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August 28, 2014

Monica Stadalski
315-782-3142 x 247

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W8S-u1 ls pleased Lo announce /5=>E +=6 /9=F G -7H7I856J;> !9K7; J; -9K7FL fundralslng evenL lrlday,
SepLember 26
from 6-9pm. 1he evenL wlll Lake place aL Lhe PllLon Carden lnn, WaLerLown, n? and wlll lnclude
dlnner, cash bar, a screenlng of 3)M.N$O !9K7; J; -9K7FL, performances by comedlans uee WaLson and
Lauren 1urczak. W8S wlll also recognlze women 3)M.N$ ln our reglon.
3)M.N$ ls a slx-parL serles LhaL examlnes Lhe lmpacL of Lhe women's movemenL on slx flelds once largely closed Lo
women: buslness, space, Pollywood, comedy, war and pollLlcs. ln each fleld, women have prled open, and
profoundly reshaped, Lhe cenLral lnsLlLuLlons of Amerlcan llfe and culLure. W8S wlll be prevlewlng Lhls serles
durlng Lhe comedy evenL.
1lckeLs are per $30 per person and wlll lnclude your cholce of lcelandlc Paddock, SLuffed Chlcken or asLa
rlmavera. (1able of 8 dlscounL avallable, call for large group reservaLlons 313.782.3142 x216). 1wo female
comedlans, uee WaLson and Lauren 1urczak wlll also perform durlng Lhe evenlng, ln honor of women ln Lhe fleld of
uee WaLson has been dolng sLand-up comedy slnce 2001, she sLepped ouL of her comforL zone and audlLloned for
Lhe ConnecLlcuL Comedy lesLlval, her audlLlon was her flrsL Llme ever dolng sLand-up comedy and she was chosen
Lo parLlclpaLe. uee's Llmlng, dellvery and her ablllLy Lo Lalk abouL Lhlngs we can all relaLe Lo, make's her show
appeallng Lo a wlde audlence. ln Loday's world, you never know whaL you wlll hear aL a comedy show, uee wlll
make you laugh and you can brlng your mom Lo Lhe show.
uee has performed aL 1he lmprov and 1he Comedy Carden[Madlson Square Carden ln n?C, Chlcago Women's
lunny lesL, Syracuse lunny bone and as far away as llorlda, beLween ralslng klds and abuslng her husband, uee
has an lnLeresLlng look aL Lhe mosL mundane Lhlngs.
Lauren 1urczak ls a naLlve new ?orker and shares her home ln Lhe CaplLal ulsLrlcL wlLh her husband and 11-year-
old daughLer. She's been playlng venues from new ?ork ClLy's CoLham Comedy Club Lo Lhe Loony 8ln ln 1ulsa! Per
unusual famlly llfe and unlque Lake on Lhe mundane brlngs one more fresh volce Lo comedy.

W8S-1v wlll also recognlze 3)M.N$ ln our reglon, honorlng women who have helped and who conLlnue Lo
reshape Lhelr fleld. lease [oln us for whaL ls sure Lo be a memorable evenlng! 8eglsLraLlon and LlckeL purchase ls
avallable onllne aL
W8S-1v ls a non-proflL publlc Lelevlslon sLaLlon servlng approxlmaLely 630,000 households LhroughouL norLhern
new ?ork and LasLern CnLarlo. W8S-1v's mlsslon ls Lo educaLe, enLerLaln and lnform our Lwo-naLlon audlence
Lhrough superlor local and naLlonal conLenL and medla engagemenL ln order Lo enhance Lhe llves of Lhose lL serves.

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