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BSNL Prepaid West Bengal Tariff Plans ,Internet BSNL Prepaid West Bengal Tariff Plans ,Internet BSNL

NL Prepaid West Bengal Tariff Plans ,Internet BSNL Prepaid West Bengal Tariff Plans ,Internet
Recharge,SMS Packs Recharge,SMS Packs Recharge,SMS Packs Recharge,SMS Packs
You are here : o!e " Prepaid " BSNL " West Bengal
PlansInfo#co! PlansInfo#co! PlansInfo#co! PlansInfo#co! pro$ides %ou the latest plans of BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL#We update these plans al!ost dail% #This plan of BSNL BSNL BSNL BSNL for West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal West Bengal &as
last updated on Saturda%, '( )ul% *+', Saturda%, '( )ul% *+', Saturda%, '( )ul% *+', Saturda%, '( )ul% *+',#This page contains the full infor!ation a-out recharge offers,SMS packs ,internet
recharge,tariff $ouchers,full talk ti!e plan of BSNL for West Bengal .one#
Special Tariff /ouchers Special Tariff /ouchers Special Tariff /ouchers Special Tariff /ouchers
0!ount 0!ount 0!ount 0!ount Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% 1escription 1escription 1escription 1escription
*( + 2+ 1a%s Local3ST1 Rs# '#++32 Minutes 4BSNL to BSNL5 6 Rs#'#*+32Minutes 4BSNL to other net&orks5
2' + 2+ 1a%s 2++ Minutes Local3ST1 BSNL to BSNL Night 4''PM to 7 0M5
28 + 2+ 1a%s Local3ST1 BSNL to BSNL Night 9 +#+83Min
,, + 2+ 1a%s 0ll Local :all 9 '#, p3*Seconds
,; + *< 1a%s Local BSNL to BSNL 9 *+ p3!in
8( + 2+ 1a%s <++ Min Local3ST1 =n >net night 4'' PM to 7 PM5
78 + *< 1a%s Local BSNL to BSNL 9 '* p3!in
;' *+ 2+ 1a%s Local 0n% Net&ork 9 2+p3Min ? Rs *+
'*' + 2+ 1a%s '<++ !in Local3ST1 =n >net night 4'' PM to 7 PM5
'** + (+ 1a%s '#, Paisa per * sec Local an% net&ork $oice call
'28 + 2+ 1a%s 228 !in local3ST1 an%@net
'7, + 7 1a%s Anli!ited Local 3ST1 BSNL to BSNL
'7( 2+ 2+ 1a%s ST1 an% net&ork 28 p3Min ? Rs# 2+
*'( ,+ ,8 1a%s Local3ST1 an% net&ork 28p ? Rs# ,+
2,7 + *; 1a%s Local call@ BSNL to BSNL Anli!ited free
8;, + *; 1a%s Anli!ited Local BSNL to BSNL call and 8++ Min free Local3ST1 calls 0n%@net
7(( + 2+ 1a%s Anli!ited BSNL to BSNL $oice call 4-oth local and ST15
<(, + <' 1a%s Anli!ited Local BSNL to BSNL
',(, + <' 1a%s Anli!ited Local BSNL to BSNL call and '8++ Min free Local3ST1 calls 0n%@net
Internet Packs Internet Packs Internet Packs Internet Packs
0!ount 0!ount 0!ount 0!ount Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% 1escription 1escription 1escription 1escription
'; + * 1a%s
'++ MB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill
-e charged at *p3'+DB
2( + ; 1a%s
*,+ MB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill
-e charged at *p3'+DB
;< + '8 1a%s
8++ MB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill
-e charged at *p3'+DB
(< + *' 1a%s
78+ MB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill
-e charged at *p3'+DB
'2( + *' 1a%s
' BB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill -e
charged at *p3'+DB
'88 + 2+ 1a%s
' BB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill -e
charged at *p3'+DB
*8' + 2+ 1a%s
* BB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill -e
charged at *p3'+DB
87' + 2+ 1a%s
8 BB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill -e
charged at *p3'+DB
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1age % of - 234L 1repaid 5est 2engal 6ariff 1lans 78nternet Recharge7393 1acks
<*' + 7+ 1a%s ; BB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill -e
charged at *p3'+DB
'+'' + 2+ 1a%s
'+ BB *B32B 1ata usages Cree &ith no speed restriction for 1ata, 0fter free usages data &ill
-e charged at *p3'+DB
SMS Packs SMS Packs SMS Packs SMS Packs
0!ount 0!ount 0!ount 0!ount Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% 1escription 1escription 1escription 1escription
'* + ; 1a%s '2+ Local3 National SMS Cree
'2 8 * 1a%s 8+ SMS Cree ?Rs 8
*, + '8 1a%s *78 Local3 National SMS Cree
8* + 2+ 1a%s <7+ Local3 National SMS Cree
7< *+ 2+ 1a%s SMS 9'+p ? Rs#*+
<2 + 2+ 1a%s '78+ Local3 National SMS Cree
',; + 7+ 1a%s 2+++ Local3 National SMS Cree
Talkti!e Plans Talkti!e Plans Talkti!e Plans Talkti!e Plans
0!ount 0!ount 0!ount 0!ount Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% 1escription 1escription 1escription 1escription
'+ ;#( Anli!ited Talkti!e
*+ '8#; Anli!ited Talkti!e
2+ *2#7 Anli!ited Talkti!e
8+ ,'#, Anli!ited Talkti!e
'++ <7 Anli!ited Talkti!e
'8+ '2+ Anli!ited Talkti!e
*++ ';< Anli!ited Talkti!e
Roa!ing Packs Roa!ing Packs Roa!ing Packs Roa!ing Packs
0!ount 0!ount 0!ount 0!ount Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% 1escription 1escription 1escription 1escription
2* + ; 1a%s Inco!ing Cree 4&hile roa!ing5 , =3B local 6 ST1 '#8p3sec
7( + 2+ 1a%s
National Roa!ing /oice :all Rates: Inco!ing calls Cree 6 =3B Local3ST1 calls 9 '#8 p3sec
4Note: inco!ing calls &hile in roa!ing &ill -e free in BSNL NW including Mu!-ai 6 1elhi#5
(+ + (+ 1a%s
National roa!ing I3: call CREE, =3B local call '#8 p3sec, =3B ST1 call '#8 p3sec, other charges
as per -ase plan#
IS1 Packs IS1 Packs IS1 Packs IS1 Packs
0!ount 0!ount 0!ount 0!ount Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e Talkti!e /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% /alidit% 1escription 1escription 1escription 1escription
*2 + 2+ 1a%s :alls to 0ustralia, Bahrain, Indonesia, Du&ait 9 Re#7#,( 6 International SMS 9 Rs#2
*; + 2+ 1a%s Bangladaesh, Mala%sia, ongkong, Thailand calls 9 *#(( 3 Min 6 International SMS 9 Rs#2
2< + 2+ 1a%s :alls to Crance, Ber!an%, A#D#9 ,#,( 6 International SMS 9 Rs#2
,' + 2+ 1a%s :anada, :hina, Singapore, A#S#0# calls 9 '#,( Rs 3 Min 6 International SMS 9 Rs#2
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5age # of + 89:L 5repaid ;est 8engal 6ariff 5lans <=nternet Recharge<9>9 5acks

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