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Human Rights Alert (NGO) (NGO)

Joseph Zernik, PhD "

PO Box 334!, "e# $%i%, &sr'e# "( 334! )"(* +,333,
2010-03-27 Notice to Chief Judge Audrey Collins, and Request to Initiate
Corrective Actions in re: Litigation Involving Financial Institutions
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 00:44:00 -0700
To: "Attention Hon Audrey Collins, Chie !ud"e"
#ro$: %ose&h 'erni(
Subect: Ja!es " #eener v $S%C &ortgage Services Inc et al '(:)*+cv+
),*-,.: Financial institutions, the /S 0istrict Court, Central 0istrict of
California, and the current financial crisis1
C): "Da*n +ullo)(, ,e)ords Su&er-isor" , "Sharon M).ee, /nta(e 0nit
Su&er-isor", "Terry 1aisi, Cler( o the Court" , , "Theresa Doty - Chie
De&uty Cler(" , , , , , , , , , , , ,
The Hon Audrey Collins
Chie !ud"e, 0S Distri)t Court
Central Distri)t o Caliornia
2he favor of a res3onse 4ithin 5) days 4as requested1
R": James E Keener v HSBC Mortgage Services Inc et al '(:)*+cv+),*-,.:
Financial institutions, the /S 0istrict Court, Central 0istrict of California,
and the current financial crisis + Notice to Reliably Infor! the Chief
Judge, Audrey Collins, and Request for Initiation of Corrective Actions1
Dear Chie !ud"e Collins:
/ ha-e %ust )o$&leted a )ursory re-ie* o the 2AC3, do)(et in James E.
Keener v. HSBC Mortgage Services Inc. et al.657 As you $ay (no*, / a$ no
attorney, not e-en 4y a lon" short5 / did not (no* the a)ts in this $atter
either, e6)e&t that:
a7 /n e6&lorin" on Mar)h 24, 2010 the .eneral 8rders o the 0S Court,
Central Distri)t o Caliornia, *hi)h *ere o$itted ro$ online dis&lay, /
)a$e a)ross .eneral 8rder 10-01, si"ned 4y you, *hi)h stru)( $e as odd,6(7
47 The )ase, reeren)ed a4o-e, in-ol-ed an indi-idual as 2lainti -ersus
lar"e inan)ial institutions as Deendants, in a $atter ste$$in" ro$
alle"ed real estate raud a"ainst 2lainti5
/t has 4e)o$e a routine - throu"h )ursory re-ie* o the do)(ets o the 0S
Court, Central Distri)t o Caliornia, one )an easily identiy )ases, *hi)h
*ere li(ely tar"eted or &er-ersion o %usti)e 4y the Court5 / /, a lay &erson,
*ith li$ited a))ess, )an identiy su)h )ases throu"h a )ursory re-ie*, no
dou4t that the )ler(s and the %ud"es o the Court all re)o"ni'e su)h )ases
ro$ a distan)e5
As &ri$ers on raud at the 0S Courts 4y lar"e inan)ial institutions / oer
the t*o reeren)es, lin(ed 4elo*,687,697 &ertainin" to the liti"ation
&ra)ti)es o the or$er Country*ide #inan)ial Cor&oration5 0nder the
leadershi& o +rian Moynihan, irst as .eneral Counsel, and later as
2resident, su)h &ra)ti)es *ere 4y no* ado&ted 4y +an( o A$eri)a
Cor&oration, re)i&ient o so$e 9200 4illion in 4ailout unds5
Cases, su)h as James E Keener v HSBC Mortgage Services Inc et al :2:0;-)--
0<;=<7 in-ol-in" indi-iduals and lar"e inan)ial institutions at the 0S Court,
Central Distri)t o Caliornia, are e-iden)e o serious, &er-asi-e -iolations o
the Hu$an ,i"hts o the &eo&le 4y the 0S Courts and the 0S .o-ern$ent5
Moreo-er, they rele)t the true nature o the )urrent inte"rity>inan)ial
)risis, *hi)h is )onsistently )o-ered u& 4y #+/, 0S De&art$ent o !usti)e,
S3C, and 4an(in" re"ulators5 #inally, su)h )ases &ro-ide uni?ue insi"hts into
the )auses that &ro&elled @os An"eles County to 4e)o$e &er #+/ "the
e&i)enter o the e&ide$i) o real estate and $ort"a"e raud"5
2lease a))e&t this )o$$uni)ation as a noti)e to relia4ly inor$ you o
alle"ed raud on and 4y the )ourt, o4stru)tion and &er-ersion o %usti)e in
liti"ation o James E Keener v HSBC Mortgage Services Inc et al :2:0;-)--
0<;=<75 S&e)ii)ally, sin)e you ha-e already 4een in-ol-ed in this )ase, /
re?uest that you re-ie* the $atter and initiate )orre)ti-e a)tions or the
urtheran)e o %usti)e5
D'7e:; <'r5h -!, -,
=' >erne, ?o9n7/ o8 =os $n2e#es, ?'#i8orni'
Joseph @ Zernik, PhD
PO Box .-+, =' >erne, ?$ F,!.
Phone; 3-34.,.44.G3
H'x; 3-344GG4F+F!
B#o2; h77p;IIinproperin#'4J#o2spo745o3I
17 0a4n %ulloc: - ,e)ords Su&er-isor
27 2heresa 0oty - Chie De&uty Cler(
37 Sharon &c;ee - /nta(e 0nit Su&er-isor ,
47 2erry Nafisi - Cler( o the Court ,
=7 0onna 2ho!as - Courtroo$ Assistant ,
<7 %rian &oynihan - 2resident, %an: of A!erica Cor3oration
77 John 0ugan + Co$&roller, :8CC7
B7 Scha3iro, &ary L - Chair :S3C7
;7 Ja!es " #eener - 2lainti
107 ;regory S #or!an Catten Mu)hin ,osen$an, Counsel or $S%C
&ortgage Services Inc
117 S Christo3her <oo Adorno Doss Al-arado and S$ith, Counsel
or J=&organ Chase %an:
127 2ho!as = >uinn , Jr 1o(es EFuinn A2C, Counsel or "quifa?
Infor!ation Services LLC
137 0onald " %radley, Musi)( 2eeler and .arrett @@2, Counsel or 2ransunion
LLC @d54radleyG$&"la*5)o$H
147 Aiaoyi <ao, !ones Day, Counsel or "?3erian Infor!ation Solutions Inc
1=7 "ric 2horson - /ns&e)tor .eneral - Treasury
1<7 0avid #otB - /ns&e)tor .eneral :S3C7
177 ;lenn A Fine - /ns&e)tor .eneral :D8!7
1B7 Cffice of Andre4 Cuo!o + Attorney .eneral o the State o 1e* Dor(
1;7 %asel Accords Co!!ittee + on international 4an(in"
207 /N $igh Co!!issioner on $u!an Rights
657 Do)(et o James E Keener v HSBC Mortgage Services Inc et al:2:0;-)--
6(7 .eneral 8rder 10-01, 0S Distri)t Court, Central Distri)t o Caliornia
687 !anuary B, 200B Three ,e)reated @etters and a trans)ri&t, 0S +an(ru&t)y
Court, 2itts4ur"h, 2A
697 Mar)h =, 200B Me$orandu$ 8&inion o the Hon !e +oh$, 0S
+an(ru&t)y Court, Houston, TI

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