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Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write five sentences about it. You may use the or!s in
the bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 15 minutes on this $uestion.
thirteen puttin% han!s foo! canteen
ashin% buyin% sink all basin
1. &here are people at the .
'. ( %irl is )in%* some +++++++++++++++ .
,. (nother %irl is ++++++++++++++)in%* her +++++++++++++++++ .
-. ( boy is ++++++++++++++++ )in%* his plate in a ++++++++++++++ .
.. &here is a ++++++++++++++++ near the ++++++++++++++++++.
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
many playin% sin%s happy bench
ball !ustbin play%roun! sittin% oman
1. &here are +++++++++++++ people at the +++++++++++++++++ .
'. ( man an! a ++++++++++++++ are +++++++++++++)in%* on a +++++++++++ .
,. &o boys are ++++++++++++)in%* ith a +++++++++++++++ .
-. &here is a ++++++++++++++ near the ++++++++++++++++++ .
.. &hey are +++++++++++++++++.
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
takin% restaurant floer table counter
stan!in% all se#en picture them
1. &here are ++++++++++++++ people at the +++++++++++++++ .
'. ( aiter is ++++++++++++++++ )in%* or!ers from ++++++++++++++.
,. ( cashier is +++++++++++++ at the ++++++++++++++++ .
-. &here is a +++++++++++++++ on the ++++++++++++++ .
.. &here is a beautiful ++++++++++++++++on the +++++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
car aterin% three ashin% oman
scrubbin% house plants shirt tap
1. &here are +++++++++++++people outsi!e the +++++++++++++++++ .
'. ( %irl is ++++++++++++++ )in%* the +++++++++++++++++++++ .
,. ( man is +++++++++++++)in%* the +++++++++++++++++++ .
-. ( oman is ++++++++++++)in%* a +++++++++++++++++++.
.. &here is a +++++++++++++near the +++++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
!rinkin% house foo! hea! table
ser#in% son%kok oran%e 3uice many cakes
1. &here are +++++++++++++people in the +++++++++++++ .
'. ( boy is ++++++++++++++++)in%* a %lass of +++++++++++++++ .
,. &o men are earin% +++++++++++++on their +++++++++++++ .
-. ( la!y is ++++++++++++)in%* some ++++++++++++++ .
.. &here is a lot of +++++++++++++ on the +++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
tray ashin% three %lasses ater
sprayin% house car ser#in% !rinks
1. &here are 55555. people outsi!e the 55555555 .
'. ( boy is 555555 )in%* the55555. .
,. ( man is 55555.)in%* 5555555 on the car .
-. ( oman is 55555)in%* 555555. .
.. &here are to555555on the 5555555 .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
sink toaster to %irl ashin%
cuttin% #e%etables kitchen kettle plates
1. &here are ++++++++++++++ people in the +++++++++++++++++ .
'. ( ++++++++++++ is ++++++++++++++)in%* the plates.
,. ( la!y is ++++++++++++++)in%* the +++++++++++++++++ .
-. &here are many ++++++++++++ in the +++++++++++++++++ .
.. &here is a +++++++++++++++ besi!e the +++++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
li#in% room rea!in% cup book clean
biscuits sleepin% table %irl plate
1. &here is a ++++++++++++++ in the +++++++++++++++ .
'. She is +++++++++++++++ )in%* a ++++++++++++++++++++.
,. ( cat is ++++++++++++++)in%* un!er the +++++++++++++++++.
-. &here is a +++++++++++++++of +++++++++++++++++++ on the table.
.. &he room is ++++++++++++++++++ an! ti!y .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
combin% !inin% room puttin% on hair shoes
ser#in% foo! cups table three
1. &here are ++++++++++++++++ people in the ++++++++++++++++.
'. ( boy is +++++++++++++++++++ )in%* his ++++++++++++++++++.
,. (nother boy is ++++++++++++++++ )in%* his ++++++++++++++++++ .
-. ( la!y is +++++++++++++ )in%* some +++++++++++++++++.
.. &here are to +++++++++++++++ on the ++++++++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
market #e%etables buyin% stan!in% sellin%
many ei%hin% scale mother carrots shelf
1. &here are +++++++++++++++ people at the +++++++++++++++ .
'. ( man is +++++++++++++)in%* ++++++++++++++ .
,. ( la!y is ++++++++++++)in%* some +++++++++++++++ .
-. ( %irl is +++++++++++++)in%* besi!e her ++++++++++++ .
.. &here is a ++++++++++++ on the +++++++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
stall sittin% tree buil!in% alkin%
6ro3ak7 6cen!ol7 cars man many
1. &here are ++++++++++++ people at the +++++++++++++++ .
'. &here is a ++++++++++ sellin% +++++++++++++ an! ++++++++++++ .
,. &o men are ++++++++++++)in%* un!er the +++++++++++++++ .
-. (nother man is ++++++++++++)in%* besi!e the stall.
.. &here are many ++++++++++++ near the ++++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
foo! oman photo%raphs bri!e e!!in%
bri!e%room table stan!in% many takin%
1. &here are ++++++++++++++ people at the +++++++++++++++++ .
'. ( man is ++++++++++ )in%* besi!e the ++++++++++++++++ .
,. (nother man is +++++++++++++)in%* +++++++++++++++ .
-. ( ++++++++++++++ is stan!in% besi!e the ++++++++++++ .
.. &here is a lot of ++++++++++++++ on the ++++++++++++++.
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
ipin% moppin% house in!o floor
four plantin% furniture !ustin% floers
1. &here are +++++++++++++++ people in the ++++++++++++++++++ .
'. ( boy is ++++++++++++)in%* the ++++++++++++++++ .
,. ( %irl is ++++++++++++++++)in%* the ++++++++++++++ .
-. ( man is ++++++++++++++)in%* ++++++++++++++++ ..
.. (nother %irl is +++++++++++++++)in%* the ++++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
fish sellin% many man carryin%
meat chicken buyin% basket market
1. &here are ++++++++++++ people at the +++++++++++++++ .
'. ( oman is ++++++++++++++)in%* some ++++++++++++++ .
,. ( man is +++++++++++++)in%* ++++++++++++++++ .
-. (nother ++++++++++++++ is sellin% +++++++++++++++.
.. &he oman is +++++++++++++++)in%* a +++++++++++++++ .
Question 1.
Look at the picture carefully. Write . sentences about it. You may use the or!s in the
bo"es to help you. You are a!#ise! to spen! about 1. minutes on this $uestion.
house hol!in% man helmet letter
postman earin% motorcycle cheerful ri!in%
1. &here is a ++++++++++++++ at the +++++++++++++++ .
'. 8e is a ++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++.
,. 8e is +++++++++++++)in%* a ++++++++++++++++ .
-. 8e is ++++++++++++++)in%* a +++++++++++++++++ .
.. 8e is ++++++++++++++++ )in%* a ++++++++++++++++ .

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