matches a s%ecifie value in a
s%ecifie orer
Returns the ma*imum value in a list of
ar(uments i(norin( lo(ical values an te*t
Returns the ma*imum value in a list of
ar(uments incluin( lo(ical values an te*t
Returns the Macauley moifie uration for a
security 0ith an assume %ar value of OH55
usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay countin(
Returns a s%ecific number of characters from
a strin( startin( at a s%ecifie %osition
Returns a s%ecific number of characters from
a te*t strin(; startin( at the %osition you
s%ecify; base on the number of bytes
Returns the minimum value in a list of
ar(uments i(norin( lo(ical values an te*t
Returns the minimum value in a list of
ar(uments incluin( lo(ical values an te*t
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
a minute
Returns the moifie internal rate of return
base on ifferent finance an reinvestment
rates for ne(ative an %ositive cash flo0s
Returns the remainer from ivision 0ith the
result havin( the same si(n as the ivisor
MONT! Built In "ate & Time
MRO)N" Analysis ToolPak Maths
M)$TINOMIA$ Analysis ToolPak Maths
N Built In Information Returns a value converte to a number
NA Built In Information Returns the error value MN8A
N#'BINOM"IST Built In Statistical
N#T9OR/"A7S Analysis ToolPak "ate & Time
NOMINA$ Analysis ToolPak Financial
NORM"IST Built In Statistical
NORMIN, Built In Statistical
NORMS"IST Built In Statistical
NORMSIN, Built In Statistical
NOT Built In $o(ical Reverses the lo(ic of its ar(ument
NO9 Built In "ate & Time
NP#R Built In Financial
NP, Built In Financial
OCT+BIN Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts an octal number to binary
OCT+"#C Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts an octal number to ecimal
OCT+!#- Analysis ToolPak #n(ineerin( Converts an octal number to he*aecimal
O"" Built In Maths
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
a month number
Returns a number roune to the esire
multi%leD Mi0ay %oints are roune a0ay
from 5
Returns the ratio of the factorial of a sum of
values to the %rouct of factorials
Returns the ne(ative binomial istributionA the
%robability that there 0ill be numberEf failures
before the numberEs1th success; 0hen the
constant %robability of a success is
Returns the number of 0hole 0orkin( ays
bet0een t0o ates e*cluin( s%ecifie
Returns the nominal rate e<uivalent to a (iven
annual effective 0ith a (iven com%ounin(
fre<uency for the nominal rate
Returns the cumulative istribution function or
%robability mass function for the value * 0ith
s%ecifie mean an stanar eviation
Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative
istribution for the s%ecifie %robability; mean;
an stanar eviation
Returns the stanar normal cumulative
istribution functionD The istribution has a
mean of 5 an a stanar eviation of H
Returns the inverse of the stanar normal
cumulative istribution
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
the current ate an time
Returns the number of %erios for an
Returns the net %resent value of an
investment base u%on a series of %erioic
cash flo0s an a iscount rate 0here the first
cash flo0 is receive at the en of the first
Rouns a number a0ay from 5 to the nearest
o inte(er
O""FPRIC# Analysis ToolPak Financial
O""F7I#$" Analysis ToolPak Financial
O""$PRIC# Analysis ToolPak Financial
O""$7I#$" Analysis ToolPak Financial
OFFS#T Built In $ooku% & Ref
OR Built In $o(ical ReturnsTR)# if any ar(ument is TR)#
P#ARSON Built In Statistical
P#RC#NTI$# Built In Statistical
P#RC#NTRAN/ Built In Statistical
P#RM)T Built In Statistical
P!ON#TIC Built In Te*t
PI Built In Maths
PMT Built In Financial Returns the %erioic %ayment for an annuity
POISSON Built In Statistical Returns the Poisson istribution
PO9#R Built In Maths
PPMT Built In Financial
PRIC# Analysis ToolPak Financial
PRIC#"ISC Analysis ToolPak Financial
PRIC#MAT Analysis ToolPak Financial
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
security 0ith an o first %erio usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the yiel of a security 0ith an o first
%erio usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay
countin( basis
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
security 0ith an o last %erio usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the yiel of a security 0ith an o last
%erio usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay
countin( basis
Returns a reference to a ran(e that is a
s%ecifie number of ro0s an columns from a
cell or ran(e of cells
Returns the Pearson %rouct moment
correlation coefficient
Returns the kth %ercentile of values in a ran(e
Returns the %ercenta(e rank of a value in a
ata set
Returns the number of %ermutations for a
(iven number of ob?ects that can be selecte
from a number of ob?ects 0ithout re%lacement
#*tracts the %honetic 2furi(ana3 characters
from a te*t strin(
Returns the number 4DHJHK>+BK4KI>G>; the
mathematical constant %i; accurate to HK i(its
Returns the result of a number raise to a
Returns the amount of %rinci%al element in a
%ayment for an investment for a (iven %erio
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
security that %ays %erioic interest usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
iscounte security usin( the s%ecifie or
efault ay countin( basis
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
security that %ays interest at maturity usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
PROB Built In Statistical
PRO")CT Built In Maths Multi%lies to(ether H 1 45 numbers
PROP#R Built In Te*t
P, Built In Financial Returns the %resent value of an investment
C)ARTI$# Built In Statistical Returns the <uartile of a ata set
C)OTI#NT Analysis ToolPak Maths Returns the inte(er %ortion of a ivision
RA"IANS Built In Maths Converts e(rees to raians
RAN" Built In Maths
RAN"B#T9##N Analysis ToolPak Maths
RAN/ Built In Statistical
RAT# Built In Financial
R#C#I,#" Analysis ToolPak Financial
R#'IST#RDI" Built In #*ternal
R#P$AC# Built In Te*t Re%laces characters 0ithin te*t
R#P$AC#B Built In Te*t
R#PT Built In Te*t Re%eats te*t a (iven number of times
RI'!T Built In Te*t
RI'!TB Built In Te*t
ROMAN Built In Maths Converts an arabic number to Roman; as te*t
RO)N" Built In Maths
RO)N""O9N Built In Maths
Returns e!"er the %robability that values in a
ran(e are bet0een t0o limits or if u%%erElimit
is not s%ecifie; the %robability that values in
*Eran(e are e<ual to lo0erElimit
Ca%itali:es the first letter in each 0or of a
te*t value
Returns an evenly istribute ranom number
(reater than or e<ual to 5 an less than H
Returns a ranom number bet0een 2an
inclusive of3 t0o s%ecifie numbers
Returns the rank of a number in a list of
Returns the interest rate %er %erio of an
Returns the amount receive at maturity for a
fully investe security usin( the s%ecifie or
efault ay countin( basis
Returns the re(ister I" of the s%ecifie
ynamic link library 2"$$3 or coe resource
that has been %reviously re(istere
Re%laces %art of a te*t strin(; base on the
number of bytes you s%ecify; 0ith a ifferent
te*t strin(D
Returns the ri(htmost characters from a te*t
Returns the last character or characters in a
te*t strin(; base on the number of bytes you
Rouns a number to a s%ecifie number of
i(its to the left 213 or ri(ht 2@3 of the ecimal
%ointD The mi0ay i(it K is roune a0ay
from 5D
Rouns a number o0n to0ars 5 to a
s%ecifie number of i(its to the left 213 or ri(ht
2@3 of the ecimal %oint
RO)N")P Built In Maths
RO9 Built In $ooku% & Ref Returns the ro0 number of a reference
RO9S Built In $ooku% & Ref Returns the number of ro0s in a reference
RSC Built In Statistical
RT" Built In $ooku% & Ref
S#ARC! Built In Te*t
S#ARC!B Built In Te*t
S#CON" Built In "ate & Time
S#RI#SS)M Analysis ToolPak Maths Returns the sum of a %o0er series e*%ansion
SI'N Built In Maths
SIN Built In Maths
SIN! Built In Maths Returns the hy%erbolic sine of a (iven an(le
S/#9 Built In Statistical Returns the ske0ness of a istribution
S$N Built In Financial
S$OP# Built In Statistical
SMA$$ Built In Statistical
SC$DR#C)#ST O"BC #*ternal
SCRT Built In Maths Returns a %ositive s<uare root
SCRTPI Analysis ToolPak Maths
STAN"AR"IP# Built In Statistical
Roun a number u% a0ay from 5 to a
s%ecifie number of i(its to the left 213 or ri(ht
2@3 of the ecimal %oint
Returns the s<uare of the Pearson %rouct
moment correlation coefficient throu(h ata
%oints in kno0nEyQs an kno0nE*Qs
Retrieves real1time ata from a %ro(ram that
su%%orts COM automation
Fins one te*t value 0ithin another 2not case
sensitive3 an returns the number of the
startin( %osition
Fins one te*t strin( 2finEte*t3 0ithin another
te*t strin( 20ithinEte*t3; an returns the
number of the startin( %osition of finEte*tD
The result is base on the number of bytes
each character uses; be(innin( 0ith startEnum
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
a secon
Returns H for %ositve numbers; 5 if the number
is 5 an; 1H if the number is ne(ative
Returns the sine of a (iven an(le (iven in
Returns the strai(ht1line e%reciation of an
asset for one %erioD
Returns the slo%e 2vertical istance 8
hori:ontal istance3 of the linear re(ression
line throu(h ata %oints in kno0nEyQs an
Returns the kth smallest value in a ata set
Connects 0ith an e*ternal ata source; an
runs a <uery from a 0orksheetD
SC$DR#C)#ST then returns the result as an
Returns the s<uare root of a number multi%lie
by %i
Returns a normali:e value from a istribution
0ith kno0n mean an stanarEev
ST"#, Built In Statistical
ST"#,A Built In Statistical
ST"#,P Built In Statistical
ST"#,PA Built In Statistical
ST#7- Built In Statistical
S)BSTIT)T# Built In Te*t Substitutes ne0 te*t for ol te*t in a te*t strin(
S)BTOTA$ Built In Maths Returns the sutotal in a list or atabase
S)M Built In Maths As its ar(uments
S)MIF Built In Maths A the cells s%ecifie by a (iven criteria
S)MPRO")CT Built In Maths
S)MSC Built In Maths
S)M-+M7+ Built In Maths
S)M-+P7+ Built In Maths
S)M-M7+ Built In Maths
S7" Built In Financial
T Built In Te*t Converts its ar(uments to te*t
TAN Built In Maths
TAN! Built In Maths Returns the hy%erbolic tan(ent of a number
TBI$$#C Analysis ToolPak Financial
TBI$$PRIC# Analysis ToolPak Financial
TBI$$7I#$" Analysis ToolPak Financial Returns the yiel for a treasury bill
T"IST Built In Statistical
T#-T Built In Te*t Formats a number an converts it to te*t
#stimates stanar istribution base on a
sam%le i(norin( te*t an lo(ical values
#stimates stanar eviation base on a
sam%le incluin( te*t an lo(ical values
Calculates stanar istribution base on the
entire %o%ulation i(norin( te*t an lo(ical
Calculates stanar eviation base on the
entire %o%ulation incluin( te*t an lo(ical
Returns the stanar error of the %reicte y1
value for each * in the re(ression
Returns the sum of the %roucts of
corres%onin( array com%onents
Returns the sum of the s<uares of H 1 45
Returns the sum of the ifference of s<uares
of corres%onin( values in t0o arrays
Returns the sum of the sum of s<uares of
corres%onin( values in t0o arrays
Returns the sum of s<uares of ifferences of
corres%onin( values in t0o array
Returns the sum of yearsQ i(its e%reciation
of an asset for a s%ecifie %erio
Returns the tan(ent of a (iven an(le (iven in
Returns the bon1e<uivalent yiel for a
treasury bill
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value for a
Treasury bill
Returns the %robability for the Stuent t1
istribution 0here a numeric value 2*3 is a
calculate value of t for 0hich the %robability is
to be com%ute
TIM# Built In "ate & Time
TIM#,A$)# Built In "ate & Time
TIN, Built In Statistical
TO"A7 Built In "ate & Time
TRANSPOS# Built In $ooku% & Ref Returns the trans%ose of an array
TR#N" Built In Statistical
TRIM Built In Te*t
TRIMM#AN Built In Statistical
TR)# Built In $o(ical Returns the lo(ical value TR)#
TR)NC Built In Maths
TT#ST Built In Statistical
T7P# Built In Information
)PP#R Built In Te*t Converts te*t to u%%ercase
,A$)# Built In Te*t Converts a te*t ar(ument to a number
,AR Built In Statistical
,ARA Built In Statistical
,ARP Built In Statistical
,ARPA Built In Statistical
,"B Built In Financial
Returns the ecimal %ortion of an #*cel ate 8
time serial number for a %articular time
Converts the time in an acce%table form of
te*t enclose in <uotation marks to the
ecimal %ortion of an #*cel ate 8 time serial
Returns the t1value of the StuentQs t1
istribution base on (iven %robability an
e(rees of freeom
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
toayQs ate
#ntere as an array formula; TR#N" fits a
strai(ht line usin( the least s<uares metho to
arrays of kno0nEyQs an kno0nE*Qs an
returns the y1values alon( that line for the
array of s%ecifie ne0E*Qs
Removes all s%aces from te*t e*ce%t sin(le
s%aces bet0een 0ors
Calculates the mean by e*cluin( a s%ecifie
%ercenta(e of ata %oints from the to% an
bottom tails of a ata set
Truncates a number to an inte(er or to
s%ecifie %recision by removin( the fractional
%art of the numberD 2Serves to roun o0n
to0ars 53
Returns the %robability associate 0ith a
stuentQs t1test
Returns the ty%e of value 2H for value is a
numberA + for value is te*tA J for value is
lo(ical valueA HB for value is error valueA BJ for
value is array3
#stimates variance base on a sam%le
i(norin( lo(ical values an te*t
#stimates variance base on a sam%le
incluin( te*t an lo(ical values
Calculates variance base on the entire
%o%ulation i(norin( te*t an lo(ical values
Calculates variance base on the entire
%o%ulation incluin( te*t an lo(ical values
Returns the e%reciation of an asset for a
s%ecifie or %artial %erio usin( a variable
eclinin( balance metho
,$OO/)P Built In $ooku% & Ref
9##/"A7 Built In "ate & Time
9##/N)M Analysis ToolPak "ate & Time
9#IB)$$ Built In Statistical Returns the 9eibull istribution
9OR/"A7 Analysis ToolPak "ate & Time
-IRR Analysis ToolPak Financial
-NP, Analysis ToolPak Financial
7#AR Built In "ate & Time
7#ARFRAC Analysis ToolPak "ate & Time
7#N Built In Te*t
7I#$" Analysis ToolPak Financial
7I#$""ISC Analysis ToolPak Financial
7I#$"MAT Analysis ToolPak Financial
PT#ST Built In Statistical Returns the t0o1taile P1value of a :1test
No!es# NN The #*cel MO" function uses a ifferent efinition of MO" to that use by ,BA Mo function insofar as ne(ative numbers are concerneD
$ocates a s%ecifie value in the leftmost
column of a s%ecifie table; an returns the
value in the same ro0 from a s%ecifie column
in the table
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
the number of the ay of the 0eek base u%on
countin( system of returnEty%e
Returns the 0eeknumber in the year base
u%on returnEty%e countin( basis
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
the ate before or after a s%ecifie number of
0orkays e*cluin( holiays
Returns the annual effective interest rate for a
scheule of cash flo0s receive at s%ecifie
Returns the net %resent value for a scheule
of cash flo0s receive at s%ecifie ates
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
a year
Returns the ifference bet0een startEate an
enEate e*%resse as a number of years
incluin( ecimal fraction of a yearD
Converts a number to te*t; usin( the R 2yen3
currency format; 0ith the number roune to a
s%ecifie %lace
Returns the yiel on a security that %ays
%erioic interest usin( the s%ecifie or efault
ay countin( basis
Returns the annual yiel for a iscounte
security usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay
countin( basisD
Returns the annual yiel of a security that
%ays interest at maturity usin( the s%ecifie or
efault ay countin( basis
FCA$$2re,s!er&d;ar(umentH;DDD3 9ith Re(isterDi
ar(umentH;DDD3 #*cel for 9ino0s
ar(umentH;DDD3 #*cel for Macintosh
FCONCAT#NAT# 2!ex!-%!ex!/;DDD3
FCO)NT2+a'ue-;value+; DDD3
FCO)NTA2+a'ue-;value+; DDD3
F'C"2num$er-;number+; DDD3
F'#OM#AN2num$er-;number+; DDD3
F!ARM#AN2num$er-;number+; DDD3
F/)RT2num$er-;number+; DDD3
F$CM2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FM#"IAN2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FM)$TINOMIA$2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FNP#R2ra!e% pm!% p+; fv; ty%e3
FNP,2ra!e%+a'ue-;value+; DDD3
FPRO")CT2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FS)M2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FS)MPRO")CT2array-%array/;array4; DDD3
FS)MSC2num$er-;number+; DDD3
NN The #*cel MO" function uses a ifferent efinition of MO" to that use by ,BA Mo function insofar as ne(ative numbers are concerneD
Da!a$ase Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
"A,#RA'# Built In
"CO)NTN Built In
"CO)NTAN Built In
"'#T Built In
"MA- Built In
"MIN Built In
"PRO")CT Built In
"ST"#, Built In
"ST"#,P Built In
"S)M Built In
",AR Built In
",ARP Built In
No!es# N See also CO)NT; CO)NTA an FR#C)#NC7 2Statistical3 an CO)NTIF 2Maths3 an CO)NTB$AN/ 2Information3
Da!a$ase Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
"atabase The ran(e of cells that makes u% the list or atabase
Fiel Inicates 0hich column is use in the function as te*t in inverte commas or as number of fiel
Criteria The ran(e of cells that contains the conitions you s%ecify
Returns the avera(e of selecte list or
atabase entries base on s%ecifie criteria
Counts the cells containin( numbers from a
s%ecifie atabase that match s%ecifie
Counts non blank cells from a s%ecifie
atabase that match s%ecifie criteria criteria
#*tracts from a s%ecifie atabase a sin(le
value that matches s%ecifie criteria
#*tracts ma*imum number in a column of a
list or atabase that matches s%ecifie
#*tracts minimum number in a column of a list
or atabase that matches s%ecifie conitions
Multi%lies the values in a %articular fiel of
recors that match the s%ecifie criteria in a
#stimates stanar eviation of a %o%ulation
base on a sam%le usin( numbers in a
column of a list or atabase that match
s%ecifie conitions
Calculates the stanar eviation base on
the entire %o%ulation usin( numbers in a
column of a list or atabase that match
s%ecifie criteria
As the numbers in the fiel column of
recors in the atabase that match the
s%ecifie criteria
#stimates the variance of a %o%ulation base
on a sam%le by usin( the numbers in a column
of a list or atabase that match s%ecifie
Calculates the variance of a %o%ulation base
on the entire %o%ulation by usin( the numbers
in a column of a list or atabase that match
s%ecifie criteria
Da!a$ase Func!ons
N See also CO)NT; CO)NTA an FR#C)#NC7 2Statistical3 an CO)NTIF 2Maths3 an CO)NTB$AN/ 2Information3
Da!a$ase Func!on 4r,umen!s
The ran(e of cells that makes u% the list or atabase
Inicates 0hich column is use in the function as te*t in inverte commas or as number of fiel
The ran(e of cells that contains the conitions you s%ecify
Da!e 5 Tme Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
"AT# Built In
"AT#"IFN Analysis ToolPak
"AT#,A$)# Built In
"A7 Built In
"A7S4B5 Built In
#"AT# Analysis ToolPak
#OMONT! Analysis ToolPak
!O)R Built In
MIN)T# Built In
MONT! Built In
N#T9OR/"A7S Analysis ToolPak
NO9 Built In
S#CON" Built In
TIM# Built In
TIM#,A$)# Built In
TO"A7 Built In
9##/"A7 Built In
9##/N)M Analysis ToolPak
9OR/"A7 Analysis ToolPak
Returns the se<uential #*cel ate 8 time serial
number that re%resents a %articular ate
Calculates ifferences bet0een t0o ates in
terms of s%ecifie units an assum%tions
Converts a ate te*t form to an #*cel ate 8
time serial number
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
the ay of a month
Calculates the number of ays bet0een t0o
ates usin( a s%ecifie 45 ay month 4B5 ay
year metho
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
the ate that is the inicate number of
months before or after the s%ecifie number of
months from the startEate
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
the last ay of the month before or after a
s%ecifie number of months from startEate
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
an hour
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
a minute
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
a month number
Returns the number of 0hole 0orkin( ays
bet0een t0o ates e*cluin( s%ecifie
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
the current ate an time
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
a secon
Returns the ecimal %ortion of an #*cel ate 8
time serial number for a %articular time
Converts the time in an acce%table form of
te*t enclose in <uotation marks to the
ecimal %ortion of an #*cel ate 8 time serial
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
toayQs ate
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
the number of the ay of the 0eek base u%on
countin( system of returnEty%e
Returns the 0eeknumber in the year base
u%on returnEty%e countin( basis
Returns the #*cel ate 8 time serial number of
the ate before or after a s%ecifie number of
0orkays e*cluin( holiays
7#AR Built In
7#ARFRAC Analysis ToolPak
Da!e and Tme Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
#nEate The last ate as an acce%table ate in inverte commas or as a serial number
Metho FA$S# or omitte F )S 2NAS"3 4584B5 methoA TR)# F #uro%ean 4584B5 metho
Months The number of months before or after startEate
StartEate The first ate as an acce%table ate in inverte commas or as a serial number
TimeEte*t A te*t strin( enclose in <uotation marks that re%resents a time in any one of the #*cel time formats
Converts an #*cel ate 8 time serial number to
a year
Returns the ifference bet0een startEate an
enEate e*%resse as a number of years
incluin( ecimal fraction of a yearD
N See A%%eni* +D "AT#"IF really oes e*istV It is an #*cel built in functionD It oesnQt a%%ear in the listin(s in the function
0i:ar an the only ocumentation reference is in the !el% files for #*cel +555D
2For Securities Functions3
The ty%e of ay count basis to useW 5 or omitte F )S2NAS"3 4584B5
H F Actual 8 Actual + F Actual 8 4B5
4 F Actual 8 4BK J F #uro%ean 4584B5
A ate enclose in <uotation marks that is in a ate te*t form acce%table to #*celD Note that acce%table ate
forms vary 0ith system an #*cel settin(sD
A number re%resentin( the ay of the monthD If ay is (reater than the number of ays in the month
s%ecifie; ay a((re(ates the month an year ar(uments a%%ro%riately an ay re%resents the balance
after this a((re(ation
The number of non0eeken an nonholiay ays before or after startEateD A %ositive value for ays yiels
a future ateA a ne(ative value yiels a %ast ate
An o%tional ran(e of one or more ates to e*clue from the 0orkin( calenarD The list can be either a ran(e
of cells that contains the ates or an array constant of the serial numbers that re%resent the ates
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the hourD Any value (reater than +4 0ill be ivie by +J an the
remainer 0ill be treate as the hour value
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the minuteD Any value (reater than K> 0ill be converte to hours
an minutes
2For "AT# function3
A number re%resentin( the month of the yearD If month is (reater than H+; month as that number of
months to the first month in the year s%ecifie
29##/"A7 only3
A number that etermines the ty%e of return valueW H 2or omitte3 H F SunayA + F H F MonayA 4 F 5 F
29##/N)M only3
A number that etermines on 0hich ay the 0eek be(insA H 2or omitte3 F starts Sunay nums H to GA + F
starts Monay nums H to G
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the seconD Any value (reater than K> 0ill be converte to hours;
minutes; an secons
A ate 8 time serial numberD "ates shoul be entere by usin( the "AT# function; or as results of other
formulas or functions
An #*cel ate 8 time serial numberD "ates shoul be entere by usin( the "AT# function; or as results of
other formulas or functionsD The #*cel ate serial number varies accorin( to settin( of H>55 or H>5J ate
system in Tools X O%tions X CalculationD
7ear The year number as one to four i(its
6y6 F yearsA 6m6 F monthsA 66 F aysA 6m6 F ays i(norin( months an yearsA 6ym6 F years an monthsA
6y6 F years an ays
Da!e 5 Tme Func!ons
Da!e and Tme Func!on 4r,umen!s
The last ate as an acce%table ate in inverte commas or as a serial number
FA$S# or omitte F )S 2NAS"3 4584B5 methoA TR)# F #uro%ean 4584B5 metho
The number of months before or after startEate
The first ate as an acce%table ate in inverte commas or as a serial number
A te*t strin( enclose in <uotation marks that re%resents a time in any one of the #*cel time formats
N See A%%eni* +D "AT#"IF really oes e*istV It is an #*cel built in functionD It oesnQt a%%ear in the listin(s in the function
0i:ar an the only ocumentation reference is in the !el% files for #*cel +555D
The ty%e of ay count basis to useW 5 or omitte F )S2NAS"3 4584B5
H F Actual 8 Actual + F Actual 8 4B5
4 F Actual 8 4BK J F #uro%ean 4584B5
A ate enclose in <uotation marks that is in a ate te*t form acce%table to #*celD Note that acce%table ate
forms vary 0ith system an #*cel settin(sD
A number re%resentin( the ay of the monthD If ay is (reater than the number of ays in the month
s%ecifie; ay a((re(ates the month an year ar(uments a%%ro%riately an ay re%resents the balance
The number of non0eeken an nonholiay ays before or after startEateD A %ositive value for ays yiels
a future ateA a ne(ative value yiels a %ast ate
An o%tional ran(e of one or more ates to e*clue from the 0orkin( calenarD The list can be either a ran(e
of cells that contains the ates or an array constant of the serial numbers that re%resent the ates
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the hourD Any value (reater than +4 0ill be ivie by +J an the
remainer 0ill be treate as the hour value
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the minuteD Any value (reater than K> 0ill be converte to hours
A number re%resentin( the month of the yearD If month is (reater than H+; month as that number of
months to the first month in the year s%ecifie
A number that etermines the ty%e of return valueW H 2or omitte3 H F SunayA + F H F MonayA 4 F 5 F
A number that etermines on 0hich ay the 0eek be(insA H 2or omitte3 F starts Sunay nums H to GA + F
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the seconD Any value (reater than K> 0ill be converte to hours;
A ate 8 time serial numberD "ates shoul be entere by usin( the "AT# function; or as results of other
An #*cel ate 8 time serial numberD "ates shoul be entere by usin( the "AT# function; or as results of
other formulas or functionsD The #*cel ate serial number varies accorin( to settin( of H>55 or H>5J ate
system in Tools X O%tions X CalculationD
The year number as one to four i(its
6y6 F yearsA 6m6 F monthsA 66 F aysA 6m6 F ays i(norin( months an yearsA 6ym6 F years an monthsA
En,neern, Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
B#SS#$I Analysis ToolPak
B#SS#$. Analysis ToolPak
B#SS#$/ Analysis ToolPak
B#SS#$7 Analysis ToolPak
BIN+"#C Analysis ToolPak Converts binary number to ecimal
BIN+!#- Analysis ToolPak Converts binary number to he*aecimal
BIN+OCT Analysis ToolPak Converts binary number to octal
COMP$#- Analysis ToolPak
CON,#RT Analysis ToolPak
"#C+BIN Analysis ToolPak Converts a ecimal number to binary
"#C+!#- Analysis ToolPak Converts a ecimal number to he*aecimal
"#C+OCT Analysis ToolPak Converts a ecimal number to octal
"#$TA Analysis ToolPak Test 0hether t0o values are e<ual
#RF Analysis ToolPak
#RFC Analysis ToolPak
'#ST#P Analysis ToolPak
!#-+BIN Analysis ToolPak Converts a he*aecimal to a binary
!#-+"#C Analysis ToolPak Converts a he*aecimal to a ecimal
!#-+OCT Analysis ToolPak Converts a he*aecimal to an octal
IMABS Analysis ToolPak
IMA'INAR7 Analysis ToolPak
IMAR')M#NT Analysis ToolPak
IMCON.)'AT# Analysis ToolPak
Returns the Bessel function evaluate for
%urely ima(inary ar(uments
Returns the Bessel function re%resente by
Returns the moifie Bessel function
re%resente by /
Returns the Bessel 8 9eber 8 Neumann
function 7
Converts real an ima(inary coefficients into
com%le* numbers of the form * @ yi or * @ y?
e%enin( u%on suffi*
Converts a number from one measurement
system to another
Returns the error function inte(rate bet0een
lo0erElimit an u%%erElimit
Returns the com%lementary #RF function
inte(rate bet0een * an infinity
Tests 0hether a number is (reater than a
threshol value
Returns the absolute value 2moulus3 of a
com%le* number %rovie in the te*t format 6*
@ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Returns the ima(inary coefficient of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the ar(ument theta 1 an an(le
e*%resse in raians
Returns the com%le* con?u(ate of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
IMCOS Analysis ToolPak
IM"I, Analysis ToolPak
IM#-P Analysis ToolPak
IM$N Analysis ToolPak
IM$O'H5 Analysis ToolPak
IM$O'+ Analysis ToolPak
IMPO9#R Analysis ToolPak
IMPRO")CT Analysis ToolPak
IMR#A$ Analysis ToolPak
IMSIN Analysis ToolPak
IMSCRT Analysis ToolPak
IMS)B Analysis ToolPak
IMS)M Analysis ToolPak
OCT+BIN Analysis ToolPak Converts an octal number to binary
OCT+"#C Analysis ToolPak Converts an octal number to ecimal
OCT+!#- Analysis ToolPak Converts an octal number to he*aecimal
En,neern, Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
FromEunit2H3 A unit of measurement
Returns the cosine of a com%le* number
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the <uotient of t0o com%le* numbers
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Returns the e*%onential of a com%le* number
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Returns the natural lo(arithm of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the base1H5 lo(arithm of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the base1+ lo(arithm of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns a com%le* number %rovie in the
te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6 raise to an
inte(er number
Returns the %rouct of + 1 +> com%le*
numbers %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the real coefficient of a com%le*
number %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the sine of a com%le* number
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the s<uare root of a com%le* number
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
Returns the ifference of t0o com%le*
numbers %rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or
6* @ y?6
Returns the sum of + 1 +> com%le* numbers
%rovie in the te*t format 6* @ yi6 or 6* @ y?6
IEnum Ima(inary coeffient of the com%le* number
Inumber A com%le* number
InumberH First com%le* number
Inumber+ Secon com%le* number
Inumber+;S The secon of H1+> com%le* numbers
$o0erElimit The lo0er boun for inte(ratin( #RF
N The orer of the function
Number A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
NumberH The first number
Number+ The secon number
RealEnum The real coefficient of the com%le* number
Ste% The threshol valueD If you omit a value for ste%; '#ST#P uses :ero
Suffi* The suffi* for the ima(inary com%onent of the com%le* numberD If omitte; suffi* is assume to be 6i6
ToEunit2H3 A unit of measurement
6e,"! 5 MassW 6(6 F (ramA 6s(6 F slu(A 6lbm6 F %oun 2avoiru%ois3A 6u6 F Atomic massA 6o:m6 F ounces
Ds!anceW 6m6 F meterA 6mi6 F Statute MileA 6Nmi6 F Nautical mileA 6in6 F inchA 6ft6 F footA 6y6 F yarA
6an(6 F An(stromA 6%ica6 F %ica 2H8G+in3
TmeW 6yr6 F yearA 6ay6 F ayA 6hr6 F hourA 6mn6 F minuteA 6sec6 F secon
PressureW 6%a6 F PascalA 6atm6 F atmos%hereA 6mm!(6 F mm of mercury
ForceW 6N6 F Ne0tonA 6yn6 F yneA 6lbf6 F %oun force
Ener,yW 6.6 F .ouleA 6e6 F er(A 6c6 Thermoynamic calorieA 6cal6 F IT calorieA 6e,6 F electron voltA
6!Ph6 F horse%o0er1hourA 69h6 F 9att1hourA 6flb6 F foot1%ounA 6BT)6 F BT)
Po*erW 6!P6 F horse%o0erA 696 F 9att
Ma,ne!smW 6T6 F TeslerA 6(a6 F 'auss
Tempera!ureW 6C6 F e(rees CelsiusA 6F6 F e(rees FahrenheitA 6/6 F /elvin
L)ud MeasureW 6ts%6 F teas%oonA 6tbs6 F tables%oonA 6o:6 F flui ounceA 6cu%6 F cu%A
6%t6 F )S PintA 6)/E%t6 F )/ %intA 6<t6 F <uartA 6(al6 F (allonA 6l6 F liter
Pre.x 4$$re+a!ons .or me!rcW 6#6 F H#@HI F e*aA 6P6 F H#@HK F %etaA 6T6 H#@H+ F teraA 6'6 F H#@5> F
(i(aA 6M6 F H#@5B F me(aA 6k6 F H#@54 F kiloA 6h6 F H#@5+ F hectoA 6e6 F H#@5H F ekaoA 66 F H#15H F
eciA 6c6FH#15+ F centiA 6m6 F H#154 F milliA 6u6 F H#15B F microA 6n6 F H#15> F nanoA 6%6 F H#1H+ F %icoA 6f6
F H#1HK F femtoA 6a6 F H#1HI F atto
Secon of u% to 45 numbersD 7ou can also use a sin(le array or a reference to an array instea of
ar(uments se%arate by commas
The number of characters to useD If %laces is omitte; #*cel uses the minimum number of characters
)%%erElimit The u%%er boun for inte(ratin( #RFD If omitte; #RF inte(rates bet0een :ero an lo0erElimit
- The value at 0hich to evaluate the function
6e,"! 5 MassW 6(6 F (ramA 6s(6 F slu(A 6lbm6 F %oun 2avoiru%ois3A 6u6 F Atomic massA 6o:m6 F ounces
Ds!anceW 6m6 F meterA 6mi6 F Statute MileA 6Nmi6 F Nautical mileA 6in6 F inchA 6ft6 F footA 6y6 F yarA
6an(6 F An(stromA 6%ica6 F %ica 2H8G+in3
TmeW 6yr6 F yearA 6ay6 F ayA 6hr6 F hourA 6mn6 F minuteA 6sec6 F secon
PressureW 6%a6 F PascalA 6atm6 F atmos%hereA 6mm!(6 F mm of mercury
ForceW 6N6 F Ne0tonA 6yn6 F yneA 6lbf6 F %oun force
Ener,yW 6.6 F .ouleA 6e6 F er(A 6c6 Thermoynamic calorieA 6cal6 F IT calorieA 6e,6 F electron voltA
6!Ph6 F horse%o0er1hourA 69h6 F 9att1hourA 6flb6 F foot1%ounA 6BT)6 F BT)
Po*erW 6!P6 F horse%o0erA 696 F 9att
Ma,ne!smW 6T6 F TeslerA 6(a6 F 'auss
Tempera!ureW 6C6 F e(rees CelsiusA 6F6 F e(rees FahrenheitA 6/6 F /elvin
L)ud MeasureW 6ts%6 F teas%oonA 6tbs6 F tables%oonA 6o:6 F flui ounceA 6cu%6 F cu%A
6%t6 F )S PintA 6)/E%t6 F )/ %intA 6<t6 F <uartA 6(al6 F (allonA 6l6 F liter
Pre.x 4$$re+a!ons .or me!rcW 6#6 F H#@HI F e*aA 6P6 F H#@HK F %etaA 6T6 H#@H+ F teraA 6'6 F H#@5> F
(i(aA 6M6 F H#@5B F me(aA 6k6 F H#@54 F kiloA 6h6 F H#@5+ F hectoA 6e6 F H#@5H F ekaoA 66 F H#15H F
eciA 6c6FH#15+ F centiA 6m6 F H#154 F milliA 6u6 F H#15B F microA 6n6 F H#15> F nanoA 6%6 F H#1H+ F %icoA 6f6
F H#1HK F femtoA 6a6 F H#1HI F atto
En,neern, Func!ons
En,neern, Func!on 4r,umen!s
A unit of measurement
Ima(inary coeffient of the com%le* number
A com%le* number
First com%le* number
Secon com%le* number
The secon of H1+> com%le* numbers
The lo0er boun for inte(ratin( #RF
The orer of the function
A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
The first number
The secon number
The real coefficient of the com%le* number
The threshol valueD If you omit a value for ste%; '#ST#P uses :ero
The suffi* for the ima(inary com%onent of the com%le* numberD If omitte; suffi* is assume to be 6i6
A unit of measurement
W 6(6 F (ramA 6s(6 F slu(A 6lbm6 F %oun 2avoiru%ois3A 6u6 F Atomic massA 6o:m6 F ounces
W 6m6 F meterA 6mi6 F Statute MileA 6Nmi6 F Nautical mileA 6in6 F inchA 6ft6 F footA 6y6 F yarA
6an(6 F An(stromA 6%ica6 F %ica 2H8G+in3
W 6yr6 F yearA 6ay6 F ayA 6hr6 F hourA 6mn6 F minuteA 6sec6 F secon
W 6%a6 F PascalA 6atm6 F atmos%hereA 6mm!(6 F mm of mercury
W 6N6 F Ne0tonA 6yn6 F yneA 6lbf6 F %oun force
W 6.6 F .ouleA 6e6 F er(A 6c6 Thermoynamic calorieA 6cal6 F IT calorieA 6e,6 F electron voltA
6!Ph6 F horse%o0er1hourA 69h6 F 9att1hourA 6flb6 F foot1%ounA 6BT)6 F BT)
W 6!P6 F horse%o0erA 696 F 9att
W 6T6 F TeslerA 6(a6 F 'auss
W 6C6 F e(rees CelsiusA 6F6 F e(rees FahrenheitA 6/6 F /elvin
W 6ts%6 F teas%oonA 6tbs6 F tables%oonA 6o:6 F flui ounceA 6cu%6 F cu%A
6%t6 F )S PintA 6)/E%t6 F )/ %intA 6<t6 F <uartA 6(al6 F (allonA 6l6 F liter
Pre.x 4$$re+a!ons .or me!rcW 6#6 F H#@HI F e*aA 6P6 F H#@HK F %etaA 6T6 H#@H+ F teraA 6'6 F H#@5> F
(i(aA 6M6 F H#@5B F me(aA 6k6 F H#@54 F kiloA 6h6 F H#@5+ F hectoA 6e6 F H#@5H F ekaoA 66 F H#15H F
eciA 6c6FH#15+ F centiA 6m6 F H#154 F milliA 6u6 F H#15B F microA 6n6 F H#15> F nanoA 6%6 F H#1H+ F %icoA 6f6
F H#1HK F femtoA 6a6 F H#1HI F atto
Secon of u% to 45 numbersD 7ou can also use a sin(le array or a reference to an array instea of
ar(uments se%arate by commas
The number of characters to useD If %laces is omitte; #*cel uses the minimum number of characters
The u%%er boun for inte(ratin( #RFD If omitte; #RF inte(rates bet0een :ero an lo0erElimit
The value at 0hich to evaluate the function
W 6(6 F (ramA 6s(6 F slu(A 6lbm6 F %oun 2avoiru%ois3A 6u6 F Atomic massA 6o:m6 F ounces
W 6m6 F meterA 6mi6 F Statute MileA 6Nmi6 F Nautical mileA 6in6 F inchA 6ft6 F footA 6y6 F yarA
6an(6 F An(stromA 6%ica6 F %ica 2H8G+in3
W 6yr6 F yearA 6ay6 F ayA 6hr6 F hourA 6mn6 F minuteA 6sec6 F secon
W 6%a6 F PascalA 6atm6 F atmos%hereA 6mm!(6 F mm of mercury
W 6N6 F Ne0tonA 6yn6 F yneA 6lbf6 F %oun force
W 6.6 F .ouleA 6e6 F er(A 6c6 Thermoynamic calorieA 6cal6 F IT calorieA 6e,6 F electron voltA
6!Ph6 F horse%o0er1hourA 69h6 F 9att1hourA 6flb6 F foot1%ounA 6BT)6 F BT)
W 6!P6 F horse%o0erA 696 F 9att
W 6T6 F TeslerA 6(a6 F 'auss
W 6C6 F e(rees CelsiusA 6F6 F e(rees FahrenheitA 6/6 F /elvin
W 6ts%6 F teas%oonA 6tbs6 F tables%oonA 6o:6 F flui ounceA 6cu%6 F cu%A
6%t6 F )S PintA 6)/E%t6 F )/ %intA 6<t6 F <uartA 6(al6 F (allonA 6l6 F liter
Pre.x 4$$re+a!ons .or me!rcW 6#6 F H#@HI F e*aA 6P6 F H#@HK F %etaA 6T6 H#@H+ F teraA 6'6 F H#@5> F
(i(aA 6M6 F H#@5B F me(aA 6k6 F H#@54 F kiloA 6h6 F H#@5+ F hectoA 6e6 F H#@5H F ekaoA 66 F H#15H F
eciA 6c6FH#15+ F centiA 6m6 F H#154 F milliA 6u6 F H#15B F microA 6n6 F H#15> F nanoA 6%6 F H#1H+ F %icoA 6f6
F H#1HK F femtoA 6a6 F H#1HI F atto
Ex!erna' Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
CA$$ Built In
#)ROCON,#RT A1in
'#TPI,OT"ATA Built In Returns ata store in a %ivot table
R#'IST#RDI" Built In
Ex!erna' Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
Ar(umentH;S The ar(uments to be %asse to the %roceure
"ataEfiel The name; enclose in <uotation marks; for the ata fiel that contains the ata
"riverE%rom%t S%ecifies 0hen the river ialo( bo* is is%laye an 0hich o%tions are available
FielH; ItemH One of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Fiel+; Item+;S Secon of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
FileEte*t The name of the file that contains the coe resource in Microsoft #*cel for the Macintosh
ItemH One of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Item+;S Secon of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Number A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
Out%utEref A cell reference 0here you 0ant the com%lete connection strin( %lace
Calls a %roceure in a ynamic link library or
coe resource
Converts a number to or from #uros to or from
a member currency or converts bet0een one
euro member currency to another usin( the
#uro as an intermeiary 2trian(ulation3
Returns the re(ister I" of the s%ecifie
ynamic link library 2"$$3 or coe resource
that has been %reviously re(istere
Connects 0ith an e*ternal ata source; an
runs a <uery from a 0orksheetD
SC$DR#C)#ST then returns the result as an
Inicates 0hether column names are returne as the first ro0 of the resultsD TR)# if the column names to
be returne as the first ro0 of the resultsD FA$S# if column names not 0anteD If columnEnamesElo(ical is
omitte; SC$DR#C)#ST oes not return column names
Su%%lies information; such as the ata source name; user I"; an %ass0ors; re<uire by the river bein(
use to connect to a ata source an must follo0 the riverQs format
Cuote te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the ynamic link library 2"$$3 that contains the %roceure in Microsoft
#*cel for 9ino0s
PivotEtable A reference to any cell; ran(e of cells; or name ran(e of cells in a PivotTable re%ort
CueryEte*t The SC$ statement that you 0ant to e*ecute on the ata source
Re(isterEi The value returne by a %reviously e*ecute R#'IST#R or R#'IST#RDI" function
Ty%eEte*t 2CA$$ function3
Te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the function in the "$$D 7ou can also use the orinal value of the function from
the #-PORTS statement in the moule1efinition file 2D"#F3D
The name of the coe resource in Microsoft #*cel for the MacintoshD 7ou can also use the resource I"
numberD The resource I" number must not be in the form of te*t
A three1letter strin(; or reference to a cell containin( the strin(; corres%onin( to the ISO coe for the source
Bel(ium 1 franc 1 B#F $u*embour( 1 franc 1 $)F 'ermany 1 eutche mark 1 "#M
S%ain 1 %eseta 1 #SP France 1 franc 1 FRF Irelan 1 %oun 1 I#P Italy 1 lira 1 IT$
Netherlans 1 (uiler 1 N$' Austria 1 schillin( 1 ATS Portu(al 1 escuo 1 PT#
Finlan 1 markka 1FIM #uro member states 1 euro 1 #)R
Others may be ae laterW
"enmark 1 krone 1 "// 'reece 1 rachma 1 'R" S0een 1 krona 1 S#/
)/ 1 %oun sterlin( 1 'BP
A three1letter strin(; or reference to a cell containin( the strin(; corres%onin( to the ISO coe for the source
Bel(ium 1 franc 1 B#F $u*embour( 1 franc 1 $)F 'ermany 1 eutche mark 1 "#M
S%ain 1 %eseta 1 #SP France 1 franc 1 FRF Irelan 1 %oun 1 I#P Italy 1 lira 1 IT$
Netherlans 1 (uiler 1 N$' Austria 1 schillin( 1 ATS Portu(al 1 escuo 1 PT#
Finlan 1 markka 1FIM #uro member states 1 euro 1 #)R
Others may be ae laterW
"enmark 1 krone 1 "// 'reece 1 rachma 1 'R" S0een 1 krona 1 S#/
)/ 1 %oun sterlin( 1 'BP
Te*t s%ecifyin( the ata ty%e of the return value an the ata ty%es of all ar(uments to the "$$ or coe
Ex!erna' Func!ons
Ex!erna' Func!on 4r,umen!s
The ar(uments to be %asse to the %roceure
The name; enclose in <uotation marks; for the ata fiel that contains the ata
S%ecifies 0hen the river ialo( bo* is is%laye an 0hich o%tions are available
One of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Secon of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
The name of the file that contains the coe resource in Microsoft #*cel for the Macintosh
One of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Secon of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
A cell reference 0here you 0ant the com%lete connection strin( %lace
FCA$$2re,s!er&d;ar(umentH;DDD3 9ith Re(isterDi
ar(umentH;DDD3 #*cel for 9ino0s
ar(umentH;DDD3 #*cel for Macintosh
Inicates 0hether column names are returne as the first ro0 of the resultsD TR)# if the column names to
be returne as the first ro0 of the resultsD FA$S# if column names not 0anteD If columnEnamesElo(ical is
omitte; SC$DR#C)#ST oes not return column names
Su%%lies information; such as the ata source name; user I"; an %ass0ors; re<uire by the river bein(
use to connect to a ata source an must follo0 the riverQs format
Cuote te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the ynamic link library 2"$$3 that contains the %roceure in Microsoft
A reference to any cell; ran(e of cells; or name ran(e of cells in a PivotTable re%ort
The SC$ statement that you 0ant to e*ecute on the ata source
The value returne by a %reviously e*ecute R#'IST#R or R#'IST#RDI" function
Te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the function in the "$$D 7ou can also use the orinal value of the function from
the #-PORTS statement in the moule1efinition file 2D"#F3D
The name of the coe resource in Microsoft #*cel for the MacintoshD 7ou can also use the resource I"
numberD The resource I" number must not be in the form of te*t
A three1letter strin(; or reference to a cell containin( the strin(; corres%onin( to the ISO coe for the source
Bel(ium 1 franc 1 B#F $u*embour( 1 franc 1 $)F 'ermany 1 eutche mark 1 "#M
S%ain 1 %eseta 1 #SP France 1 franc 1 FRF Irelan 1 %oun 1 I#P Italy 1 lira 1 IT$
Netherlans 1 (uiler 1 N$' Austria 1 schillin( 1 ATS Portu(al 1 escuo 1 PT#
Finlan 1 markka 1FIM #uro member states 1 euro 1 #)R
"enmark 1 krone 1 "// 'reece 1 rachma 1 'R" S0een 1 krona 1 S#/
A three1letter strin(; or reference to a cell containin( the strin(; corres%onin( to the ISO coe for the source
Bel(ium 1 franc 1 B#F $u*embour( 1 franc 1 $)F 'ermany 1 eutche mark 1 "#M
S%ain 1 %eseta 1 #SP France 1 franc 1 FRF Irelan 1 %oun 1 I#P Italy 1 lira 1 IT$
Netherlans 1 (uiler 1 N$' Austria 1 schillin( 1 ATS Portu(al 1 escuo 1 PT#
Finlan 1 markka 1FIM #uro member states 1 euro 1 #)R
"enmark 1 krone 1 "// 'reece 1 rachma 1 'R" S0een 1 krona 1 S#/
Te*t s%ecifyin( the ata ty%e of the return value an the ata ty%es of all ar(uments to the "$$ or coe
Fnanca' Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
ACCRINT Analysis ToolPak
ACCRINTM Analysis ToolPak
AMOR"#'RC Analysis ToolPak
AMOR$INC Analysis ToolPak
CO)P"A7BS Analysis ToolPak
CO)P"A7S Analysis ToolPak
CO)P"A7SNC Analysis ToolPak
CO)PNC" Analysis ToolPak
CO)PN)M Analysis ToolPak
CO)PPC" Analysis ToolPak
C)MIPMT Analysis ToolPak
C)MPRINC Analysis ToolPak
"B Built In
""B Built In
"ISC Analysis ToolPak
Returns the accrue interest for a security that
%ays %erioic interest
Returns the accrue interest for a security that
%ays interest at maturity
Returns the e%reciation for each accountin(
%erio usin( the French accountin( system
Returns the e%reciation for each accountin(
%erio usin( the French accountin( system
Returns the number of ays from the
be(innin( of the cou%on %erio to the
settlement ate usin( the s%ecifie or efault
ay countin( basis
Returns the number of ays in the cou%on
%erio that contains the settlent ate usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the number of ays from the
settlement ate to the ne*t cou%on ate usin(
the s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the ne*t cou%on ate after the
settlement ate usin( the s%ecifie or efault
ay countin( basis
Returns the number of cou%ons %ayable
bet0een the settlement ate an maturity ate
usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay countin(
Returns the %revious cou%on ate before the
settlement ate usin( the s%ecifie or efault
ay countin( basis
Returns the cumulative interest %ai bet0een
t0o %erios
Returns the cumulative %rinci%al %ai on a
loan bet0een t0o %erios
Returns the e%reciation of an asset for a
s%ecifie %erio; usin( the fi*e eclinin(
balance metho
Returns the eoreciation of an asset for a
s%ecifie %erio; usin( the ouble1eclinin(
balance metho of some other metho that is
Returns the iscount rate for a security usin(
the s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
"O$$AR"# Analysis ToolPak
"O$$ARFR Analysis ToolPak
")RATION Analysis ToolPak
#FF#CT Analysis ToolPak
F, Built In Returns the future value of an investment
F,SC!#")$# Analysis ToolPak
INTRAT# Analysis ToolPak
IPMT Built In
IRR Built In
ISPMT Built In
M")RATION Analysis ToolPak
MIRR Built In
NOMINA$ Analysis ToolPak
NP#R Built In
NP, Built In
O""FPRIC# Analysis ToolPak
Converts a ollar %rice 2e*%resse as a
fraction3 into a ollar %rice e*%resse as a
ecimal number
Converts a ollar %rice 2e*%resse as a
ecimal number3 into a ollar %rice e*%resse
as a fraction
Returns the Macauley uration of a security
0ith %erioic interest %ayments usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the effective annual interest rate of a
(iven nominal rate 0ith its com%ounin(
Returns the future value of an initial %rinci%al
after a%%lyin( a series of com%oun interest
Returns the interest rate for a fully investe
security usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay
countin( basis
Returns the amount of the interest element in
a %ayment for an investment for a (iven %erio
Returns the internal rate of return for a series
of cash flo0s
Returns the interest associate 0ith a s%ecific
loan %ayment
Returns the Macauley moifie uration for a
security 0ith an assume %ar value of OH55
usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay countin(
Returns the moifie internal rate of return
base on ifferent finance an reinvestment
rates for ne(ative an %ositive cash flo0s
Returns the nominal rate e<uivalent to a (iven
annual effective 0ith a (iven com%ounin(
fre<uency for the nominal rate
Returns the number of %erios for an
Returns the net %resent value of an
investment base u%on a series of %erioic
cash flo0s an a iscount rate 0here the first
cash flo0 is receive at the en of the first
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
security 0ith an o first %erio usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
O""F7I#$" Analysis ToolPak
O""$PRIC# Analysis ToolPak
O""$7I#$" Analysis ToolPak
PMT Built In Returns the %erioic %ayment for an annuity
PPMT Built In
PRIC# Analysis ToolPak
PRIC#"ISC Analysis ToolPak
PRIC#MAT Analysis ToolPak
P, Built In Returns the %resent value of an investment
RAT# Built In
R#C#I,#" Analysis ToolPak
S$N Built In
S7" Built In
TBI$$#C Analysis ToolPak
TBI$$PRIC# Analysis ToolPak
TBI$$7I#$" Analysis ToolPak Returns the yiel for a treasury bill
,"B Built In
-IRR Analysis ToolPak
-NP, Analysis ToolPak
Returns the yiel of a security 0ith an o first
%erio usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay
countin( basis
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
security 0ith an o last %erio usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the yiel of a security 0ith an o last
%erio usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay
countin( basis
Returns the amount of %rinci%al element in a
%ayment for an investment for a (iven %erio
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
security that %ays %erioic interest usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
iscounte security usin( the s%ecifie or
efault ay countin( basis
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value of a
security that %ays interest at maturity usin( the
s%ecifie or efault ay countin( basis
Returns the interest rate %er %erio of an
Returns the amount receive at maturity for a
fully investe security usin( the s%ecifie or
efault ay countin( basis
Returns the strai(ht1line e%reciation of an
asset for one %erioD
Returns the sum of yearsQ i(its e%reciation
of an asset for a s%ecifie %erio
Returns the bon1e<uivalent yiel for a
treasury bill
Returns the %rice %er OH55 face value for a
Treasury bill
Returns the e%reciation of an asset for a
s%ecifie or %artial %erio usin( a variable
eclinin( balance metho
Returns the annual effective interest rate for a
scheule of cash flo0s receive at s%ecifie
Returns the net %resent value for a scheule
of cash flo0s receive at s%ecifie ates
7I#$" Analysis ToolPak
7I#$""ISC Analysis ToolPak
7I#$"MAT Analysis ToolPak
Fnanca' Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
7ear basis to be useW 5 or omitte 4B5 2NAS"3A H F ActualA + F 4BKA 4 F 4B5 2#uro%ean3
Cost Cost of the asset
Cou%on The securityQs annual cou%on rate
"ecimalEollar A ecimal number
"iscount The securityQs iscount rate
#ffectErate The effective interest rate
#nE%erio $ast %erio number
FinanceErate The interest rate you %ay on the money use in the cash flo0s
FirstEcou%on The securityQs first cou%on ate
Fraction The inte(er to use in the enominator of the fraction
FractionalEollar A number e*%resse as a fraction
Fre<uency The number of cou%on %ayments %er year for a securityD
F, Future ,alue
Returns the yiel on a security that %ays
%erioic interest usin( the s%ecifie or efault
ay countin( basis
Returns the annual yiel for a iscounte
security usin( the s%ecifie or efault ay
countin( basisD
Returns the annual yiel of a security that
%ays interest at maturity usin( the s%ecifie or
efault ay countin( basis
2For Securities Functions3
"ate of %urchase of the assetD #ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or
function returnin( a ate serial number
A scheule of %ayment ates that corres%ons to the cash flo0 %aymentsD The first %ayment ate inicates
the be(innin( of the scheule of %aymentsD All other ates must be later than this ate; but they may occur
in any orer
The rate at 0hich the balance eclinesD If factor is omitte; it is assume to be + 2the ouble1eclinin(
balance metho3
A securityQs first interest ate entere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or
function returnin( a ate serial number
"ate of the en of the first %erioD #ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number
or function returnin( a ate serial number
'uess A number that you (uess is close to the result of IRR
Investment The amount investe in the security
$astEinterest The securityQs last cou%on ate
Maturity The securityQs maturity ate
Month 2For "B function3 The number of months in the first yearD If month is omitte; it is assume to be H+
NominalErate The nominal interest rate
N%er The number of %erios
N%ery The number of com%ounin( %erios %er year
Par A securityQs %ar valueD 2"efault F OH;5553
Perio The number of the accountin( %erio
Pmt The %ayment mae each %erio
Pr The securityQs %rice %er OH55 face value
Princi%al The %resent value
P, The Present ,alue
The interest rate %er %erio
The rate of e%reciation
The iscount rate
A securityQs annual cou%on rate
Reem%tion The securityQs reem%tion value %er OH55 face value
ReinvestErate The interest rate you receive on the cash flo0s as you reinvest them
Salva(e Salva(e value at the en of the life of the asset
A securityQs issue ate entere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or function
returnin( a ate serial number
The number of %erios over 0hich the asset is bein( e%reciate 2sometimes calle the useful life of the
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to s0itch to strai(ht1line e%reciation 0hen e%reciation is (reater than
the eclinin( balance calculationDIf TR)#; #*cel oes not s0itch to strai(ht1line e%reciation even 0hen the
e%reciation is (reater than the eclinin( balance calculationD FA$S# or omitte; #*cel s0itches to strai(ht1
line e%reciation 0hen e%reciation is (reater than the eclinin( balance calculation
2For amorti:ation functions3
2For "e%reciation Functions3
2For NP, an -NP,3
2For Securities Functions3
Scheule An array of interest rates to a%%ly
StartE%erio First %erio number
Ty%e 2Amorti:ation functions3 5 F Payment in arrearsA H F %ayment in avance
,alueH A numeric value
,alue+;S Secon of H to n %ossible values 2nF45 for A,#RA'#AA nF+> for C!OOS#; NP,3
,alues 2IRR an MIRR3
,alues 2-IRR an -NP,3
7l The securityQs annual yiel
A securityQs settlement ate; 0hich is the ate after the issue ate 0hen the security is trae to the buyerD
#ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or function returnin( a ate serial
An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for 0hich you 0ant to calculate the internal rate of
returnD ,alues must contain at least one %ositive value an one ne(ative value to calculate the internal rate
of returnD If an array or reference ar(ument contains te*t; lo(ical values; or em%ty cells; those values are
A series of cash flo0s that corres%ons to a scheule of %ayments in atesD The first %ayment is o%tional
an corres%ons to a cost or %ayment that occurs at the be(innin( of the investmentD If the first value is a
cost or %ayment; it must be a ne(ative valueD All succeein( %ayments are iscounte base on a 4BK1ay
yearD The series of values must contain at least one %ositive value an one ne(ative value
Fnanca' Func!ons
FNP#R2ra!e% pm!% p+; fv; ty%e3
FNP,2ra!e%+a'ue-;value+; DDD3
Fnanca' Func!on 4r,umen!s
7ear basis to be useW 5 or omitte 4B5 2NAS"3A H F ActualA + F 4BKA 4 F 4B5 2#uro%ean3
Cost of the asset
The securityQs annual cou%on rate
A ecimal number
The securityQs iscount rate
The effective interest rate
$ast %erio number
The interest rate you %ay on the money use in the cash flo0s
The securityQs first cou%on ate
The inte(er to use in the enominator of the fraction
A number e*%resse as a fraction
The number of cou%on %ayments %er year for a securityD
Future ,alue
"ate of %urchase of the assetD #ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or
function returnin( a ate serial number
A scheule of %ayment ates that corres%ons to the cash flo0 %aymentsD The first %ayment ate inicates
the be(innin( of the scheule of %aymentsD All other ates must be later than this ate; but they may occur
The rate at 0hich the balance eclinesD If factor is omitte; it is assume to be + 2the ouble1eclinin(
A securityQs first interest ate entere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or
function returnin( a ate serial number
"ate of the en of the first %erioD #ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number
or function returnin( a ate serial number
A number that you (uess is close to the result of IRR
The amount investe in the security
The securityQs last cou%on ate
The securityQs maturity ate
The number of months in the first yearD If month is omitte; it is assume to be H+
The nominal interest rate
The number of %erios
The number of com%ounin( %erios %er year
A securityQs %ar valueD 2"efault F OH;5553
The number of the accountin( %erio
The %ayment mae each %erio
The securityQs %rice %er OH55 face value
The %resent value
The Present ,alue
The interest rate %er %erio
The rate of e%reciation
The iscount rate
A securityQs annual cou%on rate
The securityQs reem%tion value %er OH55 face value
The interest rate you receive on the cash flo0s as you reinvest them
Salva(e value at the en of the life of the asset
A securityQs issue ate entere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or function
The number of %erios over 0hich the asset is bein( e%reciate 2sometimes calle the useful life of the
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to s0itch to strai(ht1line e%reciation 0hen e%reciation is (reater than
the eclinin( balance calculationDIf TR)#; #*cel oes not s0itch to strai(ht1line e%reciation even 0hen the
e%reciation is (reater than the eclinin( balance calculationD FA$S# or omitte; #*cel s0itches to strai(ht1
line e%reciation 0hen e%reciation is (reater than the eclinin( balance calculation
An array of interest rates to a%%ly
First %erio number
5 F Payment in arrearsA H F %ayment in avance
A numeric value
Secon of H to n %ossible values 2nF45 for A,#RA'#AA nF+> for C!OOS#; NP,3
The securityQs annual yiel
A securityQs settlement ate; 0hich is the ate after the issue ate 0hen the security is trae to the buyerD
#ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or function returnin( a ate serial
An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for 0hich you 0ant to calculate the internal rate of
returnD ,alues must contain at least one %ositive value an one ne(ative value to calculate the internal rate
of returnD If an array or reference ar(ument contains te*t; lo(ical values; or em%ty cells; those values are
A series of cash flo0s that corres%ons to a scheule of %ayments in atesD The first %ayment is o%tional
an corres%ons to a cost or %ayment that occurs at the be(innin( of the investmentD If the first value is a
cost or %ayment; it must be a ne(ative valueD All succeein( %ayments are iscounte base on a 4BK1ay
yearD The series of values must contain at least one %ositive value an one ne(ative value
In.orma!on Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
C#$$ Built In
CO)NTB$AN/N Built In Counts the number of blank cells in the ran(e
#RRORDT7P# Built In
INFO Built In
ISB$AN/ Built In Returns TR)# if the value is blank
IS#RR Built In
IS#RROR Built In Returns TR)# if the value is any error value
IS#,#N Analysis ToolPak Returns TR)# if the number is even
IS$O'ICA$ Built In Returns TR)# if the value is a lo(ical value
ISNA Built In
ISNONT#-T Built In Returns TR)# if the value is not te*t
ISN)MB#R Built In Returns TR)# if the value is a number
ISO"" Analysis ToolPak Returns TR)# if the number is o
ISR#F Built In Returns TR)# if the value is a reference
IST#-T Built In Returns TR)# if the value is te*t
N Built In Returns a value converte to a number
NA Built In Returns the error value MN8A
T7P# Built In
No!es# N See also CO)NT; CO)NTA an FR#C)#NC7 2Statistical3 an CO)NTIF 2Maths3 an "CO)NT an "CO)NTA 2"atabase3
In.orma!on Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
Returns information about the formattin( ;
location or contents of the cell or u%%er left cell
of the reference
Returns a number corres%onin( to an #*cel
error ty%e
Returns information about the current
o%eratin( environment
Returns TR)# if the value is any error value
e*ce%t MN8A
Returns TR)# if the value is the MN8A error
Returns the ty%e of value 2H for value is a
numberA + for value is te*tA J for value is
lo(ical valueA HB for value is error valueA BJ for
value is array3
The error value 0hose ientifyin( number you 0antW
H F MNullVA + F M"iv85VA 4 F M,alueVA J F MRefVA K F MNameYA
Number A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
Ty%eEte*t 2INFO function3
,alue A value or an e*%ression that evaluates to a valueW
A te*t value that s%ecifies 0hat ty%e of cell information you 0antW
6Aress6 F first cell in reference
6Col6 F First column number in reference
6Color6 Returns H for ne(ative colore; 5 other0ise
6Contents6 F ,alue of u%%er left cell in reference
6Format6 F Te*t value corres%onin( to number format
6Prentheses6 F Returns H for %arenthese for %ositive or all values; 5 other0ise
6Prefi*6 F Te*t value corres%onin( to label %refi*
6Protect6 F returns 5 if unlucke; H if locke
6Ro06 F First ro0 number in reference
6Ty%e6 F Te*t value for ty%e of ataA b for blank; l for label; v for value
69ith6 F Column 0ith roune to nearest inte(er
Reference to a cell or ran(e of cells an can refer to multi%le areasD If you 0ant to s%ecify several
references as a sin(le ar(ument; then you must inclue e*tra sets of %arentheses so that Microsoft #*cel
0ill not inter%ret the comma as a fiel se%arator
Te*t that s%ecifies 0hat ty%e of information you 0ant returneW
6irectory6 F Path of current irectory of folerA
6memavail6 F Amount of currently available memory in bytesA
6memuse6 F Amount of memory bein( use for ataA
6numfile6 F number of active 0orksheets in o%en 0orkbooksA
6ori(in6 F cell reference of to% leftmost cell visible in 0ino0; base on current scrollin( %ositionA
6osversion6 F current o%eratin( system version; as te*tA
6recalc6 F current recalculation moeA
6release6 F version of #*celA
6system6 F name of the o%eratin( environment 2Mac or %cos3A
6totmem6 F total memory available
In.orma!on Func!ons
N See also CO)NT; CO)NTA an FR#C)#NC7 2Statistical3 an CO)NTIF 2Maths3 an "CO)NT an "CO)NTA 2"atabase3
In.orma!on Func!on 4r,umen!s
The error value 0hose ientifyin( number you 0antW
H F MNullVA + F M"iv85VA 4 F M,alueVA J F MRefVA K F MNameYA
A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
A value or an e*%ression that evaluates to a valueW
A te*t value that s%ecifies 0hat ty%e of cell information you 0antW
6Aress6 F first cell in reference
6Col6 F First column number in reference
6Color6 Returns H for ne(ative colore; 5 other0ise
6Contents6 F ,alue of u%%er left cell in reference
6Format6 F Te*t value corres%onin( to number format
6Prentheses6 F Returns H for %arenthese for %ositive or all values; 5 other0ise
6Prefi*6 F Te*t value corres%onin( to label %refi*
6Protect6 F returns 5 if unlucke; H if locke
6Ro06 F First ro0 number in reference
6Ty%e6 F Te*t value for ty%e of ataA b for blank; l for label; v for value
69ith6 F Column 0ith roune to nearest inte(er
Reference to a cell or ran(e of cells an can refer to multi%le areasD If you 0ant to s%ecify several
references as a sin(le ar(ument; then you must inclue e*tra sets of %arentheses so that Microsoft #*cel
0ill not inter%ret the comma as a fiel se%arator
Te*t that s%ecifies 0hat ty%e of information you 0ant returneW
6irectory6 F Path of current irectory of folerA
6memavail6 F Amount of currently available memory in bytesA
6memuse6 F Amount of memory bein( use for ataA
6numfile6 F number of active 0orksheets in o%en 0orkbooksA
6ori(in6 F cell reference of to% leftmost cell visible in 0ino0; base on current scrollin( %ositionA
6osversion6 F current o%eratin( system version; as te*tA
6recalc6 F current recalculation moeA
6system6 F name of the o%eratin( environment 2Mac or %cos3A
6totmem6 F total memory available
Lo,ca' Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
AN" Built In Returns TR)# if all its ar(uments are TR)#
FA$S# Built In Returns the lo(ical value FA$S#
IF Built In
NOT Built In Reverses the lo(ic of its ar(ument
OR Built In ReturnsTR)# if any ar(ument is TR)#
TR)# Built In Returns the lo(ical value TR)#
Lo,ca' Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
$o(ical A value or e*%ression that can be evaluate to TR)# or FA$S#
$o(icalEtest Any value or e*%ression that can be evaluate to TR)# or FA$S#
$o(ical+;S Secon of u% to 45 conitions you 0ant to test that can be either TR)# or FA$S#
,alueEifEfalse The value that is returne if lo(icalEtest is FA$S#
,alueEifEtrue The value that is returne if lo(icalEtest is TR)#
Returns one value s%ecifie conition
evaluates to TR)# an another value if it
evaluates to FA$S#
Conition to be testeD Ar(ument must evaluate to a lo(ical value or be arrays or references that contain
lo(ical values
Lo,ca' Func!ons
Lo,ca' Func!on 4r,umen!s
A value or e*%ression that can be evaluate to TR)# or FA$S#
Any value or e*%ression that can be evaluate to TR)# or FA$S#
Secon of u% to 45 conitions you 0ant to test that can be either TR)# or FA$S#
The value that is returne if lo(icalEtest is FA$S#
The value that is returne if lo(icalEtest is TR)#
Conition to be testeD Ar(ument must evaluate to a lo(ical value or be arrays or references that contain
Lookup 5 (e.erence Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
A""R#SS Built In
AR#AS Built In Returns the number of areas in a reference
C!OOS# Built In
CO$)MN Built In
CO$)MNS Built In
!$OO/)P Built In
!7P#R$IN/ Built In
IN"#- Built In
IN"IR#CT Built In
$OO/)P Built In
MATC! Built In
OFFS#T Built In
RO9 Built In Returns the ro0 number of a reference
RO9S Built In Returns the number of ro0s in a reference
RT" Built In
,$OO/)P Built In
Creates a cell aress as te*t base on (iven
ro0 an column rumbers
)ses a s%ecifie ine* number to select one
from u% to +> s%ecifie values
Returns the column number of the cell or a
s%ecifie reference
Returns the number of columns in an array or
$ooks in the to% ro0 of a table or array an
returns the value of the inicate cell
Creates a shortcut that o%ens a ocument on
your har rive; a server or the internet
Alternative formsD Array form returns a value
or array of valuesD Reference form returns a
Returns a reference inicate by a value
%rovie as te*t
Alternative formsD ,ector form looks u% values
in a one ro0 or column ran(e an returns a
value in a secon one ro0 or column ran(eD
Array form looks in the first ro0 or column of
an array for the s%ecifie value an returns a
value from the same %osition in the last ro0 or
column of the array
Returns the relative %osition of an item in an
array that matches a s%ecifie value in a
s%ecifie orer
Returns a reference to a ran(e that is a
s%ecifie number of ro0s an columns from a
cell or ran(e of cells
Retrieves real1time ata from a %ro(ram that
su%%orts COM automation
Trans%oses vertical or hori:ontal arraysD
#ntere as an array formula in same number
of cells as arrayD
$ocates a s%ecifie value in the leftmost
column of a s%ecifie table; an returns the
value in the same ro0 from a s%ecifie column
in the table
Lookup 5 (e.erence Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
AH A lo(ical value that s%ecifies the AH 2TR)#3 or RHCH 2FA$S#3 reference style
AreaEnum Selects a ran(e in reference from 0hich to return the intersection of ro0Enum an columnEnum
Array An array or array formula; or a reference to a ran(e of cells
ColEine*Enum The column number in tableEarray from 0hich the matchin( value must be returne
Cols The number of columns; to the left 213 or ri(ht 2@3; that you 0ant the u%%er1left cell of the result to refer to
ColumnEnum Column number
FrienlyEname The ?um% te*t or numeric value that is is%laye in the cell
!ei(ht The hei(ht; in number of ro0s; that you 0ant the returne reference to beD !ei(ht must be a %ositive number
$inkElocation The %ath an file name to the ocument to be o%ene as te*t
$ooku%Evalue The value to be foun
RefEte*t Refers to another 0orkbook 2an e*ternal reference3;
ResultEvector A ran(e that contains only one ro0 or columnD It must be the same si:e as looku%Evector
Ro0Eine*Enum The ro0 number in tableEarray from 0hich the matchin( value 0ill be returne
The ty%e of reference to returnW
H F AbsoluteA + F Abs Ro0 8 Rel ColA 4 F Rel Ro0 8 Abs ColA J F Relative
S%ecifies 0hich value ar(ument is selecteD Ine*Enum must be a number bet0een H an +>; or a formula
or reference to a cell containin( a number bet0een H an +>
A conti(uous ran(e of cells containin( %ossible looku% valuesD $ooku%Earray must be an array or an array
A ran(e that contains only one ro0 or one columnD The values in looku%Evector can be te*t; numbers; or
lo(ical values
The number 1H; 5; or HD MatchEty%e s%ecifies ho0 Microsoft #*cel matches looku%Evalue 0ith values in
H F 2efault3 lar(est value less than or e<ual to lookEu% valueA 5 F first value to e*actly e<ual looku% value
1H F smallest value (reater than or e<ual to lookEvalue
The name of the Pro(I" of a re(istere COM automation a1in that has been installe on the local
com%uterD #nclose the name in <uotation marks
A lo(ical value that s%ecifies 0hether you 0ant to fin an e*act match or an a%%ro*imate matchD If TR)# F
a%%ro*imate match is returne FA$S# F #*act
Reference to a cell or ran(e of cells an can refer to multi%le areasD If you 0ant to s%ecify several
references as a sin(le ar(ument; then you must inclue e*tra sets of %arentheses so that Microsoft #*cel
0ill not inter%ret the comma as a fiel se%arator
Ro0Enum Ro0 number
Ro0s The number of ro0s; u% 213 or o0n 2@3; that you 0ant the u%%er1left cell to refer to
TableEarray A table of information in 0hich ata is looke u%
To%icH First of u% to +I %arameters that to(ether re%resent a uni<ue %iece of real1time ata
To%ic+;S Secon of u% to +I %arameters that to(ether re%resent a uni<ue %iece of real1time ata
,alueH A numeric value
,alue+;S Secon of H to n %ossible values 2nF45 for A,#RA'#AA nF+> for C!OOS#; NP,3
Name of the server 0here the a1in shoul be runD If there is no server; an the %ro(ram is run locally;
leave the ar(ument blankD Other0ise; enter <uotation marks 2663 aroun the server name
Te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the 0orksheet to be use as the e*ternal referenceD If sheetEte*t is omitte; no
sheet name is use
The 0ith; in number of columns; that you 0ant the returne reference to beD 9ith must be a %ositive
Lookup 5 (e.erence Func!ons
Lookup 5 (e.erence Func!on 4r,umen!s
A lo(ical value that s%ecifies the AH 2TR)#3 or RHCH 2FA$S#3 reference style
Selects a ran(e in reference from 0hich to return the intersection of ro0Enum an columnEnum
An array or array formula; or a reference to a ran(e of cells
The column number in tableEarray from 0hich the matchin( value must be returne
The number of columns; to the left 213 or ri(ht 2@3; that you 0ant the u%%er1left cell of the result to refer to
Column number
The ?um% te*t or numeric value that is is%laye in the cell
The hei(ht; in number of ro0s; that you 0ant the returne reference to beD !ei(ht must be a %ositive number
The %ath an file name to the ocument to be o%ene as te*t
The value to be foun
Refers to another 0orkbook 2an e*ternal reference3;
A ran(e that contains only one ro0 or columnD It must be the same si:e as looku%Evector
The ro0 number in tableEarray from 0hich the matchin( value 0ill be returne
H F AbsoluteA + F Abs Ro0 8 Rel ColA 4 F Rel Ro0 8 Abs ColA J F Relative
S%ecifies 0hich value ar(ument is selecteD Ine*Enum must be a number bet0een H an +>; or a formula
or reference to a cell containin( a number bet0een H an +>
A conti(uous ran(e of cells containin( %ossible looku% valuesD $ooku%Earray must be an array or an array
A ran(e that contains only one ro0 or one columnD The values in looku%Evector can be te*t; numbers; or
The number 1H; 5; or HD MatchEty%e s%ecifies ho0 Microsoft #*cel matches looku%Evalue 0ith values in
H F 2efault3 lar(est value less than or e<ual to lookEu% valueA 5 F first value to e*actly e<ual looku% value
1H F smallest value (reater than or e<ual to lookEvalue
The name of the Pro(I" of a re(istere COM automation a1in that has been installe on the local
com%uterD #nclose the name in <uotation marks
A lo(ical value that s%ecifies 0hether you 0ant to fin an e*act match or an a%%ro*imate matchD If TR)# F
a%%ro*imate match is returne FA$S# F #*act
Reference to a cell or ran(e of cells an can refer to multi%le areasD If you 0ant to s%ecify several
references as a sin(le ar(ument; then you must inclue e*tra sets of %arentheses so that Microsoft #*cel
0ill not inter%ret the comma as a fiel se%arator
Ro0 number
The number of ro0s; u% 213 or o0n 2@3; that you 0ant the u%%er1left cell to refer to
A table of information in 0hich ata is looke u%
First of u% to +I %arameters that to(ether re%resent a uni<ue %iece of real1time ata
Secon of u% to +I %arameters that to(ether re%resent a uni<ue %iece of real1time ata
A numeric value
Secon of H to n %ossible values 2nF45 for A,#RA'#AA nF+> for C!OOS#; NP,3
Name of the server 0here the a1in shoul be runD If there is no server; an the %ro(ram is run locally;
leave the ar(ument blankD Other0ise; enter <uotation marks 2663 aroun the server name
Te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the 0orksheet to be use as the e*ternal referenceD If sheetEte*t is omitte; no
The 0ith; in number of columns; that you 0ant the returne reference to beD 9ith must be a %ositive
Ma!"s Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
ABS Built In Returns the absolute value of a number
ACOS Built In Returns in raians the arccosine of a number
ACOS! Built In
ASIN Built In Returns in raians the arcsine of a number
ASIN! Built In
ATAN Built In Returns in raians the arctan(ent of a number
ATAN+ Built In
ATAN! Built In
C#I$IN' Built In
Built In
COS Built In
COS! Built In Returns the hy%erbolic cosine of a number
"#'R##S Built In Converts raians to e(rees
#,#N Built In
#-P Built In
FACT Built In Returns the factorial of a number
FACT"O)B$# Analysis ToolPak Returns the ouble factorial of a number
F$OOR Built In
'C" Analysis ToolPak
INT Built In
$CM Analysis ToolPak
$N Built In
$O' Built In
Returns the inverse hy%erbolic cosine of a
Returns the inverse hy%erbolic sine of a
Returns in raians the arctan(ent from * an y
Returns the inverse hy%erbolic tan(ent of a
Rouns a number 2a0ay from :ero3 to the
nearest inte(er or to the nearest multi%le of
Returns the number of combinations for a
(iven number of ob?ects
Returns the cosine of a (iven an(le (iven in
Counts the number of cells that meet the
criteria s%ecifie in the ar(ument
Rouns a number a0ay from :ero to the
nearest even inte(er
Returns e 2F+DGHI+IHI+IJK>5J3 raise to the
%o0er of a (iven number
Rouns a number o0n to0ars 5 to the
nearest inte(er or to the nearest multi%le of
Returns the (reatest common ivisor of + 1 +>
Rouns a number a0ay from 5 to the nearest
Returns the least common multi%le of H 1 +>
Returns the natural lo(arithm 2base e F
+DGHI+IHI+IJK>5J3 of a number
Returns the lo(arithm of a number to a
s%ecifie base
$O'H5 Built In Returns the base1H5 lo(arithm of a number
M"#T#RM Built In Returns the matri* eterminant of an array
MIN,#RS# Built In Returns the matri* inverse of an array
MM)$T Built In Returns the matri* %rouct of t0o arrays
MO"NN Built In
MRO)N" Analysis ToolPak
M)$TINOMIA$ Analysis ToolPak
O"" Built In
PI Built In
PO9#R Built In
PRO")CT Built In Multi%lies to(ether H 1 45 numbers
C)OTI#NT Analysis ToolPak Returns the inte(er %ortion of a ivision
RA"IANS Built In Converts e(rees to raians
RAN" Built In
RAN"B#T9##N Analysis ToolPak
ROMAN Built In Converts an arabic number to Roman; as te*t
RO)N" Built In
RO)N""O9N Built In
RO)N")P Built In
S#RI#SS)M Analysis ToolPak Returns the sum of a %o0er series e*%ansion
SI'N Built In
SIN Built In
Returns the remainer from ivision 0ith the
result havin( the same si(n as the ivisor
Returns a number roune to the esire
multi%leD Mi0ay %oints are roune a0ay
from 5
Returns the ratio of the factorial of a sum of
values to the %rouct of factorials
Rouns a number a0ay from 5 to the nearest
o inte(er
Returns the number 4DHJHK>+BK4KI>G>; the
mathematical constant %i; accurate to HK i(its
Returns the result of a number raise to a
Returns an evenly istribute ranom number
(reater than or e<ual to 5 an less than H
Returns a ranom number bet0een 2an
inclusive of3 t0o s%ecifie numbers
Rouns a number to a s%ecifie number of
i(its to the left 213 or ri(ht 2@3 of the ecimal
%ointD The mi0ay i(it K is roune a0ay
from 5D
Rouns a number o0n to0ars 5 to a
s%ecifie number of i(its to the left 213 or ri(ht
2@3 of the ecimal %oint
Roun a number u% a0ay from 5 to a
s%ecifie number of i(its to the left 213 or ri(ht
2@3 of the ecimal %oint
Returns H for %ositve numbers; 5 if the number
is 5 an; 1H if the number is ne(ative
Returns the sine of a (iven an(le (iven in
SIN! Built In Returns the hy%erbolic sine of a (iven number
SCRT Built In Returns a %ositive s<uare root
SCRTPI Analysis ToolPak
S)BTOTA$ Built In Returns the sutotal in a list or atabase
S)M Built In As its ar(uments
S)MIF Built In A the cells s%ecifie by a (iven criteria
S)MPRO")CT Built In
S)MSC Built In
S)M-+M7+ Built In
S)M-+P7+ Built In
S)M-M7+ Built In
TAN Built In
TAN! Built In Returns the hy%erbolic tan(ent of a number
TR)NC Built In
Ma!"s Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
An(le The an(le in raians
Array An array or array formula; or a reference to a ran(e of cells
ArrayE* The first array or ran(e of values
ArrayEy The secon array or ran(e of values
ArrayH 2S)MPRO")CT3 A cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
Returns the s<uare root of a number multi%lie
by %i
Returns the sum of the %roucts of
corres%onin( array com%onents
Returns the sum of the s<uares of H 1 45
Returns the sum of the ifference of s<uares
of corres%onin( values in t0o arrays
Returns the sum of the sum of s<uares of
corres%onin( values in t0o arrays
Returns the sum of s<uares of ifferences of
corres%onin( values in t0o array
Returns the tan(ent of a (iven an(le (iven in
Truncates a number to an inte(er or to
s%ecifie %recision by removin( the fractional
%art of the numberD 2Serves to roun o0n
to0ars 53
N See also CO)NT; CO)NTA an FR#C)#NC7 2Statistical3 an CO)NTB$AN/ 2Information3 an "CO)NT an "CO)NTA
NN The #*cel MO" function uses a ifferent efinition of MO" to that use by ,BA Mo function insofar as ne(ative numbers
are concerneD
See also P#RM)T function 2Statistical3
Array+ 2S)MPRO")CT3 A secon cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
Array4;S A thir cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
Base The base of the lo(arithmD If base is omitte; it is assume to be H5
Bottom The smallest inte(er to be returne
Criteria The ran(e of cells that contains the conitions you s%ecify
"enominator The ivisor
"ivisor The number by 0hich you 0ant to ivie number
M The ste% by 0hich to increase n for each term in the series
Multi%le The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun number
N The orer of the function
Number A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
NumberEchosen The number of items
NumberH The first number
Numerator The ivien
Po0er The e*%onent to 0hich the base number is raise
Ran(e A ran(e
RefH First of u% to +> ran(es or references for 0hich you 0ant the subtotal
Ref+;S Secon of u% to +> ran(es or references for 0hich you 0ant the subtotal
Si(nificance The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun
SumEran(e The actual cells to sum
To% The lar(est inte(er to be returne
A set of coefficients by 0hich each successive %o0er of * is multi%lieD The number of values in coefficients
etermines the number of terms in the %o0er series
A number s%ecifyin( the ty%e of roman numeral you 0antA 5 2"efault3 F ClassicA H1J Pro(ressively sim%lifieA
TR)# F ClassicA FA$S# F Most Sim%lifie
The number H to HH that s%ecifies 0hich function to use in calculatin( subtotals 0ithin a listW H F A,#RA'#A +
S%ecifies the number of i(its to 0hich you 0ant to roun numberW 5 F Inte(erA 1numbers F to left of ecimalA
@numbers F to ri(ht of ecimal
Secon of u% to 45 numbersD 7ou can also use a sin(le array or a reference to an array instea of
ar(uments se%arate by commas
- The value at 0hich to evaluate the function
-Enum The *1coorinate of the %oint
7Enum The y1coorinate of the %oint
Ma!"s Func!ons
F'C"2num$er-;number+; DDD3
F$CM2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FM)$TINOMIA$2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FPRO")CT2num$er-;number+; DDD3
Ma!"s Func!on 4r,umen!s
The an(le in raians
An array or array formula; or a reference to a ran(e of cells
The first array or ran(e of values
The secon array or ran(e of values
A cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
FS)M2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FS)MPRO")CT2array-%array/;array4; DDD3
FS)MSC2num$er-;number+; DDD3
N See also CO)NT; CO)NTA an FR#C)#NC7 2Statistical3 an CO)NTB$AN/ 2Information3 an "CO)NT an "CO)NTA
NN The #*cel MO" function uses a ifferent efinition of MO" to that use by ,BA Mo function insofar as ne(ative numbers
A secon cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
A thir cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
The base of the lo(arithmD If base is omitte; it is assume to be H5
The smallest inte(er to be returne
The ran(e of cells that contains the conitions you s%ecify
The ivisor
The number by 0hich you 0ant to ivie number
The ste% by 0hich to increase n for each term in the series
The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun number
The orer of the function
A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
The number of items
The first number
The ivien
The e*%onent to 0hich the base number is raise
A ran(e
First of u% to +> ran(es or references for 0hich you 0ant the subtotal
Secon of u% to +> ran(es or references for 0hich you 0ant the subtotal
The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun
The actual cells to sum
The lar(est inte(er to be returne
A set of coefficients by 0hich each successive %o0er of * is multi%lieD The number of values in coefficients
etermines the number of terms in the %o0er series
A number s%ecifyin( the ty%e of roman numeral you 0antA 5 2"efault3 F ClassicA H1J Pro(ressively sim%lifieA
TR)# F ClassicA FA$S# F Most Sim%lifie
The number H to HH that s%ecifies 0hich function to use in calculatin( subtotals 0ithin a listW H F A,#RA'#A +
S%ecifies the number of i(its to 0hich you 0ant to roun numberW 5 F Inte(erA 1numbers F to left of ecimalA
Secon of u% to 45 numbersD 7ou can also use a sin(le array or a reference to an array instea of
ar(uments se%arate by commas
The value at 0hich to evaluate the function
The *1coorinate of the %oint
The y1coorinate of the %oint
S!a!s!ca' Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
A,#"#, Built In
A,#RA'# Built In
A,#RA'#A Built In
B#TA"IST Built In
B#TAIN, Built In
C!I"IST Built In
C!IIN, Built In
C!IT#ST Built In
CONFI"#NC# Built In
CORR#$ Built In
CO)NTN Built In
CO)NTAN Built In
CO,AR Built In
"#,SC Built In
#-PON"IST Built In Returns the e*%onential istribution
F"IST Built In Returns the F %robability istribution
FIN, Built In
FIS!#R Built In Returns the Fisher transformation at *
Returns the avera(e of the absolute
eviations of ata %oints from their mean
Returns the avera(e 2arithmetic mean3 of u%
to 45 numeric ar(uments
Returns the avera(e 2arithmetic mean3 of its
ar(uments an inclues evaluation of te*t an
lo(ical ar(uments
Returns the cumulative beta %robability
ensity function
Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta
%robability ensity function
Returns the iniviual term binomial
istribution %robability
Returns the one1taile %robability of the chi1
s<uare istribution
Returns the inverse of the one1taile
%robability of the chi1s<uare istribution
Returns the value from the chi1s<uare 2=+3
istribution for the statistic an the a%%ro%riate
e(rees of freeom
Returns the confience interval for a
%o%ulation mean
Returns the correlation coefficient bet0een
t0o arrays of ata
Counts the number of cells that contain
numbers an also numbers 0ithin the list of
Counts the number of non1em%ty cells an the
values 0ithin the list of ar(uments
Returns covarianceA the avera(e of the
%roucts of eviations for each ata %oint %air
Returns the smallest value for 0hich the
cumulative binomial istribution is less than or
e<ual to a criterion value
Returns the sum of the s<uares of the
eviations from the sam%le mean
Returns the inverse of the F %robability
FIS!#RIN, Built In
FR#C)#NC7N Built In
FT#ST Built In
'AMMA"IST Built In Returns the (amma istribution
'AMMAIN, Built In Returns the inverse of the (amma istribution
'AMMA$N Built In
'#OM#AN Built In
'RO9T! Built In
!ARM#AN Built In
!7P'#OM"IST Built In
INT#RC#PT Built In
/)RT Built In
$AR'# Built In
$IN#ST Built In
$O'#ST Built In
Returns the inverse of the Fisher
Calculates a %reicte value of y for a (iven *
value base on kno0n values for * an y
Counts ho0 often values occur 0ithin (iven
ran(es of values an returns those counts as
a vertical array of numbers
Returns the result of an F1testA the one1taile
%robability that the variances in arrayH an
array+ are not si(nificantly ifferent
Returns the natural lo(arithm of the (amma
function L2*3D
Returns the (eometric mean of an array or
ran(e of %ositive ata
Calculates %reicte e*%onential (ro0th an
returns the y1values for a series of s%ecifie
ne0 *1values by usin( kno0n *1values an y1
Returns the harmonic mean of a ata set by
calculatin( the reci%rocal of the arithmetic
mean of reci%rocals
Returns the hy%er(eometric istribution by
calculatin( the %robability of a (iven number of
sam%le successes; (iven the sam%le si:e;
%o%ulation successes; an %o%ulation si:e
Calculates from (iven * an y values the %oint
at 0hich a line 0ill intersect the y1a*is
Returns the kurtosis of a ata setA a measure
that com%ares the relative %eakeness or
flatness of a istribution com%are 0ith the
normal istribution
Returns the kth lar(est value in a ata set
#ntere as an array formula; $IN#ST returns
an array that escribes a line of best fit by
usin( the least s<uares metho
#ntere as an array formula; $O'#ST
calculates an e*%onential curve that fits kno0n
ata an returns an array of values that
escribes that curve
$O'IN, Built In
$O'NORM"IST Built In
MA- Built In
MA-A Built In
M#"IAN Built In Returns the meian of the (iven numbers
MIN Built In
MINA Built In
MO"# Built In Returns the most common value in a ata set
NORMIN, Built In
P#ARSON Built In
P#RC#NTI$# Built In
P#RC#NTRAN/ Built In
P#RM)TNN Built In
POISSON Built In Returns the Poisson istribution
Returns the inverse of the lo(normal
cumulative istribution function of *; 0here
ln2*3 is normally istribute 0ith (iven
%robability; mean; an stanar eviation
Returns the cumulative lo(normal istribution
of *; 0here ln2*3 is normally istribute 0ith
kno0n mean an stanar eviation
Returns the ma*imum value in a list of
ar(uments i(norin( lo(ical values an te*t
Returns the ma*imum value in a list of
ar(uments incluin( lo(ical values an te*t
Returns the minimum value in a list of
ar(uments i(norin( lo(ical values an te*t
Returns the minimum value in a list of
ar(uments incluin( lo(ical values an te*t
Returns the ne(ative binomial istributionA the
%robability that there 0ill be numberEf failures
before the numberEs1th success; 0hen the
constant %robability of a success is
Returns the cumulative istribution function or
%robability mass function for the value * 0ith
s%ecifie mean an stanar eviation
Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative
istribution for the s%ecifie %robability; mean;
an stanar eviation
Returns the stanar normal cumulative
istribution functionD The istribution has a
mean of 5 an a stanar eviation of H
Returns the inverse of the stanar normal
cumulative istribution
Returns the Pearson %rouct moment
correlation coefficient
Returns the kth %ercentile of values in a ran(e
Returns the %ercenta(e rank of a value in a
ata set
Returns the number of %ermutations for a
(iven number of ob?ects that can be selecte
from a number of ob?ects 0ithout re%lacement
PROB Built In
C)ARTI$# Built In Returns the <uartile of a ata set
RAN/ Built In
RSC Built In
S/#9 Built In Returns the ske0ness of a istribution
S$OP# Built In
SMA$$ Built In
STAN"AR"IP# Built In
ST"#, Built In
ST"#,A Built In
ST"#,P Built In
ST"#,PA Built In
ST#7- Built In
T"IST Built In
TIN, Built In
TR#N" Built In
TT#ST Built In
Returns e!"er the %robability that values in a
ran(e are bet0een t0o limits or if u%%erElimit
is not s%ecifie; the %robability that values in
*Eran(e are e<ual to lo0erElimit
Returns the rank of a number in a list of
Returns the s<uare of the Pearson %rouct
moment correlation coefficient throu(h ata
%oints in kno0nEyQs an kno0nE*Qs
Returns the slo%e 2vertical istance 8
hori:ontal istance3 of the linear re(ression
line throu(h ata %oints in kno0nEyQs an
Returns the kth smallest value in a ata set
Returns a normali:e value from a istribution
0ith kno0n mean an stanarEev
#stimates stanar istribution base on a
sam%le i(norin( te*t an lo(ical values
#stimates stanar eviation base on a
sam%le incluin( te*t an lo(ical values
Calculates stanar istribution base on the
entire %o%ulation i(norin( te*t an lo(ical
Calculates stanar eviation base on the
entire %o%ulation incluin( te*t an lo(ical
Returns the stanar error of the %reicte y1
value for each * in the re(ression
Returns the %robability for the Stuent t1
istribution 0here a numeric value 2*3 is a
calculate value of t for 0hich the %robability is
to be com%ute
Returns the t1value of the StuentQs t1
istribution base on (iven %robability an
e(rees of freeom
#ntere as an array formula; TR#N" fits a
strai(ht line usin( the least s<uares metho to
arrays of kno0nEyQs an kno0nE*Qs an
returns the y1values alon( that line for the
array of s%ecifie ne0E*Qs
Calculates the mean by e*cluin( a s%ecifie
%ercenta(e of ata %oints from the to% an
bottom tails of a ata set
Returns the %robability associate 0ith a
stuentQs t1test
,AR Built In
,ARA Built In
,ARP Built In
,ARPA Built In
9#IB)$$ Built In Returns the 9eibull istribution
PT#ST Built In Returns the t0o1taile P1value of a :1test
N See also CO)NTIF 2Maths3 an CO)NTB$AN/ 2Information3 an "CO)NT an "CO)NTA 2"atabase3
NN See also COMBIN function 2Maths3
S!a!s!ca' Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
A An o%tional lo0er boun to the interval of *
ActualEran(e The ran(e of ata that contains observations to test a(ainst e*%ecte values
Al%ha A %arameter of a istribution
Array An array or array formula; or a reference to a ran(e of cells
ArrayH 2P#ARSON function3 A set of ine%enent values
Array+ 2P#ARSON function3 A set of e%enent values
B An o%tional lo0er boun to the interval of y
Beta A %arameter of a istribution
BinsEarray An array of or reference to intervals into 0hich you 0ant to (rou% the values
Criteria The ran(e of cells that contains the conitions you s%ecify
Cumulative A lo(ical value that etermines the form of the function
"ataEarray An array of or reference to a set of values
"e(reesEfreeom The number of e(rees of freeom
#stimates variance base on a sam%le
i(norin( lo(ical values an te*t
#stimates variance base on a sam%le
incluin( te*t an lo(ical values
Calculates variance base on the entire
%o%ulation i(norin( te*t an lo(ical values
Calculates variance base on the entire
%o%ulation incluin( te*t an lo(ical values
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to force the constant b to e<ual HW
TR)# or omitte; b is calculate normallyA FA$S#; b is set e<ual to H an the m1values are a?uste so that
y F mZ*
"e(reesEfreeomH The numerator e(rees of freeom
"e(reesEfreeom+ The enominator e(rees of freeom
#*%ecteEran(e The ran(e of ata that contains the ratio of the %rouct of ro0 totals an column totals to the (ran total
/ Is the %osition in the array or cell ran(e of ata to return
/no0nE*Qs The ine%enent array or ran(e of ata
/no0nEyQs The e%enent array or ran(e of ata
$amba The %arameter value
$o0erElimit The lo0er boun for inte(ratin( #RF
Mean The arithmetic mean
The mean of ln2*3D
Ne0E*Qs ne0 *1values for 0hich you 0ant 'RO9T! to return corres%onin( y1values
NumberEchosen The number of items
NumberE%o%ulation The %o%ulation si:e
NumberEs The number of successes in trials
NumberEsam%le The si:e of the sam%le
NumberH The first number
Orer A number s%ecifyin( ho0 to rank numberA 5 or omitte F escenin(A non1:ero F ascenin(
Percent The fractional number of ata %oints to e*clue from the calculation
Po%ulationEs The number of successes in the %o%ulation
ProbEran(e A set of %robabilities associate 0ith values in *Eran(e
Probability A %robability associate 0ith the istribution
ProbabilityEs The %robability of success on each trial
Ran(e A ran(e
Mean 2$O'NORM"IST an
Secon of u% to 45 numbersD 7ou can also use a sin(le array or a reference to an array instea of
ar(uments se%arate by commas
Inicates 0hich value to returnW 5 F minimum valueA H F Hst Cuartile 2+Kth Percentile3A + F +n CuartileA 4 F
4r CuartileA J F Ma*imum value
Ref An array of; or a reference to; a list of numbers
Sam%leEs The number of successes in the sam%le
Si(ma The %o%ulation 2kno0n3 stanar eviationD If omitte; the sam%le stanar eviation is use
Si(nificance The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun
Si:e The sam%le si:e
StanarEev The %o%ulation stanar eviation for the ata ran(e
The stanar eviation of ln2*3D
Stats A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to return aitional re(ression statistics TR)# returns aitional statistics
Trials The number of ine%enent trials
Ty%e 2TT#ST function3
)%%erElimit The u%%er boun for inte(ratin( #RFD If omitte; #RF inte(rates bet0een :ero an lo0erElimit
,alueH A numeric value
,alue+;S Secon of H to n %ossible values 2nF45 for A,#RA'#AA nF+> for C!OOS#; NP,3
- The value at 0hich to evaluate the function
-Eran(e The ran(e of numeric values of * 0ith 0hich there are associate %robabilities
P The value for 0hich you 0ant the istribution
StanarEev 2$O'NORM"IST an
S%ecifies the number of istribution tails to returnD If tails F H; T"IST returns the one1taile istributionD If
tails F +; T"IST returns the t0o1taile istribution
The kin of t1Test to %erformA H F PaireA + F T0o1sam%le e<ual variance 2homosceastic3A 4 F T0o1sam%le
une<ual variance 2heterosceastic3
S!a!s!ca' Func!ons
FCO)NT2+a'ue-;value+; DDD3
FCO)NTA2+a'ue-;value+; DDD3
F'#OM#AN2num$er-;number+; DDD3
F!ARM#AN2num$er-;number+; DDD3
F/)RT2num$er-;number+; DDD3
FM#"IAN2num$er-;number+; DDD3
N See also CO)NTIF 2Maths3 an CO)NTB$AN/ 2Information3 an "CO)NT an "CO)NTA 2"atabase3
NN See also COMBIN function 2Maths3
S!a!s!ca' Func!on 4r,umen!s
An o%tional lo0er boun to the interval of *
The ran(e of ata that contains observations to test a(ainst e*%ecte values
A %arameter of a istribution
An array or array formula; or a reference to a ran(e of cells
A set of ine%enent values
A set of e%enent values
An o%tional lo0er boun to the interval of y
A %arameter of a istribution
An array of or reference to intervals into 0hich you 0ant to (rou% the values
The ran(e of cells that contains the conitions you s%ecify
A lo(ical value that etermines the form of the function
An array of or reference to a set of values
The number of e(rees of freeom
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to force the constant b to e<ual HW
TR)# or omitte; b is calculate normallyA FA$S#; b is set e<ual to H an the m1values are a?uste so that
The numerator e(rees of freeom
The enominator e(rees of freeom
The ran(e of ata that contains the ratio of the %rouct of ro0 totals an column totals to the (ran total
Is the %osition in the array or cell ran(e of ata to return
The ine%enent array or ran(e of ata
The e%enent array or ran(e of ata
The %arameter value
The lo0er boun for inte(ratin( #RF
The arithmetic mean
ne0 *1values for 0hich you 0ant 'RO9T! to return corres%onin( y1values
The number of items
The %o%ulation si:e
The number of successes in trials
The si:e of the sam%le
The first number
A number s%ecifyin( ho0 to rank numberA 5 or omitte F escenin(A non1:ero F ascenin(
The fractional number of ata %oints to e*clue from the calculation
The number of successes in the %o%ulation
A set of %robabilities associate 0ith values in *Eran(e
A %robability associate 0ith the istribution
The %robability of success on each trial
A ran(e
Secon of u% to 45 numbersD 7ou can also use a sin(le array or a reference to an array instea of
ar(uments se%arate by commas
Inicates 0hich value to returnW 5 F minimum valueA H F Hst Cuartile 2+Kth Percentile3A + F +n CuartileA 4 F
4r CuartileA J F Ma*imum value
An array of; or a reference to; a list of numbers
The number of successes in the sam%le
The %o%ulation 2kno0n3 stanar eviationD If omitte; the sam%le stanar eviation is use
The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun
The sam%le si:e
The %o%ulation stanar eviation for the ata ran(e
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to return aitional re(ression statistics TR)# returns aitional statistics
The number of ine%enent trials
The u%%er boun for inte(ratin( #RFD If omitte; #RF inte(rates bet0een :ero an lo0erElimit
A numeric value
Secon of H to n %ossible values 2nF45 for A,#RA'#AA nF+> for C!OOS#; NP,3
The value at 0hich to evaluate the function
The ran(e of numeric values of * 0ith 0hich there are associate %robabilities
The value for 0hich you 0ant the istribution
S%ecifies the number of istribution tails to returnD If tails F H; T"IST returns the one1taile istributionD If
tails F +; T"IST returns the t0o1taile istribution
The kin of t1Test to %erformA H F PaireA + F T0o1sam%le e<ual variance 2homosceastic3A 4 F T0o1sam%le
une<ual variance 2heterosceastic3
Tex! Func!ons
Name Source Descrp!on
ASC Built In
BA!TT#-T Built In
C!AR Built In
C$#AN Built In Removes all non%rintable characters from te*t
CO"# Built In
CONCAT#NAT# Built In .oins several te*t items into one te*t item
"O$$AR Built In
#-ACT Built In
FIN" Built In
FIN"B Built In
FI-#" Built In
.IS Built In
$#FT Built In
$#FTB Built In
$#N Built In
$#NB Built In
$O9#R Built In Converts te*t to lo0ercase
MI" Built In
MI"B Built In
P!ON#TIC Built In
PROP#R Built In
Chan(es full10ith 2ouble1byte3 #n(lish
letters or katakana 0ithin a character strin( to
half10ith 2sin(le1byte3 characters
Converts a number to Thai te*t an as a
suffi* of 6Baht6
Returns the ANSI character set 2Microsoft3 or
Macintosh character set 2Macintosh3 s%ecifie
by the coe number
Returns a numeric coe for the first character
in a te*t strin(
Converts a number to te*t; usin( currency
Checks to see 0hether t0o te*t values are
Fins one te*t value 0ithin another 2case
Fins one te*t value 0ithin another 2case
sensitive3 base on the number of bytes each
character usesD
Formats a number as te*t 0ith a fi*e number
of ecimals
Chan(es half10ith 2sin(le1byte3 #n(lish
letters or katakana 0ithin a character strin( to
full10ith 2ouble1byte3 charactersD
Returns the left most characters from a te*t
Returns the first character or characters in a
te*t strin(; base on the number of bytes you
Returns the number of characters in a te*t
Returns the number of bytes use to re%resent
the characters in a te*t strin(
Returns a s%ecific number of characters from
a strin( startin( at a s%ecifie %osition
Returns a s%ecific number of characters from
a te*t strin(; startin( at the %osition you
s%ecify; base on the number of bytes
#*tracts the %honetic 2furi(ana3 characters
from a te*t strin(
Ca%itali:es the first letter in each 0or of a
te*t value
R#P$AC# Built In Re%laces characters 0ithin te*t
R#P$AC#B Built In
R#PT Built In Re%eats te*t a (iven number of times
RI'!T Built In
RI'!TB Built In
S#ARC! Built In
S#ARC!B Built In
S)BSTIT)T# Built In Substitutes ne0 te*t for ol te*t in a te*t strin(
T Built In Converts its ar(uments to te*t
T#-T Built In Formats a number an converts it to te*t
TRIM Built In
)PP#R Built In Converts te*t to u%%ercase
,A$)# Built In Converts a te*t ar(ument to a number
7#N Built In
Tex! Func!on 4r,umen!s
4r,umen! Descrp!on
FinEte*t The te*t you 0ant to fin
FormatEte*t A number format in te*t form from in the Cate(ory bo* on the Number tab in the Format Cells ialo( bo*
Re%laces %art of a te*t strin(; base on the
number of bytes you s%ecify; 0ith a ifferent
te*t strin(D
Returns the ri(htmost characters from a te*t
Returns the last character or characters in a
te*t strin(; base on the number of bytes you
Fins one te*t value 0ithin another 2not case
sensitive3 an returns the number of the
startin( %osition
Fins one te*t strin( 2finEte*t3 0ithin another
te*t strin( 20ithinEte*t3; an returns the
number of the startin( %osition of finEte*tD
The result is base on the number of bytes
each character uses; be(innin( 0ith startEnum
Removes all s%aces from te*t e*ce%t sin(le
s%aces bet0een 0ors
Converts a number to te*t; usin( the R 2yen3
currency format; 0ith the number roune to a
s%ecifie %lace
The number of i(its to the ri(ht of the ecimal %ointD If ecimals is ne(ative; number is roune to the left
of the ecimal %ointD If you omit ecimals; it is assume to be +
S%ecifies 0hich occurrence of olEte*t you 0ant to re%lace 0ith ne0Ete*tD If you s%ecify instanceEnum; only
that instance of olEte*t is re%laceD Other0ise; every occurrence of olEte*t in te*t is chan(e to ne0Ete*t
Ne0Ete*t The te*t that 0ill re%lace characters in olEte*t
NoEcommas A lo(ical value that; if TR)#; %revents FI-#" from incluin( commas in the returne te*t
NumEbytes The number of bytes you 0ant to e*tract
NumEchars The number of characters you 0ant to e*tract
Number A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
NumberEtimes A %ositive number s%ecifyin( the number of times to re%eat te*t
OlEte*t Te*t in 0hich you 0ant to re%lace some characters
StartEnum The character at 0hich to start the search
Te*t Te*t or a reference to a cell that contains the te*t you 0ant to chan(e
Te*tH First item of te*t
Te*t+ Secon item of te*t
Te*t+;S Secon of u% to 45 items of te*t
,alue A value or an e*%ression that evaluates to a value
9ithinEte*t The te*t containin( the te*t you 0ant to fin
Reference to a cell or ran(e of cells an can refer to multi%le areasD If you 0ant to s%ecify several
references as a sin(le ar(ument; then you must inclue e*tra sets of %arentheses so that Microsoft #*cel
0ill not inter%ret the comma as a fiel se%arator
Tex! Func!ons
FCONCAT#NAT# 2!ex!-%!ex!/;DDD3
Tex! Func!on 4r,umen!s
The te*t you 0ant to fin
A number format in te*t form from in the Cate(ory bo* on the Number tab in the Format Cells ialo( bo*
The number of i(its to the ri(ht of the ecimal %ointD If ecimals is ne(ative; number is roune to the left
of the ecimal %ointD If you omit ecimals; it is assume to be +
S%ecifies 0hich occurrence of olEte*t you 0ant to re%lace 0ith ne0Ete*tD If you s%ecify instanceEnum; only
that instance of olEte*t is re%laceD Other0ise; every occurrence of olEte*t in te*t is chan(e to ne0Ete*t
The te*t that 0ill re%lace characters in olEte*t
A lo(ical value that; if TR)#; %revents FI-#" from incluin( commas in the returne te*t
The number of bytes you 0ant to e*tract
The number of characters you 0ant to e*tract
A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
A %ositive number s%ecifyin( the number of times to re%eat te*t
Te*t in 0hich you 0ant to re%lace some characters
The character at 0hich to start the search
Te*t or a reference to a cell that contains the te*t you 0ant to chan(e
First item of te*t
Secon item of te*t
Secon of u% to 45 items of te*t
A value or an e*%ression that evaluates to a value
The te*t containin( the te*t you 0ant to fin
Reference to a cell or ran(e of cells an can refer to multi%le areasD If you 0ant to s%ecify several
references as a sin(le ar(ument; then you must inclue e*tra sets of %arentheses so that Microsoft #*cel
0ill not inter%ret the comma as a fiel se%arator
4r,umen! Descrp!on
A An o%tional lo0er boun to the interval of *
AH A lo(ical value that s%ecifies the AH 2TR)#3 or RHCH 2FA$S#3 reference style
ActualEran(e The ran(e of ata that contains observations to test a(ainst e*%ecte values
Al%ha A %arameter of a istribution
An(le The an(le in raians
AreaEnum Selects a ran(e in reference from 0hich to return the intersection of ro0Enum an columnEnum
Ar(umentH;S The ar(uments to be %asse to the %roceure
Array An array or array formula; or a reference to a ran(e of cells
ArrayE* The first array or ran(e of values
ArrayEy The secon array or ran(e of values
ArrayH 2P#ARSON function3 A set of ine%enent values
ArrayH 2S)MPRO")CT3 A cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
Array+ 2P#ARSON function3 A set of e%enent values
Array+ 2S)MPRO")CT3 A secon cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
Array4;S A thir cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
B An o%tional lo0er boun to the interval of y
Base The base of the lo(arithmD If base is omitte; it is assume to be H5
Basis2For "e%reciation Functions3
Beta A %arameter of a istribution
BinsEarray An array of or reference to intervals into 0hich you 0ant to (rou% the values
Bottom The smallest inte(er to be returne
The ty%e of reference to returnW
H F AbsoluteA + F Abs Ro0 8 Rel ColA 4 F Rel Ro0 8 Abs ColA J F Relative
2For Securities Functions3
The ty%e of ay count basis to useW 5 or omitte F )S2NAS"3 4584B5
H F Actual 8 ActualA + F Actual 8 4B5A 4 F Actual 8 4BKA J F #uro%ean 4584B5
2For 7#ARFRAC3
The ty%e of ay count basis to useW
5 or omitte F )S2NAS"3 4584B5A H F Actual 8 ActualA + F Actual 8 4B5A
4 F Actual 8 4BKA J F #uro%ean 4584B5
7ear basis to be useW
5 or omitte 4B5 2NAS"3A H F ActualA + F 4BKA 4 F 4B5 2#uro%ean3
ColEine*Enum The column number in tableEarray from 0hich the matchin( value must be returne
Cols The number of columns; to the left 213 or ri(ht 2@3; that you 0ant the u%%er1left cell of the result to refer to
ColumnEnum Column number
Cost Cost of the asset
Cou%on The securityQs annual cou%on rate
Criteria The ran(e of cells that contains the conitions you s%ecify
Cumulative A lo(ical value that etermines the form of the function
"ataEarray An array of or reference to a set of values
"ataEfiel The name; enclose in <uotation marks; for the ata fiel that contains the ata
"atabase The ran(e of cells that makes u% the list or atabase
"ecimalE"ollar A ecimal number
"e(reesEfreeom The number of e(rees of freeom
"e(reesEfreeomH The numerator e(rees of freeom
"e(reesEfreeom+ The enominator e(rees of freeom
"enominator The ivisor
A set of coefficients by 0hich each successive %o0er of * is multi%lieD The number of values in coefficients
etermines the number of terms in the %o0er series
Inicates 0hether column names are returne as the first ro0 of the resultsD TR)# if the column names to
be returne as the first ro0 of the resultsD FA$S# if column names not 0anteD If columnEnamesElo(ical is
omitte; SC$DR#C)#ST oes not return column names
Su%%lies information; such as the ata source name; user I"; an %ass0ors; re<uire by the river bein(
use to connect to a ata source an must follo0 the riverQs format
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to force the constant b to e<ual HW
TR)# or omitte; b is calculate normally
FA$S#; b is set e<ual to H an the m1values are a?uste so that y F mZ*
"ate of %urchase of the assetD #ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or
function returnin( a ate serial number
A ate enclose in <uotation marks that is in a ate te*t form acce%table to #*celD Note that acce%table ate
forms vary 0ith system an #*cel settin(sD
A scheule of %ayment ates that corres%ons to the cash flo0 %aymentsD The first %ayment ate inicates
the be(innin( of the scheule of %aymentsD All other ates must be later than this ate; but they may occur
in any orer
A number re%resentin( the ay of the monthD If ay is (reater than the number of ays in the month
s%ecifie; ay a((re(ates the month an year ar(uments a%%ro%riately an ay re%resents the balance
after this a((re(ation
The number of non0eeken an nonholiay ays before or after startEateD A %ositive value for ays yiels
a future ateA a ne(ative value yiels a %ast ate
The number of i(its to the ri(ht of the ecimal %ointD If ecimals is ne(ative; number is roune to the left
of the ecimal %ointD If you omit ecimals; it is assume to be +
"iscount The securityQs iscount rate
"ivisor The number by 0hich you 0ant to ivie number
"riverE%rom%t S%ecifies 0hen the river ialo( bo* is is%laye an 0hich o%tions are available
#ffectErate The effective interest rate
#nE"ate The last ate as an acce%table ate in inverte commas or as a serial number
#nEPerio $ast %erio number
#*%ecteEran(e The ran(e of ata that contains the ratio of the %rouct of ro0 totals an column totals to the (ran total
Fiel Inicates 0hich column is use in the function as te*t in inverte commas or as number of fiel
FielH; ItemH One of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Fiel+; Item+;S Secon of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
FileEte*t The name of the file that contains the coe resource in Microsoft #*cel for the Macintosh
FinanceErate The interest rate you %ay on the money use in the cash flo0s
FinETe*t The te*t you 0ant to fin
FirstEcou%on The securityQs first cou%on ate
FormatEte*t A number format in te*t form from in the Cate(ory bo* on the Number tab in the Format Cells ialo( bo*
Fraction The inte(er to use in the enominator of the fraction
FractionalE"ollar A number e*%resse as a fraction
Fre<uency The number of cou%on %ayments %er year for a securityD
FrienlyEname The ?um% te*t or numeric value that is is%laye in the cell
FromEunit2H3 A unit of measurementW
The error value 0hose ientifyin( number you 0antW
H F MNullVA + F M"iv85VA 4 F M,alueVA J F MRefVA K F MNameYA B F MN8A
The rate at 0hich the balance eclinesD If factor is omitte; it is assume to be + 2the ouble1eclinin(
balance metho3
A securityQs first interest ate entere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or
function returnin( a ate serial number
"ate of the en of the first %erioD #ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number
or function returnin( a ate serial number
A number s%ecifyin( the ty%e of roman numeral you 0antA 5 2"efault3 F ClassicA H1J Pro(ressively sim%lifieA
TR)# F ClassicA FA$S# F Most Sim%lifie
FullE%recision A lo(ical valueA FA$S# F currency s%ecific rounin( rules; TR)# F full %recision
F, Future ,alue
'uess A number that you (uess is close to the result of IRR
!ei(ht The hei(ht; in number of ro0s; that you 0ant the returne reference to beD !ei(ht must be a %ositive number
IEnum Ima(inary coefficient of the com%le* number
IEnumber A com%le* number
6e,"! 5 MassW 6(6 F (ramA 6s(6 F slu(A 6lbm6 F %oun 2avoiru%ois3A 6u6 F Atomic massA 6o:m6 F ounces
Ds!anceW 6m6 F meterA 6mi6 F Statute MileA 6Nmi6 F Nautical mileA 6in6 F inchA 6ft6 F footA 6y6 F yarA
6an(6 F An(stromA 6%ica6 F %ica 2H8G+in3
TmeW 6yr6 F yearA 6ay6 F ayA 6hr6 F hourA 6mn6 F minuteA 6sec6 F secon
PressureW 6%a6 F PascalA 6atm6 F atmos%hereA 6mm!(6 F mm of mercury
ForceW 6N6 F Ne0tonA 6yn6 F yneA 6lbf6 F %oun force
Ener,yW 6.6 F .ouleA 6e6 F er(A 6c6 Thermoynamic calorieA 6cal6 F IT calorieA 6e,6 F electron voltA
6!Ph6 F horse%o0er1hourA 69h6 F 9att1hourA 6flb6 F foot1%ounA 6BT)6 F BT)
Po*erW 6!P6 F horse%o0erA 696 F 9att
Ma,ne!smW 6T6 F TeslerA 6(a6 F 'auss
Tempera!ureW 6C6 F e(rees CelsiusA 6F6 F e(rees FahrenheitA 6/6 F /elvin
L)ud MeasureW 6ts%6 F teas%oonA 6tbs6 F tables%oonA 6o:6 F flui ounceA 6cu%6 F cu%A
6%t6 F )S PintA 6)/E%t6 F )/ %intA 6<t6 F <uartA 6(al6 F (allonA 6l6 F liter
Pre.x 4$$re+a!ons .or me!rcW 6#6 F H#@HI F e*aA 6P6 F H#@HK F %etaA 6T6 H#@H+ F teraA 6'6 F H#@5> F
(i(aA 6M6 F H#@5B F me(aA 6k6 F H#@54 F kiloA 6h6 F H#@5+ F hectoA 6e6 F H#@5H F ekaoA 66 F H#15H F
eciA 6c6FH#15+ F centiA 6m6 F H#154 F milliA 6u6 F H#15B F microA 6n6 F H#15> F nanoA 6%6 F H#1H+ F %icoA 6f6
F H#1HK F femtoA 6a6 F H#1HI F atto
The number H to HH that s%ecifies 0hich function to use in calculatin( subtotals 0ithin a listW
An o%tional ran(e of one or more ates to e*clue from the 0orkin( calenarD The list can be either a ran(e
of cells that contains the ates or an array constant of the serial numbers that re%resent the ates
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the hourD Any value (reater than +4 0ill be ivie by +J an the
remainer 0ill be treate as the hour value
S%ecifies 0hich value ar(ument is selecteD Ine*Enum must be a number bet0een H an +>; or a formula
or reference to a cell containin( a number bet0een H an +>
A te*t value that s%ecifies 0hat ty%e of cell information you 0antW
6Aress6 F first cell in reference
6Col6 F First column number in reference
6Color6 Returns H for ne(ative colore; 5 other0ise
6Contents6 F ,alue of u%%er left cell in reference
6Format6 F Te*t value corres%onin( to number format
6Prentheses6 F Returns H for %arenthese for %ositive or all values; 5 other0ise
6Prefi*6 F Te*t value corres%onin( to label %refi*
6Protect6 F returns 5 if unlucke; H if locke
6Ro06 F First ro0 number in reference
6Ty%e6 F Te*t value for ty%e of ataA b for blank; l for label; v for value
69ith6 F Column 0ith roune to nearest inte(er
S%ecifies 0hich occurrence of olEte*t you 0ant to re%lace 0ith ne0Ete*tD If you s%ecify instanceEnum; only
that instance of olEte*t is re%laceD Other0ise; every occurrence of olEte*t in te*t is chan(e to ne0Ete*t
Inumber A com%le* number
INumberH First Com%le* number
INumber+ Secon Com%le*
INumber+S The secon of H1+> com%le* numbers
Investment The amount investe in the security
ItemH One of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Item+;S Secon of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
/ Is the %osition in the array or cell ran(e of ata to return
/no0nE*Qs The ine%enent array or ran(e of ata
/no0nEyQs The e%enent array or ran(e of ata
$amba The %arameter value
$astEinterest The securityQs last cou%on ate
$inkElocation The %ath an file name to the ocument to be o%ene as te*t
$o(ical A value or e*%ression that can be evaluate to TR)# or FA$S#
$o(icalEtest Any value or e*%ression that can be evaluate to TR)# or FA$S#
$o(ical+;S Secon of u% to 45 conitions you 0ant to test that can be either TR)# or FA$S#
$ooku%Evalue The value to be foun
$o0erElimit The lo0er boun for inte(ratin( #RF
M The ste% by 0hich to increase n for each term in the series
Maturity The securityQs maturity ate
Mean The arithmetic mean
A securityQs issue ate entere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or function
returnin( a ate serial number
The number of %erios over 0hich the asset is bein( e%reciate 2sometimes calle the useful life of the
Conition to be testeD Ar(ument must evaluate to a lo(ical value or be arrays or references that contain
lo(ical values
A conti(uous ran(e of cells containin( %ossible looku% valuesD $ooku%Earray must be an array or an array
A ran(e that contains only one ro0 or one columnD The values in looku%Evector can be te*t; numbers; or
lo(ical values
The number 1H; 5; or HD MatchEty%e s%ecifies ho0 Microsoft #*cel matches looku%Evalue 0ith values in
H F 2efault3 lar(est value less than or e<ual to lookEu% value
5 F first value to e*actly e<ual looku% value
1H F smallest value (reater than or e<ual to lookEvalue
The mean of ln2*3D
Metho FA$S# or omitte F )S 2NAS"3 4584B5 methoA TR)# F #uro%ean 4584B5 metho
Month 2For "B function3 The number of months in the first yearD If month is omitte; it is assume to be H+
Month 2For "AT# function3
Month 2For "B function3 The number of months in the first yearD If month is omitte; it is assume to be H+
Months The number of months before or after startEate
Multi%le The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun number
N The orer of the function
Ne0Ete*t The te*t that 0ill re%lace characters in olEte*t
Ne0E*Qs ne0 *1values for 0hich you 0ant 'RO9T! to return corres%onin( y1values
NoEcommas A lo(ical value that; if TR)#; %revents FI-#" from incluin( commas in the returne te*t
NominalErate The nominal interest rate
N%er The number of %erios
N%ery The number of com%ounin( %erios %er year
NumEbytes The number of bytes you 0ant to e*tract
NumEchars The number of characters you 0ant to e*tract
Number A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
NumberEchosen The number of items
NumberEf The number of failures
NumberE%o%ulation The %o%ulation si:e
NumberEs The number of successes in trials
Mean 2$O'NORM"IST an
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the minuteD Any value (reater than K> 0ill be converte to hours
an minutes
Cuote te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the ynamic link library 2"$$3 that contains the %roceure in Microsoft
#*cel for 9ino0s
A number re%resentin( the month of the yearD If month is (reater than H+; month as that number of
months to the first month in the year s%ecifie
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to s0itch to strai(ht1line e%reciation 0hen e%reciation is (reater than
the eclinin( balance calculationDIf TR)#; #*cel oes not s0itch to strai(ht1line e%reciation even 0hen the
e%reciation is (reater than the eclinin( balance calculationD FA$S# or omitte; #*cel s0itches to strai(ht1
line e%reciation 0hen e%reciation is (reater than the eclinin( balance calculation
S%ecifies the number of i(its to 0hich you 0ant to roun numberW 5 F Inte(erA 1numbers F to left of ecimalA
@numbers F to ri(ht of ecimal
NumberEsam%le The si:e of the sam%le
NumberEtimes A %ositive number s%ecifyin( the number of times to re%eat te*t
NumberH The first number
Number+ The secon number
Numerator The ivien
OlEte*t Te*t in 0hich you 0ant to re%lace some characters
Orer A number s%ecifyin( ho0 to rank numberA 5 or omitte F escenin(A non1:ero F ascenin(
Out%utEref A cell reference 0here you 0ant the com%lete connection strin( %lace
Par A securityQs %ar valueD 2"efault F OH;5553
Per The %erio for 0hich you 0ant to fin the interest
Percent The fractional number of ata %oints to e*clue from the calculation
Perio The number of the accountin( %erio
PivotEtable A reference to any cell; ran(e of cells; or name ran(e of cells in a PivotTable re%ort
Pmt The %ayment mae each %erio
Po%ulationEs The number of successes in the %o%ulation
Po0er The e*%onent to 0hich the base number is raise
Pr The securityQs %rice %er OH55 face value
Princi%al The %resent value
ProbEran(e A set of %robabilities associate 0ith values in *Eran(e
Probability A %robability associate 0ith the istribution
ProbabilityEs The %robability of success on each trial
P, The Present ,alue
Secon of u% to 45 numbersD 7ou can also use a sin(le array or a reference to an array instea of
ar(uments se%arate by commas
The number of characters to useD If %laces is omitte; #*cel uses the minimum number of characters
Te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the function in the "$$D 7ou can also use the orinal value of the function from
the #-PORTS statement in the moule1efinition file 2D"#F3D
The name of the Pro(I" of a re(istere COM automation a1in that has been installe on the local
com%uterD #nclose the name in <uotation marks
Inicates 0hich value to returnW 5 F minimum valueA H F Hst Cuartile 2+Kth Percentile3A + F +n CuartileA 4 F
4r CuartileA J F Ma*imum value
CueryEte*t The SC$ statement that you 0ant to e*ecute on the ata source
Ran(e A ran(e
The interest rate %er %erio
The rate of e%reciation
The iscount rate
A securityQs annual cou%on rate
RealEnum The real coefficient of the com%le* number
Reem%tion The securityQs reem%tion value %er OH55 face value
Ref An array of; or a reference to; a list of numbers
RefEte*t Refers to another 0orkbook 2an e*ternal reference3;
RefH First of u% to +> ran(es or references for 0hich you 0ant the subtotal
Ref+;S Secon of u% to +> ran(es or references for 0hich you 0ant the subtotal
Re(isterEi The value returne by a %reviously e*ecute R#'IST#R or R#'IST#RDI" function
Rein?vestErate The interest rate you receive on the cash flo0s as you reinvest them
ResultEvector A ran(e that contains only one ro0 or columnD It must be the same si:e as looku%Evector
Ro0Eine*Enum The ro0 number in tableEarray from 0hich the matchin( value 0ill be returne
Ro0Enum Ro0 number
Ro0s The number of ro0s; u% 213 or o0n 2@3; that you 0ant the u%%er1left cell to refer to
Salva(e Salva(e value at the en of the life of the asset
Sam%leEs The number of successes in the sam%le
Scheule An array of interest rates to a%%ly
A lo(ical value that s%ecifies 0hether you 0ant to fin an e*act match or an a%%ro*imate matchD If TR)# F
a%%ro*imate match is returne FA$S# F #*act
2For amorti:ation functions3
2For "e%reciation Functions3
2For NP, an -NP,3
2For Securities Functions3
Reference to a cell or ran(e of cells an can refer to multi%le areasD If you 0ant to s%ecify several
references as a sin(le ar(ument; then you must inclue e*tra sets of %arentheses so that Microsoft #*cel
0ill not inter%ret the comma as a fiel se%arator
The name of the coe resource in Microsoft #*cel for the MacintoshD 7ou can also use the resource I"
numberD The resource I" number must not be in the form of te*t
29##/"A7 only3
A number that etermines the ty%e of return valueW H 2or omitte3 H F SunayA + F H F MonayA 4 F 5 F
29##/N)M only3
A number that etermines on 0hich ay the 0eek be(insA H 2or omitte3 F starts Sunay nums H to GA + F
starts Monay nums H to G
Si(ma The %o%ulation 2kno0n3 stanar eviationD If omitte; the sam%le stanar eviation is use
Si(nificance The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun
Si:e The sam%le si:e
StanarEev The %o%ulation stanar eviation for the ata ran(e
The stanar eviation of ln2*3D
StartEate The first ate as an acce%table ate in inverte commas or as a serial number
StartEnum The character at 0hich to start the search
StartEPerio First %erio number
Stats A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to return aitional re(ression statistics TR)# returns aitional statistics
Ste% The threshol valueD If you omit a value for ste%; '#ST#P uses :ero
Suffi* The suffi* for the ima(inary com%onent of the com%le* numberD If omitte; suffi* is assume to be 6i6
SumEran(e The actual cells to sum
TableEarray A table of information in 0hich ata is looke u%
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the seconD Any value (reater than K> 0ill be converte to hours;
minutes; an secons
An #*cel ate 8 time serial numberD "ates shoul be entere by usin( the "AT# function; or as results of
other formulas or functionsD The #*cel ate serial number varies accorin( to settin( of H>55 or H>5J ate
system in Tools X O%tions X CalculationD
A ate 8 time serial numberD "ates shoul be entere by usin( the "AT# function; or as results of other
formulas or functions
Name of the server 0here the a1in shoul be runD If there is no server; an the %ro(ram is run locally;
leave the ar(ument blankD Other0ise; enter <uotation marks 2663 aroun the server name
A securityQs settlement ate; 0hich is the ate after the issue ate 0hen the security is trae to the buyerD
#ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or function returnin( a ate serial
Te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the 0orksheet to be use as the e*ternal referenceD If sheetEte*t is omitte; no
sheet name is use
A three1letter strin(; or reference to a cell containin( the strin(; corres%onin( to the ISO coe for the source
Bel(ium 1 franc 1 B#F $u*embour( 1 franc 1 $)F 'ermany 1 eutche mark 1 "#M
S%ain 1 %eseta 1 #SP France 1 franc 1 FRF Irelan 1 %oun 1 I#P Italy 1 lira 1 IT$
Netherlans 1 (uiler 1 N$' Austria 1 schillin( 1 ATS Portu(al 1 escuo 1 PT#
Finlan 1 markka 1FIM #uro member states 1 euro 1 #)R
Others may be ae laterW
"enmark 1 krone 1 "// 'reece 1 rachma 1 'R" S0een 1 krona 1 S#/
)/ 1 %oun sterlin( 1 'BP
StanarEev 2$O'NORM"IST an
S%ecifies the number of istribution tails to returnD If tails F H; T"IST returns the one1taile istributionD If
tails F +; T"IST returns the t0o1taile istribution
Te*t Te*t or a reference to a cell that contains the te*t you 0ant to chan(e
Te*tH First item of te*t
Te*t+ Secon item of te*t
Te*t+;S Secon of u% to 45 items of te*t
TimeEte*t A te*t strin( enclose in <uotation marks that re%resents a time in any one of the #*cel time formats
ToEunit2H3 A unit of measurement
To% The lar(est inte(er to be returne
To%icH First of u% to +I %arameters that to(ether re%resent a uni<ue %iece of real1time ata
To%ic+;S Secon of u% to +I %arameters that to(ether re%resent a uni<ue %iece of real1time ata
Trials The number of ine%enent trials
Ty%e 2Amorti:ation functions3 5 F Payment in arrearsA H F %ayment in avance
Ty%e 2TT#ST function3
Ty%eEte*t 2CA$$ function3
A three1letter strin(; or reference to a cell containin( the strin(; corres%onin( to the ISO coe for the source
Bel(ium 1 franc 1 B#F $u*embour( 1 franc 1 $)F 'ermany 1 eutche mark 1 "#M
S%ain 1 %eseta 1 #SP France 1 franc 1 FRF Irelan 1 %oun 1 I#P Italy 1 lira 1 IT$
Netherlans 1 (uiler 1 N$' Austria 1 schillin( 1 ATS Portu(al 1 escuo 1 PT#
Finlan 1 markka 1FIM #uro member states 1 euro 1 #)R
Others may be ae laterW
"enmark 1 krone 1 "// 'reece 1 rachma 1 'R" S0een 1 krona 1 S#/
)/ 1 %oun sterlin( 1 'BP
6e,"! 5 MassW 6(6 F (ramA 6s(6 F slu(A 6lbm6 F %oun 2avoiru%ois3A 6u6 F Atomic massA 6o:m6 F ounces
Ds!anceW 6m6 F meterA 6mi6 F Statute MileA 6Nmi6 F Nautical mileA 6in6 F inchA 6ft6 F footA 6y6 F yarA
6an(6 F An(stromA 6%ica6 F %ica 2H8G+in3
TmeW 6yr6 F yearA 6ay6 F ayA 6hr6 F hourA 6mn6 F minuteA 6sec6 F secon
PressureW 6%a6 F PascalA 6atm6 F atmos%hereA 6mm!(6 F mm of mercury
ForceW 6N6 F Ne0tonA 6yn6 F yneA 6lbf6 F %oun force
Ener,yW 6.6 F .ouleA 6e6 F er(A 6c6 Thermoynamic calorieA 6cal6 F IT calorieA 6e,6 F electron voltA
6!Ph6 F horse%o0er1hourA 69h6 F 9att1hourA 6flb6 F foot1%ounA 6BT)6 F BT)
Po*erW 6!P6 F horse%o0erA 696 F 9att
Ma,ne!smW 6T6 F TeslerA 6(a6 F 'auss
Tempera!ureW 6C6 F e(rees CelsiusA 6F6 F e(rees FahrenheitA 6/6 F /elvin
L)ud MeasureW 6ts%6 F teas%oonA 6tbs6 F tables%oonA 6o:6 F flui ounceA 6cu%6 F cu%A
6%t6 F )S PintA 6)/E%t6 F )/ %intA 6<t6 F <uartA 6(al6 F (allonA 6l6 F liter
Pre.x 4$$re+a!ons .or me!rcW 6#6 F H#@HI F e*aA 6P6 F H#@HK F %etaA 6T6 H#@H+ F teraA 6'6 F H#@5> F
(i(aA 6M6 F H#@5B F me(aA 6k6 F H#@54 F kiloA 6h6 F H#@5+ F hectoA 6e6 F H#@5H F ekaoA 66 F H#15H F
eciA 6c6FH#15+ F centiA 6m6 F H#154 F milliA 6u6 F H#15B F microA 6n6 F H#15> F nanoA 6%6 F H#1H+ F %icoA 6f6
F H#1HK F femtoA 6a6 F H#1HI F atto
An inte(er e<ual to or (reater than 4 that s%ecifies the number of si(nificant i(its to be use for the
intermeiate euro value 0hen convertin( bet0een t0o euro member currencies
The kin of t1Test to %erformA H F PaireA + F T0o1sam%le e<ual variance 2homosceastic3A 4 F T0o1sam%le
une<ual variance 2heterosceastic3
Te*t s%ecifyin( the ata ty%e of the return value an the ata ty%es of all ar(uments to the "$$ or coe
Ty%eEte*t 2INFO function3
)%%erElimit The u%%er boun for inte(ratin( #RFD If omitte; #RF inte(rates bet0een :ero an lo0erElimit
,alue A value or an e*%ression that evaluates to a value
,alueEIfEFalse The value that is returne if lo(icalEtest is FA$S#
,alueEIfETrue The value that is returne if lo(icalEtest is TR)#
,alueH A numeric value
,alue+;S Secon of H to n %ossible values 2nF45 for A,#RA'#AA nF+> for C!OOS#; NP,3
,alues An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers
,alues 2IRR an MIRR3
,alues 2-IRR an -NP,3
9ithinETe*t The te*t containin( the te*t you 0ant to fin
- The value at 0hich to evaluate the function
*ENum The *1coorinate of the %oint
-Eran(e The ran(e of numeric values of * 0ith 0hich there are associate %robabilities
yENum The y1coorinate of the %oint
7ear The year number as one to four i(its
7l The securityQs annual yiel
P The value for 0hich you 0ant the istribution
Te*t that s%ecifies 0hat ty%e of information you 0ant returneW
6irectory6 F Path of current irectory of folerA
6memavail6 F Amount of currently available memory in bytesA
6memuse6 F Amount of memory bein( use for ataA
6numfile6 F number of active 0orksheets in o%en 0orkbooksA
6ori(in6 F cell reference of to% leftmost cell visible in 0ino0; base on current scrollin( %ositionA
6osversion6 F current o%eratin( system version; as te*tA
6recalc6 F current recalculation moeA
6release6 F version of #*celA
6system6 F name of the o%eratin( environment 2Mac or %cos3A
6totmem6 F total memory available
6y6 F yearsA 6m6 F monthsA 66 F aysA 6m6 F ays i(norin( months an yearsA 6ym6 F years an monthsA
6y6 F years an ays
An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for 0hich you 0ant to calculate the internal rate of
returnD ,alues must contain at least one %ositive value an one ne(ative value to calculate the internal rate
of returnD If an array or reference ar(ument contains te*t; lo(ical values; or em%ty cells; those values are
A series of cash flo0s that corres%ons to a scheule of %ayments in atesD The first %ayment is o%tional
an corres%ons to a cost or %ayment that occurs at the be(innin( of the investmentD If the first value is a
cost or %ayment; it must be a ne(ative valueD All succeein( %ayments are iscounte base on a 4BK1ay
yearD The series of values must contain at least one %ositive value an one ne(ative value
The 0ith; in number of columns; that you 0ant the returne reference to beD 9ith must be a %ositive
An o%tional lo0er boun to the interval of *
A lo(ical value that s%ecifies the AH 2TR)#3 or RHCH 2FA$S#3 reference style
The ran(e of ata that contains observations to test a(ainst e*%ecte values
A %arameter of a istribution
The an(le in raians
Selects a ran(e in reference from 0hich to return the intersection of ro0Enum an columnEnum
The ar(uments to be %asse to the %roceure
An array or array formula; or a reference to a ran(e of cells
The first array or ran(e of values
The secon array or ran(e of values
A set of ine%enent values
A cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
A set of e%enent values
A secon cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
A thir cell ran(e of values 2u% to 45 0ith S)MPRO")CT3
An o%tional lo0er boun to the interval of y
The base of the lo(arithmD If base is omitte; it is assume to be H5
A %arameter of a istribution
An array of or reference to intervals into 0hich you 0ant to (rou% the values
The smallest inte(er to be returne
H F AbsoluteA + F Abs Ro0 8 Rel ColA 4 F Rel Ro0 8 Abs ColA J F Relative
The ty%e of ay count basis to useW 5 or omitte F )S2NAS"3 4584B5
H F Actual 8 ActualA + F Actual 8 4B5A 4 F Actual 8 4BKA J F #uro%ean 4584B5
The ty%e of ay count basis to useW
5 or omitte F )S2NAS"3 4584B5A H F Actual 8 ActualA + F Actual 8 4B5A
4 F Actual 8 4BKA J F #uro%ean 4584B5
5 or omitte 4B5 2NAS"3A H F ActualA + F 4BKA 4 F 4B5 2#uro%ean3
The column number in tableEarray from 0hich the matchin( value must be returne
The number of columns; to the left 213 or ri(ht 2@3; that you 0ant the u%%er1left cell of the result to refer to
Column number
Cost of the asset
The securityQs annual cou%on rate
The ran(e of cells that contains the conitions you s%ecify
A lo(ical value that etermines the form of the function
An array of or reference to a set of values
The name; enclose in <uotation marks; for the ata fiel that contains the ata
The ran(e of cells that makes u% the list or atabase
A ecimal number
The number of e(rees of freeom
The numerator e(rees of freeom
The enominator e(rees of freeom
The ivisor
A set of coefficients by 0hich each successive %o0er of * is multi%lieD The number of values in coefficients
etermines the number of terms in the %o0er series
Inicates 0hether column names are returne as the first ro0 of the resultsD TR)# if the column names to
be returne as the first ro0 of the resultsD FA$S# if column names not 0anteD If columnEnamesElo(ical is
omitte; SC$DR#C)#ST oes not return column names
Su%%lies information; such as the ata source name; user I"; an %ass0ors; re<uire by the river bein(
use to connect to a ata source an must follo0 the riverQs format
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to force the constant b to e<ual HW
TR)# or omitte; b is calculate normally
FA$S#; b is set e<ual to H an the m1values are a?uste so that y F mZ*
"ate of %urchase of the assetD #ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or
function returnin( a ate serial number
A ate enclose in <uotation marks that is in a ate te*t form acce%table to #*celD Note that acce%table ate
forms vary 0ith system an #*cel settin(sD
A scheule of %ayment ates that corres%ons to the cash flo0 %aymentsD The first %ayment ate inicates
the be(innin( of the scheule of %aymentsD All other ates must be later than this ate; but they may occur
A number re%resentin( the ay of the monthD If ay is (reater than the number of ays in the month
s%ecifie; ay a((re(ates the month an year ar(uments a%%ro%riately an ay re%resents the balance
The number of non0eeken an nonholiay ays before or after startEateD A %ositive value for ays yiels
a future ateA a ne(ative value yiels a %ast ate
The number of i(its to the ri(ht of the ecimal %ointD If ecimals is ne(ative; number is roune to the left
of the ecimal %ointD If you omit ecimals; it is assume to be +
The securityQs iscount rate
The number by 0hich you 0ant to ivie number
S%ecifies 0hen the river ialo( bo* is is%laye an 0hich o%tions are available
The effective interest rate
The last ate as an acce%table ate in inverte commas or as a serial number
$ast %erio number
The ran(e of ata that contains the ratio of the %rouct of ro0 totals an column totals to the (ran total
Inicates 0hich column is use in the function as te*t in inverte commas or as number of fiel
One of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Secon of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
The name of the file that contains the coe resource in Microsoft #*cel for the Macintosh
The interest rate you %ay on the money use in the cash flo0s
The te*t you 0ant to fin
The securityQs first cou%on ate
A number format in te*t form from in the Cate(ory bo* on the Number tab in the Format Cells ialo( bo*
The inte(er to use in the enominator of the fraction
A number e*%resse as a fraction
The number of cou%on %ayments %er year for a securityD
The ?um% te*t or numeric value that is is%laye in the cell
A unit of measurementW
The error value 0hose ientifyin( number you 0antW
H F MNullVA + F M"iv85VA 4 F M,alueVA J F MRefVA K F MNameYA B F MN8A
The rate at 0hich the balance eclinesD If factor is omitte; it is assume to be + 2the ouble1eclinin(
A securityQs first interest ate entere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or
function returnin( a ate serial number
"ate of the en of the first %erioD #ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number
or function returnin( a ate serial number
A number s%ecifyin( the ty%e of roman numeral you 0antA 5 2"efault3 F ClassicA H1J Pro(ressively sim%lifieA
TR)# F ClassicA FA$S# F Most Sim%lifie
A lo(ical valueA FA$S# F currency s%ecific rounin( rules; TR)# F full %recision
Future ,alue
A number that you (uess is close to the result of IRR
The hei(ht; in number of ro0s; that you 0ant the returne reference to beD !ei(ht must be a %ositive number
Ima(inary coefficient of the com%le* number
A com%le* number
W 6(6 F (ramA 6s(6 F slu(A 6lbm6 F %oun 2avoiru%ois3A 6u6 F Atomic massA 6o:m6 F ounces
W 6m6 F meterA 6mi6 F Statute MileA 6Nmi6 F Nautical mileA 6in6 F inchA 6ft6 F footA 6y6 F yarA
6an(6 F An(stromA 6%ica6 F %ica 2H8G+in3
W 6yr6 F yearA 6ay6 F ayA 6hr6 F hourA 6mn6 F minuteA 6sec6 F secon
W 6%a6 F PascalA 6atm6 F atmos%hereA 6mm!(6 F mm of mercury
W 6N6 F Ne0tonA 6yn6 F yneA 6lbf6 F %oun force
W 6.6 F .ouleA 6e6 F er(A 6c6 Thermoynamic calorieA 6cal6 F IT calorieA 6e,6 F electron voltA
6!Ph6 F horse%o0er1hourA 69h6 F 9att1hourA 6flb6 F foot1%ounA 6BT)6 F BT)
W 6!P6 F horse%o0erA 696 F 9att
W 6T6 F TeslerA 6(a6 F 'auss
W 6C6 F e(rees CelsiusA 6F6 F e(rees FahrenheitA 6/6 F /elvin
W 6ts%6 F teas%oonA 6tbs6 F tables%oonA 6o:6 F flui ounceA 6cu%6 F cu%A
6%t6 F )S PintA 6)/E%t6 F )/ %intA 6<t6 F <uartA 6(al6 F (allonA 6l6 F liter
Pre.x 4$$re+a!ons .or me!rcW 6#6 F H#@HI F e*aA 6P6 F H#@HK F %etaA 6T6 H#@H+ F teraA 6'6 F H#@5> F
(i(aA 6M6 F H#@5B F me(aA 6k6 F H#@54 F kiloA 6h6 F H#@5+ F hectoA 6e6 F H#@5H F ekaoA 66 F H#15H F
eciA 6c6FH#15+ F centiA 6m6 F H#154 F milliA 6u6 F H#15B F microA 6n6 F H#15> F nanoA 6%6 F H#1H+ F %icoA 6f6
F H#1HK F femtoA 6a6 F H#1HI F atto
The number H to HH that s%ecifies 0hich function to use in calculatin( subtotals 0ithin a listW
An o%tional ran(e of one or more ates to e*clue from the 0orkin( calenarD The list can be either a ran(e
of cells that contains the ates or an array constant of the serial numbers that re%resent the ates
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the hourD Any value (reater than +4 0ill be ivie by +J an the
remainer 0ill be treate as the hour value
S%ecifies 0hich value ar(ument is selecteD Ine*Enum must be a number bet0een H an +>; or a formula
or reference to a cell containin( a number bet0een H an +>
A te*t value that s%ecifies 0hat ty%e of cell information you 0antW
6Aress6 F first cell in reference
6Col6 F First column number in reference
6Color6 Returns H for ne(ative colore; 5 other0ise
6Contents6 F ,alue of u%%er left cell in reference
6Format6 F Te*t value corres%onin( to number format
6Prentheses6 F Returns H for %arenthese for %ositive or all values; 5 other0ise
6Prefi*6 F Te*t value corres%onin( to label %refi*
6Protect6 F returns 5 if unlucke; H if locke
6Ro06 F First ro0 number in reference
6Ty%e6 F Te*t value for ty%e of ataA b for blank; l for label; v for value
69ith6 F Column 0ith roune to nearest inte(er
S%ecifies 0hich occurrence of olEte*t you 0ant to re%lace 0ith ne0Ete*tD If you s%ecify instanceEnum; only
that instance of olEte*t is re%laceD Other0ise; every occurrence of olEte*t in te*t is chan(e to ne0Ete*t
A com%le* number
First Com%le* number
Secon Com%le*
The secon of H1+> com%le* numbers
The amount investe in the security
One of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Secon of u% to HJ %airs of fiel names an item names that escribe the ata
Is the %osition in the array or cell ran(e of ata to return
The ine%enent array or ran(e of ata
The e%enent array or ran(e of ata
The %arameter value
The securityQs last cou%on ate
The %ath an file name to the ocument to be o%ene as te*t
A value or e*%ression that can be evaluate to TR)# or FA$S#
Any value or e*%ression that can be evaluate to TR)# or FA$S#
Secon of u% to 45 conitions you 0ant to test that can be either TR)# or FA$S#
The value to be foun
The lo0er boun for inte(ratin( #RF
The ste% by 0hich to increase n for each term in the series
The securityQs maturity ate
The arithmetic mean
A securityQs issue ate entere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or function
The number of %erios over 0hich the asset is bein( e%reciate 2sometimes calle the useful life of the
Conition to be testeD Ar(ument must evaluate to a lo(ical value or be arrays or references that contain
A conti(uous ran(e of cells containin( %ossible looku% valuesD $ooku%Earray must be an array or an array
A ran(e that contains only one ro0 or one columnD The values in looku%Evector can be te*t; numbers; or
The number 1H; 5; or HD MatchEty%e s%ecifies ho0 Microsoft #*cel matches looku%Evalue 0ith values in
H F 2efault3 lar(est value less than or e<ual to lookEu% value
5 F first value to e*actly e<ual looku% value
1H F smallest value (reater than or e<ual to lookEvalue
The mean of ln2*3D
FA$S# or omitte F )S 2NAS"3 4584B5 methoA TR)# F #uro%ean 4584B5 metho
The number of months in the first yearD If month is omitte; it is assume to be H+
The number of months in the first yearD If month is omitte; it is assume to be H+
The number of months before or after startEate
The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun number
The orer of the function
The te*t that 0ill re%lace characters in olEte*t
ne0 *1values for 0hich you 0ant 'RO9T! to return corres%onin( y1values
A lo(ical value that; if TR)#; %revents FI-#" from incluin( commas in the returne te*t
The nominal interest rate
The number of %erios
The number of com%ounin( %erios %er year
The number of bytes you 0ant to e*tract
The number of characters you 0ant to e*tract
A number or e*%ression that evaluates to a number
The number of items
The number of failures
The %o%ulation si:e
The number of successes in trials
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the minuteD Any value (reater than K> 0ill be converte to hours
Cuote te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the ynamic link library 2"$$3 that contains the %roceure in Microsoft
A number re%resentin( the month of the yearD If month is (reater than H+; month as that number of
months to the first month in the year s%ecifie
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to s0itch to strai(ht1line e%reciation 0hen e%reciation is (reater than
the eclinin( balance calculationDIf TR)#; #*cel oes not s0itch to strai(ht1line e%reciation even 0hen the
e%reciation is (reater than the eclinin( balance calculationD FA$S# or omitte; #*cel s0itches to strai(ht1
line e%reciation 0hen e%reciation is (reater than the eclinin( balance calculation
S%ecifies the number of i(its to 0hich you 0ant to roun numberW 5 F Inte(erA 1numbers F to left of ecimalA
The si:e of the sam%le
A %ositive number s%ecifyin( the number of times to re%eat te*t
The first number
The secon number
The ivien
Te*t in 0hich you 0ant to re%lace some characters
A number s%ecifyin( ho0 to rank numberA 5 or omitte F escenin(A non1:ero F ascenin(
A cell reference 0here you 0ant the com%lete connection strin( %lace
A securityQs %ar valueD 2"efault F OH;5553
The %erio for 0hich you 0ant to fin the interest
The fractional number of ata %oints to e*clue from the calculation
The number of the accountin( %erio
A reference to any cell; ran(e of cells; or name ran(e of cells in a PivotTable re%ort
The %ayment mae each %erio
The number of successes in the %o%ulation
The e*%onent to 0hich the base number is raise
The securityQs %rice %er OH55 face value
The %resent value
A set of %robabilities associate 0ith values in *Eran(e
A %robability associate 0ith the istribution
The %robability of success on each trial
The Present ,alue
Secon of u% to 45 numbersD 7ou can also use a sin(le array or a reference to an array instea of
ar(uments se%arate by commas
The number of characters to useD If %laces is omitte; #*cel uses the minimum number of characters
Te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the function in the "$$D 7ou can also use the orinal value of the function from
the #-PORTS statement in the moule1efinition file 2D"#F3D
The name of the Pro(I" of a re(istere COM automation a1in that has been installe on the local
com%uterD #nclose the name in <uotation marks
Inicates 0hich value to returnW 5 F minimum valueA H F Hst Cuartile 2+Kth Percentile3A + F +n CuartileA 4 F
4r CuartileA J F Ma*imum value
The SC$ statement that you 0ant to e*ecute on the ata source
A ran(e
The interest rate %er %erio
The rate of e%reciation
The iscount rate
A securityQs annual cou%on rate
The real coefficient of the com%le* number
The securityQs reem%tion value %er OH55 face value
An array of; or a reference to; a list of numbers
Refers to another 0orkbook 2an e*ternal reference3;
First of u% to +> ran(es or references for 0hich you 0ant the subtotal
Secon of u% to +> ran(es or references for 0hich you 0ant the subtotal
The value returne by a %reviously e*ecute R#'IST#R or R#'IST#RDI" function
The interest rate you receive on the cash flo0s as you reinvest them
A ran(e that contains only one ro0 or columnD It must be the same si:e as looku%Evector
The ro0 number in tableEarray from 0hich the matchin( value 0ill be returne
Ro0 number
The number of ro0s; u% 213 or o0n 2@3; that you 0ant the u%%er1left cell to refer to
Salva(e value at the en of the life of the asset
The number of successes in the sam%le
An array of interest rates to a%%ly
A lo(ical value that s%ecifies 0hether you 0ant to fin an e*act match or an a%%ro*imate matchD If TR)# F
a%%ro*imate match is returne FA$S# F #*act
Reference to a cell or ran(e of cells an can refer to multi%le areasD If you 0ant to s%ecify several
references as a sin(le ar(ument; then you must inclue e*tra sets of %arentheses so that Microsoft #*cel
0ill not inter%ret the comma as a fiel se%arator
The name of the coe resource in Microsoft #*cel for the MacintoshD 7ou can also use the resource I"
numberD The resource I" number must not be in the form of te*t
A number that etermines the ty%e of return valueW H 2or omitte3 H F SunayA + F H F MonayA 4 F 5 F
A number that etermines on 0hich ay the 0eek be(insA H 2or omitte3 F starts Sunay nums H to GA + F
The %o%ulation 2kno0n3 stanar eviationD If omitte; the sam%le stanar eviation is use
The multi%le to 0hich you 0ant to roun
The sam%le si:e
The %o%ulation stanar eviation for the ata ran(e
The stanar eviation of ln2*3D
The first ate as an acce%table ate in inverte commas or as a serial number
The character at 0hich to start the search
First %erio number
A lo(ical value s%ecifyin( 0hether to return aitional re(ression statistics TR)# returns aitional statistics
The threshol valueD If you omit a value for ste%; '#ST#P uses :ero
The suffi* for the ima(inary com%onent of the com%le* numberD If omitte; suffi* is assume to be 6i6
The actual cells to sum
A table of information in 0hich ata is looke u%
A number from 5 to 4+GBG re%resentin( the seconD Any value (reater than K> 0ill be converte to hours;
An #*cel ate 8 time serial numberD "ates shoul be entere by usin( the "AT# function; or as results of
other formulas or functionsD The #*cel ate serial number varies accorin( to settin( of H>55 or H>5J ate
system in Tools X O%tions X CalculationD
A ate 8 time serial numberD "ates shoul be entere by usin( the "AT# function; or as results of other
Name of the server 0here the a1in shoul be runD If there is no server; an the %ro(ram is run locally;
leave the ar(ument blankD Other0ise; enter <uotation marks 2663 aroun the server name
A securityQs settlement ate; 0hich is the ate after the issue ate 0hen the security is trae to the buyerD
#ntere as an acce%table ate in <uotation marks or as a serial number or function returnin( a ate serial
Te*t s%ecifyin( the name of the 0orksheet to be use as the e*ternal referenceD If sheetEte*t is omitte; no
A three1letter strin(; or reference to a cell containin( the strin(; corres%onin( to the ISO coe for the source
Bel(ium 1 franc 1 B#F $u*embour( 1 franc 1 $)F 'ermany 1 eutche mark 1 "#M
S%ain 1 %eseta 1 #SP France 1 franc 1 FRF Irelan 1 %oun 1 I#P Italy 1 lira 1 IT$
Netherlans 1 (uiler 1 N$' Austria 1 schillin( 1 ATS Portu(al 1 escuo 1 PT#
Finlan 1 markka 1FIM #uro member states 1 euro 1 #)R
"enmark 1 krone 1 "// 'reece 1 rachma 1 'R" S0een 1 krona 1 S#/
S%ecifies the number of istribution tails to returnD If tails F H; T"IST returns the one1taile istributionD If
tails F +; T"IST returns the t0o1taile istribution
Te*t or a reference to a cell that contains the te*t you 0ant to chan(e
First item of te*t
Secon item of te*t
Secon of u% to 45 items of te*t
A te*t strin( enclose in <uotation marks that re%resents a time in any one of the #*cel time formats
A unit of measurement
The lar(est inte(er to be returne
First of u% to +I %arameters that to(ether re%resent a uni<ue %iece of real1time ata
Secon of u% to +I %arameters that to(ether re%resent a uni<ue %iece of real1time ata
The number of ine%enent trials
5 F Payment in arrearsA H F %ayment in avance
A three1letter strin(; or reference to a cell containin( the strin(; corres%onin( to the ISO coe for the source
Bel(ium 1 franc 1 B#F $u*embour( 1 franc 1 $)F 'ermany 1 eutche mark 1 "#M
S%ain 1 %eseta 1 #SP France 1 franc 1 FRF Irelan 1 %oun 1 I#P Italy 1 lira 1 IT$
Netherlans 1 (uiler 1 N$' Austria 1 schillin( 1 ATS Portu(al 1 escuo 1 PT#
Finlan 1 markka 1FIM #uro member states 1 euro 1 #)R
"enmark 1 krone 1 "// 'reece 1 rachma 1 'R" S0een 1 krona 1 S#/
W 6(6 F (ramA 6s(6 F slu(A 6lbm6 F %oun 2avoiru%ois3A 6u6 F Atomic massA 6o:m6 F ounces
W 6m6 F meterA 6mi6 F Statute MileA 6Nmi6 F Nautical mileA 6in6 F inchA 6ft6 F footA 6y6 F yarA
6an(6 F An(stromA 6%ica6 F %ica 2H8G+in3
W 6yr6 F yearA 6ay6 F ayA 6hr6 F hourA 6mn6 F minuteA 6sec6 F secon
W 6%a6 F PascalA 6atm6 F atmos%hereA 6mm!(6 F mm of mercury
W 6N6 F Ne0tonA 6yn6 F yneA 6lbf6 F %oun force
W 6.6 F .ouleA 6e6 F er(A 6c6 Thermoynamic calorieA 6cal6 F IT calorieA 6e,6 F electron voltA
6!Ph6 F horse%o0er1hourA 69h6 F 9att1hourA 6flb6 F foot1%ounA 6BT)6 F BT)
W 6!P6 F horse%o0erA 696 F 9att
W 6T6 F TeslerA 6(a6 F 'auss
W 6C6 F e(rees CelsiusA 6F6 F e(rees FahrenheitA 6/6 F /elvin
W 6ts%6 F teas%oonA 6tbs6 F tables%oonA 6o:6 F flui ounceA 6cu%6 F cu%A
6%t6 F )S PintA 6)/E%t6 F )/ %intA 6<t6 F <uartA 6(al6 F (allonA 6l6 F liter
Pre.x 4$$re+a!ons .or me!rcW 6#6 F H#@HI F e*aA 6P6 F H#@HK F %etaA 6T6 H#@H+ F teraA 6'6 F H#@5> F
(i(aA 6M6 F H#@5B F me(aA 6k6 F H#@54 F kiloA 6h6 F H#@5+ F hectoA 6e6 F H#@5H F ekaoA 66 F H#15H F
eciA 6c6FH#15+ F centiA 6m6 F H#154 F milliA 6u6 F H#15B F microA 6n6 F H#15> F nanoA 6%6 F H#1H+ F %icoA 6f6
F H#1HK F femtoA 6a6 F H#1HI F atto
An inte(er e<ual to or (reater than 4 that s%ecifies the number of si(nificant i(its to be use for the
intermeiate euro value 0hen convertin( bet0een t0o euro member currencies
The kin of t1Test to %erformA H F PaireA + F T0o1sam%le e<ual variance 2homosceastic3A 4 F T0o1sam%le
une<ual variance 2heterosceastic3
Te*t s%ecifyin( the ata ty%e of the return value an the ata ty%es of all ar(uments to the "$$ or coe
The u%%er boun for inte(ratin( #RFD If omitte; #RF inte(rates bet0een :ero an lo0erElimit
A value or an e*%ression that evaluates to a value
The value that is returne if lo(icalEtest is FA$S#
The value that is returne if lo(icalEtest is TR)#
A numeric value
Secon of H to n %ossible values 2nF45 for A,#RA'#AA nF+> for C!OOS#; NP,3
An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers
The te*t containin( the te*t you 0ant to fin
The value at 0hich to evaluate the function
The *1coorinate of the %oint
The ran(e of numeric values of * 0ith 0hich there are associate %robabilities
The y1coorinate of the %oint
The year number as one to four i(its
The securityQs annual yiel
The value for 0hich you 0ant the istribution
Te*t that s%ecifies 0hat ty%e of information you 0ant returneW
6irectory6 F Path of current irectory of folerA
6memavail6 F Amount of currently available memory in bytesA
6memuse6 F Amount of memory bein( use for ataA
6numfile6 F number of active 0orksheets in o%en 0orkbooksA
6ori(in6 F cell reference of to% leftmost cell visible in 0ino0; base on current scrollin( %ositionA
6osversion6 F current o%eratin( system version; as te*tA
6recalc6 F current recalculation moeA
6system6 F name of the o%eratin( environment 2Mac or %cos3A
6totmem6 F total memory available
6y6 F yearsA 6m6 F monthsA 66 F aysA 6m6 F ays i(norin( months an yearsA 6ym6 F years an monthsA
An array or a reference to cells that contain numbers for 0hich you 0ant to calculate the internal rate of
returnD ,alues must contain at least one %ositive value an one ne(ative value to calculate the internal rate
of returnD If an array or reference ar(ument contains te*t; lo(ical values; or em%ty cells; those values are
A series of cash flo0s that corres%ons to a scheule of %ayments in atesD The first %ayment is o%tional
an corres%ons to a cost or %ayment that occurs at the be(innin( of the investmentD If the first value is a
cost or %ayment; it must be a ne(ative valueD All succeein( %ayments are iscounte base on a 4BK1ay
yearD The series of values must contain at least one %ositive value an one ne(ative value
The 0ith; in number of columns; that you 0ant the returne reference to beD 9ith must be a %ositive

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