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How to Read External HD on Mac OS

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External Hard drive - mac AND
pc compatibility software?
I just bought a new external hard drive - its a 1T Samsung S2 Portable. M
!om"uter is a Ma!boo# Pro however m wor# !om"uter is a P$. I%d li#e to
use m new hard drive on both !om"uters i& "ossible, to trans&er wor#
between m wor# !om"uter and home, and just have a ba!#u" between
both. 'hat%s the best wa to go about this so that both P$ and Ma! !an
read and !o" to m hard drive(
I was reading about re&ormatting it as )*T, however then I !an%t use it &or
m Ma! Time ma!hine ba!#u"s. Is there another wa(
'hat about so&tware that !an allow me to use m hard drive on both "!
and ma!( I%ve read about Transma! and Ma!drive, is this the sort o& thing
i%m loo#ing &or( *re there an other similar "rograms( &ree would be good,
but not !om"letel ne!essar+ *lso a ,ui!# run down on how these
"rograms wor# would be good, &or exam"le, do the "artition the drive,
"art &or ma! and "art &or "!(
Sorr &or all o& the ,uestions. I%m "rett new to ma! and I dont reall get
this sort o& thing+
Than#s &or our hel"+
SilverTongued-evil answered . ears ago
0es, ou !an &ormat it )*T-.2 and use that &or both 1S 2 and 'indows...
but don%t. )*T-.2 is ver ine3!ient, and has a 4 56 7le si8e limit. 9ven
Mi!roso&t sas it is not re!ommended &or use with 'indows 2P SP2 or
later. That doesn%t #ee" old guard P$ gus &rom using it... or &rom using
*:I 7les ;1<<2 era video &ormat=.
1ne wa>
Install ?T)S-.5, an ?T)S read-write driver. $he!# the !urrent &ormat o& the
external H--. I& it is ?T)S, all is well. I& not, either &ormat it ?T)S while
!onne!ted to 'indows ;best= or &ormat it ?T)S while !onne!ted to 1S 2
a&ter installing ?T)S-.5 ;usuall wor#s, but not as reliable as the 'indows
*-:*?T*59S> )ree, wor#s 7ne &or both our 1S 2 and an 'indows.
'or#s with all 'indows !om"uters ;nothing to install in 'indows=. 'or#s
with an 1S 2 that has a read-write driver ;?T)S-.5 or @?T)S )or Ma!@=
-IS*-:*?T*59S> $annot use ?T)S &or Time Ma!hine ba!#u".
*nother wa>
Install Ma!-rive or TransMa! in 'indows. )ormat the external H-- @Ma!
1S 9xtended ;journaled=@.
*-:*?T*59S> $an use it &or our one 'indows sstem. $an use it &or
Time Ma!hine ba!#u"s ;and anthing else= in 1S 2.
-IS*-:*?T*59S> $annot use it with other 'indows sstems that do not
have Ma!-rive or TransMa! installed.
* third wa>
Partition the external H-- into two volumes ;@"artitions@=. )ormat both as
@Ma! 1S 9xtended ;journaled=@. Install ?T)S-.5. Then &ormat the se!ond A
lower "artition ?T)S ;again, !an be &ormatted in 'indows also, but ou
must use @*dministrative Tools@, be!ause a Ma! volume will not mount in
*-:*?T*59S> $an use one "artition &or an 'indows sstem. $an use the
other "artition &or Time Ma!hine ba!#u"s. $an use either "artition &or
anthing else in 1S 2.
-IS*-:*?T*59S> The Ma! "artition !annot be used in standard 'indows
2P at all, and !an onl be used &or reading ;viewing or !o"ing= 7les in
'indows B.
To &ormat a Ma! volume in 'indows 2P or later>
Start C Programs C *dministrative tools C $om"uter Management C
Storage C -is# Management ;lo!al=.
Sele!t the Ma! dis# volume ;in the blue stri"e area=. 5o to @*!tion@ C *ll
tas#s C )ormat. $hose ?T)S.
;I& ou don%t see @*dministrative Tools@ in the Start menu, right-!li!# Start
C Pro"erties C $ustomi8e. Put a !he!# to @-is"la *dministrative Tools@.=
htt">AAwww.!ata!ombae.orgAh&sx.html ;HMS9x"lorer -- read Ma! in 'in 2P=
htt">AAwww."aragon-so&tware.!omAhomeAnt&... ;?T)S )or Ma! -- D4E -- has a
"ane to !hoose startu" dis# &or ?T)S 6oot $am" installations=
htt">AAma!nt&s-.g.blogs"ot.!omA2E1EA1EAt... ;?T)S-.5 &ree=

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