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Formaldehyde emissionComparison of different standard methods

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Maria Risholm-Sundmana, , , Annelise Larsenb, wa !estina and Anders "eibulla
a#asco Adhesives A$, %.&. $o' (()*+, S-(,,-( Stoc.holm, Sweden
b/0A of Sweden A$, *1* +( 2lmhult, Sweden
Received (- March 3,,-4 revised 5 &ctober 3,,-4 accepted (6 &ctober 3,,-. Available
online 3* 7anuary 3,,6.
The emission of formaldehyde is an important factor in the evaluation of the
environmental and health effects of wood-based board materials. This article gives a
comparison between commonly used uropean test methods8 chamber method 9: 6(6-
(, 3,,1. "ood-based panels;determination of formaldehyde release;%art (8
formaldehyde emission by the chamber method. uropean Standard, &ctober 3,,1<, gas
analysis method 9: 6(6-3, (551. "ood-based panels;determination of formaldehyde
release;%art 38 formaldehyde release by the gas analysis method, uropean Standard,
:ovember (551<, flas. method 9: 6(6-*, (55-. "ood-based panels;determination of
formaldehyde release;%art *8 formaldehyde release by the flas. method, uropean
Standard, March (55-<, perforator method 9: (3,, (55*. "ood based panels;
determination of formaldehyde content;e'traction method called perforator method,
uropean Standard, September (55*<, 7apanese test methods8 desiccator methods 97/S A
(1-,, 3,,(. $uilding boards. =etermination of formaldehyde emission;desiccator
method, 7apanese /ndustrial Standard, March 3,,( and 7AS MA>> 3**, 3,,(< and small
chamber method 97/S A (5,(, 3,,*. =etermination of the emission of volatile organic
compounds and aldehydes for building products;small chamber method, 7apanese
/ndustrial Standard, 7anuary 3,,*<, for solid wood, particleboard, plywood and medium
density fiberboard.
The variations between the results from different methods can partly be e'plained by
differences in test conditions. >actors li.e edge sealing, conditioning of the sample before
the test and test temperature have a large effect on the final emission result. The 7apanese
limit for > ???? of ,.* mg l@( Ain desiccatorB for particleboards was found to be
eCuivalent to ,.,1 mg m@* in the uropean chamber test and 3.+ mg per (,, g in the
perforator test. The variations in inter-laboratory tests are much larger than in intra-
laboratory tests4 the coefficient of variation is (-D and -.,D for the chamber method,
3)D and *.)D for the gas analysis method and ()D and ).3D for the desiccator method.
0eywords8 mission testing4 >ormaldehyde4 #hamber4 $uilding materials4 "ood4
%articleboard4 "ood-based boards

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