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1 Inventory Trouble Shooters

1.1 Scenario: User would like to change the routing on the jobs
on items assigned to an item category.
There 3 items which are actually 100% interchangeable. This happened when the
data from diferent legacy sources were merged. While tracking the inventory !ser
want to see consolidated "n #and report as all these items are literally same.
1.1.1 Solution:
Try the report $tem %elationships &isting to get the related items and 'ubstitutes
report. #owever they are reported in terms of unit of issue instead of !"(.
1.2 Scenario: Organiation level !ccess"
There is a pro)le in %1* +'ecurity ,ro)le- to restrict the access at "! &evel.
#owever !ser may also want to have users transacting only in certain
organi.ations. #ow to do this/ $s it make certain organi.ation as default/ $s it
possible to restrict the &"0 in change organi.ation 'creen/
1.2.1 Solution:
Try $nventory 112 'etup 112 "rgani.ation 3ccess to restrict users to certain
1.# Scenario: Inventory data in the $ast"
#ow to )nd the ,ro4ected $nventory on #and or in the past to know the inventory on
hand on certain date/
1.#.1 Solution:
5uild $nventory ,osition will provide the re6uired details. The data can show the
data as per the rolled back dates.
The navigation is $nventory 112 "nhand 3vailability 112 $nventory ,osition 112 5uild
and than 7isplay.
1.% Scenario: Same item with minor &haracteristic changes
$ have same item with some characteristic changes. They are all more or less same
items with small changes like diferent logos color etc. We don8t want to create
multiple items for this purpose but want some diferentiation.
1.%.1 Solution:
9ou can use related and substitute items according to your business. With minor
changes like you said +&ogo :olor- you may also try the option of %evisions with
these additional components mapped to 5"( of each revision.
1.' Scenario: Unable to &hange Item (ame
$ was able to change the $tem name when the changed name automatically
re;ected in all transactions. 5ut in my customer instance $ am unable to change the
name. What can be the reason/
1.'.1 Solution:
There is a pro)le $<0= !pdateable $tem. ,robably this pro)le is set to <o in the
customer instance. 9ou can set this to 9es to enable update of $tem name.
1.) Scenario: *ow to inactivate large number o+ Items "
1.).1 Solution
1- !se $tem $mport interface to change the status to $nactive and transaction type
> !pdate.
*- 5efore performing the import please ensure
a- <o active ," %e6uisition 'ales order line ?uotes containts the item
b- $tem not in any W$, @ob Alow 'chedule
c- <ot eBisting as component in any 5"(
d- $tem doesnt eBist in any inventory
e- $tem doesnt eBist in any (aterial transactions pending
1., Scenario: *ow to classi+y items as -ast. /edium and Slow
:ustomer wants to identify and plan on the fast medium and slow moving items.
The customer wanted the application provide the report for the group of items of his
focus as per the consumption pattern.
1.,.1 Solution
35: 3nalysis provides the options to classify the items based on various business
re6uirements like 0alue :ost valuation etc.
"n consumption side you can choose #istorical usage as the criterion. &ogically the
movement of goods will be fast when there are more issues and receipts for the
item and 'low when there are less issues and receipts of the item.
1.0 Scenario: *ow to hide Item &ost details to certain users
$tem cost calculation and updates are restricted to speci)c responsibilities. #owever
from the item form any user is able to launch $tem :ost details to view the
information. The :ustomer may want to restrict some users from seeing these
1.0.1 Solution
1.C.1.1 9ou can control through the help of ,ro)le D(A= !ser "rgani.ation 'ecurity
in :osting Aorms. 9ou can set the restriction at !ser level.
1.1 Scenario: &on2gured Item 3ead Time not calculated
The user created an 3T" (odel which has a base lead time of * days. The (odel
item has E operations each taking 1 day and two of them are optional.
The con)gured item was created through ,rogress order from the 'ales line
containing the 3T" (odel. The lead time of the :on)gured item is coming up as *
days. The user is not convinced on how the lead time is being calculated wrong.
1.1.1 Solution
The lead time calculation for the con)gured item happens at the time of con)gured
item creation. #owever the calculation depends on a few parameters.
1.F.1.1 When the con)gured item creation happens from 'ales order line Work Alow
through progress order the calculation is performed on the basis of value of
,ro)le :T"= ,erform &ead Time :alculation +in 412 Only- which must be
'et to 9es for the calculation to happen. #owever if the con)gured item
creation is initiated through :oncurrent program 3utocreate con)gured
items you can override the defaulted value of ,rogram parameter perform
lead time calculation to 9es even if the pro)le value is <o +Which defaults in
the parameter but can be overridden-. Aor either of reasons if the lead time
calculation doesn8t happen the lead time for con)gured item is picked up
from 3T" (odel.
1.F.1.* The other reason why the lead time calculation can be diferent is when you
do not link any optional components to the optional operations of your
routing. The program assumes there are no optional operations applicable
and calculates without taking their operation times in to consideration.
1.F.1.3 The restriction of "rgani.ation access happens at responsibility level. 9ou
need to map this responsibility to user whom you want to restrict.
1- The navigation for restricting responsibility to "rgani.ations is $nventory 112
'etup 112 "rgani.ations112"rgani.ation 3ccess
*- <avigation for mapping users to this responsibility is 'ystem 3dministrator 112
'ecurity 112 !sers 112 7e)ne.
3- ?uery for the user and map the responsibility to which you de)ned the
organi.ation access.
1.F.1.G $n case the restriction is re6uired at "perating unit level you can do it
at 'ite as well as responsibility level.
1- 9ou can de)ne a security pro)le which is a set of "perating units and map this
security pro)le to the user through ("= 'ecurity ,ro)le.
*- #owever you can set the default operating unit from the list of operating units
)guring in the 'ecurity pro)le at !ser 'ite and %esponsibility levels through
parameter ("= 7efault "perating !nit
1.15 Scenario: Item Search doesn6t return the items even
though e7isting
When the user searches the items are not getting populated. Whereas there are
sales orders and W$, 4obs there for the item which means the user sure item is
1.15.1 Solution The search in "racle 3pps is case sensitive. 'o try wild card search like
%pple if you search 3pple because you may not know whether the item
eBists as apple or 3pple. "r copy the item in W$, @ob or 'ales order and
paste while searching.
1.10.1.* "ther possibility is that there might be a folder setting to )lter the
9ou may see the folder icon with name which means there is a folder. $n
such case change the folder settings to 3uto?uery > <o. and include 6uery
> <o. This possibility is remote but checks to make sure. There could be inventory organi.ation access issues. $n case your
responsibility is restricted for certain organi.ations you may not be able to
view some data.
1.11 8usiness Scenario: 9elinking Organiation !ssignment +or
9ou have some items which you decided not to use in one or more organi.ations
while you still be using in other organi.ations. This can be a case when you phase
out the items gradually.
1.11.1 Solution
9ou will not be able to remove the associate of item with any inventory organi.ation
once it is assigned to an organi.ation and transacted. #owever to get the same
outcome there are some alternatives. "ption 1=
7eactivate the item that you do not want to use in a speci)c organi.ation.
1. 9ou can use the (aterial 'tatus to set what are all the transactions that you
want to debar
*. 3ssign the material status to the item in the organi.ation items form tab1.
3. 9ou can use the seeded status of $nactive if you do not have eBclusive set of
transactions to be debarred and want the item to be completely inactive.
#owever before doing this you need to make sure=
1. There are no open transactions such as 'ales "rders purchase orders
?uotes W$, @obs Alow 'chedules and others involving the item
*. (ake sure the item doesn8t have on hand 6uantity. $n case there is on hand
6uantity please make sure the items are used and issued to make sure the
on hand is .ero.
3. (ake sure the item doesn8t eBist as efective component in any 5ill of parent
a. ,lease run where used items report to check if the item is eBisting in
the bills as efective component.
b. HBpire all the records where the item is eBisting as active component
c. $n case there are too many bills where you need to eBpire the item as
component you can run (ass edit program
1.11.1.* "ption *
9ou can delete the item.
9ou need to delete groups to delete the item.
&ike in case of "ption 1 you still need to make sure=
1. There are no open transactions such as 'ales "rders purchase orders
?uotes W$, @obs Alow 'chedules and others involving the item
*. (ake sure the item doesn8t have on hand 6uantity. $n case there is on hand
6uantity please make sure the items are used and issued to make sure the
on hand is .ero.
3. (ake sure the item doesn8t eBist as efective component in any 5ill of parent
a. ,lease run where used items report to check if the item is eBisting in
the bills as efective component.
b. HBpire all the records where the item is eBisting as active component
c. $n case there are too many bills where you need to eBpire the item as
component you can run (ass edit program
1.12 8usiness Scenario : 4emoving Organiation !ssignment
+or !ctive Item
9ou assigned a primary !"( for the item and now you do not want to use the !"(
any more. 'uch scenario arrives when the business pattern changes and market
starts using the items in a diferent !"(. HBamples include pieces of bread to
7o.ens of bread as more people started buying in 7o.ens. 'imilarly the space is
nowadays transacted in '6uare feet in place of '6uare yards.
1.12.1 Solution
"nce the item is transacted removing the association of !"( from the item is not
easy. There are a few work around as below. 7epending on the scenarios you may
use one of such options
1.1*.1.1 "ption 1=
$f the item is not transacted you can delete the item and add the item with same
name again with the !"( of your choice.
This work around is possible when you 6uickly reali.ed the mistake of assigning
wrong !"( even before any transactions happened. "nce a transaction happens
this option will have other impacts.
1.1*.1.* "ption *
%ename the item to another with appropriate description indicating that the item is
associated with a wrong !"( or !"( that you no longer prefer to use as ,rimary
:reate the new item with the original name and assign the correct !"(.
This alternative can have some impacts as below=
($' reports do not re;ect all the data that belonged to the item before !"( change
and after !"( :hange in the system +actually both are same item-
5ecause of the above issue the decision making on the item may not be properly
9ou may need to customi.e to get consolidated reports from both the versions of
items before and after !"( change.
"ne option is to de)ne the renamed item as substitute to the new item and run
reports to get the overall view.

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