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C H A P T E R 1
The Medical Assisting
Perform this test without looking at your book. If an answer is false, rewrite the sentence to make it true.
1. Circle all that apply: Are medical assistants licensed,
registered, or certified?
2. True or False? Anyone can take the AAMA medical assisting examination without going through a special
False. Only graduates of CAAHEP- or ABHES-accredited programs may take the AAMA examination.
3. True or False? Medical assistants are allowed to work only in the clinical area of the office.
False. Medical assistants are multiskilled professionals who can work in both the administrative and the
clinical areas of the office.
4. True or False? Medical assistants can become office managers.
5. Circle all that apply: Medical assistants work as administrative medical assistants in such positions as medical
bookkeepers, medical insurance coders and billers, transcriptionists, office managers, and as clinical medical
assistants in such positions as laboratory assistants, surgical assistants, phlebotomists, electrocardiography
technicians, patient educators.
6. True or False? Choosing to attend an accredited medical assisting program is not as important as getting
trained as quickly as possible so you can find employment.
False. Without attending an accredited program, the curriculum, training, and education have not met a
national standard.
7. True or False? Medical assistants do not have to be credentialed to work in their profession.
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Misspelled Words
Find the words below that are misspelled; underline them, and then correctly spell them in the space provided.
ambulatory care setting
Fill in the Blanks
From the vocabulary list below, select the term that best fits in the blank in each sentence. (Hint: not all terms
will be used.)
ambulatory care facilities
certification examination
scope of practice
1. The medical assistant is a
versatile health care professional.
2. The medical assistant performs many clinical and administrative duties in providers offices and
care facilities .
3. In todays
litigious society, health care consumers are demanding educated, skilled
health care professionals.
4. The AAMA and AMT provide national
competency examinations which certify the skills of
medical assistants at entry level.
5. Medical assisting programs undergo
accreditation processes that prove they are covering
the appropriate curriculum and are properly serving the education/learning needs of their students.
6. When you graduate from your medical assisting program, you will be given a
(sometimes called a certificate), which proves that you have taken all the courses necessary to graduate from
the program.
7. Upon successfully passing the AAMAs certification examination, you will be credentialed as a
8. The American Medical Technologists offers examinations to become an
RMA and/
or CMAS .
9. The National Healthcareer Association offers an examination to become a
4 Chapter 1 Chapter Assignment Sheets
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Word Search
Find the words in the grid below. They may go in any direction.
Ambulatory care setting
Scope of practice
True or False
Mark a true statement with a T and a false statement with an F. If an answer is false, rewrite the sentence to
make it true.
1. Medical assistants are licensed by each state.
Medical assistants are certified and/or registered.
Chapter 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 5
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2. All medical assisting programs are accredited by either CAAHEP or ABHES.
Only those programs that have met the standards set forth by either CAAHEP or ABHES are accredited.
3. Anyone can call himself or herself a medical assistant, but professional medical assistants have graduated
from an accredited program and obtained a credential to prove their competency.
4. If you graduate from a medical assisting program and get a diploma or certificate, then you are
automatically credentialed.
To become credentialed, you must pass a certification examination from the AAMA, AMT, or NHA.
5. Medical assistants continue their education by attending seminars, workshops, and professional
6. Individuals with RMAs and CMA (AAMA)s are required to obtain continuing education units (CEUs) to
7. Medical assistants must be either CMA (AAMA)s or RMAs to join the AAMA or the AMT.
Membership in either the AAMA or the AMT does not require the CMA (AAMA) or AMT credential.
8. The AAMA owns the CMA (AAMA) credential, and individuals may not call themselves CMA (AAMA)s
unless they have passed the national AAMA certification examination.
9. Possessing empathy is not considered important in the health care profession.
Empathy is very important when dealing with patients. It is important for the medical assistant to
consider the patients welfare and be kind.
10. It is extremely important that medical assistants demonstrate a positive attitude toward the patient.
11. Emotionalism can sometimes cloud the medical assistants judgment.
6 Chapter 1 Chapter Assignment Sheets
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12. When dealing with a patient, in certain circumstances it is acceptable for the medical assistant to
demonstrate an unpleasant disposition.
The medical assistant must possess a pleasant disposition when dealing with patients; kindness and
concern help the patient to build trust in the medical assistant.
13. Certification is mandatory for medical assistants to become employed.
Certification is not mandatory to become employed; however, earning a credential signifies
recognition of competency by having attained a certain level of knowledge and skill.
14. The CMA (AAMA) exam is a computer-based examination offered on a continuous basis throughout the
15. Two agencies that accredit medical assisting programs are ABHES and CAAHEP.
16. Becoming certified or registered depends solely on the accrediting body of the institution where the
student is enrolled in the program.
17. All CMA (AAMA)s who are currently employed must have current status as CMA (AAMA)s to use the
18. The AAMA does not encourage continuing education for medical assistants.
Continuing education is necessary to retain the credential of CMA (AAMA).
19. The NHA offers several allied health certifications, including CCMA, CMT, and MLA.
20. The federal government and most states require a medical assistant to be registered or certified to
practice the profession.
Becoming registered or certified is strictly voluntary.
21. Neither the CMA (AAMA) or the RMA is higher than the other.
22. Another profession the AMT certifies is that of certified medical administrative specialist.
Chapter 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 7
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A medical assisting curriculum should provide a variety of clinical, administrative, and general skills courses.
Write a C next to each clinical course, an A next to each administrative course, and a G next to each general
1. Medical Records
2. Medical Law and Ethics
3. Urine and Blood Testing in the Laboratory
4. Insurance, Billing, and Coding
5. Pharmacology
6. Medical Terminology
7. Word Processing
8. Anatomy and Physiology
9. Appointments and Scheduling
10. Electronic Medical Records
11. Patient Education
12. Infection Control
13. Temperature, Pulse, Respirations, and Blood Pressure
14. Drawing Blood Samples
Web Search
Search the Web and find the site for both the AAMA, the AMT, and the NHA. List the Web site, address, and
phone number for each.
American Association of Medical Assistants
Web site:; Phone: 312-899-1500
20 N. Wacker Drive, suite 1575; Chicago, IL 60606
American Medical Technologists
Web site:; Phone: 800-275-1268
10700 West Higgins Road, suite 150; Rosemont, IL 60018
National Healthcareer Association
Web site:; Phone: 800-499-9092
7 Ridgedale Avenue, suite 203; Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927
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The Nines
The following word bank consists of the nine attributes of a medical assistant. Choose the word that best de-
scribes the listed attribute and fill in the blank.
Ability to communicate Desire to learn Flexibility
Attitude Empathy Initiative
Dependability Ethical behavior Professional appearance
1. Considering the patients welfare and being kind
2. Helping your patients feel more at ease by portraying a warm and
friendly disposition and possessing a sense of humor
3. Being punctual; limiting absences from work
4. Being willing and able to work independently, being observant of
work to be done, and taking the action to complete the tasks
5. Being adaptable and developing alternative action plans
Desire to learn
6. Acquiring information and updating knowledge and skills
Professional appearance
7. Having an appearance that reflects good health habits
Write a sentence for each attribute describing how each contributes to better patient care and the development of
good relationships with both coworkers and employers.
1. Ability to communicate
2. Empathy
3. Flexibility
4. Dependability
5. Attitude
6. Desire to learn
7. Ethical behavior
Chapter 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 9
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8. Initiative
9. Physical attributes
Short Answer
1. Name four reasons why the medical assisting profession has grown to require more formal, skilled education
and credentialing for medical assistants.
There has been an explosion of knowledge and technology in medicine. Informed patients expect educated
and credentialed medical assistants. In todays litigious atmosphere, employers recognize the need to employ
medical assistants who are professionally prepared through formal education. Dependable medical assistants
allow providers to focus their time on the medical decisions, treatments, and techniques for which they are
educated and licensed.
2. The U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Statistics, lists medical assisting as the fastest-growing allied health
profession. Name eight settings where medical assistants are usually employed.
Offices, clinics, hospitals, medical laboratories, insurance companies, government agencies, pharmaceutical
companies, and educational institutions.
3. What is the purpose of the CARE bill?
The CARE bill would require all persons who perform medical imaging (including X-rays) and radiation
therapy procedures to meet federal education and credentialing standards.
4. State the significance of being credentialed.
Evidence to employers and patients that you have attained standards set forth by the CAAHEP or ABHES.
Credentials safeguard patients because health care is delivered at the highest quality with most current
techniques and procedures. Credentials help secure the medical assistants role in the health care field.
5. State the benefits of graduating from a program accredited by either CAAHEP or ABHES.
Eligibility to take the AAMA or AMT credentialing exams; proof that the student has completed a program
that meets national standards; recognition of education by professional peers.
10 Chapter 1 Chapter Assignment Sheets
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6. Define the profession of medical assisting.
Medical assisting is an allied health profession whose practitioners function as members of the health care
delivery team and perform administrative and clinical procedures.
7. List at least four benefits of the practicum experience.
Any four of the following: application of classroom knowledge and skill in a real-world setting; obtaining
references for employment; the practicum experience may be included in the resume; recognized
improvement in performance and knowledge; understanding that there may be one acceptable method of
performance; beginning to establish a network of support through colleagues.
8. What are some of the benefits that medical offices receive as a result of being a practicum site?
Greater alertness of staff because of their educational responsibilities to the student; opportunity for staff to
observe students who will soon be seeking employment; possibility that the staff will learn more about the
profession of medical assisting.
9. Define the acronym CAAHEP and state its purpose.
Commission of Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. CAAHEP is an accrediting body for
medical assisting programs in private and postsecondary institutions that prepares individuals for entry into
the profession.
10. Membership in the AAMA is at three levels. Name them.
Local, state, national
11. List at least six components that constitute the professional appearance of a health care provider.
Any six of the following: Hair neat and off the collar; good personal hygiene; healthy looking skin, hair,
teeth, and nails; light makeup; no jewelry other than an engagement ring or wedding band, watch, or single
ear posts; fingernails short and manicured; wear deodorant but refrain from cologne and perfume; body
piercings and tattoos should be covered; males should be clean shaven and have short hair.
12. List the three terms used to define the transition period between the classroom and actual employment.
Externship, practicum, internship.
Chapter 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 11
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13. Circle all that apply. The Occupational Analysis for the CMA (AAMA) and the AMTs Medical Assisting Task
List are lists of competencies compiled by practicing medical assistants. These competencies can be used by
medical assisting program directors to develop curricula that ensure:
a. certification
b. employment preparedness
c. continuing education
d. high-quality medical assisting education
These questions are designed to mimic the certification examination. Select the best response.
1. Medical assistants may take the AAMA examination to obtain which credential?
b. RMA
d. CPC
e. AMT
2. Select the following statement(s) that best describes the professional medical assistant.
a. Has good written and oral communication skills
b. Looks and acts professional at all times
c. Is aware of the scope of practice and stays within the legal boundaries
d. Assists the provider in all areas of the ambulatory care setting
e. All of the above
3. Good medical assistants portray their professional attitude by:
a. discussing their personal lives at work because it is therapeutic for them
b. talking with their coworkers to help them with their problems
c. reminding their providers that they work only 7.5 hours per day
d. helping patients in a friendly and empathetic manner
e. doing a basic workload
4. To become involved with their professional organization, medical assistants could:
a. attend local chapter or state meetings
b. attend a national conference or state convention
c. join their national organization
d. offer to serve on a local, state, or national committee
e. do all of the above
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5. A system of values that each individual has that determines perceptions of right and wrong is called:
a. laws
b. ethics
c. attributes
d. attitudes
6. Stepping into a patients place, discovering what the patient is experiencing, then recognizing and identifying
with those feelings is:
a. sympathy
b. association
c. flexibility
d. empathy
7. Which of the following contribute to a professional appearance?
a. Good nutrition and exercise
b. Healthy looking skin, teeth, and nails
c. Daily showering and use of deoderant
d. All of these answers
8. Courses in a professional medical assisting program include a complement of general knowledge classes such
as anatomy and physiology and:
a. assisting with minor surgery
b. CPR
c. medical terminology
d. computer applications
9. The type of regulation for health care providers that is legislated by each state and is mandatory in order to
practice is:
a. licensure
b. registration
c. certification
d. a and c
Chapter 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 13
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C A S E S T U D Y 1
During your course of studies to become a medical assistant, you have an opportunity to volunteer to help
out at a multiprovider urgent care center downtown in a large city to gain some firsthand experience in a
professional setting.
1. Would this opportunity be interesting to you? Would you want to volunteer in this professional setting?
Answers will vary.
2. Even though you are a volunteer, why is it important to look and behave like a professional?
The purpose of Case 1 is to help students explore how the aspiring medical assistant fits into a professional
environment and how various health care settings require different skills and personal qualities from
medical assistants. Medical assistant students must match their personal strengths, goals, and ambitions to
the working requirements of a professional setting. The medical assistant student identifies with the formal
structure of working in a professional health care setting and recognizes the need for exhibiting
professional behaviors in interactions with both health care professionals and patients.
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C A S E S T U D Y 2
Michelle Lucas is preparing for her practicum. Michelle is an excellent student, detail oriented, responsi-
ble, and professional in her dress and attitude. Michelle is eager to experience her practicum with a large
general practice or clinic with open hours built into the schedule for emergency patients, such as Inner
City Health Care. Michelle is intrigued by the idea of working with a group of providers and a diverse
patient population where she can really work on improving her screening skills. Michelle, however, is
shy and quiet; she has difficulty meeting new people and relies on a core group of friends.
1. Is Michelle really suited to practicum at Inner City Health Care? What are the potential advantages or
disadvantages of this practicum placement?
Michelles shy, quiet nature may not be a natural fit at Inner City Health Care. Her difficulty in meeting
new people may make it hard for her to interact with a diverse patient population and a large staff of
health care professionals. However, Michelle is a bright student with a definite goal in mind. The
challenge of the working environment she is seeking could be just what she needs to continue her
personal and professional growth. A practicum at Inner City Health Care could help Michelle discover
whether this setting is the right one for her professional career as a medical assistant, or whether she
would be happier elsewhere.
2. What would be some ways in which Michelle could overcome the difficulty she experiences when
meeting new people?
Michelle could try to build up her confidence and self-esteem by attending seminars, volunteering her
time at a nursing home, assisting the elderly, or perhaps even joining a church group.
3. Being able to work with diverse populations is just a small part of being a health care professional.
What suggestions would you offer Michelle in reaching her goal of professional growth?
Michelle could attend local chapter meetings of the AAMA or AMT to enhance her professional growth
or read CMA Today magazine, which offers valuable tools.
4. Consider your own short- and long-range goals. How important is it to challenge yourself, personally
and professionally, with experiences that contribute to your growth and knowledge? How can you
use your practicum placement to work toward fulfilling your goals?
Answers will vary.
Chapter 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 15
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Perform this test without looking at your book. If an answer is false, rewrite the sentence to make it true.
1. True or False? Medical assistants may be either licensed, registered, or certified.
False. Medical assistants are certified and registered but are not licensed.
2. True or False? The AAMA medical assisting certification examination is available to anyone, even people who
have not been formally trained.
False. The national (AAMA) medical assisting exam is available only to those who have been formally trained
in CAAHEP- or ABHES-accredited programs.
3. True or False? Medical assistants work in only the administrative part of the office.
False. Medical assistants are educated to work in administrative and clinical areas of the medical office.
4. True or False? The position of office manager is a career option for a medical assistant.
5. Circle all that apply: Medical assistants work as administrative medical assistants in such positions as medical
bookkeepers, medical insurance coders and billers, transcriptionists, office managers, and as clinical medical
assistants in such positions as laboratory assistants, surgical assistants, phlebotomists, electrocardiography
technicians, patient educators.
6. True or False? Getting trained as quickly as possible is more important than attending an accredited medical
assisting program.
False. Graduating from an accredited program with high standards is critically important for medical
7. True or False? Medical assistants may work in their profession even without being credentialed.
1. As you begin your education as a medical assistant, you may not be sure whether you want to work in the
administrative and clerical area or in the clinical and laboratory areas. What are some ways for you to explore
the various options?
There are many ways, such as: job shadowing, professional interviews, attending professional meetings, and
speaking with health care professionals.
16 Chapter 1 Chapter Assignment Sheets
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2. For each of the attributes listed in your textbook to describe a professional, identify individuals from your
family, circle of friends, work, or community who possess one or more of those traits. Explain why you chose
Answers will vary. This is a good question to get students thinking about mentoring and influences in their
lives as well as attributes they admire.
3. Imagine your first day in your practicum. What will you wear? How will you prepare the night before? How
will you look? Would you change your hairstyle? Makeup? Jewelry?
The students will probably wear scrubs or a similar uniform with a name badge. Checking to see that
everything is in order should be done the night before. Being organized will help minimize the stress level.
Getting a good nights sleep is also required. Remember to be well groomed, keeping makeup to a minimum
and be natural looking. Jewelry should be small, conservative, and simple. Remember to wear a watch! Hair
should be clean, tied back if long, and well managed.
Chapter 1 The Medical Assisting Profession 17

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