FG August Edition

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When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 1

ISSN: 2053-4426
THE BOSS of one of the
UK s bi ggest veggi e
festivals and founder of a
veg an c ompany has
praised FG for its unique
take on vegetarianism
which is filling a gap in
the market.
Thousands of vegans, vegetarians
and health freaks are set to
descend on Olympia in London
next month for VegfestUK 2014.
Organiser Tim Barford who is also
the founder of hemp company Yaoh,
told FG editor Stephen Ward: I really
enjoy reading your magazine. I was
particularly interested in the article
about the Jewish rabbi turning vegan.
(Top US rabbi goes vegan - FG June 14)
Your articles look at moral reasons
for being vegetarian or vegan which is
a very interesting mix and unique.
There is a gap in the market for
that and you are definitely filling it.
FG started in April 2013 and has run
stories on everything from a veggie
birthday lunch in a west London
restaurant to articles about the trial
of vegan protestors at an arms fair
(Not Guilty - FG February 2014) and
pioneering work on an egg-replacer
(Beyond Eggs-citing - FG July 2013).
A lead story
a b o u t t h e
cancellation of
a l a r g e
spiritual sect
m e e t i n g
( Gur u s vi s i t
cancelled - FG
Nov 2014) got
mo r e t h a n
2,000 internet
h i t s a l o n e
O n - l i n e
readers can
c a t c hup on
back copies at
any time on
s c r i b d . c o m
and download
them at their convenience.
These numbers are on top of the
email recipient list which is set to
break the 500 mark next month.
Over the months FG has faced
criticism as articles have reported
facts head-on and the editorial team
stood firm recently in the face of a
request to censor coverage.
Ward said: FG is an independent
journalistic enterprise and is not
aligned with any organisation or body.
This allows us to cover stories
without fear or favour and always in
the interests of our readers, the
ordinary members of the public, so
easily overlooked by big organisations.
We are officially registered as a
publication by the British Library and
have checks and balances in place to
a l l o w f o r c o r r e c t i o n s a n d
clarifications to our stories.
We will never bow to outside
pressure to censor our articles which
is how a publication builds trust and
respect among readers.
Praise from Tim is very welcome.
We are being thanked on a daily basis
by our rapidly growing readership.
(see Friendly Feedback p5). !
Looking at moral reasons for being vegetarian or vegan is unique and fills a gap in the market
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 2
We run stories, features and
competitions which capture the
i magi nati on and are extremely
popular. No case for vegetarianism
and veganism is more powerful than
the moral one.
Barford (pictured opposite) set up
VegfestUK back in 2003, just for the
In an interview on the A Vegan
Obsession blog Tim said: The vegan
thing was obviously a lot smaller then
so it seemed a really good idea to get
it all in one place and then throw a
big party around it and invite
everyone to come. Its worked a
treat. Loads of people have taken
their first steps towards a veggie, flexi
or vegan lifestyle by coming to one of
our events.
The first show was in Bristol at
The Watershed on November
2003 we had 40 stalls, and
around 1,200 visitors, plus about 300
more in the bar next door!
We had a room for live music and
some demos, and also a talks room
and it went from there.
The first few years the show grew,
but not dramatically. We moved to
the L shed in 2004 and the show
grew to 80 stalls and around 4,000
visitors which was amazing. 2005 and
2006 continued at The L Shed with
similar numbers and then in 2007 the
L Shed shut and we moved over the
river to our current home, The
Amphitheatre. This gave us room to
expand as it was all outdoors, and we
now have a regular 140 stalls and
around 20 25,000 visitors over the
three days. Its wonderful.
Brighton has expanded too, with
135 stalls and 7,000 visitors since its
launch five years ago.
Lots of other shows including the
West Midlands and the North East
Vegan Festivals have taken
inspiration from our shows
and gone off and started
their own, which is really
And a lot of people have
started eating more vegan
food after coming to our
events hundreds of
thousands of people.
And with our media and
PR presence growing every
year, we are reaching more
and more people through a
lot of different channels.
My vision for future
events is that every food
festival in the world is a
vegan festival.
Might seem a long way
off but that is what I am
working towards.
Meanwhile well keep
what we are doing and
keep it interesting and
going, its got its own
energy now, the vegan
thing, its growing of its own accord
because now so many people are on
this trip. Its for real.
Yaoh is based in Bristol UK and is
primarily a hemp company, with a
range of hemp body care and food
FG will be at Olympia on 27/28th
September. Come and meet us or check in
for Steves cookery demo on the Sunday.
FG NEWS 23 JUNE 2014
I need you there beside me, no matter what I do. For I know Ill never find another you. The Seekers 1

ISSN: 2053-4426
J ewi s h rabbi has
come out as vegan
a f t e r f e e l i n g
embarrassment and
shame over some
kosher practices.
The controversial move
comes as an abattoir in
America catering for the
kosher market, which is
supposed to be a humane
way of killing, was suspended
for its inhumane handling of
baby calves.
An undercover investigation found
that sick and injured calves were being
forced into the slaughter halls instead
of being euthanased according to US
Department of Agriculture rules.
Breaking ranks with traditional
Judaism, Shmuly Yanklowitz, the
founder and CEO of the Shamayim
VAretz Institute and one of the top
50 rabbis in America said this month:
The fact that the modern reality of
industrial food production extends
into kosher facilities - which are
supposed to be held to the highest
ethical standards of treatment - brings
me embarrassment and shame as an
Orthodox rabbi and as a Jew.
I cannot pretend any more that
kosher meat, poultry and dairy is any
healthier or ethical than non-kosher
The rabbis move is not unusual
among religious preachers of various
As reported in Friends Gazette last
year Daniel Woodhouse, a Methodist
minister, gave up eating meat after he
realised that killing animals for food
could not be justified on grounds of
cruelty and the environment.
He told Friends Gazette last April:
Maybe its something Methodists
need to think about. There are a lot
more people out there like me.
We are screwing up the world and
it is not Gods will in my opinion.
Hindus, Buddhists and even some
Mohammedans have been sensitive to
animal cruelty for centuries.
Hindu brahmins, the
religions priestly class,
are lacto-vegetarians
refraining from fish,
flesh, fowl or eggs.
Writing in The Wall
Street J ournal Rabbi
Ya n k l o wi t z s a y s :
Kos her meat l i ke
kosher food in general,
b r i n g s ma ny J e ws
feelings of comfort and
security, based on its
mandator y rabbi ni c
supervi si on and i ts
spiritual link with Jewish
As I learned about the reality of
industrial kosher slaughter, however, I
began to realise how far current
practice of animal treatment and
slaughter are from the traditional
ethical values.
As that reality sank in I concluded
that I would need to forgo the
consumption of meat.
Despite all these sad realities I still
keep kosher by eating a healthy,
kosher-certified, plant-based diet.
I am committed to Jewish law in
general and kashrut [Jewish dietary law]
in particular as a means of bringing
ethical and spiritual consciousness to
food consumption. !
See What the good books say p.14
Shame and embarrassment over kosher killing makes Jewish teacher give up mea!
Rabbi Shmuly
VegfestUK, London Olympia, 2013
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 3
A PROMINENT French academic has
called for a controversial law to be
abandoned because it is a form of
right wing nationalism.
Voi si ns vi gi l ants asks vi gi l ant
neighbours to form a group in a bid
to prevent crime.
They should be alert to unusual
facts. And when they are aware of a
fact the members . . . can alert the
mayor or gendarmerie (local police).
Anglo-Saxon countries with their
neighbourhood watch schemes are
quoted as examples of success,
especially the US.
Asked whether she would like to
see the initiative scrapped, Professor
of American History, Nelcia Delano,
told FG: Of course. Definitely.
There are allusions to foreigners
and to people who are disturbed.
It so happens that many of these
people are just like you and me.
And I dont like the distinction
between non-white and white.
Thats basically what it refers to.
The Arabs. The Romanies. The
Arabs are just French people who
were born here.
It is a new form of expelling so-
called foreigners. Its right wing
nationalism. There are problems. So
its easy to rub it in.
French lawyer, Genevieve Kouby
has also hit out at the scheme saying
i t cal l s for denunci ati on of
neighbour on neighbour which can
be done anonymously.
Authori ti es cl ai m the move
introduced in 2011 has achieved a
significant reduction in crime rates.
Claude Guant, then minister of
the interior, said: The majority of
feedback shows a significant drop in
crime of ownership in areas where
the system was implemented. Some
municipalities have declined by 20%
to 40% of burglaries recorded.
But the claim is hotly disputed by
Delano: The statistics have never
been tested or verified. Claims that
house burglary has diminished? There
is no source for the figures.
We dont know where they come
from. Though it comes from the
mayor we dont know whether it is
supported by other institutions in
the region. It is not clear.
Call to scrap French
voisin vigilant scheme
ISRAELI prime minister, Netanyahu, a vegan
and vegetarian supporter, is an all round
loser in the recent Gaza conflict, an FG reader
has declared.
As the seven week war seems to be drawing to a close
David Itkin, who lives in Aix-en-Provence in southern
France, said: Netanyahu cant win whatever he does.
The Israelis blame him for not clearing away the
Palestinian threat and the world blames him for civilian
loss of life in Gaza. Hes an all round loser.
As reported in Nice Veggie Boy in the FG March 2014
edition, Bibi recently revealed he and his wife Sara hardly
eat meat. Animals are more conscious than we
thought, he is reported to have opined.
The truce which began on Tuesday ended seven weeks
of fighting leaving more than 2,200 people, mostly
Palestinians, dead.
As part of the deal, brokered by Egypt, Israel is to ease
its blockade of Gaza and talks on disarming Palestinian
militant groups will begin in Cairo.
Netanyahu is all round loser
Lack of accountability could put innocent people at the mercy of nosey neighbours with a grudg#
Professor Nelcia Delano speaks with FG at a cafe in Villeneuve les Avigno$
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 4
AS A MALAYSIAN woman I am proud
to play a part to deliver Glasgow 2014
Commonwealth Games.
Assigned to Hampden Park, the
athletics competition venue and the
stage for the closing ceremony, I was
responsible for arrival and departure of
athletes, technical officials and members
of the press.
Given this role, I had the opportunity
to greet my home country teams
arrival and personally give the Malaysian
team my best wishes before they
The heartwarming feeling I got when I
greeted them in my home country
language was a nice surprise.
Working with the Scottish volunteers
and staff, who I was supposed to
manage and, at the same time, ensure
they had a great games experience, was
a challenge, to say the least.
The Scots accent was a bit of a
barrier and the attitude of I know
better because I am local could drive
me nuts on some occasions.
But as the saying goes, you have to go
through a ton of stones to find a gem and
I found plenty. They made me laugh and
overwhelmed me with their comforting
words at difficult moments.
One of them even learnt to greet me in
my home language just to cheer me up!
As one of the paid workforce in
Olympic London 2012, I thought I was
well trained for another, smaller scale,
international games like Glasgow 2014
Commonwealth Games.
What I never thought was that in
Glasgow 2014, the pre-games training
was all so general.
When it then came to the real games
time the experience, and scenarios I had
to deal with were nothing like the pre-
games training!
Lucky for me I had many years of event
management experience back home to
help me react to situations spon-
taneously, thinking quickly on my feet to
find answers.
Having chatted with so many athletes,
technical official and press members
during the games time, I got to know that
not all international participants in the
games can tolerate Scottish food and
beverages like haggis and Irn-Bru.
Apparently, most athletes have their
home country chef team on board with
them to prepare their everyday meals!
What a surprise!
Among the most amazing moments in
my Commonwealth Games time as part
of the Glasgow 2014 workforce was the
once-in-a-lifetime close proximity with
Usain Bolt and Prince William.
I cannot believe that I actually saw them
just right in front of my eyes!
Prince William was driving by in front of
me and smiling at me while I waved his
black private limousine to go through the
As for Usain Bolt, I tried to tell his
driver that they were not supposed to
stop at the load zone where buses
stopped, when Usain and his coach
suddenly got out of the car and marched
right past me!
I was surprised that here was the great
Bolt but not happy that my instruction
had been completely ignored.
Happiest moments for me were when
friendly Malaysian athletes cooperated
with me when I directed them, again in
my home country language, during the
departure crowd control at buses load
zone. They did what I asked!
Overall, I enjoyed my Commonwealth
Games experience in Glasgow 2014.
I happily cheered for the Malaysian
Team which went home with six gold,
seven sliver and six bronze medals.
Also very thankful for the years of
events organising experience back home
in Malaysia which equipped me to react in
difficult decision-making scenarios in
delivering these games. Glaswegians say:
People make Glasgow, I say Malaysians
make me deliver such a great games!
A special note here to show my
appreciation to the games opening
ceremony's minutes of silence for the
MH17 disaster. It makes me even prouder
and overwhelmed to be part of the
games. Thank you Commonwealth Games
Glasgow 2014!
You have given me invaluable memories
and friendships to cherish forever! !
Proud to be part of
the Commonwealth
THE SCOTS make Glasgow; Malaysia makes me deliver the games! Thats
the message from Maggy Ng, one of the games workforce and an FG reader
at the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow which closed this month.
Can we help you? . . . %l!r& Helen Sturrock, Maggy Ng, Melani#
Mckendrick and Hayley Doherty at the Commonwealth Games
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 5
Pointing the finger!
THE EXAMPLES are legion . . .
From the witches of Salem
through to the Jews of Nazi
All it takes is an outstretched
arm, a pointed finger and the
denunciation is done! (top story p3)
The witch is dead! The Jew
rounded up. Its difficult to speak
up for human rights.
Easier, by far, to go with the
crowd. Easier to scream crucify
him! Than to ask for Barabbas.
Beware mendacity hidden behind
the vocal majority!
Dangerous mix
SO ANOTHER government is
claiming to speak for religious
groups, secularism having become
yesterdays game in modern India.
Yet we all know what happens
when religion and politics align.
It is a dangerous mix; often
leading to isolationism,
nationalism, intolerance and even
state-sponsored violence.
Ironically, everything any self-
respecting religion or spiritual
group should abhor? (top story p7)
Ooh la la!
FRIENDS Gazette is looking to
expand its coverage to the
European mainland.
The i-mag has already run
articles on politics, food and green
transport in French.
Talks are underway to build on
this with a base in the country and
more articles on European and
French topics. Watch this space! !
ISSN: 2053-4426
Published by Stephen Ward
Publications, London, England.
YOUR article last time by Sophie
Shao asked for feedback on the
honey issue (Honey, are you really a
vegan? - FG July 2014).
Ive been a vegan for about two
years now.
I started by kicking all animal
products including milk but I still
wear leather shoes and eat honey
and use palm oil.
However, going into things a bit
more I am thinking about giving up
these items.
Your article was very helpful.
Thank you. !
Dennis Sheil
ITS OFTEN difficult to know
where to draw the line when it
comes to acting out of
conscience, or eating out of
conscience for that matter.
Thats why I was interested to
read your article about honey and
why it may be unethical to eat or
drink it.
Im not convinced. If compassion is
what drives you then it is the actual
killing of animals where the violence
begins and, I would say, ends.
Meat is murder! Not - meat is
cruel! So I will continue to use
honey and milk knowing that I am
still true to my non-killing principals.
Id like to take this opportunity
of thanking your writer Sophie
Shao for a very helpful article.
More please! !
Tony Bridgeman
IT REALLY is a difficult one.
Basically being a question of
where do you draw the line?.
I think in these modern times
when things are changing so
rapidly something which was
acceptable one week becomes
unacceptable the next.
There is no doubt that factory
farming is cruel.
Youve got battery farming of
milk producing cows.
And poultry have long been
known to be kept in extremely
inhumane conditions.
But is that a reason for not
eating the products produced by
this kind of farming?
Its a matter of individual
conscience, surely. !
Delia Pears
DOES anything ever change?
Does a boycott of anything,
whether its milk or eggs, or
clothes made with child labour
ever really make a difference?
I doubt it.
Whats the use of not eating or
wearing various foods or items
when producers go merrily on
switching markets or boosting
their advertising to continue
making huge profits.
It will take an absolute age to
have any commercial effect, if any.
Sorry to be so negative. !
Rachel Fielding
GOT an idea for a story or think you can write for us? Then pop
into the VegfestUK in London next month (see advert p. 8).
We will be on the first floor ready to get to know you. On Sunday
you could also learn a thing or two about whipping up a tasty anglo-
Indian snack when editor Steve will be giving a live cooking demo.
Therell be a free first-cum-first-served tasting afterwards. !
and pick up a tasty snack while youre at i!
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 6
Mars choccy drinks
in food poison scare
Company pulls drinks as Food Standards Agency issues contamination warning
A MARS a d a y
hel ps you work
rest and play!
Only these days you
could be doing a lot of
resting - because you
might be recovering from
food poisoning.
Latest developments at the
f a mo u s S l o u g h - b a s e d
chocolate company have
thrown doubt on its old
advert - for those who can
still remember it.
But itd be no joke if you
gulped down one of their choccy
drinks (pictured above) for you could
end up with a very nasty tummy.
The company has pulled a range of
products from supermarket shelves in
the wake of the discovery.
Affected products are:
Sports-cap bottles

Mars Milk (350ml, 376ml)

Starburst Strawberry Dri nk


Bounty Drink (350ml)

Snickers Shake (350ml, 376ml)

Skittles Wildberry (376ml)

Galaxy Smooth Milk (350ml, 376


Milky Way Milk (350ml)

Mars Caramel Milk (350ml

Skittles Fruits (350ml, 376ml)

750ml 'fridge pack' bottles

Mars Milk

Galaxy Smooth Milk

Skittles Fruits
Product recall notices are
bei ng di spl ayed i n stores
supplied by the company,
advising consumers of the
situation and what they can do
if they have bought the affected
In an official statement the
FSA says: Mars Chocolate
Drinks is recalling branded
bottles of sports-cap drinks
and 750ml milk drink products
with best before dates between and
including 19 December 2014 and 11
April 2015.
This is because they contain a type
of the bacteria known as bacillus,
which can cause food poisoning.
This means the products are a
possible health risk to consumers."
No other Mars Chocolate UK pro-
ducts are known to be affected. !
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When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 7
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Book four one-hour sessions -
Get the fifth one half-price! (FG reader offer)
Deep Tissue Massage
PUNJABI ashrams, known as
deras, may have avoided
having to fork out thousands
of rupees in compensation to
farmers whose land they
bought in their followers
The narrow escape comes as the
nationalist BJP party, which swept to
power in this years Indian general
election, has suspended the Land
Ceiling Act which would have looked
at returning benami land to its
original owners, usually poor farmers.
It is claimed these deras have about
10,000 acres bought in the name of
their followers.
Among the buy-ups affected are:

a monastery bought by the

Karmapa sect of Tibetans in the
Trilokpur area of Himachal

land bought by the Ram Rahim

trust on the Kangra-Palampur road

tea gardens bought by the Radha

Soami (RSSB) sect in Kangra
Villagers said the RSSB sect had
changed the nature of the tea gardens
by levelling the land with dynamite
blasts for its Paror centre.
The pro-Hindu BJP party ousted the
more socialist-minded Congress party
in the April/May poll.
Although strictly Hindu, the BJP led
by Narendra Modi (see pic) also looks
favorably on Sikhism and its off shoots
whereas the Congress Party, lead by
Rahul Ghandi, is avowedly secular.
The Congress Party government
had included returning benami land to
its original owners or compensating
them in its election manifesto.
But it lost 162 seats in the election
handing the BJB a majority of 166.
It is the first time a party has won
enough votes to govern without the
support of minor parties.
Acting from this unprecedented
posi ti on of strength the new
government moved to exempt the
religious deras from the Land Ceiling
Act and regularise all benami land
transactions, the Indian press reports.
It has also decreed that the Punjabi
gover nment devel op pl a nned
industrial areas or IT parks in order
to compensate for any lost jobs as a
result of the benami move. !
Deras slip land rights noose
F OL LOWE RS o f t h e
Radha Soami Beas group,
met in Paris this month as
hopes for a centre in the
country grew.
The impromptu meeting was
called by leader Gurinder Singh.
The group is headquartered in
Beas, India where Mr Singh
usually resides.
He revealed at a gathering in
the UK two years ago that sites
in or around the French capital
were being looked at.
The group which advocates a
strict vegetarian diet and daily
meditation has established more
than 30 Science of the Soul study
centres worldwide including
Amsterdam and Frankfurt and
three in the UK.
Any centre in Paris would have
to surmount Frances strict laws
limiting the activities of religious
Government funding might also
be more difficult to access. !
Paris visit
sparks new
centre hopes
Narendra Modi
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 8
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 9
Get away to bonnie Scotland!
self-catering farmhouse
Rennaldburn is a 17th century
farmhouse which sleeps seven to eight.
We also rent individual rooms ~ and can
provide a veggie or vegan breakfast if
requested the previous day.
We are Buddhists and revere all life - so
we do not take hunters or anglers.
Best rates. Reductions for FG readers.
Find us on: www.gonebeyond.co.uk
Eskdalemuir, Langholm. Tel: 01387 373277
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 10
AFTER months of hard work an
inspiring teaser for a movie-with-a-
message is available on-line for film
fanatics to lap up - and hopefully
contribute to the end product "#rites
Stephen Ward$.
The intriguing plot sees a gangster meet a fiery
end, a gunfight in a London nightclub and a dramatic
car chase through the streets of Chelsea.
Along the way there are rooftop scenes shot against the
capitals iconic skyline and another in a
swish London flat.
The sweeping Norfolk coastline provides
the dramatic backdrop for another
ominous setting where two enigmatic
characters plot their next dastardly move.
Dozens of talented actors auditioned for
the challenging parts and some roles drew
the help of well know stars like Martin
Shaw, Jay Simpson and Dominic Tighe.
Director and author of Nothing and
Everywhere, Nigel Lesmoir-Gordon,
(pictured right) around whose book the film
is based and named said: It was a lot of
hard work but ultimately I think Im right
in saying, enjoyable for everyone involved.
One of the hardest parts to cast was
that of Susie Bellavista.
I had a specific face and personality in
In the end we found her in Jennifer
Bryer, who brought my character to life.
The film highlights the catastrophe that can occur
when scientific discoveries fall into the wrong hands.
This is an ever-present danger and something the
public and governments should be aware of.
Weve already had the invaluable help of dozens of
people both in front and behind the camera and I
sincerely hope our little teaser now grabs the attention of
the general public and this important movie becomes a
reality which it richly deserves to do. !
To watch the teaser click here
Donations can be made through Gordon Films
The final countdown
Armageddon could be round the corner unless the world WAKES UP!
Shifting sands . . . Lesmoir!
Gordon filming on a
Norfolk beach
The big smoke . . . a hapless victim is
about to meet a grisly end
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 11
IF YOU like antiques and
objects dart from a bygone
age but would rather not
hark back to King this or
Queen that, or wade
through lord and lady hoo-
haas cast offs then a
French brocante may be
the place for you.
Held regularly up and down the
country brocante is French for flee
market or car boot sale. But here
youll find some of Europes best
artifacts for sale, made by the people,
for the people.
The weekly brocante at Villeneuve-
les-Avignon is among the best known
in the country and draws a canny,
international crowd.
Set in a car park on the outskirts
of the medieval jewel that is
Villeneuve this market provides
everything from vintage furniture,
through jewellery to clothes and
even tailors dummies all going for a
Paula from Italy, a regular visitor,
and a dealer knows exactly what
shes after. Im looking for angels,"
she says. I used to have a shop but
now I sell to my contacts.
Angels are always very popular. I
find they sell very well.
Margaret and Bernard King are
from Essex in the UK. They are
new to the place. We usually go to
Italy but were giving France
another go, says Margaret. She
reckons the brocante is on a par
with antique markets at home.
Denis and Sylvie
Boelle have driven
over from Zurich.
They used to live in
Villeneuve but
moved to Switzer-
land because of
Denis job.
Eoitar Amar is a
brocante stall
holder. Its is his full
time job.
Hes been coming
to Villeneuve for
more than 20 years.
His pitch is at the
village end near the
Credit Agricole
He wont say how
much he hopes to
make in a day. "
for angels
THEY say France has a tradition of flea markets or brocantes
which draw bargain hunters from across the globe searching
out items which cant be found elsewhere. But how true is
this? Whats for sale and who goes? Steve Ward investigates.
The brocante at Villneuve!les!Avignon in the Gard
district of Provence is held every Saturday.
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 12
I find my goods when people re-sell their
homes or when they re-decorate from time
to time, he says.
He reckons Villeneuve is the best brocante
in the region.
It is good quality, it is original, the goods
on display are good quality, there is a good
turn over of items with new stuff coming in
all the time and it draws a diverse crowd
from all over the world.
People come from America, Sweden,
Holland, Australia, he says. "
eat as much as you like for 5.95 at the . . .
Tuck in where Miss India, Miss Philippines, Miss Asia and
Miss Afro-Carribean all once feasted - at the INDIAN VEG
92-93 Chapel Market, Angel, Islington,
London N1 9EX Tel: 020 7837 4607
Sandra Seifert, Miss
Philippines Earth, 2009
Bedecked and bejewelled, Paula from Italy is on th#
hunt for angels %top left& . . .
On a par . . . Margaret and Bernard King from th#
UK feel they can get just as good at home %left&.
Swiss couple Denis and Sylvie Boelle get to know l#
grand chien vert a little better . . . %top right&.
Iconic shop models for Christian Dior in red and
black adorn the floor of the brocante %previous page&.
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 13
And the best item on his stall this
week? He points to a pair of copper-
like vases embossed with flamboyant
knights in armour wearing large
feathered hats. Les deux Cavaliers,
he proclaims - of course!
For Jean Paul Didier the Villeneuve
brocante is a great place.
He has been coming for more than
15 years. It proves its worth because
it draws serious French designers and
collectors rather than sightseers and
tourists. These come from Picardy,
Lyonnaise and Paris.
As an afterthought he adds that
many customers also come from "
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'ith a covering letter and full cv
The stalls offer all kinds of vintage items for
sale at prices to make your mouth water.
When they ask you why youre vegetarian tell them you dont agree with killing ! Charan Singh 14
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Thanks - from us and our readers!
Italy, England and even as far
away as America.
Both dealers warn that bargain
hunters should beware com-
mercial outlets calling
themselves brocantes which are
really shops by any other name.
They can be found in the high
street, usually in the artistic or
tourist quarters of many French
towns and villages.
Goods here have been
harvested at proper brocantes
and a massive mark-up of
Make me a$
offer . . . dealers
Eoitar Amar
%top& and Jea$
Paul Didier
%right& hav#
been coming to
Villeneuve for
more than 35
years betwee$
them attracted
by the quality
of th#
punters . . .
One of Eoitars
Cavalier vases
% left& . . .
Paulas angels
in their
original setting
on a brocant#
stall ! pictured
top left.
up to
100 per
cent has
added to
make a
profit. !



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