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Block Book
Faculty of Medicine
Pelita Harapan University
Karawaci Tangerang
Benyamin Lukito dr., SpPD
Daniel Richard Kambey dr.
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 1
Jan Tambayong, dr., PHK
Darti !bandiati, dr., "S, SpP#
Suga T. #ngga$i%aya, dr., SpP#
Ki!tiandono, dr., SpP#
&era Damayanti, dr., SpP#
'ucuna$ang!ih, dr., Sp"K
Pro(. )ahyuni #tmod%o, dr., P#K, Ph.D
Dr. #nggraeni Barlian, "Sc.
Hartono *unadi, dr., P#K
Bernard Hutabarat, dr., P#K
Pro(. Rondang Soegianto, dra., "Sc., Ph.D
Dr.rer.phy!iol. Septelia na$ati )., dr.
)inar!ih, dr., "S
&. Sutarmo Setiad%i, dr., P+K, Ph.D
Si!ira$aty, dr., SpParK
Danielle Tahitoe, dr., SpParK
,icola!ki Lumbuun, dr., Sp+K
Harun )i%aya, dr., Sp#
T. Haryanto S., dr., SpPK
Benyamin Sa!tro, dr., SpPD
Benyamin Lukito, dr., SpPD
Sayuri Su$andi, dr., SpPD
#nthony Berlim, dr., SpB
Tondung Simorangkir, dr., SpB
Subagia Santo!a, dr., SpRad
Dei!y Budiono, dr.
Daniel Richard Kambey, dr.
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 2
The *a!trointe!tinal !y!tem !tudied in $eekly program compri!e! o( lecture!, practical
and clinical !kill laboratory, a! $ell a! PBL group di!cu!!ion i! intended to gi-e the !tudent! a
!en!e o( intere!t o( thinking proce!! concerning the clinical rele-ance o( human !tructure.
Lecture! on ba!ic medical !cience! and medical clinical !cience! are de!igned to
complement to the !tudy o( ga!trointe!tinal !y!tem. #ll di!cipline! in medical !cience! are
integrated in thi! block to e.uip the !tudent! $ith an under!tanding o( ga!trointe!tinal problem!
and it/! therapeutically management.
#n integrated laboratory practice 0 hour! once a $eek i! implemented to ha-e a three
dimen!ional a!pect o( the morphology and arrangement o( macro!copic and micro!copic !tructural
component! o( each organ in the ga!trointe!tinal tract.
The !elected clinical ca!e!/ incorporating a multidi!ciplinary approach i! created to trigger
the under!tanding o( di((erent di!cipline! $ithin the ga!trointe!tinal health problem!. Thi! !e!!ion i!
carried out in !mall group !etting di!cu!!ed three time! a $eek and $rapped up by an e1pert in the
plenary !e!!ion.
Thi! block i! implemented under the (ollo$ing main region, i.e., Diarrhea, Dy!pep!ia,
%aundice, abdominal bleeding and abdominal pain.
Lippo &illage, December 23, 4525
'oordinator o( *a!trointe!tinal !y!tem,
Benyamin Lukito dr., SpPD
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 3
*(+T $F "$,T&,T
. 'our!e in(o
. Standard o( "edical 'ompetencie!
. Teaching and Learning method
IV. Department!
&. )eek ob%ecti-e! o( lecture and lab practice
&. Li!t o( di!ea!e
&. Re(erence!
&. #!!e!!ment
6. Timetable
6. #ppro-al
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 4
"HPT&' (
"$U'+& (,F$
-loc. / 0astrointestinal
+e1ester / (%
"redits / 2 credits
3uration / 2 wee.s
Teac!ing activity / 24 !ours/wee.
+tarted / 5anuary 106 2011
&nded / Fe#ruary 116 2011
"oordinator / -enya1in *u.ito dr76 +pP3
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 5
"HPT&' ((
"o1ponents of "o1petency
17 rea of effective co11unication
o Be able to e1plore and e1change in(ormation -erbally and non7-erbally in the
ga!trointe!tinal health problem!.
27 rea of clinical s.ills
o 'ollect and record accurate and important in(ormation about the patient and
hi!8her (amily illne!! in * tract
o 'onduct clinical procedure! ba!ed on the patient/! problem! and need!, and
the doctor/! accreditation.
o 'onduct phy!ical e1amination ba!ed on the patient/! problem! and need! in
* tract di!order!.
87 rea of scientific #asis of 1edical .nowledge
o #pply the concept! and principle! o( biomedical, clinical and beha-ioural
!cience and public health, appropriate to the deli-ery o( primary health care
o Summari9e an appropriate interpretation o( the hi!tory.
97 rea of 1anage1ent of !ealt! pro#le1s
o "anage health problem! in a per!on, (amily, or community comprehen!i-ely,
holi!tically, !u!tainable, co7ordinately and collaborati-ely in the conte1t o( a
primary health care !er-ice
27 rea of 1anage1ent of infor1ation
o :!e in(ormation technology and communication in making a diagno!i!
o :!e health in(ormation producti-ely
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 6
47 rea of self:awareness and self develop1ent
o :ndertake li(elong learning
o De-elop ne$ kno$ledge
;7 rea of et!ics6 1orals6 1edico:legal aspects and professionalis16
and patient safety
o Ha-e a pro(e!!ional attitude
o Beha-e pro(e!!ionally in cooperating $ith other!
*earning outco1es;
17 &ffective co11unication/
1717 &sta#lis! rapport wit! t!e patient and !is/!er fa1ily7
Student! !hould be able to;
a. Summari9e the patient/! problem, $orrie! and hope!
b. #l$ay! e!tabli!h and maintain the patient/! dignity, con(identiality and pri-acy
c. Treat the patient a! an e.ual and a!k (or hi!8her agreement in deciding on
therapy and medical procedure!
1727 "ollect infor1ation
Student! !hould be able to;
a. #ble to u!e open7ended and clo!ed .ue!tion! in ac.uiring in(ormation <mo-e
(rom open to clo!ed .ue!tion!=
b. #!k (or clari(ication (rom the patient about any o( hi!8her !tatement! $hich
cannot be clearly under!tood
c. :!e clinical rea!oning in e1ploring the hi!tory o( the pre!ent illne!!, (amily
hi!tory, and hi!tory o( pa!t illne!!
d. 'onduct data e1ploration logically and e((iciently
e. ,ot gi-e education and e1planation prematurely $hile collecting in(ormation
27 "linical s.ills
2717 "ollect and record accurate and i1portant infor1ation a#out t!e patient and
!is/!er fa1ily
Student! !hould be able to;
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 7
a. >1plore and record clearly the complaint!, pre!ent illne!!, medical, (amily, and
other rele-ant hi!tory
2727 "onduct clinical and la#oratory procedures
Student! !hould be able to;
a. 'hoo!e clinical and laboratory procedure! $hich are appropriate (or the
patient/! problem
b. 'onduct clinical and laboratory procedure! $hich are appropriate (or the
patient/! problem and the doctor/! accreditation
c. 'onduct phy!ical e1amination in $ay! $hich minimi!e pain and di!com(ort (or
the patient
d. 'onduct an appropriate phy!ical e1amination ba!ed on the patient/! problem
e. denti(y phy!ical !ign! and record them clearly and correctly
(. denti(y, choo!e and decide on appropriate laboratory procedure!
g. 'onduct ba!ic laboratory procedure!
h. 'omplete a re.ue!t (orm (or more ad-anced laboratory procedure!
i. denti(y appropriate di!ea!e !creening te!t<!=
%. 'hoo!e and per(orm therapeutic acti-itie! and pre-enti-e procedure!
con!i!tent $ith the doctor/! accreditation
87 +cientific #asis of 1edical .nowledge
8717 pply t!e concepts and principles of #io1edical clinical
appropriate to t!e delivery of pri1ary !ealt! care
Student! !hould be able to;
a. >1plain the health problem in term! o( the principle! o( the ba!ic medical
!cience!, pathogene!i! and pathophy!iology
b. >1plain the molecular and cellular a!pect! o( the health problem, ba!ed on an
under!tanding o( the normal mechani!m! o( the human body
c. >1plain the non7biological (actor! $hich in(luence the health problem!
d. De-elop an e((ecti-e !trategy to pre-ent the cau!e! o( a di!ea!e, ba!ed on
pathogene!i! and pathophy!iology and !peci(ic ri!k (actor!, and the e((ect o(
the di!ea!e
e. >1plain the -ariou! option! (or patient management
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 8
(. Ju!ti(y the cho!en inter-ention ba!ed on pharmacology, phy!iology, nutrition,
e1erci!e and beha-ioural change
g. >1plain the po!!ibility o( drug interaction! and !ide e((ect!
h. >1plain the bene(it o( dietary therapy in the management o( certain di!ea!e!
8727 +u11ari<e an appropriate interpretation of t!e !istory6
p!ysical e=a1ination6 and la#oratory tests
Student! !hould be able to;
a. >1plain <u!ing pathophy!iologic or other approache!= the
clinical and laboratory data to determine the diagno!i!
b. >1plain the rationale (or the diagno!i! by re(erence to e-idence ba!ed
97 Manage1ent of !ealt! pro#le1s
9717 Manage t!e patient>s disease6 illness6 and pro#le1 as a
w!ole individual6 as part of a fa1ily and a co11unity
Student! !hould be able to;
a. nterpret clinical data to (ormulate pro-i!ional and di((erential diagno!e!
b. >1plain the cau!e, pathogene!i!, and pathophy!iology o( a di!ea!e
c. denti(y the -ariou! option! (or management o( the patient/! di!ea!e
d. "anage the health problem independently and re!pon!ibly according to
hi!8her accreditation
e. *i-e rea!on! (or the cho!en management !trategy ba!ed on pathophy!iology,
pathogene!i!, pharmacology, p!ychology, !ocial and other appropriate (actor!
(. )rite clear, complete, accurate, and legible in!truction!.
g. denti(y the indicator! o( !ucce!!(ul treatment, monitor the progre!! o(
management, re-i!e and change therapy appropriately
h. Predict, monitor, recogni9e the po!!ibility o( drug interaction! and !ide e((ect!,
and re-i!e or change therapy appropriately
i. mplement the principle! o( (amily medicine in a holi!tic, comprehen!i-e,
coordinated, collaborati-e, and !u!tainable manner in managing the di!ea!e
and the patient/! problem
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH
%. denti(y the role o( the patient/! (amily, their occupation, and !ocial
en-ironment a! (actor! that may in(luence the occurrence o( di!ea!e and the
choice o( therapy
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 1!
"HPT&' (((
T&"H(,0 ,3 *&',(,0 M&?H$3
2. Lecture ; ? hour!8$eek
4. *roup di!cu!!ion and Plenary ; 3 hour!8$eek
@. Laboratory practice ; 0 hour!8$eek
0. 'linical !kill ; 0 hour!8$eek
A. Doctor, Pro(e!!ionali!m,
>thic!, Society ; 4 hour!8$eek
B. 'linical >1po!ure ; @ hour!8$eek
Total teac!ing activity ; 2@ !ours/wee.
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 11
"HPT&' (%
2. Department o( #natomy and de-elopment
4. Department o( Hi!tology
@. Department o( Phy!iology
0. Department o( Biochemi!try
A. Department o( "icrobiology
B. Department o( Para!itology
3. Department o( Pharmacology
?. Department o( Pathology #natomy
C. Department o( 'linical Pathology
25. Department o( Surgery
22. Department o( nternal "edicine
24. Department o( Pediatric
2@. Department o( Radiology
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 12
"HPT&' %
)&&K $-5&"T(%&+
)&&K 1
)ee. $#Aectives
To de!cribe, in o-er-ie$, the embryology and !tructure o( the upper * tract, indicating it!
ba!ic anatomy and hi!tology, autonomic connection!, the enteric ner-ou! !y!tem <>,S=
and blood !upply.
To e1plain the cellular and phy!iological ba!i! o( the gut endocrine !y!tem and it!
interaction $ith the enteric ner-ou! !y!tem in the control o( motility and !ecretion in the
upper * tract.
To de!cribe the coordinated neuromu!cular acti-ity o( the e!ophagu! and !tomach
in-ol-ed in !$allo$ing, ga!tric pha!e o( dige!tion, and the role o( e!ophageal !phincter!
and the pyloru!.
To de!cribe the pathobiology o( !elected upper * tract di!ea!e!, including e!ophageal
motility di!order!, ga!troe!ophageal re(lu1 di!ea!e, ga!triti!, peptic ulcer di!ea!e and
ga!tric cancer.
To e1plain gro!! and hi!topathology o( ga!trointe!tinal di!ea!e!
To di!cu!! and e1plain the role o( p!ycho!ocial and en-ironmental (actor!, !uch a! !tre!!,
alcohol, !moking, obe!ity and diet in the pathogene!i! o( upper * tract di!ea!e!.
To e1plain the concept! o( e!!ential dietary nutrient! and pro-ide an e1planation o( nutrient
re.uirement!, and recommendation!.
To apply kno$ledge o( the normal (unction! o( the upper * tract to e1plain the ba!i! o(
!ymptom! !uch a! heartburn, dy!phagia, regurgitation, epiga!tric pain and -omiting.
To analy9e !ymptom! and phy!ical (inding! in a patient $ith an upper * tract di!order to
arri-e at a di((erential diagno!i!.
To de!cribe the role o( the -ariou! laboratory te!t! and diagno!tic procedure! in the
e-aluation o( patient! $ith upper * tract di!ea!e.
To de!cribe the medical and !urgical management o( e!ophagiti! and acid7peptic di!ea!e,
including pharmacological mea!ure! to alter motility, ga!tric acid !ecretion and muco!al
de(ence mechani!m!
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 13
i7 *ecture 1/ 5an Ta1#ayong6 dr76 PHK
Theme; Hi!tological (eature o( ga!trointe!tinal tract
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe hi!tological organi9ation E (unction! o( 0 layer! o( * tract
To kno$ hi!tology E ultra!tructure o( main epithelial cell type! in
e!ophageal muco!a, ga!tric muco!a E inte!tinal muco!a
ii7 *ecture 2/ 5an Ta1#ayong6 dr76PHKB 3arti (s#andiati6 M+76 +pPB
"ucunawangsi!6 dr76 +pMK
Theme; Laboratory introduction
Duration; A5 minute!
To e1plain the e!!ential laboratory practice in ga!trointe!tinal !y!tem
iii7 *ecture 869 / 3r7 nggraeni -arlian6 M+c
Theme; De-elopment o( *a!trointe!tinal Tract <*T=
Duration; 255 minute!
2. To e1plain the general (ormation o( (oregut, midgut and hindgut
nduction o( endoderm to me!oderm in regionali9ation o( *T
De-elopment o( endoderm become! epithelial lining *T
De-elopment o( me!enchymal me!oderm become! peri!tal!i! mu!cle
4. To de!cribe the de-elopment o( (oregut
De-elopment o( !tomach
Rotation in !tomach (ormation
Di!placement o( !tomach
@. To de!cribe the (ormation o( inte!tine
Rotation in inte!tine region!
"al(ormation due to (al!e rotation
Small inte!tine
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 14
Large inte!tine
0. To de!cribe the de-elopment o( li-er and gallbladder
,ormal de-elopment o( li-er and gallbladder
#bnormality in li-er and gallbladder
A. To de!cribe the de-elopment o( pancrea!
,ormal de-elopment o( pancrea!
#bnormality in pancrea!
B. To e1plain the de-elopmental de(ect! in;
'ongenital hypertrophic pyloric !teno!i!
iv7 *ecture 2 / ,icolas.i *u1#uun6 dr76 +pFK
Theme; Pharmacological a!pect o( upper ga!trointe!tinal di!e!e!
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe the pharmacological management o( Peptic :lcer Di!ea!e
<P:D= and *a!troe!ophageal Re(lu1 Di!ea!e <*>RD=
To de!cribe pharmacological pre-ention o( ,S#D7induced ulcer!.
To de(ine both non7pharmacologic E pharmacologic approache! to the
treatment o( *>RD
To o-er-ie$ the e((icacy, !a(ety, and co!t o( a-ailable agent!
To e1plain the mechani!m o( action, common u!e!, !ide e((ect! and
drug interaction! (or the (ollo$ing cla!!e! o( agent!;
o #ntacid!
o 'ytoprotectant!
o H
7receptor antagoni!t!
o Proton pump inhibitor!
o Pro!taglandin analog!
o Bi!muth !ub!alicylate, promotility agent! <dopamine
v7 *ecture 46;/ +ayuri +uwandi6 dr76 +pP3
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 15
Theme; Peptic :lcer Di!ea!e!
Duration; 255 minute!
To e1plain the pathophy!iology o( peptic ulcer di!ea!e
To e1plain the clinical !ymptom! o( peptic ulcer di!ea!e
To be able to e1plain the management o( peptic ulcer di!ea!e!
vi7 *ecture @/%7+utar1o +etiadAi6 dr76 PFK6 P!3
Theme; ,ormal dige!ti-e !y!tem and hormonal role! in ga!trointe!tinal tract
Duration; A5 minute!
To e1plain the proce!! o( ma!tication and the (ormation o( bolu!
To de!cribe the t$o !tage! o( deglutition <!$allo$ing= proce!!
To e1plain the proce!! o( dige!tion and ab!orption in each !egment o(
* tract
To e1plain the (unction o( * tract hormone
(ntegrated *a#oratories/
Department!; #natomy, Hi!tology, Pathology
Lab a!!i!tant!;
)ahyuni #tmod%o dr., P#K, Ph.D
Hartono *unadi dr., P#K
Bernard Hutabarat dr, P#K
Dei!y Budiono dr.
Daniel R. Kambey dr.
Jan Tambayong dr., PHK
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 16
Ronald :laan dr., "S
,eneng Suryadinata dr., "P!i.T
Darti !bandiati dr., SpP#
Suga Tri!akti dr., SpP#
&era Dama%anti dr., SpP#
Ki!tiandono dr., SpP#
#t the end o( the $eek, the !tudent $ill be able to;
To identi(y the gro!! anatomical !tructure o( upper ga!trointe!tinal tract
To identi(y hi!tological !ection! o( lip!, e!ophagu!, !tomach,
To identi(y the !imilaritie! and di((erence! bet$een ga!tric muco!a, !mall
inte!tinal muco!a and colonic muco!a. .
To identi(y pathologic (eature! o( benign peptic ulcer di!ea!e and it! precur!or
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 17
)&&K 2
)ee. $#Aectives/
To e1plain the normal and abnormal (luid8electrolyte tran!port in the inte!tinal tract.
To e1plain pathophy!iological approach in the di((erential diagno!i! o( diarrhea.
To o-er-ie$ o( microbiology a!pect o( diarrhea
To e1plain the pathology and pathophy!iology o( enteric in(ection
To e1plain the gut7a!!ociated immune !y!tem in health and di!ea!e.
To e1plain the common nutritional di!order! and management o( malnutrition.
To e1plain the epidemiology, pathology, clinical mani(e!tation!, complication!,
treatment and pathogene!i! o( chronic in(lammatory bo$el di!ea!e, particularly
$hen complicated by to1ic megacolon.
i7 *ecture 162/ )a!yuni * t1odAo6 dr76 PK6 P!3
Theme; #natomy o( ga!trointe!tinal tract
Duration; 255 minute!
To kno$ the compartment! o( the peritoneal ca-ity
To e1plain the gro!! anatomical (eature! e!ophagu!, !tomach and
To e1plain the principle! inner-ation! o( abdominal -i!cera.
To de!cribe the blood !upply and lymphatic drainage o( * tract
To de!cribe the gro!! anatomical (eature! o( !mall and large inte!tine.
To e1plain the di((erentiation bet$een !mall and large inte!tine!.
To de!cribe the blood !upply o( lo$er ga!trointe!tinal tract
To de!cribe the inner-ation! o( lo$er ga!trointe!tinal tract
To de!cribe the gro!! anatomical (eature! o( li-er
To de!cribe the gro!! anatomical (eature! o( pancrea!
ii7 *ecture 8/ 5an Ta1#ayong6 dr76 PHK
Theme; Lo$er ga!trointe!tinal tract hi!tological (eature!
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 18
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe the hi!tological (eature o( duodenum, %e%unum8ileum, appendi1
and colon.
To de!cribe the e!!ential hi!tological (eature! o( the appendi1.
To de!cribe ho$ the recto7anal %unction i! organi9ed hi!tologically a! a
!ite o( tran!ition bet$een * tract and the out!ide en-ironment.
To e1plain ho$ the ultra!tructural (eature! o( the -ariou! epithelial cell
type! compri!ing the ga!tro7inte!tinal muco!a re(lect their re!pecti-e
iii7 *ecture 9/ ,icolas.i *u1#uun6 dr76 +pFK
Theme; Pharmacological option! in diarrhea management
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe the primary goal! (or the treatment o( acute diarrhea
To de!cribe appropriate recommendation o( non drug therapy (or acute
diarrhea patient!
To e1plain the role o( drug therapy in the treatment o(
#cute 8 chronic diarrhea E recommend appropriate product!
iv7 *ecture 264/ "ucunawangsi!6 dr76 +pMK
Theme; "icroorgani!m in ga!trointe!tinal tract and (ood poi!oning
Duration; 255 minute!
To de!cribe the cau!ati-e organi!m <Helicobacter pylori=
To di!cu!! the microbiological in-e!tigation! o( the ga!triti!8peptic ulcer
To e1plain the mechani!m o( pathogene!i! cau!ati-e organi!m
To de!cribe the normal (lora in the ga!trointe!tinal tract
To di!cu!! the tran!mi!!ion o( $ater7borne enteric pathogen!
To de!cribe the characteri!tic o( enteric *ram7negati-e rod!
To e1plain the mechani!m o( pathogene!i! cau!ati-e organi!m
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 1
To de!cribe the antigenic !tructure and to1in! o( cau!ati-e organi!m!.
To de!cribe the cau!ati-e organi!m! <bacterial and -iral= o( ga!troenteriti!
in childhood, in(ant, and tra-eler.
To de!cribe the li!t o( ga!trointe!tinal in(ection cau!ed by enteric
To de!cribe the clinical (eature! o( in(ection! cau!ed by enteric
To de!cribe the li!t o( cau!ati-e organi!m! o( (ood poi!oning
To de!cribe the clinical mani(e!tation! and pathogene!i! o( (ood
v7 *ecture ; / +isirawaty6 dr76 +pParK
Theme!; "a%or (eature! o( para!ite! in human ga!trointe!tinal tract
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe proto9oa para!ite! $hich are tran!mitted by contaminated
(ood $ater borne
To e1plain li(e cycle o( proto9oa
To de!cribe each !tage o( !pecie! proto9oa para!ite!
To e1plain $hich proto9oa cau!e bloody, $atery diarrhea and !teatorrhea
vi7 *ecture @ / Harun )iAaya6 dr76 +p
Theme!; Diarrhea in children
Duration; A5 minute!
To e1plain the pathophy!iology and pathogene!i! o( diarrhea in children
To e1plain the pathophy!iology o( dehydration
To e1plain the principle! o( rehydration in children
(ntegrated *a#oratories
Department!; Hi!tology, Pathology, Biochemi!try
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 2!
Laboratory a!!i!tant!;
Jan Tambayong dr., PHK
Ronald :laan dr., "S
,eneng Suryadinata dr., "P!i.T
Darti !bandiati dr., SpP#
Suga Tri!akti dr., SpP#
&era Dama%anti dr., SpP#
Ki!tiandono dr., SpP#
Pro(. Rondang Soegiarto, Ph.D
Dr.rer.phy!iol. Septelia na$ati ). dr.
)inar!ih dr., "S
#t the end o( the $eek, the !tudent $ill be able to;
To identi(y the characteri!tic hi!tological appearance o( the ga!trointe!tinal tract (rom the
!tomach to the recto7anal %unction
To identi(y hi!tological (eature o( !mall and large inte!tine
To identi(y the gro!! anatomical !tructure o( !mall bo$el and large bo$el
To identi(y microorgani!m that play role in ga!trointe!tinal in(ection
To identi(y the biochemical proce!! o( dige!tion
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 21
)&&K 8
)ee. $#Aectives
To de!cribe the gro!! and micro!copic anatomy o( the li-er including the -a!culature
and bile duct!.
To de!cribe chemical modi(ication o( drug! by the li-er.
To de!cribe blood te!t! u!ed clinically to a!!e!! hepatocyte in%ury, chole!ta!i!, and the
bio!ynthetic8metabolic (unction o( the li-er.
To de!cribe the molecular pathogene!i!, epidemiology and natural hi!tory o( chronic
-iral hepatiti!.
To identi(y the ma%or hi!topathologic (eature! that accompanie! -iral hepatiti!.
To de!cribe cirrho!i! and e1plain $hy thi! lead! to portal hyperten!ion and impaired
li-er (unction.
To e1plain the pathogene!i! o( hepatic encephalopathy and a!cite!.
To e1plain di((erence bet$een the !ymptom! o( acute hepatiti! $ith tho!e o( biliary
To e1plain o( biliary anatomy to the diagno!i! o( biliary ob!truction and gallbladder
To de!cribe the key point! in the hi!tory and phy!ical e1amination in a!!e!!ing a
patient $ith %aundice.
To e1plain the imaging te!t! (or diagno!i! o( li-er di!ea!e.
To de!cribe the epidemiology, pathogene!i!, pathology, and clinical con!e.uence! o(
the mo!t common li-er tumor! 7 benign <ca-ernou! hemangioma, nodular hyperpla!ia,
and adenoma= and malignant <hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma
i. *ecture 162/ +isirawaty6 dr76 +pParK
Theme; denti(ication o( para!ite! in human ga!trointe!tinal tract
Duration; 255 minute!
To de!cribe para!ite! in the hepatobiliary !y!tem
To e1plain the main clinical mani(e!tation o( para!itic in(ection
To e1plain the main clinical mani(e!tation o( proto9oal in(ection
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 22
To e1plain e1amination o( !pecimen!
ii. *ecture 8/ "ucunawangsi!6 dr76 +pMK
Theme; "a%or microorgani!m in li-er in(ection
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe the cau!ati-e organi!m o( -iral hepatiti!
To e1plain the mechani!m o( pathogene!i! cau!ati-e organi!m
To de!cribe the microbiological in-e!tigation! o( the -iral hepatiti!
To e1plain the mechani!m o( pathogene!i! cau!ati-e organi!m
iii. *ecture 9/ 5an Ta1#ayong6 dr76 PHK
Theme; The micro!copic !tructure and (eature o( the li-er and biliary tree
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe hi!tological organi9ation o( parenchyma E !troma o( li-er
and it/! related di!order!
To de!cribe the compari!on bet$een hepatic lobule and li-er acinu!
To de!cribe !alient L" 8 >" (eature! o( hepatocyte hepatocyte,
,!inuo!oid E canaliculu!
To e1plain the ma%or component! o( a portal area and indicate their
To e1plain he di((erence bet$een Kup((er cell! and (ene!trated
endothelial cell! in hepatic !inu!oid! and e1plain ho$ they (unction.
To e1plain ho$ the ultra!tructural (eature! o( the hepatocyte,
peri!inu!oidal !pace o( Di!!e, biliary canaliculu! and hepatic !inu!oid
re(lect their re!pecti-e (unction!.
To e1plain ho$ the hi!tological organi9ation o( the gallbladder enable! it
to concentrate and deli-er bile to the duodenum
i". *ecture 2/ %era 3a1ayanti6 dr76 +pP
Theme; Pathological change! in the li-er
Duration; A5 minute!
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 23
To de!cribe the pattern o( pathological (inding! that i! re(erred to a!
Facute hepatiti!.G
To de!cribe the micro!copic (eature! that are characteri!tic o( cirrho!i!.
To de!cribe the ma%or etiologic agent! o( cirrho!i!.
To e1plain the di((erence bet$een the t$o gro!! morphologic -ariant! o(
cirrho!i!, micronodular and macronodular, and e1plain $hy !uch a
cla!!i(ication !cheme can be clinically mi!leading.
To e1plain the principal recogni9ed etiologie! (or thi! di!order in order o(
their likelihood. State the mo!t common (actor a!!ociated $ith each
". *ecture 4/ T Haryanto6 dr76 +pPK
Theme; Role o( laboratory e1amination in li-er di!ea!e!
Duration; A5 minute!
To e1plain in detail ho$ the li-er metaboli9e! ammonia and bilirubin
To outline the biochemical path$ay! u!ed by the li-er in maintaining a
normal blood gluco!e concentration
To de!cribe the ma%or pla!ma protein! !ynthe!i9ed in the li-er and To
De!cribe their (unction!
To e1plain the role o( laboratory te!t in di!tingui!hing hepatiti!
To e1plain li-er (unction te!t in li-er di!ea!e!
To e1plain the role o( !erology te!t in li-er di!ea!e!
"i. *ecture ;6@/ -enya1in +astro6 dr76 +pP3
Theme; Pathophy!iological and clinical correlation in li-er di!ea!e!
Duration; 255 minute!
To e1plain di((erence! bet$een acute and chronic li-er di!ea!e
To e1plain the correlation bet$een %aundice and other clinical !ymptom!
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 24
To e1plain the pathogene!i! o( cirrho!i!.
To e1plain the ma%or complication! o( cirrho!i! and portal hyperten!ion.
To e1plain the pathogene!i! and pathophy!iology o( * bleeding in
chronic li-er di!ea!e, hepatic encephalopathy, a!cite! and hepatorenal
(ntegrated *a#oratories/
Department!; #natomy. Hi!tology, Pathology, Para!itology
Lab a!!i!tant!;
)ahyuni #tmod%o dr., P#K, Ph.D
Hartono *unadi dr., P#K
Dei!y Budiono dr
Daniel R. Kambey dr.
Jan Tambayong dr., PHK
Ronald :laan dr., "S
,eneng Suryadinata dr., "P!i.T
Si!ira$aty dr., Sp.ParK
Danielle dr., Sp.ParK
#t the end o( the $eek, the !tudent $ill be able to;
To identi(y the e!!ential hi!tological (eature! o( the li-er $ith !pecial re(erence to the
organi9ation o( parenchyma and !troma.
To identi(y the organi9ation o( the bile canaliculu!, !pace o( Di!!e and li-er !inu!oid,
including Kup((er cell!
To identi(y the hi!tology and -a!cular relation! o( a cla!!ic hepatic lobule. .
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 25
To identi(y the principal! o( !erologic e1amination in li-er in(ection di!ea!e!
To identi(y e1amination o( para!itologic !pecimen!
)&&K 9
)ee. $#Aectives
To e1plain current kno$ledge regarding colonic polyp and colon cancer.
To de!cribe the radiological (inding! in common inte!tinal di!order!
To de!cribe the pathological change! !een in common inte!tinal di!order!, $ith
!pecial attention to Di-erticuliti!, colon cancer and polyp.
i. *ecture 162 /%era 3a1aAanti6 dr76 +pP
Theme; ,eopla!m in lo$er ga!trointe!tinal tract
Duration; 255 minute!
To de!cribe pathological change! occur in polyp, adenoma, and
To e1plain the correlation bet$een pathological and clinical (inding! in
ga!trointe!tinal malignancie!
ii. *ecture 8/ T Haryanto6 dr76 +pPK
Theme; #cute #bdomen
Duration; A5 minute!
To e1plain the role o( laboratory re!ult in the diagno!i! o( acute
To e1plain the laboratory diagno!tic (eature in acute pancreatiti!
iii. *ecture 962 / nt!ony -erli16 dr76 +p-
Theme; Role o( clinical management in ga!trointe!tinal bleeding and tumor
Duration; 255 minute!
To e1plain neopla!tic di!order in the *a!trointe!tinal tract
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 26
To e1plain the cau!e!, pathogene!i! and management o(
ga!trointe!tinal tract acute bleeding
To e1plain the di((erence! bet$een polyp, adenoma and colon cancer
i". *ecture 46; / +u#agia +antosa6 dr76 +p7'ad
Theme; maging o( ga!trointe!tinal tract
Duration; 255 minute!
To e1plain the modalitie! o( imaging in ga!trointe!tinal tract
To e1plain ho$ to interpret normal abdominal 17ray
To de!cribe di((erence! bet$een ob!tructi-e and paralytic ileu!
To de!cribe radiographic appearance o( * tract per(oration
To de!cribe common pathological (inding! on abdominal 17ray
To de!cribe and interpret barium enema e1amination
To de!cribe and interpret colon7in7loop e1amination
To de!cribe the role o( !onography in diagno!i! o( ga!trointe!tinal
To de!cribe the role o( 'T7!can E "R in diagno!i! o( ga!trointe!tinal
". *ecture @ / Tondung +i1orang.ir6 dr76 +p-
Theme; Herniation (rom abdominal ca-ity
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe type! o( herniation that can occur! (rom abdominal ca-ity
To de!cribe the cau!e! and pathogene!i! o( ga!trointe!tinal tract
herniation and in-agination
To de!cribe the management o( ga!trointe!tinal tract herniation
(ntegrated *a#oratories
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 27
Department!; 'linical Pathology, Pathology, Phy!iology
Laboratory a!!i!tant!;
'linical Pathology;
T Haryanto, dr, SpPK
Darti !bandiati dr., SpP#
Suga Tri!akti dr., SpP#
&era Dama%anti dr., SpP#
Ki!tiandono dr., SpP#
& Sutarmo Setiad%i, dr., P+K, PhD
#t the end o( the $eek, the !tudent $ill be able to;
To identi(y polyp and adenoma
To identi(y the macro!copic appearance o( ga!trointe!tinal malignancie!
To identi(y the micro!copic appearance o( ga!trointe!tinal malignancie!
To identi(y laboratory (eature! in diagno!ing ga!trointe!tinal bleeding
To identi(y the pathologic change! that occur in the li-er
To identi(y pathological change! in bo$el $hich occur in enteric in(ection
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 28
)&&K 2
)ee. $#Aectives
To e1plain the normal cellular ba!i! (or (luid, en9yme and bicarbonate !ecretion by
the pancrea!, indicating ho$ the!e proce!!e! are controlled by neural and
hormonal (actor!.
To de!cribe the dige!tion, ab!orption, metaboli!m and e1cretion o( macronutrient,
-itamin! and mineral! (ocu!ing on the a!pect! o( ab!orption, metaboli!m and
e1cretion $hich are rele-ant to di!ea!e and inter-ention during clinical nutrition
To de!cribe di!order! o( malab!orption and the pathophy!iological ba!i! (or the
!ymptom! and !ign! a!!ociated $ith malab!orption di!order!.
To e1plain the pathogene!i! o( in(ectiou!, alcoholic and ob!tructi-e pancreatiti!
To de!cribe the anatomic !ite and phy!iologic (actor! in-ol-ed $ith normal nutrient
To e1plain (actor! in-ol-ed and etiology and clinical (eature! $ith the clinical
a!!e!!ment o( the nutritional !tate.
To de!cribe the u!e o( laboratory and radiological te!t! in the in-e!tigation o(
To de!cribe the etiologie! and pathophy!iology o( acute a chronic pancreatiti!.
i. *ecture 1/ 5an Ta1#ayong6 dr76 PHK
Theme; "icro!copic !tructure o( the pancreatic gland
Duration; A5 minute!
To de!cribe hi!tology (eature! o( the pancrea!
To e1plain the e1ocrine gland! in pancrea! in the dige!ti-e proce!!
ii7 *ecture 2/ % +utar1o +etiadAi6 dr76 PFK6 P!3
Theme; Role o( pancrea! in the normal dige!ti-e proce!!
Duration; A5 minute!
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 2
To de!cribe the (unction o( pancrea!
To e1plain the phy!iology o( en9yme! (ormation and !ecretion $hich
in-ol-ed in dige!ti-e proce!!
To e1plain the component and it! (unction o( the ner-ou! !y!tem in-ol-ed
in the regulation o( * tract
To e1plain the compari!on and the contra!t o( neural, hormonal and
immune control o( the ga!trointe!tinal tract
iii. *ecture 869/ Prof7 'ondang +oegiarto6 P!3
Theme; Biochemical proce!! in the ga!trointe!tinal tract E biochemical (eature o(
pancreatic %uice
Duration; 255 minute!
To de!cribe chemical nature o( dietary carbohydrate!
To de!cribe action o( !ali-ary en9yme
To de!cribe ho$ dietary protein! are dige!ted
To e1plain $hole body protein turno-er
To e1plain bio!ynthe!i! o( bile pigment in relation $ith %aundice
To e1plain the ab!orption o( -itamin and mineral!
To de!cribe he role o( pancreatic %uice
To de!cribe chemical nature o( dietary lipid
To outline the product! o( action o( pancreatic lipa!e, chole!teryl
hydrola!e and pho!pholipa!e #4 on dietary lipid
To e1plain the role o( bile !alt and pho!pholipid! in micelle (ormation
and the ab!orption o( lipid! in the gut
i". *ecture 264 / Tondung +i1orang.ir6 dr76 +p-
Theme; Pathopy!iological and clinical a!pect o( abdominal pain
Duration; 255 minute!
To e1plain pathogene!i! o( #bdominal pain
To e1plain clinical mani!(etation o( #bdominal pain
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 3!
To e1plain diagno!tic procedure o( #bdominal pain
To e1plain ba!ic treatment o( #bdominal pain
*ecture ;6@ / -enya1in +astro6 dr76 +pP3
Theme; 'linical correlation in pancreatic di!order
Duration; 255 minute!
To e1plain the pathophy!iology o( Pancreatic cancer
To e1plain the clinical (eature! o( pancreatic cancer
To e1plain the diagno!tic procedure and management o( pancreatic
(ntegrated *a#oratories/
Department!; #natomy, Hi!tology, Pathology
Lab a!!i!tant!;
)ahyuni #tmod%o dr., P#K, Ph.D
Hartono *unadi dr., P#K
Dei!y Budiono dr
Daniel R. Kambey dr.
Jan Tambayong dr., PHK
Ronald :laan dr., "S
,eneng Suryadinata dr., "P!i.T
Darti !bandiati dr., SpP#
&era Dama%anti dr., SpP#
Suga Tri!akti dr., SpP#
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 31
Ki!tiandono dr., SpP#
#t the end o( the $eek, the !tudent $ill be able to
To identi(y the gro!! anatomy o( pancrea!
To identi(y the micro!copic !tructure o( pancreatic gland
To identi(y the clinical, etiologic, and pathologic (eature! o( carcinoma o( the
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 32
"HPT&' %(
*(+T $F 3(+&+&+
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 33
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 34
*ist of tutors/
#ldoni Latumahina, dr.
Denny Handoyo, dr.,
Ste(anu! Sumali, dr.
Dar$in +. Salim, dr.
Riny Sari Bachtiar, dr.
Heremia Tatang, dr.
>ric Setia$an, dr
'hr!ita +ebby. dr.
Dania Ko!im, dr.
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 35
"HPT&' %((
2. #natomy
#natomy (or !tudent!, *rayI! 2
edition. >l!e-ier 455A.
'linical #natomy (or medical !tudent!, Richard Snell. Little
'linically Driented #natomy 0
ed. Keith L. "oore. )illiam E
#tla! o( Human anatomy, +rank ,etter. 'iba *eigy
4. Langman/! "edical >mbryology, T) Sadler. )illiam E )ilkin!
@. Hi!tology
Ba!ic Hi!tology. L.'. Jun.uira, J. 'arneiro, R.D. Kelley, C
ed., Prentice Hall nt.,
'olor Te1tbook o( Hi!tology. L.P. *ardner and J.L. Hiati, 4
ed., Saunder!, 4552
0. Pharmacology
Ba!ic and 'linical Pharmacology, Kat9ung, 25
ed, 455B
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 36
"HPT&' %(((
(7 ttendance reCuire1ents/
#ttendance re.uirement! and eligibility to $rite e1amination!;
Problem Ba!ed learning i! an important and integral component o( the :PH curriculum. Thi!
in!tructional method empha!i9e! cooperati-e beha-ior and !mall group learning $hich (or many
!tudent!, i! a ne$ $ay o( learning. 'on!e.uently (or group! to (unction !ucce!!(ully, regular (ull
attendance at tutorial! i! e!!ential.
#ttendance e1pectation! a! re.uirement! and prere.ui!ite! to !it the e1amination!;
255J (or tutorial!
35J attendance at lecture!
35J attendance in lab practical !e!!ion!
>1emption! permitted $ith Doctor/! certi(icate, e-ent o( +amily cri!i!, di!a!ter or e1traordinary
rea!on $ith prior permi!!ion (rom tutor. +urther criteria are implemented according to :PH criteria
(or e1emption.
((7 ssess1ent of +tudent Perfor1ance
The !y!tem $ill include a!!e!!ment o( block learning, mandatory cour!e!, a!!e!!ment o( clinical
!kill! and a comprehen!i-e Fend o( yearG kno$ledge ba!ed e1amination. >ach component $ill be
gi-en a relati-e -alue in calculating a 'umulati-e Score.
a. #!!e!!ment $ill be conducted (or learning in each block and $ill
i. Kno$ledge ba!ed "'K
ii. Db%ecti-e !tructured Practical >1amination <DSP>=
iii. Tutorial per(ormance
b. 'linical !kill! learning $ill be a!!e!!ed at the end o( each !eme!ter u!ing the
international !tandard Db%ecti-e Structured 'linical >1amination <DS'>=
c. # comprehen!i-e kno$ledge ba!ed e1amination <"'K= $ill be conducted at the
year end. Thi! $ill co-er content (rom all component! o( the 4 pre-iou! !eme!ter!.
d. The 'umulati-e Score calculated ba!ed on the component! $ill be the (inal !core
and re.uired (or a !ucce!!(ul Pa!! (or the H>#R
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 37
e. The 'ut7o(( !core (or Pa!! $ill be determined by recogni9ed !tandard !etting
17 Tutorial perfor1ance
a7 For1ative ;
)eekly di!cu!!ion! $ith tutor in the group
- Preparation
- Participation
- Pro(e!!ional Beha-ior
"id7block <cour!e= di!cu!!ion! $ith tutor in the group and $ritten a!!e!!ment
!ummary pro-ided to the !tudent.
- Preparation
- Participation
- Pro(e!!ional Beha-ior
During thi! encounter, the tutor $ill identi(y any i!!ue! o( concern $ith the !tudent and
a!!i!t in e((ort! to impro-e.
#. +u11ative;
Student! $ill be a!!e!!ed at the end o( the block on the (ollo$ing per(ormance in tutorial
- Preparation
- Participation
- Pro(e!!ional Beha-ior
27 Knowledge assess1ent
Student/! applied kno$ledge $ill be a!!e!!ed at the end o( each block u!ing;
"ultiple 'hoice Kue!tion! <"'K=
Laboratory practical e1amination <DSP>=
87 "linical +.ills ssess1ent
Student/! applied clinical !kill! $ill be a!!e!!ed at the end o( the year u!ing;
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 38
97 "linical &=posure
Student/! applied clinical !kill! $ill be a!!e!!ed at the end o( the year incorporate to;
27 "o1pre!ensive ssess1ent
Student/! applied kno$ledge $ill be a!!e!!ed at the end o( the year u!ing;
"'K comprehen!i-e o( +"S 2, 4, @, 0
(((7 'elative values/
#t the end o( the block, the relati-e -alue o( the block con!i!t! o( each component a! (ollo$!;
"o1ponent Percentage
2. PBL tutorial! @5 J
4. "'K A5 J
@. DSP> 45 J
#t the end o( the year, the relati-e -alue o( 'umulati-e Score con!i!t! o( component a!
"o1ponent Percentage
2. "'K comprehen!i-e <item! $ill co-er
kno$ledge (rom all block! $ithin the year= @A J
4. DS'> <compile -alue $ithin the year= 45 J
@. Block! <compile -alue $ithin the year= 0A J
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 3
Pa!!ing grade at :PH i! AB.55J <'= and $ill be determined through recogni9ed Standard! Setting
proce!!e!. Relation!hip to the *rading !y!tem and *P# i! a! indicated in the table.
0'3& ',0& +"*&
# C5,55 7 255 0,55
# L ?5,55 7 ?C,CC @,35
B M 3A,55 7 3C,CC @,@5
B B?,55 7 30,CC @,55
B L BA,55 7 B3,CC 4,35
' M B5,55 7 B0,CC 4,@5
' AB,55 7 AC,CC 2600 DP++E
' L A5,55 7 AA,CC 2,A5
D 05,55 7 0C,CC 2,55
> 55,55 7 @C,CC 5,55
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 4!
"HPT&' (F
0astrointestinal -loc. 2011
Block Chair: Benyamin Lukito, dr., Sp.PD
)ee. 1 Upper 0( Tract 3isorder )ee. c!air/ 3aniel '7 Ka1#ey6 dr7
10:5an 11:5an 12:5an 18:5an 19:5an
Ti1e Monday Tuesday )ednesday T!ursday Friday
53.2A 7 5?.25 PBL 'linical e1po!ure , PBL )riting PBL
5?.25 7 5C.5A Di!cu!!ion 2 Small *roup Di!cu!!ion 4 Liberal #rt! Di!cu!!ion @
5C.5A 7 25.55 Hi!tology, JT +ield DP>S )riting >mbryology
25.55 7 25.AA Lab introduction, JT Liberal #rt! #nggraeni Barlian
25.AA 7 22.A5 lunch break lunch break lunch break lunch break Sel( learning
22.A5 7 24.0A ntegrated Lab Sel( learning Sel( learning 'linical Skill +aith acti-ity
24.0A 7 2@.05 #natomy 'linical Skill Pharmacology, ,L
2@.05 7 20.@A Hi!tology
20.@A 7 2A.@5 Pathology nternal "edicine, Sayuri Phy!iology, &SS
2B.55 7 2B.A5 <2A.55 7 2B.05= Plenary, Benyamin L
)ee. 2 *ower 0( Tract 3isorder )ee. c!air/ 3aniel '7 Ka1#ey6 dr7
1;:5an 1@:5an 1G:5an 20:5an 21:5an
Ti1e Monday Tuesday )ednesday T!ursday Friday
53.2A 7 5?.25 PBL 'linical e1po!ure , PBL )riting PBL
5?.25 7 5C.5A Di!cu!!ion 2 Small *roup Di!cu!!ion 4 Liberal #rt! Di!cu!!ion @
5C.5A 7 25.55 #natomy +ield DP>S )riting Sel( learning
25.55 7 25.AA )# Liberal #rt!
25.AA 7 22.A5 lunch break lunch break lunch break lunch break Para!itology, Si!ira$aty
22.A5 7 24.0A ntegrated Lab Sel( learning Sel( learning 'linical Skill +aith acti-ity
24.0A 7 2@.05 Hi!tology E Pathology # 'linical Skill Pharmacology, ,L
2@.05 7 20.@A E "icrobiology, '' Pediatric!, Harun
20.@A 7 2A.@5 Biochemi!try B Hi!tology, JT Plenary, Harun
)ee. 8 Hepato#iliary +yste1 3isorder )ee. c!air/ 3aniel '7 Ka1#ey6 dr7
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 41
29:5an 22:5an 24:5an 2;:5an 2@:5an
Ti1e Monday Tuesday )ednesday T!ursday Friday
53.2A 7 5?.25 PBL 'linical e1po!ure , PBL )riting PBL
5?.25 7 5C.5A Di!cu!!ion 2 Small *roup Di!cu!!ion 4 Liberal #rt! Di!cu!!ion @
5C.5A 7 25.55 Para!itology +ield DP>S )riting 'lin. Path., THS
25.55 7 25.AA Si!ira$aty Liberal #rt!
25.AA 7 22.A5 lunch break lunch break lunch break lunch break
22.A5 7 24.0A ntegrated Lab Sel( learning Hi!tology, JT 'linical Skill +aith acti-ity
24.0A 7 2@.05 #natomy E Hi!tology # 'linical Skill Pathology, &era
2@.05 7 20.@A E nternal "edicine
20.@A 7 2A.@5 Para!itology B "icrobiology, '' Benyamin Sa!tro
2A.@5 7 2B.45 Plenary, Benyamin S
)ee. 9 Malignancy of 0( tract )ee. c!air/ 3aniel '7 Ka1#ey6 dr7
81:5an 1:Fe# 2:Fe# 8:Fe# 9:Fe#
Ti1e Monday Tuesday )ednesday T!ursday Friday
53.2A 7 5?.25 PBL 'linical e1po!ure , PBL

5?.25 7 5C.5A Di!cu!!ion 2 Small *roup Di!cu!!ion 4

Di!cu!!ion @
5C.5A 7 25.55 Pathology +ield DP>S

25.55 7 25.AA &era

25.AA 7 22.A5 lunch break lunch break lunch break
Sel( learning
22.A5 7 24.0A ntegrated Lab Sel( learning Sel( learning

+aith acti-ity
24.0A 7 2@.05 Pathology 'linical Skill

2@.05 7 20.@A 'lin. Path. Surgery

Surgery, Tondung
20.@A 7 2A.@5 Phy!iology 'lin. Path., THS Berlim

Plenary, Tondung

)ee. 2 cute #do1en )ee. c!air/ 3aniel '7 Ka1#ey6 dr7
;:Fe# @:Fe# G:Fe# 10:Fe# 11:Fe#
Ti1e Monday Tuesday )ednesday T!ursday Friday
53.2A 7 5?.25 PBL 'linical e1po!ure , PBL )riting PBL
5?.25 7 5C.5A Di!cu!!ion 2 Small *roup Di!cu!!ion 4 Liberal #rt! Di!cu!!ion @
5C.5A 7 25.55 Hi!tology, JT +ield DP>S )riting Surgery
25.55 7 25.AA Phy!iology, &SS Liberal #rt! Tondung
25.AA 7 22.A5 lunch break lunch break lunch break lunch break Sel( learning
22.A5 7 24.0A ntegrated Lab Sel( learning Sel( learning 'linical Skill +aith acti-ity
24.0A 7 2@.05 #natomy 'linical Skill
2@.05 7 20.@A Hi!tology Biochemi!try Sel( learning nternal "edicine
20.@A 7 2A.@5 Pathology Pro(. Rondang Benyamin Sa!tro
2B.55 7 2B.A5 Plenary, Benyamin L
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 42
"HPT&' F
-loc. -oo. / 0astrointestinal syste1
3o.u1en +KNPRD722.BB.C.5@8R>&754
23 December
Pages 2 L 0@
,a1e Position +ign
)ritten #y
Benyamin Lukito dr., SpPD Block 'oordinator
Daniel R. Kambey, dr. Secretary o( the Block
+uperviced #y
#llen )idy!anto, dr., SpP
"edical >ducation :nit
Pro(. Dr. Bambang Sutri!na, dr., "HSc &ice Dean
pproved #y
Pro(. Da-id +airholm, ,euro!urgeon >1ecuti-e Dean
*egali<ed #y
>ka J. )ah%oepramono, dr., SpBS Dean
Gastrointestinal, MEU FK-UPH 43

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