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Honda Cars India

Honda Cars India Limited

Type Subsidiary
Industry Automotive
Founded December 1995
Headquarters Greater Noida, Uttar Prades
Number of
Greater Noida, Uttar Prades
!i"adi, #a$astan
Key people
%r& Hironori 'anayama, President
and C()
Products Automobi,es
Parent Honda
Website ondacarindia&com
Honda Cars India Ltd. -HCIL. is a subsidiary o/ te Honda o/ 0a1an /or te 1roduction,
mar2etin3 and e41ort o/ 1assen3er cars in India& 5ormer,y 2no"n as Honda Sie, Cars India Ltd,
it be3an o1erations in December 1995 as a $oint venture bet"een Honda %otor Com1any and
Usa Internationa, o/ Siddart Sriram Grou1& In Au3ust, 6716, Honda bou3t out Usa
Internationa,8s entire 9&1: 1ercent sta2e /or 1&; bi,,ion in te $oint venture& <e com1any
o//icia,,y can3ed its name to Honda Cars India Ltd& -HCIL. and became a 177= subsidiary o/
It o1erates 1roduction /aci,ities at Greater Noida in Uttar Prades and at !i"adi in #a$astan&
<e com1any8s tota, investment in its 1roduction /aci,ities in India as o/ 6717 "as over 1:&6
HCIL8s /irst manu/acturin3 unit at Greater Noida commenced o1erations in 199>& Setu1 at an
initia, investment o/ over ?&5 bi,,ion, te 1,ant is s1read over 157 acres -7&:1 2m
.& <e initia,
ca1acity o/ te 1,ant "as 97,777 cars 1er annum, "ic "as terea/ter increased to 57,777 cars
on a t"o@si/t basis& <e ca1acity as /urter been enanced to 177,777 units annua,,y as o/
677;& <is e41ansion ,ed to an increase in te covered area in te 1,ant /rom 17>,777 mA to over
197,777 mA&
<e com1any invested >&; bi,,ion in !i"adi /or its second 1roduction 1,ant "it an annua,
1roduction ca1acity o/ 57,777 units&It o1erates under te IS) 9771 standard /or Bua,ity
mana3ement and IS) 1?771 /or environment mana3ement&
Honda setu1 its <ird 1,ant in India at <a1u2ara in A,"ar District o/ #a$astan, s1read over ?57
acres "it an investment o/ 956: crores&
6nd Generation Honda 0aCC
<e 5t Generation Honda City
;t Generation Honda Civic
;t Generation Honda Accord
HCIL 1roduces te /o,,o"in3 veic,es in India /or ,oca, and e41ort mar2etsD
Honda City -Launced 199;.
Honda Accord -Launced 6771, 1roduction tem1orari,y discontinued in ear,y 671? in
antici1ation o/ a,,@ne" mode,.
Honda Civic -Launced 677:, 1roduction discontinued in 6716.
Honda 0aCC -Launced 6779, 1roduction tem1orari,y discontinued in ear,y 6719 in
antici1ation o/ a,,@ne" mode,.
Honda !rio -Launced 6711.
Honda C#@E -Im1orted since 6779F 6719 mode, ,oca,,y assemb,ed.
Honda AmaCe -,aunced A1ri, 6719.
Honda %obi,io -,aunced 0u,y 671?.
HCIL as 156 dea,ersi1s across 9; cities in 67 states and 9 Union <erritories o/ India&
It so,d 55,;;? units durin3 te 1eriod bet"een A1ri, 6779 and 5ebruary 6717 as a3ainst ?5,756
units durin3 te same 1eriod a year a3o, recordin3 an increase o/ over 6?=& Honda 0aCC is
2no"n as Honda 5it in oter countries&
!est Indian Com1any -un,isted. by !usiness Standard Grou1
%anu/acturer o/ te Gear by ND<E Pro/it@Car India
%anu/acturer o/ te Gear by CN!C@<E 1; Autocar India
No 1 %id SiCe Car -Honda City.F No 1 (ntry Lu4ury Car -Honda Accord. and No 1
Premium SUE -Honda C#@E. by <NS
!est %id@siCe Car in Initia, Hua,ity -Honda City. and %ost A11ea,in3 %id@siCe car
-Honda City. by 0D Po"er
CN!C Autocar CA# o/ te year 677? @ Honda City
ICICI )verdrive SUE o/ te Gear 677? @ Honda C#@E
ICICI )verdrive Car o/ te Gear 677? @ Honda City
!usiness Standard %otorin3 Car o/ te Gear 677? @ Honda City
Honda City
Honda City
Manufacturer Honda
Production 19;1I1resent
Ayuttaya, <ai,and -Honda
Ayuttaya P,ant.
A,or Ga$a, %a,aysia
Sayama, Saitama, 0a1an
Laore, Pa2istan -At,as Honda
Guan3Cou, Cina -DHAC.
Cam1ana, Ar3entina -Honda
Greater Noida, India -Honda India.
SumarJ, !raCi, -Honda !raCi,.
Santa #osa, La3una, Pi,i11ines
'ocae,i, <ur2ey -Honda GebCe P,ant.
)ody and c*assis
Class Subcom1act
<e /irst 3eneration Honda City "as a subcom1act car manu/actured by te 0a1anese
manu/acturer Honda /rom 19;1& )ri3ina,,y made /or te 0a1anese, (uro1ean and Austra,asian
mar2ets, te City "as retired in 199? a/ter te second 3eneration&
<e name1,ate "as revived in 199: /or use on a series o/ com1act /our@door sedans aimed
1rimari,y at deve,o1in3 mar2ets, /irst main,y so,d in Asia outside o/ 0a1an but ,ater a,so in Latin
America and Austra,ia& 5rom 6776 to 677;, te City "as a,so so,d as te Honda Fit !ria in
0a1an& It is a subcom1act sedan bui,t on Honda8s G,oba, Sma,, Car 1,at/orm, "ic it sares "it
te 5itK0aCC -a /ive@door atcbac2., te Air"aveKPartner -a "a3onK1ane, van version o/ te 5it
AriaKCity., te %obi,io, and te %obi,io S1i2eLa,, o/ "ic sare te ,ocation o/ te /ue, tan2
under te /ront seats rater tan rear seats& !y mid@6779, cumu,ative sa,es o/ te City as
e4ceeded 1&6 mi,,ion units in ?5 countries around te "or,d since te name1,ate "as revived in
In 6711, te City is a,so so,d as Honda )allade in Sout A/rica&
First +eneration ,-./-0-./%1
City !!2F32F!
)ody and c*assis
)ody style
6@door convertib,e
9@door atcbac2Kvan
Layout 5ront@en3ine, /ront@"ee, drive
4n+ine 1,691 cc ER I?
?@s1eed manua,
5@s1eed manua,
?M9@s1eed Hypershift manua,
9@s1eed Hondamatic automatic
W*eelbase 6,667 mm -;> in.
Len+t* 9,9;7I9,?67 mm -199I195 in.
Widt* 1,5>7I1,:65 mm -:1&;I:?&7 in.
Hei+*t 1,?:7I1,5>7 mm -5>I:6 in.
Curb "ei+*t :?7I;17 23 -1,?17I1,>97 ,b.
%ain artic,eD Honda City -AA.
<e /irst Honda City -!! /or sedans, 3F /or vans and F! /or te "ider <urbo II and Cabrio,ets.
"as introduced in November 19;1 "it te innovative N<a,,boyN desi3nF o/ unusua, ei3t it
enab,ed /our adu,ts to /it com/ortab,y in te very sort City -under 9&? m or 11&6 /t.&
as a 9@door atcbac2 in a variety o/ trim ,eve,s, te City "as a,so avai,ab,e to3eter "it te
%otocom1o, a s1ecia, 57cc 8/o,da"ay8 scooter desi3ned to /it in te City8s sma,, ,u33a3e area& At
te time o/ its introduction, it "as Honda8s sma,,est car, "i,e not bein3 in com1,iance "it
0a1anese Government kei re3u,ations& It "as ,on3er tan te Honda N9:7 by 9;9 mi,,imetres
-15&1 in., but sorter tan te Honda Civic /irst 3eneration by 1>1 mi,,imetres -:&> in.&
Honda City Cabrio,et
<e Honda City <urbo "as introduced in Se1tember 19;6& It "as 1o"ered by a turbocar3ed
version o/ te 1691 cc Honda (# en3ine& A Pinin/arina desi3ned dro1@to1 Cabrio,et uti,iCed te
"ider /enders and bi33er bum1ers o/ te <urbo II N!u,,do3N, but "as on,y norma,,y avai,ab,e
"it te natura,,y as1irated :> PS -?9 2O. en3ine& <ere "as a,so a Pro@series o/ van versions
"it eiter t"o or /our seats& A i3@roo/ N# %anattan #oo/N version "it a 17 cm ta,,er roo/
a,so a11eared&
(41orts o/ te City "ere 1rimari,y to (uro1e -"ere it "as renamed Honda 0aCC, due to )1e,
avin3 trademar2ed te City name., Austra,ia -in t"o@seater 8van8 /orm, to circumvent Austra,ian
im1ort restrictions on 1assen3er veic,es at te time. and Ne" Pea,and -"ere it "as ,oca,,y
assemb,ed.& Production ended in ,ate 19;: "it te introduction o/ te GA ty1e City&
econd +eneration ,-./%0-..61
City eries 7!-8 7!#
)ody and c*assis
Class su1ermini
)ody style 9@door atcbac2
Layout 5ront@en3ine, /ront@"ee, drive
1,69; cc D12A I?
1,69: cc D13C I? Carb
1,69: cc D13C I? PG%@5I
5@s1eed manua,
?@s1eed automatic
W*eelbase 6,?77 mm -9? in.
9,5:7 mm -1?7 in. -GA1.
9,:75 mm -1?1&9 in. -GA6.
Widt* 1,:67 mm -:? in.
Hei+*t 1,995 mm -56&: in.
Curb "ei+*t
:;7 23 -1,577 ,b. -GA1.
>;7 23 -1,>67 ,b. -GA6.
Honda Lo3o
Honda Ca1a
Honda City -GA1.
T*ird +eneration ,-..%0#$$#1
T*ird +eneration ,9!#29!91
5ace,i/ted tird 3eneration Honda City
!lso called Honda City <y1e P1
Production 199:@6776
)ody and c*assis
)ody style ?@door sedan
Layout 55 ,ayout
Platform 9A6K9A9
:elated Honda Civic -si4t 3eneration.
1&9 L D13B I?
1&5 L D15B I?
1&5 L D15B E<(C I?
5@s1eed manua,
?@s1eed automatic
W*eelbase 6,577 mm -9; in.
Len+t* ?,665 mm -1:: in.
Widt* 1,:97 mm -:> in.
Hei+*t 1,995 mm -55 in.
Curb "ei+*t 9?7I9;5 23 -6,7>6I6,1>6 ,b.
<ird 3eneration Honda City, 1re@/ace,i/t -%a,aysiaKSout (ast Asia.
<ird 3eneration Honda City, 1ost@/ace,i/t, <y1e@P -%a,aysiaKSout (ast Asia.
Fourt* +eneration ,#$$#0#$$;1
Fourt* +eneration <75/275.=
!lso called
Honda 5it Aria
Guan3Cou@Honda City
Honda City PQ
(verus S1
6717 @ 1resent -(verus S1.
Ayuttaya, <ai,and -Honda Ayuttaya
Sayama, Saitama, 0a1an
A,or Ga$a, %a,aysia
Greater Noida, India -Honda India.
Guan3Cou, Cina -Guan3Bi Honda.
Laore, Pa2istan
Santa #osa, La3una, Pi,i11ines
)ody and c*assis
)ody style ?@door sedan
55 ,ayout -GD:KGD;.
?OD ,ayout -GD>KGD9.
Honda 5itK0aCC
Honda Air"ave
1&9 L L19A i@DSI S)HC I?
1&5 L L15A6 i@DSI S)HC I?
1&5 L L15A1 E<(C S)HC I?
5@s1eed manua,
>@s1eed %u,timatic CE<
W*eelbase 6,?57 mm -9: in.
Len+t* ?,997 mm -1>9 in.
Widt* 1,:97 mm -:> in.
Hei+*t 1,?;5 mm -5;&5 in.
Curb "ei+*t 1,797 23 -6,?77 ,b.
Honda City -/ourt 3eneration., 1re@/ace,i/t -%a,aysiaKSout (ast Asia.
Honda City -/ourt 3eneration., /irst /ace,i/t -%a,aysiaKSout (ast Asia.
<e /ourt 3eneration City made its "or,d debut at te <ai,and Internationa, %otor (41o in
November 6776& It "as no" o//ered as a /our@"ee, drive version& It "as im1orted /rom
<ai,and and ,aunced as Fit Aria in 0a1an domestic mar2e /rom December 67, 6776& <e "ord
NariaN is a ty1e o/ e41ressive me,ody, usua,,y eard in o1era& Honda cose te "ord, continuin3
its musica, namin3 tradition used "it te Honda Pre,ude, te Honda Accord, te Honda !a,,ade,
te Honda Huintet, and te Honda Concerto& In te Peo1,e8s #e1ub,ic o/ Cina, te mode, "as
named Fit Saloon and "as so,d /rom Se1tember 6779 to te December 677;&
<e Honda City "as initia,,y ,aunced "it a t"in@s1ar2, ,ean burn Ri@DSIS en3ine 1roducin3
;;1s tat "as 1rimari,y desi3ned to 1rovide outstandin3 /ue, economy& <e E<(C version o/ te
Honda city is ,aunced ,ater& <e E<(C trim o/ te Honda city is o//ered "it 15@inc a,,oy
"ee,s com1ared to te 1?@inc o//ered in te i@DSI and te rear bra2es are so,id discs on te
E<(C variant instead o/ drums in te i@DSI& A,so, te E<(C mode, uses a >@s1eed %u,timatic
CE< automatic transmission&
S1eedometer dia,s on a Honda City Etec mode,&
In Se1tember 6775, a /ace@,i/ted version o/ te City "as ,aunced in <ai,and, %a,aysia in
)ctober 6775, and Indonesia in November 6775& In <ai,and it is 2no"n as te City PQ& <e
most si3ni/icant can3es are a ne" e4terior -ne" /ront 3ri,,e, ne" ead,am1s, ne" /o3 ,i3ts,
ne" tai,,i3ts and bum1ers.& <e /ront end as been e4tended /or"ard by :5 mm -6&: in. "i,e
te rear as been e4tended by 15 mm -7&: in.& <e side mirror is e,ectronica,,y /o,dab,e& !ot te
i@DSI and E<(C trim ,eve,s ave 15@inc a,,oy "ee,s as standard eBui1ment& Interior can3es
are minor but it does inc,ude an armrest /or te driver and additiona, ma1 ,i3ts& <e interior
co,our tone o/ te E<(C variant is no" b,ac2&
<e L@series en3ine remained but te inta2e mani/o,d as been re1ositioned, resu,tin3 in a 17=
tem1erature dro1 in te inta2e air tem1erature te sus1ension as been u13raded as "e,,&
Honda City in India, <ai,and, Indonesia, Pi,i11ines, Pa2istan, Sin3a1ore and %a,aysia uses te
CE< 3earbo4 /or bot i@DSI and E<(C variants& <e CE< 3earbo4 simu,ates a >@S1eed
automatic transmission "it <i1tronic sty,e override usin3 1add,e si/t buttons on te steerin3
"ee, itse,/&
<is mode, a,so sa" ,imited avai,abi,ity in certain ri3t@anded tra//ic mar2ets outside Asia suc
as (3y1t&
<e /ourt 3eneration "as resurrected in Cina as te (verus S1, a ne" bud3et car brand /or
1revious Honda mode,s&
CityK5it AriaD
GD:D 1&9 L L19A i@DSI In,ine@/our en3ine 6OD -5it@Aria.
GD>D 1&9 L L19A i@DSI In,ine@/our en3ine ?OD -5it@Aria.
GD;D 1&5 L L15A i@DSIKE<(C In,ine@/our en3ine 6OD -5it@Aria.
GD9D 1&5 L L15A i@DSIKE<(C In,ine@/our en3ine ?OD -5it@Aria.
Fift* +eneration ,#$$;0#$-91
Fift* +eneration ,7M#27M91
!lso called
Guan3Cou@Honda City
Honda !a,,ade -Sout A/rica.
Honda City S
Production 677>I6719
Ayuttaya, <ai,and -Honda Ayuttaya
A,or Ga$a, %a,aysia
Greater Noida, India -Honda India.
Guan3Cou, Cina -Guan3Bi Honda.
Laore, Pa2istan
Cam1ana, Ar3entina -Honda
SumarJ, !raCi, -Honda !raCi,. -unti,
Santa #osa, La3una, Pi,i11ines
'ocae,i, <ur2ey -Honda GebCe P,ant.
)ody and c*assis
)ody style ?@door sedan
Layout 55 ,ayout
Honda 5itK0aCC -6nd 3en&.
Honda 5reed
1&9 L L19A i@E<(C S)HC I? 9?1
1&5 L L15A> i@E<(C S)HC I? 11>1
1&; L #1;A i@E<(C S)HC I? 1?71
5@s1eed manua,
5@s1eed automatic
W*eelbase 6,557 mm -177 in.
Len+t* ?,?15 mm -1>9&; in.
Widt* 1,:95 mm -::&> in.
Hei+*t 1,?>7 mm -5; in.
Curb "ei+*t 1,795I1,155 23 -6,?1?I6,5?: ,b.
<e /i/t 3eneration Honda City "as unvei,ed in !an32o2, <ai,and in Se1tember 677; /o,,o"ed
by ,aunces in India, Pa2istan, %a,aysia,
Indonesia, Pi,i11ines, Sin3a1ore and Cina
-Guan3Cou Honda. in te /o,,o"in3 monts& It is manu/actured in number o/ ,ocations
inc,udin3 <ur2ey, <ai,and, Pa2istan and !raCi,&
De1endin3 on mar2et conditions, te City is avai,ab,e in a ran3e o/ en3ine and s1eci/ication
,eve,s& Genera,,y in Asian mar2ets te City comes in tree variants I S, E and SE mode,s& In
some mar2ets te E and SE is re1,aced by te (& 5or Sout America te ran3e inc,udes te DQ,
LQ, (Q, and (QL mode,s&
<e ran3e o/ /our@cy,inder en3ines inc,ude a 1&9 1roducin3 >9 2O -9; 1. at :,777 r1m,
a 1&5
en3ine 1uttin3 out 167 PS -;; 2O., "ic bot are avai,ab,e in manua, and automatic
transmissions -Indonesia. and a 1&;@,iter #1;A en3ine -Cina mar2ets on,y.&
In Sout America te ran3e is o//ered "it te i@E<(C 1&5@,iter fle!f"el en#ine tat is sared
"it te !raCi,ian Honda 5it& <e 1o"er out1ut is 115 1 "it 1etro, and 11: 1 usin3 etano,&
%anua, and automatic 3earbo4es are avai,ab,e&
<e City "as brie/,y o//ered in se,ected (uro1ean countries inc,udin3 Po,and "it a 1&?@,itre i@
E<(C en3ine mated to eiter a 5@s1eed manua, or a :@s1eed i@SHI5< automated manua,
Honda City rear vie"&
Since it "as ,aunced in India in November 677;, te City became te best@se,,in3 mode, o/ te
com1any in te country, "it sa,es vo,ume even sur1assin3 tat o/ <ai,and, 1revious,y te best
se,,in3 mar2et /or te City& <e Honda City as been te ,eader in te 1remium mid@siCed sedan
se3ment /or a decade, "it 95= mar2et sare in 6717&
In 5ebruary 6779, Honda Austra,ia ave re,eased te <ai@made City into te Austra,ian mar2et
in t"o 1&5@,itre variants -E<i and E<i@L.& Accordin3 to Honda Austra,ia8s boss, Gasuide
%iCuno, te City "i,, com1ete "it oter ,i3t sedans suc as te 0a1anese bui,t <oyota Garis,
te 'orean@made Ho,den !arina and te Nissan <iida -a,so <ai.&<is "i,, be te /irst City
re,eased in Austra,ia since te 19;7s& It re1,aces te /ormer,y sma,,er@siCed Civics&
<e City "as ,aunced in 6711 in Sout A/rica as te )allade, to /it be,o" te Civic and above
te 0aCC -5it. so,d tere&
Honda City -677>@6719. 5ace,i/t
In Se1tember 6711, Honda Automobi,e -<ai,and. Ltd revea,ed te revam1ed Honda City, "it
ne" /ront 3ri,,e desi3n, ne" /ront and rear bum1ers, ne" tai,,am1s desi3n, ne" a,,oy "ee,s, eco
drivin3 indicator and dua, /ront airba3s to every mode,&
<e revised mode, "as ,aunced in
India in December 6711 inc,udin3 /ive variants @ Cor1orate, (, S, E and E -Sunroo/.
@ and
increased 3round c,earance to 1:5mm -1revious,y 1:7mm. and a,so ,en3t increased by 67mm&
Honda Sie, Cars India te Indian subsidiary o/ Honda %otors as ,aunced te /ace,i/ted Honda
City 6716 in India& <e ne" Honda City #$-#
is ,aunced in India in seven variants& A,,
variants are 1o"ered by te same 1&5 ,itre i@E<(C 1etro, en3ine "ic de,ivers 11;PS o/ 1o"er
"it 1?:Nm o/ ma4imum torBue& A,so, te com1any is 1,annin3 to ,aunc te Honda City diese,
variants in te ,oca, mar2et, "ic is e41ected to be ,aunced by te end o/ year 6716& Here is
te ,ist o/ Honda City 1etro, mode,s "it teir res1ective /eatures&
Honda City
<is is te base variant o/ Honda City comes "it basic /eatures ,i2e /abric b,ac2
seat u1o,stery, /ue, consum1tion dis1,ay, stee, "ee,s, 1o"er "indo"s etc& It is
as sa/e as oter i3er@end City sedan variants "it dua, /ront S#S airba3s, A!S@
(!D and G@C)N&
Honda City 4
<is variant as 3ot bei3e seat /abric, si,ver center AC 2nob, inte3rated audio
system a,on3 "it /ront s1ea2ers, s1eed vo,ume com1ensation, a,uminum /inis
centra, conso,e 1ane,, stee, "ee,s etc&
Honda City
<e S variant o/ City sedan as 3ot some e4tra add@on /eatures un,i2e te base
and ( variant& <e variant 3ets 5 s1o2e a,,oy "ee,s, crome centre AC 2nob,
si,ver /inis steerin3 1ane, "it mounted audio contro,s, "ire,ess audio remote
contro,, rear s1ea2ers, driver seat ei3t ad$uster, crome 1,ated and bra2e 2nob,
2ey,ess entry "it ans"er bac2 etc&
Honda City 3
<is trim o/ Ne" Honda City comes /eatured "it 17 s1o2e a,,oy "ee,s, /ront
/o3 ,am1s, )#E% "it turn indicators, e4aust 1i1e /iniser, cruise contro,,
t"eeters, /ront seat bac2 1oc2ets, si,ver door s"itc 1ane,, crome inside door
and,e etc&
Honda City 3
It carries te same s1eci/ication and /eatures ,i2e E %< variant e4ce1t te
automatic transmission inte3ration& <e A< variant 3ets some e4tra "ei3t and
de,ivers ,o"er mi,ea3e tan te %< variant&
Honda At,as -Pa2istan. resumed te 1roduction o/ Honda City on %ay 1, 6716 a/ter it "as a,ted
due to su11,y cain disru1tion caused by massive /,oodin3 in <ai,and& <is resum1tion o/
1roduction is mar2ed by Honda as it comes "it te ran3e o/ /ace,i/ted Honda City under te
banner o/ Honda City As1ire&
<e Honda City is 1roduced in a number o/ ,ocations around te "or,d inc,udin3 India, Pa2istan,
Pi,i11ines and <ai,and&
In 0u,y 6779, te City "as /or te /irst time to be bui,t and mar2eted -in ,ar3e numbers. outside
Asia, "it 1roduction commenced in SumarJ, !raCi,& <e car "as /irst avai,ab,e /or sa,e in te
!raCi,ian mar2et, "it e41orts to %e4ico and oter mar2ets in Latin America /rom Se1tember
Since %arc 6711, "it te o1enin3 o/ a ne" /actory, te Honda City be3an to be manu/actured
in Ar3entina& It is te /irst car bui,t by Honda in Ar3entina -and te /irst 0a1anese 1assen3er car
made in Ar3entina. and "i,, be e41orted to a,, te countries in Sout America a,on3side "it te
Citys bui,t in te !raCi,ian SumarJ 1,ant&
5iesel (ariant
Honda cars India as no" o//icia,,y announced te ,aunc o/ te muc antici1ated Honda City
Diese, in 671?& <is "as revea,ed by 1resident and C() o/ Honda Car India, Hirnori 'anayama
in an e4c,usive media intervie"& #e1orts su33est tat City "i,, 3et a com1,ete /ace,i/t in te year
671? and it "i,, be ,aunced "it t"o en3ines, 1&5L i@E<(C and ne",y deve,o1ed 1&5L i@D<(C,
te ,ater a,so 1o"ers te ne",y ,aunced Honda AmaCe&
Honda, unvei,ed te ne" City sedan /or
te 3,oba, mar2ets and it "i,, 3o on sa,e in 0anuary 671?&
<e t"o main riva,s o/ Honda City
Diese, are Eo,2s"a3en Eento and Hyundai Eerna
i>t* +eneration ,#$-9?present1
i>t* +eneration ,7M%1
Production 6719@1resent
Greater Noida, India
Ayuttaya, <ai,and
A,or Ga$a, %a,aysia
)ody and c*assis
)ody style ?@door sedan
Layout 55 ,ayout
:elated Honda 5itK0aCC -9rd 3en&.
1&5 L L15P1 i@E<(C S)HC I? 11>1
1&5 L (art Dreams i@D<(C I? 991
5@s1eed manua,
:@s1eed manua,
>@s1eed CE<
W*eelbase 6,:77 mm -177 in.
Len+t* ?,??7 mm -1>5 in.
Widt* 1,:95 mm -::&> in.
Hei+*t 1,?95 mm -5;&9 in.
Curb "ei+*t 1,769I1,1:5 23 -6,6:9I6,5:; ,b.
<e si4t 3eneration Honda City received its 3,oba, dJbut in India on 65 November 6719&
It is
based on te ne" tird 3eneration Honda 0aCC 1,at/orm "ic o//ers a ,on3er "ee,base and
im1roved er3onomics as 1art o/ Honda8s ne" $an $aim"m and $achine $inim"m 1i,oso1y&
<e si4t 3eneration City o//ers a c,ass@,eadin3 "ee,base ,en3t o/ 6,:77mm, "ic is
a11ro4imate,y 57mm ,on3er tan its 1redecessor& <e sou,der, ,e3, and 2nee rooms ave a,so
been e4tended by ?7mm, :7mm and >7mm res1ective,y&
<e si4t 3eneration City is Honda8s second mode, to s1ort te ne" Ecitin# H Desi#n /irst seen
on te tird 3eneration Honda 0aCC "ic ,aunced in Se1tember 6719
<e ne" City in its ran3e
to11in3 trim /eatures e4tensive eBui1ment and 2it inc,udin3 touc@1ane, auto c,imate contro,,
rear AC vents, a 5@inc LCD dis1,ay "it navi3ation, !,uetoot audio, a reverse camera, ei3t
s1ea2ers and /our 1o"er out,ets&
<e si4t 3eneration City is avai,ab,e "it a coice o/ t"o en3ines in IndiaF a ne" 1&5@,itre (art
Dreams i@D<(C turbodiese, and a re/ined version o/ te 1&5@,itre i@E<(C 1etro, /rom te /i/t
3eneration City res1ective,y&
<e ne" 1&5@,itre turbodiese, en3ine, "ic a,so 1o"ers te Honda
!rio is certi/ied to de,iver a mi,ea3e o/ 6: 2mK, -A#AI., ma2in3 te si4t 3eneration City te
most /ue, e//icient car in its se3ment&
Honda ,aunced te ne" Honda City on > 0anuary 671? in India at #s >&?6 ,a2 -e4@so"room
Honda City 671? is avai,ab,e in /ive variants @ (, S, SE, E and EQ /or bot 1etro, and
diese,& <e 1etro, automatic "i,, be avai,ab,e in SE and EQ variants&
671? Honda City at <e 95t !an32o2 Internationa, %otor So" -rear.
<e si4t 3eneration Honda City received its AS(AN dJbut in <ai,and on 69 0anuary 671?&
1&5@,itre i@E<(C 1etro, en3ine, te on,y en3ine o1tion /or <ai,and, as been tuned to com1,y
"it (;5 /ue,& <e si4t 3eneration City is so,d in si4 variants ran3in3 /rom 557,777 to >?9,777
bat res1ective,y& Un,i2e te Indian@mar2et City, certain <ai@mar2et variants are avai,ab,e "it
e4tensive sa/ety /eatures inc,udin3 : airba3s, Eeic,e Stabi,ity Assist -ESA. and Hi,, Start Assist&
Honda concerned about te ,on3@term /ans sou,d ave te im1ression, Honda <ai"an e4ce1t /or
te 671? <ai1ei auto so" as brou3t ne" conce1t car NSQ, a,so in te boot syncroniCation
brou3t a ne" 3eneration o/ 3,oba, strate3ic com1act Honda City static dis1,ay& A/ter te
assessment, Honda <ai"an media in %arc ?, 671? s1rin3 /orma,,y announced, "i,, be made
into a ne" 3eneration o/ Honda City, a,tou3 not to indicate te e4act ,ead time, but it is
understood, Honda <ai"an City "i,, ,aunc in te second Buarter o/ 671?&
Honda C:?3
Honda C:?3
Manufacturer Honda
Production 1995I1resent
Model years 199>I1resent
)ody and c*assis
Com1act SUE
Com1act Crossover SUE
)ody style ?@door SUE
<ransverse,y mounted, /ront en3ine,
/ront@"ee, drive K a,,@"ee, drive
%CR!&% redirects here' (t is also a shorthand referrin# to chromi"m!)anadi"m alloy tool
<e Honda C:?3 is a com1act SUE -no" ca,,ed crossover in Nort America., manu/actured
since 1995 by Honda& It "as ,oose,y derived /rom te Honda Civic& <ere are discre1ancies as to
"at NC#@EN stands /or& Honda sa,es ,iterature in U' re1orted,y made re/erences to NCom1act
#ecreationa, Eeic,eN
Honda be3an 1roducin3 te C#@E in Sayama, 0a1an, and S"indon, U', /or "or,d"ide mar2ets,
addin3 Nort American manu/acturin3 sites in (ast Liberty, )io, in 677>F (, Sa,to, 0a,isco,
%e4ico, in ,ate 677>F and A,,iston, )ntario, Canada, in 6716& <e C#@E a,so is 1roduced in
Ouan -Hubei 1rovince. /or te Cinese mar2et by te Don3/en3 Honda Automobi,e Com1any,
a $oint venture "it Don3/en3 %otor Cor1oration&
<e C#@E is Honda8s sma,,est SUE oter tan te re,ated (,ement so,d in Canada and te United
States, and te H#@E so,d in (uro1e& In siCe, te C#@E s,ots bet"een te (,ement and Pi,ot, but
due to te (,ement8s discontinuation durin3 te 6711 mode, year, te C#@E as re3ained its
status as Honda8s entry@,eve, SUE&
Honda Ci(ic
Honda Ci(ic
Manufacturer Honda
)ody and c*assis
Subcom1act car -19>9I6777.
Com1act car -6771I1resent.
Acura (L
Acura CSQ
Acura ILQ
Honda !a,,ade
Honda Huint
Honda Civic Hybrid
Honda Civic GQ
Honda Civic <y1e #
Honda Civic Si
Honda City-199:@6776.
Honda Civic E<I
Honda Concerto
Honda Domani
#over 677 K 65
Honda N:77
Honda P:77
<e Honda Ci(ic is a ,ine o/ subcom1act and subseBuent,y com1act cars manu/actured by
Honda& <e Civic, a,on3 "it te Accord and Pre,ude, com1rised Honda8s veic,es so,d in Nort
America unti, te 1997s, "en te mode, ,ineu1 "as e41anded& Havin3 3one trou3 severa,
3enerationa, can3es, te Civic as become ,ar3er and more u1mar2et, and it current,y s,ots
bet"een te 5it and Accord&
It "as introduced in 0u,y 19>6 as a t"o@door mode, /o,,o"ed by a tree@door atcbac2 tat
Se1tember& Oit te transverse en3ine mountin3 o/ its 11:9 cc en3ine and /ront@"ee, drive ,i2e
te !ritis %ini, te car 1rovided 3ood interior s1ace des1ite overa,, sma,, dimensions&
mode,s o/ te Civic ty1ica,,y inc,uded a basic A% radio, eater, /oam@cusioned 1,astic trim,
t"o@s1eed "i1ers, and 1ainted stee, rims "it a cromed "ee, nut ca1& As te years "ent by, it
as become muc more u1sca,e "it o1tions suc as air conditionin3, 1o"er ,oc2s, 1o"er
"indo"s, ,eater u1o,stery, sate,,ite@,in2ed navi3ation, and a si4@s1eed manua, transmission&
Initia,,y 3ainin3 a re1utation /or bein3 /ue,@e//icient, re,iab,e, and environmenta,,y /riend,y, ,ater
iterations ave become 2no"n /or 1er/ormance and s1ortiness, es1ecia,,y te Civic <y1e@#,
Civic E<i, Civic G<i and Civic Si#&
<e Civic as been rebad3ed /or internationa, mar2ets "it suc mode,s as te Honda !a,,ade
"ic became te !ritis Ley,and@1roduced <rium1 Acc,aim in !ritain and Honda
DomaniKAcura (L& <e Civic 1,at/orm a,so served as te basis /or te Honda C#@Q, te Honda
C#@Q de, So,, te Honda Concerto, te /irst 3eneration Honda Pre,ude, te Honda Civic Sutt,e
-,ater to become te Honda )rtia., and te Honda C#@E& Startin3 in 19;5 unti, 677:, te Civic
"as dedicated to 0a1anese dea,ersi1 Honda *rimo, "it Civic variants so,d at Honda Clio, and
Honda &erno ,ocations&
As o/ 677:, a tota, o/ 1:&5 mi,,ion Civics ad been so,d "or,d"ide, "it >&9 mi,,ion o/ tem in
te United States&
!y 6716, Civic as been te to1@se,,in3 car in Canada /or 1? years& Oit i3
3as 1rices and a "ea2 economy in 0une 677;, te Civic su11,anted te 5ord 5@Series to become
te to1@se,,in3 veic,e in te United States /or tat mont& <e Civic is 1,aced amon3st te to1@
se,,in3 cars o/ Ca,i/ornia, veri/iab,e as o/ te /irst a,/ o/ 6719, "ere it acieved te to1 1,ace&
In 0a1an, 1roduction o/ non@ybrid Civic /or domestic mar2et ended in Au3ust 6717 and
1roduction o/ Civic ybrid /or ome mar2et ended in December 6717 "en it no ,on3er
com1,ied "it 0a1anese Government dimension re3u,ations in te "idt cate3ory& In recent
years, customers si/ted to minivans and com1act cars ,i2e Honda 5it& Honda ,aunced 5it
ybrid in )ctober in 0a1an& Ho"ever, 1roduction o/ Civic and Civic ybrid /or e41ort mar2ets
"i,, continue
Honda !ma@e
Honda !ma@e
Greater Noida, India -Honda India.
Ayuttaya, <ai,and
Ayuttaya P,ant.
)ody and c*assis
Class Subcom1act
)ody style ?@door sedan
Layout 5ront en3ine, /ront@"ee, drive
:elated Honda !rio
1&6L L16! i@E<(C I? 1etro,
1&5L i@D<(C diese,
5@s1eed manua,
5@s1eed automatic
W*eelbase 6,?75 mi,,imetres -9?&> in.
Len+t* 9,997 mi,,imetres -15> in.
Widt* 1,:;7 mi,,imetres -:: in.
Hei+*t 1,575 mi,,imetres -59&9 in.
Curb "ei+*t 1,7:7 2i,o3rams -6,9?7 ,b.
<e Honda !ma@e is a /our@door subcom1act sedan 1roduced by Honda& <e AmaCe is te
sedan version o/ te !rio& Honda ,aunced te AmaCe in India on A1ri, 11, 6719 "ic as been
deve,o1ed at Honda #TD Asia Paci/ic Co&, Ltd& ,ocated in !an32o2, <ai,and& <e AmaCe is
avai,ab,e in 1etro, and diese, en3ine
<e 1etro, version is avai,ab,e in > variants and te diese, version is avai,ab,e in 5 variants&
Honda AmaCe stands in direct com1etition "it %aruti S"i/t DPire T Hyundai Qcent
<e AmaCe is bein3 manu/actured at te com1anySs /aci,ity in Greater Noida, "it a ,oca,isation
,eve, o/ more tan 97=&
<e AmaCe "as a si3ni/icant ste1 /or te com1any in India as it "i,, be its /irst diese, car in
India& <e car is a,so avai,ab,e "it te 1&6 L ->9 cu in. L16! i@E<(C 1etro, en3ine tat is used
in te 0aCC and !rio atcbac2s&
A1art /rom bein3 te com1anySs /irst diese, car in India, te AmaCe is s,otted in tat ,ucrative sub
?@meter entry@,eve, sedan se3ment, "ere it com1etes a3ainst te %aruti SuCu2i S"i/t DPire and
te <ata Indi3o eCS
Honda as 1ut a ne" India s1eci/ic 1&5 L -96 cu in. oi, burner on te AmaCe& <is en3ine 3ets te
i@D<(C moni2er and it is a derivative o/ te ne" 1&: L -9; cu in. Civic diese, en3ine tat $ust 3ot
,aunced in (uro1e recent,y& <is India s1eci/ic derivate "as created to 3et around
e4ciseKta4ation ru,es "ic o//er a /avourab,e ta4 re3ime /or cars o/ sub ?@meter cars "it
en3ines o/ ,ess tan 1&5 L -96 cu in. ca1acity& <is is an a,,@a,uminium en3ine and Honda a,so
c,aims it to be te ,i3test& <e turbocar3er used in te AmaCe8s 1&5 L -96 cu in. i@D<(C diese,
en3ine "as desi3ned and bui,t by Honey"e,, <urbo <ecno,o3ies&
Honda )rio
Honda )rio
Honda !rio -Indian variant.
Manufacturer Honda %otor Com1any
Production 6711@1resent
Greater Noida, India -Honda India.
Ayuttaya, <ai,and
Ayuttaya P,ant.
'ara"an3, Indonesia -Honda
Pros1ect %otor.
)ody and c*assis
Class Subcom1act
)ody style 5@door atcbac2
Layout 5ront en3ine, /ront@"ee, drive
:elated Honda AmaCe
4n+ine 1&6L L16! i@E<(C I?
1&9L L19A i@E<(C I?
5@s1eed manua,
5@s1eed automatic
W*eelbase 6,9?5 mi,,imetres -96&9 in.

Len+t* 9,:17 mi,,imetres -1?6 in.
Widt* 1,:;7 mi,,imetres -:: in.
1,?>7 mi,,imetres -5; in. -<ai,and.
1,577 mi,,imetres -59 in. -India.
Curb "ei+*t 967 2i,o3rams -6,797 ,b.
<e Honda )rio is a /ive@door subcom1act atcbac2 1roduced by Honda in India, <ai,and and
Indonesia& <e car "as introduced in 6711&
<e name Brio means ener3etic and ceer/u, in Ita,ian&
In Indonesia, !rio as an additiona,
Indonesian name /or te LCGC ru,e& Honda 1ut Satya name in !rio tat means true, 3enuine,
sincere or /ait/u, in Sans2rit&
<e !rio 1rototy1e "as /irst so"n at 6717 <ai,and Internationa, %otor So"& <e car is
deve,o1ed to 1osition in a c,ass be,o" Honda 5it /or emer3in3 mar2ets& <e initia, mar2ets "ere
<ai,and and India& <e !rio8s mar2et e41anded "en it "as ,aunced in Sout A/rica in
December 6716&
Honda !rio S 1&9 -Indonesia.&
Honda !rio S 1&9 -Indonesia.&
<e !rio is 1o"ered by a ?@cy,inder, 1&6 L ->9 cu in. L16! i@E<(C 3aso,ine en3ine de,iverin3
;; PS -:?&> 2OF ;:&; b1.& It is avai,ab,e "it eiter a 5@s1eed manua, or a continuous,y
variab,e transmission&
<e car is certi/ied to de,iver a combined mi,ea3e o/ 19&? 2mKL -55 m13@
im1F ?: m13@US.1:&5 2mKL -?> m13@im1F 99 m13@US. "it manua, and automatic transmission
res1ective,y on te indian cyc,e&
Sa/ety eBui1ment inc,udes dua, /ront airba3s, anti@,oc2 bra2in3 system, e,ectronic bra2e/orce
distribution and /ront 1retensioner seat be,ts& <e driver8s side airba3 /eature mu,ti@sta3e
in/,ation& <e /ront body is desi3ned to absorb im1act ener3y /or better 1edestrian 1rotection&
<e !rio is 1roduced in <ai,and /or te Souteast Asian mar2et&
In India, te !rio is assemb,ed /or te Sout Asian mar2et by te com1any8s subsidiary, Honda
Sie, Cars India -HSCI., at its 1roduction /aci,ities in Greater Noida "it /our variants& )ver ;7=
o/ its 1arts are sourced /rom Indian su11,iers& <e #a$astan /actory a,so e41orts !rio 1arts to
Honda as started te assemb,y o/ !rio in Indonesia in 6719 to /u,/i,, te ,oca, demand&

In <ai,and, te !rio "as ,aunced in %arc 6711&
In Indonesia, te !rio "as ,aunced in
Au3ust 6716, "it te 1rice bet"een #1 1?9,777,777 and #1 1>7,777,777& In Indonesia, te !rio
uses a 1&9 L ->9 cu in. L19A i@E<(C instead o/ 1&6 L ->9 cu in. L16! i@E<(C& <e !rio8s
1,anned ,aunc in India "as de,ayed /rom ear,y 6711 due to te 6711 0a1an eartBua2e and
tsunami& It "as /ina,,y ,aunced in Se1tember 6711, $ust aead o/ te /estive season, "it a
startin3 1rice o/ 995,777& It $oined te 0aCC in Honda8s atcbac2 subcom1act ran3e /or India&
In te Indian mar2et, it com1etes a3ainst %aruti SuCu2i8s S"i/t and #itC, Hyundai8s i17, 5ord8s
5i3o, Nissan8s %icra and <oyota8s (tios Liva& <e sa,es too2 a it a3ain "en Honda8s <ai,and
1,ant ad to sut do"n due to te massive !an32o2 /,oods& Critica, com1onents /or te !rio
come /rom <ai,and and ence its Indian 1roduction sto11ed /or more tan a mont, resumin3
on,y on te 5ebruary 15t, 6716&
<e !rio "i,, be ,aunced in te Pi,i11ines at te Pi,i11ine Internationa, %otor So" on
Se1tember 1;@61, 671?&
)rio edan
%ain artic,eD Honda AmaCe
<e !rio is a,so avai,ab,e in te sedan /orm, dubbed as Honda AmaCe&
)rio MP3
%ain artic,eD Honda %obi,io
<e Mobilio Prototype, HondaSs /irst ,o" cost %PE tat "i,, be so,d trou3out Asia "as
1remiered at te 61st Indonesia Internationa, %otor So"& <is is a,so te /irst mode, /rom
Honda deve,o1ed /or te Indonesian mar2et& <e %obi,io is ?,997 mi,,imetres -1>9 in. ,on3,
1,:;7 mi,,imetres -:: in. "ide, 1,:17 mi,,imetres -:9 in. ta,, "it a "ee,base measurin3 6,:57
mi,,imetres -17? in. ,on3& It as a 3round c,earance o/ 1;5 mi,,imetres ->&9 in. and its 1&5 L
-96 cu in. 1etro, en3ine is te most 1o"er/u, in its c,ass& <e desi3n conce1t o/ te %obi,io is
UDua, So,id %otionV tat Ucombines a stron3 stance and e41resses stren3t "it dynamic
/ee,in3&V <e car is reco3niCab,e /rom te /ront as a cousin to te !rio trou3 its ,ea/@sa1ed
ead,am1s and sin3,e s,ab crome 3ri,,e& <e side 1ro/i,e is accentuated by a U,i3tnin3@bo,t
be,t,ineV "i,e te rear /eatures a i3@mounted :@L(D sto1,am1& <e so" car, "ic is
re1resents a,most 177= o/ te 1roduction car, is mounted on 15 inces -9;7 mm. a,uminium@
a,,oy rims&
Honda Mobilio
Mobilio First 7eneration
Manufacturer Honda
)ody and c*assis
Class %ini %PE
5ront@en3ine desi3n, /ront@"ee,
drive K /our@"ee, drive
:elated Honda %obi,io S1i2e
1&5 L +15A i@DSI I?
1&5 L +15A E<(C I?
Transmission CE<
W*eelbase 6,>57 mm -17;&9 in.
Len+t* ?,7:7 mm -159&; in.
Widt* 1,:97 mm -::&5 in.
Hei+*t 1,>97 mm -:;&1 in.
Predecessor Honda Ca1a
uccessor Honda 5reed
Honda Mobilio is a seven@seater mini %PE 1roduced by 0a1anese automa2er Honda& <e /irst
3eneration %obi,io 1roduced /rom 6771 to 677;, "as te second in Honda8s Sma,, %a4 series
and a,so too2 Honda8s G,oba, Sma,, P,at/orm and teir i@DSI en3ine& In %ay 677;, Honda 5reed
"as introduced, re1,acin3 te %obi,io& <e second 3eneration %obi,io "as introduced in
Indonesia in ear,y 671? and as introduced in te Indian mar2et in 0u,y 671?&

First 7eneration
Honda %obi,io "as a 1&5L com1act@"a3on tat "as desi3ned "it recreationa, activities in
mind& <e %obi,io S1i2e "as re,eased in 0a1an on Se1tember 19, 6776 and "as HondaSs second
mode, in te Sma,, %a4 series& Due to its outdoor mar2etin3 a11roac, it "as so,d in 0a1an at
Honda &erno dea,ersi1 ,ocations& <e %obi,io, accordin3 to Honda, attained te i3est /ue,
ratin3 in te >@1assen3er veic,e c,ass, at 1>&6 2mKL& It "as discontinued in Summer 677;
/o,,o"in3 te re,ease o/ te Honda 5reed& <e %obi,io /eatured a s1acious car3o area tat "as
:&79 /t -1&;: m. dee1 and 9&: /t -1&17 m. ta,, and cou,d be con/i3ured in 5 modesF uti,ity mode,
,on3 mode, t"in mode, re/res mode, and ad$ustment mode& A,on3 "it te /,e4ib,e car3o
con/i3urations, tere are t"o s,idin3 doors, one on eac side& Interior tai,3ate stora3e oo2s can
o,d about 11 ,b -5&7 23.&
<e 1&5L E<(C en3ine is desi3ned /or bot 1o"er and /ue, economy& <e 0a1an %inistry o/
<rans1ort reco3niCed te %obi,io as an Ue4ce,,ent ,o" emissionsV veic,e& A,so /eatured in te
%obi,io S1i2e is te Honda %u,timatic S -CE<.& It is Honda8s ne" 3eneration o/ CE< "it >@
s1eed mode tat o//ers tree drivin3 modesD CE<F >@s1eed automatic si/t modeF and >@s1eed
manua, si/t mode& 5our@Oee, Drive is a,so avai,ab,e& <e %obi,io S1i2e incor1orates Honda8s
G@C)N -G@/orce Contro,. tecno,o3y, /or enanced cras sa/ety& <e veic,e body is desi3ned to
o//er 1rotection to occu1ants in a 55 2mK /u,,@/ronta, co,,ision, a :? 2mK /ront o//set co,,ision,
55 2mK side co,,ision, and a 57 2mK rear co,,ision& Honda as im1,emented its o"n veic,e@to@
veic,e co,,ision testin3 1ro3ramD 57= /ronta, o//set co,,ision "it a 6@ton c,ass veic,e "i,e
bot veic,es trave,in3 at 57 2mK, to e,1 im1rove sa/ety in rea,@"or,d co,,isions& In order to
enance recyc,abi,ity, a,most a,, interior in$ection@mo,ded 1arts are made o/ o,e/in resin&
<o3eter "it oter measures, it resu,ts in an overa,, veic,e recyc,abi,ity o/ over 97=&
Mobilio econd 7eneration ,5561
Manufacturer Honda
Production 671?@
)ody and c*assis
Class %ini %PE
5ront@en3ine desi3n, /ront@"ee,
drive K /our@"ee, drive
:elated Honda !rio
1&5 L +15A i@D<(C I?
1&5 L +15,1 i@E<(C I?
Transmission CE<
W*eelbase 6,>57 mm -17;&9 in.
Len+t* ?,9;: mm -1>6&> in.
Widt* 1,:97 mm -::&5 in.
Hei+*t 1,>97 mm -:;&1 in.
econd +eneration
In Se1tember 6719, %obi,io "as reborn "it various can3es and "as based on Honda !rio
1,at/orm& It "i,, com1etin3 "it oter mini %PEs ,i2e <oyota AvanCa, Nissan Grand Livina,
SuCu2i (rti3a, Cevro,et S1in in Indonesia and %aruti (rti3a, Cevro,et (n$oy, <oyota Innova in
India& <rim ,eve,s o//ered are S, (, and ( Presti3e "it eiter a 5 s1eed manua, or a CE< -( and
( Presti3e on,y. transmission& Honda %obi,io second 3eneration uses 1&5L L15P1 i@E<(C
Petro, en3ine or a 1&5L L15P1 i@D<(C Diese, en3ine&
Honda %obi,io 3ot Car o/ te Gear
)tomoti/ A"ard 671? in Indonesia& Durin3 A1ri, 671?, Honda %obi,io is so,d >,56: units or
more tan 57 1ercent o/ te se,,in3 ,eader o/ Lo" %PE, <oyota AvanCa "ic as been re,eased
since 6779&
Durin3 0une 671?, Honda %obi,io is so,d 17,;9: units, a bi3 increase, "i,e <oyota
AvanCa is so,d 1?,;96 units or re,ative,y stab,e o/ sa,es&
Mobilio :
)n 0une 19, 671?, Honda Pros1ect %otor re,eased te s1ortier variant %obi,io #S
& <e can3e
"as more radica,, it "as not $ust addin3 s1ortier body 2it, but it a,so receivin3 1ro$ector
ead,am1 "it D#L -Daytime runnin3 ,am1., s1ortier 15N "ee,, si,ver roo/ 3arnis, /u,, b,ac2
interior, si,ver mate door and,e, s1eed sensin3 door ,oc2, t"eeter, audio steerin3 s"itc, and
doub,e door insu,ation to ma2e it more ri3id& <ese can3es "as very si3ni/icant com1ared "it
Presti3e& It "as o//ered "it ne" co,or is Carne,ian #ed Pear, and %odern Si,ver %eta,ic
re1,acin3 Po,ised %eta, %eta,,ic, and oter co,or in standard %obi,io a,so o//ered e4ce1t
Premium !,ue Pear, /or tis variant& )//ered in eiter 5 s1eed manua, or a CE< transmission&

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