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Sept ember 2014 Vol. 7 Issue 9

September Highlights
Current Highlights p. 1
Note from the Pastor p. 1
Note from Landon p. 2
Upcoming Events

September Calendar
p. 3

p. 4
Financials p. 5
Extended Session p. 5
Birthdays p. 5
Anniversaries p. 5

Our Church Staf

Gary Burden
Senior Pastor

Landon Orr
Assoc. Pastor of
Discipleship & Evangelism

Chastty Comeau
Admin. AssistantFinances

Pat Baucom
Admin. Assistant - Publicatons

Third phase of our Building Campaign launches on
Homecoming Sunday, September 28th.

Morning worship celebraton service sets the stage - 10:30 AM.

Lunch tme together around the tables - we will discuss the
campaign details and joyfully accept the challenge!
Want Financial Peace and Freedom?
Two Golden Opportunities

Financial Peace University
Awardwinning Dave Ramsey Nine-week class begins
Sunday, September 7, 6:00 PM
Cost: $93.
Register online before August 31 at:

The Journey to Financial Freedom
Saturday Morning Workshop
September 20th, 9Noon
Cost: $10 individual or couple - includes material,
childcare, continental breakfast at 8:30
Register by September 14th
Registration forms are in church foyer.
Page 2 The L ampl i ght er
yet done paying of the building loan. The sooner we do so
the beterretring the debt and freeing us to trust God
for other ministries. We must contnue with this challenge
as good stewards, and we must encourage you our newer
members to join in. That, too, is part of being a part of the
familywe together support the mission and ministries of
our church.

A special leter regarding the new campaign will be sent
out soon. Please watch for it and be praying now about
your part in Gods excitng ministries. Dont under-
estmate what God may want to do through your life and

Yours together on the journey,
Gary Burden

I am very excited about the upcoming church
year. There are some big changes happening
that will have a very good impact on our
churches ministries. Change can sometmes, however,
cause quite a str. With change comes hiccups, novice
errors, and confusion. Is it worth it? Wouldn't it be easier
to fnd what works and keep things just like that?

For the purposes of this artcle, I am going to classify two
types of change. There is change for changes sake, and
change that is necessitated by growth. Change for
changes sake can get frustratng and can sometmes be
damaging. Change that is necessitated by growth is cause
for celebraton, because it is a sign of a healthy church.
What excites me so much about the upcoming changes is
that they are signs of growth.

Think of it like a child growing up. Clothing a child can be
expensive and can be a burden. Switching a child's entre
wardrobe on a whim will cause unnecessary fnancial
hardship, marital strife, and can spoil a child. However,
not changing a child's wardrobe when they have grown
out of their clothes can cause discomfort and social
stress. Change is necessary at this point, and while it
takes the same amount of fnancial hardship and causes
some of the same problems, to avoid it would be a bigger
disaster .

THAT is why we are changing. We are changing so that
our church can contnue to grow and fourish. Did I
menton how excited I am!?
Landon Orr

Hitting the Ground Running

As our fall schedule gets underway, we no doubt will hit
the ground running. The transiton from summer sched-
ules (or the lack thereof) is ofen a challenge for some
families. Also, its imperatve that we hit the ground
running in the right directon! Our intenton as church
leadership is not to simply crank out programs and actvi-
tes just to keep us busy (and maybe out of trouble). As a
church we want to be intentonal as good stewards of our
tme and resources as we fulfll our God-given mission.

But proper busyness is necessary in order to do the
business of the church. Passivity or wrong-directon
ministry can have no place in these tmes. The lost need
to be saved and the saved need to be discipled to become
reproducing disciples.

I want to thank so many who are actvely serving through
the church in various rolesthe many commitees,
councils, ministries, etc.. We realize folks need redirec-
ton, rest, reassignments along the way. But we must
never put our spiritual gifs and willingness to serve on
hold in Gods Kingdom service. And we need to regularly
hold each other up in prayer and gratefully encourage
those on the front lines of service. This is all a part of
Body Life together.

I do hope you are paying close atenton to the immediate
opportunites coming up. The two fnancial training
events are essental, and should be taken advantage of at
all costs. Personal and family fnancial peace and freedom
dont just happenthey have to be pursued Gods way.
The purpose of these two events is not simply some ploy
to raise money for the church, but to raise up fully
functonal disciples for Gods Kingdomdisciples who
walk in His peace, joy, and freedom! So, please register
right away for either or both (best choice is both!).

The combining of Homecoming Sunday with the launch of
the third phase of our Building Campaign promises to be
an excitng opportunity. We connect with the history and
traditons of our past while intentonally moving forward
with Gods vision for the future. Thus, Contnuing Gods
Vision. We have walked together through two three-
year campaigns (Arise and Build and His VisionOur
Mission). The sacrifcial giving above regular tthes and
oferings by so many has been astounding! But we are not

The Lamplighter Page 3

Sponsors and walkers are needed for this Steps
of Life Fund Raiser. If you would like to partci-
pate in this event for the iChoose Pregnancy
Support Services, call Sharon Orchard at
919-938-3562 or 919-576-7167.

Put your feet into acton and
Step For Life!
Make it a family afair!

Christmas Child Boxes

Its tme to start collectng
items for your Christmas Child
Boxes. Below is a list of
items you may include in your

Dolls, stufed animals, small cars, balls, kazoos,
harmonicas, play jewelry, hair accessories
(combs and hair brusher), yo-yos, jump ropes,
small Etch A Sketch toys, toys that light up or
make noise, fashlights (and bateries), tooth-
brushes, toothpaste, lip balm, washcloths, soap
and soap containers, pencils, pencil sharpeners,
crayons, notebooks, rulers, small calculators,
fip-fops, t-shirts, socks, hard candy, small
Christmas stocking stufers, etc.

Our AWANA program for children is of to a great
start. The children are excited about learning Gods
purpose for their lives. We have had many
volunteers to help them along the way.

Those assistng with this years program are:
Commander: Brigite Creech
Secretary: Cherilyn Murphy
Secretary: Kathleen McLamb
Games: Larkin Creech
Games: Chris Gatewood
Games: Jesse Burford

The children are divided by age and group name:

Puggles: Johnnie and Jane Gatlin
Cubbies: Julie Brueggen, Tobie Sauer, Brandi Sauer
and Britany Arant
Sparks: Kirk Richardson, Christy Richardson and
Andrew Arant
T&T: Brian Harrison, Jennifer Harrison and Angel
Trek: Sara Orr and Nicole Langdon

The nursery workers for each Wednesday Evening
are: Singer Starling an Shannon Burford
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


7:00 PM
Weekly Wed.
4 5 6

8:30 Breakfast
Sunday Service
Financial Peace
(9 week class)



Weekly Wed.




Sunday Service


16 17

Weekly Wed.


Journey to
9AM Noon

Sunday Service



Weekly Wed.



Steps for Life
10:00 AM
Community Park

Continuing Gods
Worship Service
with Lunch
No Evening


6:30 pm ..........................................................Awana, Youth Bible Study
7:00 pm ..................................................... Adult Prayer and Bible Study
Choir Rehearsal

The Lamplighter Page 4
Sunday Schedule Wednesday Night Schedule
9:15 am ...................................................................... Bible Study Fellowship
10:30 am ........................................................... Morning Worship Celebraton
6:00 pm. Evening Gathering

The L ampl i ght er
Page 5
Sunday, Sept. 7 - AM
Babies: Kathleen McLamb,
Shannon Burford
& Cathy Johnson

2s: Heather Henry &
Ashley Fannin

3s/4s: Julie Brueggen &
Tara Baker

K-3rd Kids Church
Frances Burden &
Robin Hotakey

Sunday, Sept. 7 - PM
Sharon Johnson &
Sharon Levin

Wednesday, Sept. 10
Ginger Starling &
Shannon Burford

Sunday, Sept. 14 - AM
Babies: Brandi Sauer,
Brandon & Hannah Beasley

2s: Missy Urban &
Brooks Ashley

3s/4s: Larkin &
Brigite Creech

K-3rd Kids Church
Ginger Starling &
Angel Duncan

Sunday, Sept. 14 PM
Jane & Johnnie Gatlin

Wednesday, Sept. 17
Ginger Starling &
Shannon Burford
Sunday, Seot, 21 - AM
Babies: Sondra Gatewood,
Jane Gatlin & Cheryl Chicki

2s: Britany &
Andrew Arant

3s/4 s: Wendy &
Chris Gatewood

K-3rd Kids Church
Tyler Henry &
David Duncan

Sunday, Sept. 21 - PM
Nicole & Seth Langdon

Wednesday, Sept. 24
Ginger Starling &
Shannon Burford

Sunday, Sept. 28 - AM
Babies: Faye Wells,
Wendy Beasley & Sara Orr

2s: Ryan & Miranda

3s/4s: Kirk & Christy

K-3rd Kids Church
Terry Gatewood &
Josh Murphy

Sunday, Sept. 28 - PM
No Evening Actvites

Wednesday, Oct. 1
Ginger Starling &
Shannon Burford

Preschool Regis. Desk
Diane Duncan
Date S.S.
His Vision
Our Mission
July 27 93 132 2,986.51 1,035.00
Aug. 3 82 135 6,027.00 2,690.22
Aug. 10 87 144 3,736.00 1,084.44
Aug. 17 96 148 5,896.80 606.57
Aug. 24 96 146 3,548,75 935.80
Total 454 705 22,195.06 6,352.03
Avg. 91 141 4,439.01 1,270.41
Average Atendance & Oferings for August 2013
Avg. 99 148 5,417.00 1,023.00
Facts & Figures for August 2014
September Birthdays
Ava Creech 9/1
Linda Lee 9/4
Jerry Gilmore 9/5
Carness Underwood 9/5
Alana Starling 9/5
Neta Jones 9/9
Lehman Godwin 9/11
David Creech 9/12
Rosa Johnson 9/15
Dolly Bryant 9/18
Wayne Litle 9/18
Chris Johnson 9/19
Taylor Richardson 9/19
Bill Stephens 9/24
Audrey Langdon 9/25
Diana Lee 9/26
Brianna Windham 9/26
Jeanete Lee 9/27
Adam Johnson 9/30

Ayden & Bety Lee 9/8
Ron & Carole McNeece 9/13
Brian & Kathleen McLamb 9/20
Ron & Diane Whitman 9/25

Annual Homecoming Service with Lunch
September 28, 2014


The beginning of our third Building Campaign

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