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Approval of Revision to Policy CBA Qualifications
and Duties of Superintendent (second reading)
During the first reading of this policy on August 12
the board requested that a reference to the districts
CFSD strategic plan by added to the Job Goal section
of the job description. With that addition, the board
approved policy CBA.

Superintendents Proposed Performance Goals for
2014-2015 (second reading)
Superintendent Kamerzell, presented the goals that
would receive priority attention during 2014-2015. The
goals constitute one piece of the superintendents
performance plan and are in addition to the
responsibilities as delineated in her job description.
The board approved goals that fall under the following

1. Envision21: Deep Learning CFSD Strategic
Plan 2014-2020
2. Human Resources
3. Arizona College and Career Ready Standards
4. Move on When Reading
5. Alumni Relations
6. Public Relations
7. Elections

Consent Agenda Items
The governing board approved the following consent
agenda items.

June 24, 2014 regular governing board meeting
August 5, 2014, special governing board meeting
August 12, 2014, regular governing board meeting
Expense voucher memorandum
Field trip request memorandum
Core and supplemental instructional materials
Personnel memorandum

Upcoming Board Meetings
The next regularly scheduled governing board meeting
is Tuesday, September 9, 2014, 6:30 p.m., Catalina
Foothills High School, Building 4, Room 712. The
tentative agenda is:

Outstanding Achievements

Approval of Resolution in Support of Legendary
Teacher Day, September 25, 2014
Proposed Revisions to Policy KFA Public Conduct
on School Property (first reading)
Proposed Revision to Policy KI Visitors to Schools
(first reading)
Arizona School Boards Association (ASBA) Law
Conference Report
ASBA Delegate Assembly Report

Please welcome new CFSD staff:

Justin Guarrera, Kinder Plus Teacher, VV.
Catherine Keyes, EA classroom, MZ
Dawn Gessner, Occupational Therapist, Temp
Katrina Richman, EA inclusion, MZ.
Candida Rodriguez, EA classroom, OG
Andrea Barber, CARE Asst Site Manager
Petru Floruta, CARE Activity Leader II
Jason Grobe, CS Ext Day Coordinator
Sarah Huffman, CARE Activity Leader I
Yasmin Maura, CARE Activity Leader II
Anna Murrieta, CARE Activity Leader II
Catherine Crary, Extended Day Instructor
Melissa Schantz, 3
grade teacher, CV
Paulavirginia Novo, Health Asst, SD
Nancy Brow, volunteer
Laurie Stone, volunteer

A Su mma r y Re p o r t o f t h e Au g u s t 2 6 , 2 0 1 4
CF SD Governing Board Meeting

T h e B o a r d e r
A Publ i cati on for
the CFSD Staff

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