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Lesson plan Model

Date: November 5th Level: 6th grade

Skill: Reading – Speaking - Writing

Expected Outcomes: The students will be able to write a text using words to give order to written texts.

Resources: Whiteboard – Books – Copybooks

Time Comments

Introduction Greet the students – Check homework - Contents of the class –

15 min The objectives for this class is to make the students read a letter
and also they are going to create similar letter writing about their
plans for the summer holidays.

Core of the class

Pre-stage 15 min. Presentation of the text that they will read – Some students read
the text at loud and the other follow the letter in silence –
Complete the exercises related to the letter.

While-stage 30 min. Writing (first-then-finally). They study the use of these words to
give order to texts. They write a letter telling about their own
plans for summer holidays.

Post-stage 20 min.
Some students share their letter with the whole class.

10 min. They try to remember the contents of the whole unit. As
homework, they have to complete page 99 and 100.

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