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1. Install VMware View Client on your workstations and establish a connection to the View Connection

2. Click on the Connect button, on the VMware View Client warning window, click on Continue button to
proceed connecting into the Connection server

3. Input the user credentials to log in to the Connection server
USERNAME: studentxx
PASSWORD: vmware@123

4. Once the user is authenticated, click on Landing Shuttles desktop pool and click on Connect button.

5. You are now connected to your individual View Desktop

6. From the View Desktop, open the Remote Desktop Connection (mstsc) and remote to Control Center IP
IP address: 172.20.21.XXX

7. Enter the credentials provided to you to login to the Control Center machine
Username: corp\administrator
Password: vmware@123

8. After logging in to the Control Center server, open the vSphere client available on the Control Center
servers desktop and login to the Primary sites vCenter server
vCenter Hostname: vc-w8-01a.corp.local
vCenter IP address:
Username: corp\administrator
Password: vmware@123

9. At the security warning window check the box install the certificate and do not display any security
warnings for and click on the Ignore button

10. Keep the vSphere client to Primary vCenter open

11. Similarly login to the Remote sites vCenter server with the below credentials
vCenter Hostname: vc-w8-01b.corp.local
vCenter IP address:
Username: corp\administrator
Password: vmware@123

12. At the security warning window check the box install the certificate and do not display any security
warnings for and click on the Ignore button

13. Keep the vSphere Client to Remote vCenter open.


1. Switch over to vSphere Client to Primary vCenter (vc-w8-01a.corp.local) and go to the
HOME window

2. Click on Site Recovery option under Solutions and Applications

3. At the Security Warning window check the box Install this certificate and do not display any security
warnings for and click on the Ignore button

4. Go through the options and tabs (summary, resource manager, folder manager, network mappings,
placeholder datastores etc )available under the Site Recovery solution for the Primary vCenter

5. Follow the same steps to open Site Recovery solution on the vSphere client to Remote vCenter (vc-w8-01b.corp.local)
Note: You have already logged in and kept the console open for the Remote VC on the Control station

6. Click on Site Recovery option under Solutions and Applications

7. At the Security Warning window check the box Install this certificate and do not display any security
warnings for and click on the Ignore button

8. Go through the options and tabs (summary, resource manager, folder manager, network mappings,
placeholder datastores etc )available under the Site Recovery solution for the Remote vCenter

9. From the vSphere client to Remote vCenter vc-w8-01b.corp.local, under the Sites grouping, right click on (Local) and select Configure Connection from the menu

10. The SRM servers (VMware SRM service is already installed on the primary and remote vCenter servers
vc-w8-01a.corp.local and vc-w8-01b.corp.local respectively) need to establish a trust relationship with
each other

From the remote vCenter server, enter primary sites SRM server. Type the following information in the
Address: vc-w8-01a.corp.local or
Port: 80

11. On the validate vCenter Server Certificate, click on show certificate

12. In the certificate window click on Install Certificate

13. On the certificate Import Wizard, click on Next

14. On the Certificate Import Wizard, select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of
the certificate and click on Next

15. On the Certificate Import Wizard click on finish to complete the import.

16. Click Ok on the confirmation window, click Ok the Certificate window and click on the Validate vCenter
Server Certificate window.

17. Type in the Primary vCenter Server vc-w8-01a.corp.local ( log in credentials for

Username: corp\administrator
Password: vmware@123
Click on Next

18. A series of tests will be performed to ensure that access and trust are properly defined between Site A
and Site B.
These tests should all pass with a green check mark. If they fail, try back and try again
Click Finish

19. Now that two way pairing is configured, for Remote vCenter Server vc-w8-01b.corp.local
( from the vSphere Client, the Primary vCenter Server vc-w8-
01a.corp.local( login credentials are required

Username: corp\administrator
Password: vmware@123
And click OK

20. Primary Site is now paired with the remote disaster recovery site.

21. Minimize the vSphere client to remote vCenter (vc-w8-01b.corp.local or and open the
Primary vCenter (vc-w8-01a.corp.local or console

Once you open the Primary vCenter you will be prompted to type in the Remote vCenter Server
credentials. This is because we have done a mutual site pairing on the remote vCenter server.

Type the following

Username: corp\Administrator
Password: vmware@123

Click OK

22. On the vSphere client to Primary vCenter (vc-w8-01a.corp.local or,
Go to Home > Solutions and Applications, click on Site Recovery option
Select the Primary vCenter entry under Sites grouping and click on Resource Mappings tab on the right

Under the Resource Mappings tab, open the Protected Site Resource vc-w8-01a.corp.local,
Expand the ACME-Boston Datacenter,
Right click on the Boston Cluster under the ACME-Boston Datacenter
Select Configure Mapping from the menu

23. From the Mapping for Boston Cluster Window, select the recovery site resource pool. Open the vc-w8-
01b.corp.local vCenter Server. Open Datacenter ACME-New York and select New York Cluster.
Once the cluster is highlighted click on OK

24. The Protected Site Resource for vCenter Server vc-w8-01a.corp.local, ACME-Boston Datacenter, Boston
Cluster is now mapped to the Recovery Site Resource for vCenter Server vc-w8-01b.corp.local, New York

25. We need to now map Primary vCenter folders to Remote vCenter folders to determine the location for
the protected virtual machines when they are recovered to the remote site

With Site Recovery for (Local) selected click on the Folder Mappings tab on the right

Under the Folder Mappings tab, open the Protected Site Resource vc-w8-01a.corp.local,
Expand the Acme-Boston Datacenter and then Protected folder
Right click on the SAN Storage under the ACME-Boston Datacenter
Select Configure Mapping from the menu

26. From the Mapping for SAN Storage Window, select the recovery site folder. Open the vc-w8-
01b.corp.local vCenter Server, expand Datacenter ACME-New York, Protected folder and select SAN
Storage folder folder.
Once the folder is highlighted click on OK

27. The Protected Site Resource for vCenter Server vc-w8-01a.corp.local ACME-Boston Datacenter, SAN
Storage folder is now mapped to the Recovery Site Resource for vCenter Server vc-w8-01b.corp.local,
SAN Storage folder

28. We need to now map Primary vCenter network to Remote vCenter network to determine the networks
for the protected virtual machines when they are recovered to the remote site

With Site Recovery for (Local) selected click on the Network Mappings tab on the right

Under the Network Mappings tab, open the Protected Site Resource vc-w8-01a.corp.local,
Expand the ACME-Boston Datacenter and BOS-DVS
Right click on the dmz-network under BOS-DVS switch
Select Configure Mapping from the menu

29. From the Mapping for dmx-network Window, select the recovery site network. Open the vc-w8-
01b.corp.local vCenter Server, expand Datacenter ACME-New York, NW-DVS and dmz-network port
Once the folder is highlighted click on OK

30. Under the Network Mappings tab, open the Protected Site Resource vc-w8-01a.corp.local,
Expand the ACME-Boston Datacenter and BOS-DVS
Right click on the production-servers under BOS-DVS switch
Select Configure Mapping from the menu

31. From the Mapping for production-servers Window, select the recovery site network. Open the vc-w8-
01b.corp.local vCenter Server, expand Datacenter ACME-New York, NW-DVS and select production-
servers port group.
Once the folder is highlighted click on OK

32. The Protected Site Resources for vCenter Server vc-w8-01a.corp.local, ACME-Boston Datacenter, dmz-
network and production-servers port group is now mapped to the Recovery Site Resource for vCenter
Server vc-w8-01b.corp.local, dmz-network and production-servers respectively.

33. We need to now configure a Placeholder Datastore. Placeholder Datastores are used at both sites to
provide object storage for registration information for the real replicated VMs

With Site Recovery for (Local) selected click on the Placeholder Datastores tab on the

Under the Placeholder Datastore tab click on Configure Placeholder Datastore

34. On the configure Placeholder Datastore window, expand vc-w8-01.corp.local, under ACME-New York
Datacenter select Local-Storage and click on OK


Array Managers provide the interface between SRM and the array based replicated storage systems.
The HP LeftHand VSA is the array based replicated storage system

The HP LeftHand VSA's storage replication adapter (SRA) interface has been installed at Site A's vc-w8-
01a.corp.local and Site B's vc-w8-01b.corp.local vSphere Servers.

1. With Site Recovery selected for (Local) on the vSphere client Primary vCenter vc-w8-
01a.corp.local, select Array Managers grouping on the left.

2. Right click on the (Local) and select Add Array Manager from the menu

3. On the Add Array Manager window specify the Display name and SRA type

Display Name: HP_LH_VSA
SRA Type: HP Lefthand SRA

Click Next

4. Now key in the following SRA login information and click Next
Username: admin
Password: vmware@123

5. After the Array Manager has been added successfully, click on Finish to close the window.

6. Verify the SRA summary for (Local)

7. Similarly we need to configure an Array Manager on the Remote vCenter. With Site Recovery selected
for on the vSphere client Primary vCenter vc-w8-01a.corp.local, select Array Managers
grouping on the left.

Right click on the and select Add Array Manager from the menu

8. On the Add Array Manager window specify the Display name and SRA type and click Next

Display Name: HP_LH_VSA_REMOTE
SRA Type: HP Lefthand SRA

9. Now key in the following SRA login information and click Next
Username: admin
Password: vmware@123

10. After the Array Manager has been added successfully, click on Finish to close the window.

11. Verify the SRA summary for

12. From the vSphere client to vc-w8-01a.corp.locals Site Recovery select (Local), Click SRAs
tab on the right and click on the link Rescan SRAs

13. On the Rescan SRAs information window, click Yes

14. From the vSphere client to vc-w8-01a.corp.locals Site Recovery select, Click SRAs tab on
the right and click on the link Rescan SRAs

15. On the Rescan SRAs information window click Yes

16. From the vSphere client to vc-w8-01a.corp.locals Site Recovery for (Local) highlight
HP_LH_SRA array manager, click on the array pairs on the right and then click Enable link under Action

17. Review the configuration summary under Devices tab

18. Also make sure that the Array Pairs are enabled on the HP_LH_SRA_REMOTE array manager and review
the configuration summary. If already enabled they no configuration needs to be done.


A protection group contains groups of datastores that must be protected together and therefore
recovered together

1. In the vSphere client for Primary vCenter vc-w8-01a.corp.locals Site Recovery for (Local)
click on the Protection Groups grouping

2. Right click on the All Protection Groups and select Create New Protection Group from the menu

3. In the Create Protection Group Window select the following options and click Next

Protection Site: (Local)
Protection Group: Array Based Replication
Array Pair: prod-site paired with dr-site

4. Under Select One or More Datastore Groups on the Create Protection Group select Protected-Datastore
datastore group and click Next

5. Provide a Name and Description for the Protection Group and click Next.


6. Review the summary on the Ready to complete screen and click Finish to create a Protection Group

7. View the Summary for the Newly created Protection group and also the Virtual machines that will be
protected as part of the protection group


1. In the vSphere client for Primary vCenter vc-w8-01a.corp.locals Site Recovery for (Local)
click on the vSphere Replication grouping on the left

Under vSphere Replication
grouping right click on (local) and
select Deploy VR Appliance

Follow through a series of
screenshots below to deploy the
vSphere Appliance on

Name: vSphere Replication
Inventory Location: ACME-
Expand ACME-Boston
Datacenter and select Boston

Select Production Servers
Resource pool and click on Next
Under Select a destination
storage for the virtual machine
files option choose Local-
Storage and click on Next
Choose Thin Provision and click
on Next

In the Network Mapping
window, under Destination
Network from the drop down
menu choose production-
servers and click Next
In the Properties window key in
the password as vmware@123.
Leave the other fields default as
the IP address will be configured
from through DHCP
Click Next
Leave defaults and click on Next

Review the settings and click on
Finish to start deploying the VR
Monitor the VR appliance
deployment status

Once the deployment is
complete on the vSphere client
to primary vCenter with (local) selected
under the vSphere replication
grouping, click on the Configure
VR appliance link under
Commands grouping on the
On the webpage click on
Continue to this website (not
recommended) link
In the vSphere Replication
Appliance login screen key in
the following credentials
Username: root
Password: vmware@123

After logging in, on the home
page, select Configuration
button and configure the
following settings
VRM Site Name: Boston
vCenter Server Admin Mail:
And click on Save and Restart
Services under Actions on the
Make sure the VRM service is

On the Security Warning
window, check Install this
certificate and do not display
any security warnings for and click the
Ignore button
vSphere Replication appliance
has been deployed successfully
on Primary Site vCenter or vc-
Review the summary for
vSphere Replication Appliance

In vSphere client to Primary
vCenter vc-w8-01a.corp.local,
under vSphere Replication
grouping, right click on and select
Deploy VR Appliance from the
On the Launch OVF Wizard to
Deploy a Local VR Appliance
click on OK button

Name: vSphere Replication
Inventory Location: ACME-New
Host/Cluster: New York

In the Network Mapping
window, under Destination
Network from the drop down
menu choose production-
servers and click Next

In the Properties window key in
the password as vmware@123.
Leave the other fields default as
the IP address will be configured
from through DHCP
Click Next

Once the deployment is
complete on the vSphere client
to primary vCenter with selected under
the vSphere replication
grouping, click on the Configure
VR appliance link under
Commands grouping on the

In the vSphere Replication
Appliance login screen key in
the following credentials
Username: root
Password: vmware@123
After logging in, on the home
page, select Configuration
button and configure the
following settings
VRM Site Name: New York
vCenter Server Admin Mail:
And click on Save and Restart
Services under Actions on the

Make sure the VRM service is
On the Security Warning
window, check Install this
certificate and do not display
any security warnings for and click the
Ignore button

On vSphere client to Remote
vCenter vc-w8-01b.corp.local, in
the vSphere Replication
grouping, under make sure
the VR appliance is listed
On vSphere client to Remote
vCenter vc-w8-01a.corp.local, in
the vSphere Replication
grouping, with
(Local) selected click on
Configure VR Connection link
under the Commands group

Make sure the Mappings in
Resource Mappings, Folder
Mappings and Network
Mappings tabs are as per the
screenshots below

To Initiate a VM replication,
select right click on view-
security-server VM and click on
vSphere Replication on the
In the Replication Settings,
under Target File Location
option, click on Browse and
choose Local Storage

Verify the VM replication status


In the vSphere client for Primary
vCenter vc-w8-01a.corp.locals
Site Recovery for (Local) click on
the Protection Groups grouping,
right click on All Protection
Groups and click on Create
Protection Group from the

Select view-security-server and
click Next


A Recovery Plan contains all the steps to run tests and pre-validate remote site recovery prior to
performing a planned migration or disaster recovery

In the vSphere client for Primary
vCenter vc-w8-01a.corp.locals
Site Recovery for (Local) click on
the Recovery Plans grouping on
the left, right click on All
Recovery Plans and select
Create New Recovery Plan from
the menu

Choose as a
recovery site and click Next

Choose both Protection groups
and click on Next
Leave the options to default and
click on Next
Recovery Plan Name:


Click Finish.

On the Test Confirmation page
uncheck Replicate recent
changes to the recovery site
and click on Next. Make sure the
Protected site is listed as (Local) and the
Recovery site as

Review the summary and click
on Start to test the Recovery

View the test progress under
the Recovery Steps tab

If all the settings are configured
properly the Test recovery plan
will run successfully

Now that the Test Recovery Plan
is complete and successful, the
environment needs to be
cleaned up and freed up. The
Cleanup operation removes the
test environment

Click on Cleanup

Click Next

Click Start

Review the Cleanup summary

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