Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Historical Bibliography

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Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Historical Bibliography

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Table of Contents

Introduction/Methodology .................................................................................................. 3
Bronze Age Collapse-Babylonian Exile ............................................................................. 5
Babylonian Exile-Roman Period ........................................................................................ 6
Byzantine Empire................................................................................................................ 7
Rise of Islam and Caliphate Rule ........................................................................................ 8
Crusades .............................................................................................................................. 9
Medieval European Jewish History .................................................................................. 10
Sephardic Jewish History .................................................................................................. 11
Ottoman Empire ................................................................................................................ 12
Early Modern and Modern European Jewish History ....................................................... 13
World War I, French Involvement, and the British Mandate in Palestine ........................ 14
Holocaust History ............................................................................................................. 15
History of Zionism ............................................................................................................ 16
Post-1948 .......................................................................................................................... 17
Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History ........................................................... 19
Arab Nationalism and the Modern Middle East ............................................................... 21
Historiography, Narratives, Memory, and Theory............................................................ 23
America Does Stuff Too ................................................................................................... 25
Books Which Span Multiple Categories ........................................................................... 26
Other ................................................................................................................................. 28

I compiled this list because I am genuinely disturbed by all the bad history going around
social media in light of the recent events in Gaza, and I want to help interested parties to
understand the thousands of years of history which led us to where we are today. That is
my only interest in compiling this list. I do have my own personal views on the conflict,
but I am a responsible enough historian and MLIS that I know how to separate those
views from my presentation of the secondary literature. The only bias you are likely to
find here is in my categorization, as it inevitably reflects my fields of study.
In compiling this list, my process and methodology were as follows: I first wrote down
all the relevant works I could think of off the top of my head, all hailing from my fields
of Biblical Studies and Modern Jewish History. I then reached out to my friends in
Modern Middle Eastern History, Conflict Studies, Jewish History, etc for
recommendations, lists, and insight; one of my friends, an ABD PhD candidate in
Modern Middle Eastern History, was particularly helpful in helping me understand Israeli
historiography, and pointing me towards the best works in the field of Arab Nationalism.
After taking their recommendations, I conducted a series of google searches using
relevant search term to ensure that I received results from only academic
domains. From there, I read syllabi for university courses, and examined comprehensive
exam reading lists. After that, I searched the catalog of the New York Public Library
using any and all relevant search terms, and I also conducted targeted searches on
Amazon. By the time I finished, I had a 50 pages filled with book titles.
My next step was to divide the list into nineteen categories, deleting irrelevant titles and
repeats as I went along. After dividing the books into categories, I put each title through a
rigorous fact checking process, so to speak. I checked the publication material for each
book to ensure that it was either a. published by an academic press with a built in peer
review process, and/or b. written by an academic historianeither a faculty member, or
someone with an MA or PhD in history. If I was still unsure after that step, I searched the
title in the University of Marylands database system, and read the academic (meaning,
peer reviewed) book reviews of the title. From there I either kept it on the list or removed
it. As I approached the late-Ottoman period, I became extra-critical of relevant titles. At
this point, I made sure to read book reviews from at least two academic journals in
different fields/subfields to ensure not only the texts legitimacy, but its ability to hold
firm against the scrutiny of scholars in multiple fields. I tended to remove a work if the
word polemic appeared in the reviews.
This said, many of the works on this list, particularly, but not exclusively, in the Post-
1948, Arab Nationalism and the Modern Middle East, General Overviews, and
Historiography Narratives, Memory and Theory categories will be slanted, or biased.
Considering the topic at hand, this reality is both inevitable and perhaps necessary. I do
advise you, however, to read any books you select from these categories critically.
The vast majority of these books are academic histories (simply put, I dont trust popular
historians with this topic), so if you are not accustomed to that type of writing, be sure to
read the Introduction of whichever books you select very carefully, and understand that
you are reading to learnnot necessarily to enjoy.
In terms of my categorizationit is imperfect and becomes admittedly fuzzy once we get
into the late Ottoman Period. Im not even 100% comfortable with some of these
categories, but alas, if there is one thing I learned from Library Science it is that
categories are both terrible and inevitable in the organization of information.
The categories are as follows:
Bronze Age Collapse-Babylonian Exile
Babylonian Exile-Roman Period
Byzantine Empire
Rise of Islam and Caliphate Rule
Medieval European Jewish History
Sephardic Jewish History
Ottoman Empire
Early Modern and Modern European Jewish History
World War I, French Involvement, and the British Mandate in Palestine
Holocaust History
History of Zionism
Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History
Arab Nationalism and the Modern Middle East
Historiography, Narratives, Memory, and Theory
America Does Stuff Too
Books Which Span Multiple Categories
I will post the list in daily, manageable chunks until we hit the end. Once posted in its
entirety, this list will be permanently linked on my home page. I will continue to add to it
as I inevitably come across a neglected source or twelve and fill in some gaps. If you
think I missed an important text and want me to add it, please apply my methodology to it
before sending it on to me. For readers seeing this on a reblog, following me until the list
is done is the best way to ensure that you wont miss an installment.
I hope that from this list you will gain an appreciation for the long and enormously
complex history of this region of the world, and I hope you gain an appreciation for the
vast arrays of experiences, ethnicities, and histories tied up in this tiny, contested piece of
land. Hopefully this appreciation will lead to a broad, complete understanding of the
issues at stake today, and will help you to inject accurate historical understandings into
dialogue when you come across it.
Bronze Age Collapse-Babylonian Exile
Old Testament Parallels (New Revised and Expanded Third Edition): Laws and Stories
from the Ancient Near East by Victor H. Matthews and Don C. Benjamin
1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Turning Points in Ancient History) by Eric
From Eden to Exile: Unraveling Mysteries of the Bible by Eric Cline
Did God Have a Wife?: Archaeology and Folk Religion in Ancient Israel by William
Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From? by William Dever
The End of the Bronze Age by Robert Drews
The Bible Unearthed: Archaeologys New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its
Sacred Texts by Neil Silberman and Israel Finkelstein
Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Eliot Friedman
A History of Ancient Israel and Judah, Second Edition by J. Maxwell Miller and John
Haralson Hayes
The Social History of Ancient Israel: An Introduction by Rainer Kessler
The Philistines and Aegean Migration at the End of the Late Bronze Age by Assaf Yasur-
Ancient Israels History and Historiography: The First Temple Period (Collected Essays)
Volume 3 by Nadav Naaman

Babylonian Exile-Roman Period
Jews, Judaism, and the Classical World by Gedalyahu Alon
Judas Maccabaeus: The Jewish Struggle Against the Seleucids by B. Bar-Kochva
The First Jewish Revolt: Archaeology, History and Ideology by Andrea M. Berlin
The Jews in the Greek Age by Elias Bickerman
The Emergence of Yehud in the Persian Period: A Social and Demographic Study
(Library Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies) by Charles E. Carter
Rome and Jerusalem: The Clash of Ancient Civilizations by Martin Goodman
The Ruling Class of Judaea: The Origins of the Jewish Revolt against Rome, A.D. 66-70
by Martin Goodman
Achaemenid Imperial Administration in Syria-Palestine & the Missions of Ezra &
Nehemiah (Dissertation) by Kenneth G. Hoglund
From the Rivers of Babylon to the Highlands of Judah: Collected Studies on the
Restoration Period by Sara Japhet
Josephus: The Complete Works translated by William Whiston; by Flavius Josephus
Jewish Babylonia between Persia and Roman Palestine/em> by Richard Kalmin
Centrality Practiced: Jerusalem in the Religious Practice of Yehud and the Diaspora
during the Persian Period (Archaeology and Biblical Studies) by Melody D. Knowles
Religious and Ethnic Communities in Later Roman Palestine (Studies and Texts in Jewish
History and Culture, 5) by Hayim Lapin
Judah and the Judeans in the Persian Period by Oded Lipschits
Bar Kokhba War Reconsidered: New Perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt Against
Rome (Texts and Studies in Ancient Judaism, 100) by Peter Schafer
Understanding Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism by Lawrence H. Schiffman
Diaspora Judaism in Turmoil, 116/117 CE: Ancient Sources and Modern Insights
(Interdisciplinary Studies in Ancient Culture and Religion) by Miriam Pucci Ben Zeev

Byzantine Empire
The Byzantine-Islamic Transition in Palestine: An Archaeological Approach (Oxford
Studies in Byzantium) by Gideon Avni
The Byzantine Empire by Robert Browning
Religious Communities in Byzantine Palestina: The Relationship Between Judaism,
Christianity and Islam AD 400-700 (Bar International Series) by Eliya Ribak
A Short History of the Byzantine Empire (I.B. Tauris Short Histories) by Dionysios

Rise of Islam and Caliphate Rule
Mongols and Mamluks: The Mamluk-Ilkhanid War, 1260-1281 (Cambridge Studies in
Islamic Civilization) by Reuven Amitai-Preiss
The Byzantine-Islamic Transition in Palestine: An Archaeological Approach (Oxford
Studies in Byzantium) by Gideon Avni
The Great Caliphs: The Golden Age of the Abbasid Empire by Amira K. Bennison
The Rise of Islam (Greenwood Guides to Historic Events of the Medieval World) by
Matthew Gordon
The First Dynasty of Islam: The Umayyad Caliphate AD 661-750 by G. R Hawting
The Early Abbasid Caliphate: A Political History by Hugh Kennedy
The Great Arab Conquests: How the Spread of Islam Changed the World We Live In by
Hugh Kennedy
When Baghdad Ruled the Muslim World: The Rise and Fall of Islams Greatest Dynasty
by Hugh Kennedy
Islam in the Middle Ages: The Origins and Shaping of Classical Islamic Civilization
(Praeger Series on the Middle Ages) by Jacob Lassner
The Ottomans and the Mamluks: Imperial Diplomacy and Warfare in the Islamic World
(Library of Ottoman Studies) by Cihan Yksel Muslu
The History of Jerusalem: The Early Muslim Period (638-1099) by Joshua Prawer
The Politics and Culture of an Umayyad Tribe: Conflict and Factionalism in the Early
Islamic Period (Library of Middle East History) by Mohammad Rihan
Exploring An Islamic Empire: Fatimid History and its Sources by Paul Walker
Fatimid History and Ismaili Doctrine (Variorum Collected Studies) by Paul Walker

The Crusades: The Authoritative History of the War for the Holy Land by Thomas
The Crusader States by Malcolm Barber
The Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades by Paul M. Cobb
The Crusades and the Christian World of the East: Rough Tolerance (The Middle Ages
Series) by Christopher MacEvitt
The Concise History of the Crusades (Critical Issues in World and International History)
by Thomas F. Madden
The Crusades: A History by Jonathan Riley-Smith
Gods War: A New History of the Crusades by Christopher Tyerman

Medieval European Jewish History
Reassessing Jewish Life in Medieval Europe by Robert Chazan
The Jews of Medieval Western Christendom, 1000-1500 (Cambridge Medieval
Textbooks) by Robert Chazan
Alienated Minority: The Jews of Medieval Latin Europe by Kenneth Stow

Sephardic Jewish History
Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era by Julia
Phillips Cohen
Sephardim: The Jews from Spain by Paloma Daz-Mas
The Jews of Spain: A History of the Sephardic Experience by Jane S. Gerber
History of a Tragedy: THE EXPULSION OF THE JEWS FROM SPAIN (Hispanisms) by
Joseph Perez
After Expulsion: 1492 and the Making of Sephardic Jewry by Jonathan S. Ray
Sephardi Jewry: A History of the Judeo-Spanish Community, 14th-20th Centuries
(Jewish Communities in the Modern World) by Esther Benbassa and Aron Rodrigue
French Jews, Turkish Jews: The Alliance Israelite Universelle and the Politics of Jewish
Schooling in Turkey 1860-1925 (The Modern Jewish Experience) by Aron Rodrigue
Jews and Muslims: Images of Sephardi and Eastern Jewries in Modern Times by Aron
Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry: From the Golden Age of Spain to Modern Times by Zion

Ottoman Empire
Ottoman Brothers: Muslims, Christians, and Jews in Early Twentieth-Century Palestine
by Michelle Campos
Becoming Ottomans: Sephardi Jews and Imperial Citizenship in the Modern Era by Julia
Phillips Cohen
Osmans Dream: The History of the Ottoman Empire by Caroline Finkel
A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire by M. Skr Hanioglu
The Arabs of the Ottoman Empire, 1516-1918: A Social and Cultural History by Bruce
The Ottomans and the Mamluks: Imperial Diplomacy and Warfare in the Islamic World
(Library of Ottoman Studies) by Cihan Yksel Muslu
The Ottoman Empire, 1700-1922 (New Approaches to European History) by Donald
Frontiers of the State in the Late Ottoman Empire: Transjordan, 1850-1921 (Cambridge
Middle East Studies) by Eugene L. Rogan
Palestine in Transformation, 1856-1882: Studies in Social, Economic and Political
Development by Alexander Scholch
The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern
World (Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization) by Baki Tezcan

Early Modern and Modern European Jewish History
The Jews of Eastern Europe, 1772-1881 (Jewish Culture and Contexts) by Israel Bartal
The Renaissance of Jewish Culture in Weimar Germany by Michael Brenner
Haskalah and History: The Emergence of a Modern Jewish Historical Consciousness
(Littman Library of Jewish Civilization) by Shmuel Feiner
The Jews of Poland Between Two World Wars (Tauber Institute for the Study of
European Jewry Series) by Yisrael Gutman
Dreyfus: Politics, Emotion, and the Scandal of the Century by Ruth Harris
From Dreyfus to Vichy: The Remaking of French Jewry 1906-1939 by Paula Hyman
European Jewry in the Age of Mercantilism 1550-1750: Third Edition (Littman Library
of Jewish Civilization) by Jonathan I. Israel
Jewish Daily Life in Germany, 1618-1945 edited by Marion A. Kaplan
From Prejudice to Destruction: Anti-Semitism, 1700-1933 by Jacob Katz
Out of the Ghetto: The Social Background of Jewish Emancipation, 1770-1870 (Modern
Jewish History) by Jacob Katz
Toward Modernity: The European Jewish Model by Jacob Katz
The Jews of East Central Europe between the World Wars (A Midland Book) by Ezra
The Origins of the Modern Jew: Jewish Identity and European Culture in Germany,
1749-1824 by Michael A. Meyer
Beyond the Pale: The Jewish Encounter with Late Imperial Russia (Studies on the
History of Society and Culture) by Benjamin Nathans
The Transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840 (Studies in Jewish History) by David
Tsar Nicholas I and the Jews: The transformation of Jewish society in Russia, 1825-1855
by Michael Stanislawski
Zionism and the Fin de Sicle: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism from Nordau to
Jabotinsky by Michael Stanislawski
World War I, French Involvement, and the British Mandate in Palestine
A Line in the Sand: The Anglo-French Struggle for the Middle East, 1914-1948 by James
The Last Crusade: The Palestine Campaign in the First World War by Anthony Bruce
British Pan-Arab Policy, 1915-1922 by Isaiah Friedman
The Question of Palestine: British-Jewish-Arab Relations 1914-1918 by Isaiah Friedman
A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the
Modern Middle East by David Fromkin
Arab Christians in British Mandate Palestine: Communalism and Nationalism, 1917-
1948 by Noah Haiduc-Dale
From Empire to Empire: Jerusalem Between Ottoman And British Rule (Space, Place
and Society) by Abigail Jacobson
Politics in Palestine: Arab Factionalism and Social Disintegration, 1939-1948 (SUNY
Series in the Social and Economic History of the Middle East) by Issa Khalaf
The End of the Palestine mandate (Modern Middle East series) by William Roger Louis
Colonialism and Christianity in Mandate Palestine (Jamal and Rania Daniel Series in
Contemporary History, Politics, Culture, and Religion of the Levant) by Laura Robson
The Balfour Declaration: The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict by Jonathan Schneer
The Politics of Partition: King Abdullah, the Zionists, and Palestine 1921-1951 by Avi
King Abdullah, Britain and the Making of Jordan (Cambridge Middle East Library) by
Mary Christina Wilson
Hell in the Holy Land: World War 1 in the Middle East by David R. Woodward

Holocaust History
None is Too Many: Canada and the Jews of Europe, 1933-1948 by Irving Abella
A History of the Holocaust (Single Title Social Studies) by Yehuda Bauer
FDR and the Jews by Richard Breitman
Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland by
Christopher R. Browning
The War Against the Jews: 1933-1945 by Lucy S. Dawidowicz
Flight from the Reich: Refugee Jews, 1933-1946 by Robert Jan van Pelt and Debrah
The Politics of Rescue: The Roosevelt Administration and the Holocaust, 1938-1945 by
Henry L. Feingold
The Destruction of the European Jews, 3 Volume Set (Third Edition) by Raul Hilberg
Between Dignity and Despair: Jewish Life in Nazi Germany (Studies in Jewish History)
by Marion Kaplan
Generation Exodus : The Fate of Young Jewish Refugees from Nazi Germany by Walter
The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry 1933-1945 by Nora Levin
The Crisis of German Ideology : Intellectual Origins of the Third Reich by George L.
Escaping the Holocaust: Illegal Immigration to the Land of Israel, 1939-1944 (Studies in
Jewish History (Oxford Hardcover)) by Dalia Ofer
The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941-1945 by David S.
Paper Walls: America and the Refugee Crisis 1938-1941 by David S. Wyman

History of Zionism
Nationalism, Zionism and Ethnic Mobilization of the Jews in 1900 and Beyond (Ijs
Studies in Judaica, V. 2) by Michael Berkowitz
Zionism by David Engel
The Zionist Idea: A Historical Analysis and Reader by Arthur Hertzberg
A History of Zionism: From the French Revolution to the Establishment of the State of
Israel by Walter Laqueur
The Arabs and Zionism before World War I by Neville Mandel
Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001 by Benny Morris
Zionism and Technocracy: The Engineering of Jewish Settlement in Palestine, 1870-1918
(The Modern Jewish Experience) by Derek J. Penslar
A History of Israel: From the Rise of Zionism to Our Time by Howard M. Sachar
Becoming Hebrew: The Creation of a Jewish National Culture in Ottoman Palestine by
Arieh Bruce Saposnik
Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948 (Stanford Studies in Jewish
History and C) by Anita Shapira
The Zionist Ideology (Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry) by Gideon
Collusion Across the Jordan: King Abdullah, the Zionist Movement, and the Partition of
Palestine by Avi Shlaim
The Politics of Partition: King Abdullah, the Zionists, and Palestine 1921-1951 by Avi
Zionism and the Fin de Sicle: Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism from Nordau to
Jabotinsky by Michaell Stanislawski
The Origins of Zionism by David Vital
Zionism: The Formative Years by David Vital

They Did Not Dwell Alone: Jewish Immigration from the Soviet Union, 1967-1990
(Woodrow Wilson Center Press) by Professor Petrus Buwalda
The Global Offensive: The United States, the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the
Making of the Post-Cold War Order (Oxford Studies in International History) by Paul
Thomas Chamberlin
Good Arabs: The Isrli Security Agencies and the Isrli Arabs, 1948-1967 by Hillel
The Limits of Dtente: The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Arab-Israeli Conflict,
1969-1973 by Craig Daigle
Palestine 1948: War, Escape and the Emergence of the Palestinian Refugee Problem by
Yoav Gelber
Struggle and Survival in Palestine/Isrl by Mark LeVine
1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War by Benny Morris
1948 and After: Israel and the Palestinians (Clarendon Paperbacks) by Benny Morris
The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947-1949 (Cambridge Middle East
Library) by Benny Morris
The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited (Cambridge Middle East Studies)
by Benny Morris
Israels Border Wars, 1949-1956: Arab Infiltration, Israeli Retaliation, and the
Countdown to the Suez War by Benny Morris
Six Days of War: June 1967 and the Making of the Modern Middle East by Michael B.
The Soviet Government and the Jews 1948-1967: A Documented Study by Benjamin
The Jewish Movement in the Soviet Union by Yaacov Roi
The Soviet Union and the June 1967 Six Day War (Cold War International History
Project) by Yaacov Roi
The War for Palestine: Rewriting the History of 1948, 2nd Edition (Cambridge Middle
East Studies 15) by Eugene L. Rogan
1967: Israel, the War, and the Year that Transformed the Middle East by Tom Segev

Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History
Jewish Emigration from the Yemen 1951-98: Carpet Without Magic (SOAS Centre for
Near & Middle Eastern Studies) by Reuben Ahroni
New Babylonians: A History of Jews in Modern Iraq by Orit Bashkin
The Damascus Affair: Ritual Murder, Politics, and the Jews in 1840 by Jonathan
The Jewish Exodus from Iraq, 1948-1951 by Moshe Gat
In Ishmaels House: A History of Jews in Muslim Lands by Martin Gilbert
The Magic Carpet Exodus of Yemenite Jewry: An Israeli Formative Myth by Esther
Zionism in an Arab Country: Jews in Iraq in the 1940s by Esther Meir-Glitzenstein
Jewish Culture and Society in North Africa (Indiana Series in Sephardi and Mizrahi
Studies) by Emily Benichou Gottreich
The Jews in Modern Egypt, 1914-1952 (Publications on the Near East) by Gudrun
The Jews of Egypt, 1920-1970: In the Midst of Zionism, Anti-Semitism, and the Middle
East Conflict by Michael M. Laskier
North African Jewry in the Twentieth Century: The Jews of Morocco, Tunisia, and
Algeria by Michael M. Laskier
Comprehensive History of the Jews of Iran: The Outset of the Diaspora by Habib Lavi
The Road to Redemption: The Jews of the Yemen 1900-1950 (Brills Series in Jewish
Studies) by Tudor Parfitt
Jews and Muslims: Images of Sephardi and Eastern Jewries in Modern Times by Aron
The Jews of the Middle East and North Africa in Modern Times by Reeva Spector Simon
Saharan Jews and the Fate of French Algeria by Sarah Abrevaya Stein
The Jews of Arab Lands in Modern Times by Norman A. Stillman
Operation Esther: Opening the Door for the Last Jews of Yemen by Hayim Tawil
Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewry: From the Golden Age of Spain to Modern Times by Zion

Arab Nationalism and the Modern Middle East
A History of the Modern Middle East by William Cleveland
Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair by Adeed
From Ottomanism to Arabism: Essays on the Origins of Arab Nationalism by C. Ernest
Western Imperialism in the Middle East 1914-1958 by D. K. Fieldhouse
Divided Loyalties: Nationalism and Mass Politics in Syria at the Close of Empire by
James L. Gelvin
The Modern Middle East: A History by James L. Gelvin
Castles Made of Sand: A Century of Anglo-American Espionage and Intervention in the
Middle East by Andre Gerolymatos
Rethinking Nationalism in the Arab Middle East edited by Israel Gershoni
A History of the Arab Peoples: With a New Afterword by Albert Hourani
Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire,
1908-1918 by Hasan Kayali
The Iron Cage: The Story of the Palestinian Struggle for Statehood by Rashid Khalidi
The Origins of Arab Nationalism edited by Rashid Khalidi
Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism, 1920-1945 (Princeton
Studies on the Near East) by Philip Shukry Khoury
The Origins of Palestinian Nationalism (Institute for Palestine Studies Series) by
Muhammad Muslih
Arabism Islamism and the Palestine Question: A Political History by Basheer M. Nafi
State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East by Roger Owen
The Middle East in the World Economy, 1800-1914 by Roger Owen
The Emergence of the Palestinian-Arab National Movement, 1918-1929 by Yehoshua
The Palestinian Arab National Movement, 1929-1939: From Riots to Rebellion (Vol 2)
by Yehoshua Porath
The Great Syrian Revolt and the Rise of Arab Nationalism (CMES Modern Middle East
Series) by Michael Provence
Armed Struggle and the Search for State: The Palestinian National Movement, 1949-
1993 by Yezid Sayigh

Historiography, Narratives, Memory, and Theory
Side by Side: Parallel Histories of Israel-Palestine by Sami Adwan
Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, Revised
Edition by Benedict Anderson
The Location of Culture (Routledge Classics) by Homi K. Bhabha
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Contested Histories by Neil Caplan
Provincializing Europe: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference (Princeton
Studies in Culture/Power/History) by Dipesh Chakrabarty
The Nation and Its Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial Histories (Princeton Studies in
Culture/Power/History) by Partha Chatterjee
Memory, History, and the Extermination of the Jews of Europe by Saul Friedlander
Probing the Limits of Representation: Nazism and the Final Solution edited by Saul
Nations and Nationalism, Second Edition (New Perspectives on the Past) by Ernest
Remembering and Imagining Palestine: Identity and Nationalism from the Crusades to
the Present by Haim Gerber
On Collective Memory (Heritage of Sociology Series) by Maurice Halbwachs
Palestinian Identity: The Construction of Modern National Consciousness by Rashid
Heroes and Martyrs of Palestine: The Politics of National Commemoration (Cambridge
Middle East Studies) by Laleh Khalili
Co-memory and Melancholia: Israelis Memorialising the Palestininan Nakba by Ronit
Exile and Return: Predicaments of Palestinians and Jews by Ann M. Lesch
From Empathy to Denial: Arab Responses to the Holocaust (Columbia/Hurst) by Meir
Palestinian Collective Memory and National Identity by Meir Litvak
Making Israel edited by Benny Morris
The Collective Memory Reader edited by Jeffrey K. Olick
Nakba: Palestine, 1948, and the Claims of Memory (Cultures of History) by Ahmad H.
Orientalism by Edward Said
Shared Histories: A Palestinian-Israeli Dialogue by Paul Scham
The Ethnic Origins of Nations by Anthony D. Smith
Memories of Revolt: The 1936-1939 Rebellion and the Palestinian National Past by Ted
Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History by Michel-Rolph Trouillot
Post-Zionism, Post-Holocaust: Three Essays on Denial, Forgetting, and the
Delegitimation of Israel by Elhanan Yakira
Zakhor: Jewish History and Jewish Memory (The Samuel and Althea Stroum Lectures in
Jewish Studies) by Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi
Recovered Roots: Collective Memory and the Making of Israeli National Tradition by
Yael Zerubavel

America Does Stuff Too
Crisis and Crossfire: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945 (Issues in the
History of American Foreign Relations) by Peter L. Hahn
Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East: 1776 to the Present by Michael
B. Oren

Books Which Span Multiple Categories
The Jews in Their Land in the Talmudic Age: 70-640 C.E by Gedaliah Alon
The Formation of Islam: Religion and Society in the Near East, 600-1800 (Themes in
Islamic History) by Jonathan P. Berkey
Under Crescent and Cross: The Jews in the Middle Ages by Mark R. Cohen
Israel / Palestine by Alan Dowty
The Israel-Palestine Conflict: One Hundred Years of War by James L. Gelvin
The Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Basic Introduction, Third Edition by Gregory Harms
Exclusiveness and Tolerance: Studies in Jewish-Gentile Relations in Medieval and
Modern Times (Scripta Judaica, 3) by Jacob Katz
The Palestinian People: A History by Baruch Kimmerling
A History of Palestine: From the Ottoman Conquest to the Founding of the State of Israel
by Gudrun Kramer
The Israel-Arab Reader: A Documentary History of the Middle East Conflict, 7th Edition
by Walter Laqueur
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A History by David W. Lesch
A Brief History of Ancient Israel by Victor H. Matthews
Jews and the Military: A History by Derek Penslar
The History of the Jews in the Greco-Roman World: The Jews of Palestine from
Alexander the Great to the Arab Conquest by Peter Schfer
The Ancient Jews from Alexander to Muhammad (Key Themes in Ancient History) by
Seth Schwartz
Israel: A History (The Schusterman Series in Israel Studies) by Anita Shapira
Palestine in Late Antiquity by Hagith Sivan
Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A History with Documents by Charles D. Smith
The Crusades, Christianity, and Islam (Bampton Lectures in America) by Jonathan Riley-
Europe and the Islamic World: A History by John Tolan

Strangers in Their Homeland: A Critical Study of Israels Arab Citizens by Raanan
The Jewish State: A Century Later, Updated With a New Preface by Alan Dowty
Globalization and Geopolitics in the Middle East: Old games, new rules (Durham
Modern Middle East and Islamic World) by Anoushiravan Ehteshami
Contemporary Israel: Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy, and Security Challenges by
Robert Freedman
Islamophobia: Making Muslims the Enemy by Peter Gottschalk
The Middle East in International Relations: Power, Politics and Ideology (The
Contemporary Middle East) by Fred Halliday
The Resurgence of Anti-Semitism: Jews, Israel, and Liberal Opinion (Philosophy and the
Global Context) by Bernard Harrison
The International Politics of the Middle East (Regional International Politics Series) by
Raymond Hinnebusch
Islamophobia and the Politics of Empire by Deepa Kumar
The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism: From Ancient Times to the Present Day by Walter
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East since 1945 by Douglas
Politics and Government in Israel: The Maturation of a Modern State by Gregory S.
Epic Encounters: Culture, Media, and U.S. Interests in the Middle East since 1945 by
Melani McAlister
Peace Process: American Diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1967 by
William B. Quandt
Jews in Israel: Contemporary Social and Cultural Patterns (Tauber Institute Series for
the Study of European Jewry) edited by Uzi Rebhun
Resurgent Antisemitism: Global Perspectives (Studies in Antisemitism) by Alvin H.
The Israelis: Ordinary People in an Extraordinary Land by Donna Rosenthal
The Multicultural Challenge in Israel (Israel: Society, Culture, and History) by Avi Sagi
Anti-Arab Racism in the USA: Where it Comes From and What it Means for Politics by
Steven Salaita
Being Israeli: The Dynamics of Multiple Citizenship (Cambridge Middle East Studies) by
Gershon Shafir
Brother Against Brother: Violence and Extremism in Israeli Politics from Altalena to the
Rabin Assassination by Ehud Sprinzak
The World Through Arab Eyes: Arab Public Opinion and the Reshaping of the Middle
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