Is MNCs Superior To Indian Companies

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QUESTION-are we here talking about the foreign multinationals only in MNCs category or Indian

ones too. I think this topic defines the foreign MNCs that are set up in india v/s the local indian
companies,be it small ,medium sized or an MNC like Infosys ,airtel, TCS or reliance,HCL.

Certainly MNC's are superior to Indian companies. After globalization and liberalization many
MNC's have been set up in India. And as such, the domestic industries are facing severe
competition from them. This has perhaps resulted in improvement in products and services and
efficiency in its working. But Indian companies have a long way to go before they get in par with
the MNC's.

Take for example. , a student after having gone through the selection criteria for various
companies, gets selected in 2 companies. One be an Indian company and the other an MNC. The
student would obviously give preference to the MNC because he knows that in a MNC he will get a
higher pay cheque, be given greater working facilities and good working environment along with
very good exposure. He might also be guaranteed with a job in overseas companies, provided he
performs well here. So there is a sense of security in the mind of the student who joins the MNC.

Another fact is, MNC's like Coca cola, Pepsi, Mountain dew, have a very strong base in our country.
They might have faced several criticism regarding quality and pricing. But, through proper strategy
they could overcome such obstacles and what more, . People still drink them. One can see these
products even in a village where water is scarce. But do any of us know the name of any Indian
company manufacturing a soft drink. ? I bet, not many of us. This only shows that in terms of,
marketing, promotion, publicity, crisis management. MNC's are way better.

However, Indian companies are not lagging behind. They too are increasing their pace, and can
even succeed provided they are efficient enough. That's all.

MNC's are better when compared to Indian companies because of higher pay, better organisational
strategy and moreover an individual is exposed to a competitive environment. Our markets are
dominated by MNC's right from fabrics to soft drinks our markets are obsessed with products from
MNC's. For ex even in villages we find coca-colas and Pepsi. On contrast Indian companies a far
beyond when compared with various features of an MNC.

I think MNCs are superior to Indian companies because the very first reason would be >India is a
developing country and the Indian companies offer less salaries as compared to the MNCs because
MNCs are spread worldwide and the turnover is more compared to the Indian.

> Also there are many MNCs that hire resourceful Indian employees for their benefit whereas India
has just a handful of employees from other nations who work under them and most of them would
be from less economically developed countries.

> Also in India there is not much contribution towards the research whereas in other developed
countries they solely concentrate on research and practice which is the main reason for countries

> Caste based reservations also play a major role in hiring employees who have the ability to work
in the company because of reservations not many resourceful employees are hired.

First of all I am an INDIAN so I should like Indian companies But the real fact is MNCs are more
capable than our companies you know why.

1. MNC having huge capital and Advanced technology.

2. MNCs bring more employment opportunity.

3. MNCs which will reduce our IMPORTS.

4. MNCs are main sources of our govt income.

5. MNCs bring Culture.

6. MNCs create a good relationship between home and host country.

7. MNCs provide Quality goods at less cost.

8. Last but most important MNCs are utilizing our resources effectively.

FOR---------------------In my point of view Indian companies are not inferior than MNCs because
now these days Indian companies are also become multinational companies. They provide good
salary package, better work environment, good increment etc. Companies like TCS, INFOSYS,
HCL, Reliance run their business in many countries and also provide job opportunities to the
residents of that country.

It is true that Indian companies has less budget than MNCs and they also spend less money in
R&D as compared to MNCs. In the end Indian companies are not inferior but they have to go long

Wit due respect to all your points about the pros of MNC, we are completely forgetting some
negative aspect about MNCs:

1. Existence in our country to get cheap highly skilled labour; what we think as high pay for us
may be very low when compared to our western counterpart.

2. A good amount of revenue/ profit generated by our countrymen for these companies goes to
the parent company situated in a far nation.

3. MNCs count very low on job security, as their operations in our nation works on strategic lines,
they may wind up the company overnight if they found Indian operations unfeasible leaving out
millions jobless.

4. Many MNCs exploit our natural resources to the advantage of their national development.

5. They have least concern for some of the basic Indian value system such as respect for seniors,
welfare/social security provisions for employees family.

6. Rise of contextualization and the consequent exploitation of labour is because of them.

On the other hand Indian companies especially PSUs provide us with more job security and more
welfare and social security measures backed by labour laws. Moreover entire resources and
products are used for national development purpose only. Psus serve more on intangible benefits
at their own cost which many of us cannot see. It would be also wrong to condemn labour
intensive approach of Indian companies as they are a necessary constituent in providing livelihood
to one of the world's largest lot of under skilled or semi skilled population of India.

Only the need of the hour is to have proper policies, flexibility, infusion of new ideas and
innovative work practices and a more dedicated approach by our countrymen towards these Indian
companies, that our companies will rise above the occasion and never let us down. At national as
well as international level.

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