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Proposition infinitive

Je veux que ... ne se traduit jamais par...

1. Je veux qu'elle vienne.
2. Je voudrais que Jane travaille mieux.
Cette proposition infinitive est galement employe aprs les verbes : ask, expect, hate, need,
order, prefer , wait for
3. Je m'attends ce qu'elle m'appelle.
4. J'ai besoin que queqlu'un m'aide.
5. J'attends que Mike revienne.
Notez que expect se traduit souvent par supposer, penser, prvoir
6. Je suppose quelle comprendra
Notez que I cant wait correspond souvent Vivement que.
7. Vivement les vacances !
8. Vivement que ej le revoie
I) Transformez les 2 phrases de faon n'en faire qu'une avec cette tournure .
Exemple : I want......he goes out ..............doit devenir : I want him to go out
1. She wants ______________________________(he reads a book).
2. We want ______________________________ (she visits London).
3. They want ______________________________ (we eat cheese).
4. He wants ______________________________ (they go swimming).
5. I want ______________________________ (you speak fluent English).
6. You wanted ______________________________ (I drive slowly).
7. She wanted ______________________________ (we go to the cinema).
8. I would like ______________________________ (they play football).
9. She expects ______________________________ (we buy a new dress).
10. He expected ______________________________ (she passes her exams).
II) Remettre dans l'ordre.
like | go? | would | us | Where | you | to |
father | My | play | video | me | to | games. | want | doesnt |
you | to | Where | do | want | Jane | live? |
help | wants | us | him. | brother | to | Toms |
expect | at | parents | school. | me | work | My | to |
dont | us | rebel. | want | to | They |
become | a | him | to | doctor. | wouldnt | like | I |
her | England? | to | Do | want | in | study | you |
doesnt | want | go | out. | them | Mary | to |
to | expect | a | him | have | good | I | job. |

III) Remettre dans l'ordre

you | with | come | us. | I | to | want |
He | would | Betty | to | him. | phone | like |
I | to | be | Jim | want | dont | angry. |
listen | like | would | someone | to | She | to | her. |
expecting | to | call | two | at | oclock. | I | am | me | Wendy |
dinner. | Mrs | to | us | to | We | Smith | expect | invite |
you | a | me | wants | book. | He | to | lend |
to | play | wanted | the | said | He | | boys | football. | he |
She | to | her. | help | someone | needs |
I | to | people | rude. | hate | be |
IV) Utiliser Want
1. Does she want ______________________________ (go) to Spain or to Italy at Easter?
2. These plants are drooping; they want ______________________________ (water).
3. My cousin Mary wants ______________________________ (I /go) on holiday with her.
4. Your hair wants ______________________________ (cut).
5. Our parents want ______________________________ (we /start) a new job
6. I don't want ______________________________ (you /spend) all your pocket money on
7. They didn't want ______________________________ (their children/go) to bed late.

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