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Coca-Cola Is Everything: SCM, CRM, Collaboration, You Name It

1. Describe the various IT-enabled initiatives discussed in this case study and categorize
them as either above-the-line, below-the-line, or some combination of the two.

2. Why is standardization so important in supply chain management? Coke is developing
its own set of software services for bottlers to use. Do you think Coke charges the
bottlers for these software services? Why or Why not?

3. Describe two different forms of e-collaboration in this case study. For each, articulate the
benefits to Coke.

4. How is My Coke Rewards an example of a switching cost? How can a switching cost not
gave a monetary penalty associated with it?

5. Referring back to the discussion, what do you believe to be Cokes overall organizational
structure? Top-down silo, matrix, or fully integrated? Why? How does Cokes use of
technology support your decision?

6. What sort of business intelligence could Coke gather from its My Coke Rewards Web
site? How could it use this information for customer relationship management activities?

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