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Philippine Normal University

The National Center for Teacher Education

College of Teacher Development
Taft Avenue, Manila

Introduction to Special Education:
I am Sam Reflection Paper

Submitted by:
Al-khalid D. Umpa

Submitted to:
Prof. Zhanina Custodio

July 22, 2014

1. Why the movie is entitled I Am Sam?
The film was entitled I Am Sam, because it tells a story of a man with a
developmental disability, is the single father of Lucy, following their
abandonment by her mother, who is revealed to be a homeless woman who
"just needed a place to sleep". Despite his limitations, Sam is well-adjusted and
has a supportive group of friends with developmental disabilities, as well as a
kind, agoraphobic neighbor Annie who takes care of Lucy when Sam cannot.
Though Sam provides a loving and caring environment for precocious Lucy, she
soon surpasses his mental ability. It is also apparent to the movie why is it entitled
Iam Sam When Rita prepares Sam for the custody hearing she tells him that
they need reliable witnesses to testify that "you are a good father despite your
handicap . . . disability . . . I mean that you're retarded.""I don't know what to call
you!" Rita says. "What should I call you?""Sam! You should call me Sam!"

2. What is the disability of the main character in the movie?
From what Ive erudite and observed, Sam is a person who experiences a
developmental disability. This condition is typified by considerable restrictions in
both intellectual functioning and in adaptive behavior, which plaster many
everyday social and practical skills. Another factor is that Sam is a 30 something
year old who appears that has the intellectual capacity of a 7 year old child.
The disability of Sam is under the category of neurodevelopmental disorder or
learning disorder. He has an autistic disorder which is under the autism spectrum
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by
impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and by
restricted and repetitive behavior. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms
become apparent before a child is three years old. Autism affects information
processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect
and organize; how this occurs is not well understood. They have a hard time
regulating emotions. Some other main symptoms of autism are lack of
appropriate social interaction, lack of effective communication skills, and the
need for repetitive and routine behavior. This film accurately hits these main

3. Can Sam help the development of Lucy?
My answer would be yes and no. Sam can provide a loving and caring
environment for precocious Lucy. But not in all aspects Sam can help Lucy. Sam
is a 30 something year old who appears that has the intellectual capacity of a 7
year old child how can a parent help his daughter who will turn 8. What will you
do when the child of a man whose mental capacity is that of a 7-year-old
outgrows him? Lucy's schoolteachers can't help but notice that as she
approaches age 8 she begins resisting their attempts to teach her, as if she's
afraid to become smarter than her beloved and emotionally equal father

4. What defines a parent? Is it the amount of intellectual maturity displayed
or the level of love given?
For me, what defines a parent is categorized in three different aspects.
First, If you want to be a good parent, you must have a teachable spirit. You
can't be a "know it all." That's not to say that you should follow all or even
most of the advice that's freely given to you, and especially when they
conflict with your values and ethics. However, if there aren't any conflicting
values and if there's evidence that a practice works well in a family, then you
should humbly receive and implement good advice. Second, A key trait of a
good parent is curiosity. There is so much to learn about basic parental duties
and responsibilities that it can be overwhelming when you're raising your first
child. Learning all that you can in order to do the best job possible is
something that good parents do, and being curious play a big role. For
example, a parent who is curious will want to investigate why some parents
only feed organic foods to their children, to see what they can learn and
whether that's a practice they should implement in their home. A parent,
who is not curious, won't bother to do any research or ask questions.
Constantly learning, keeping informed and doing your own research benefits
your children and in many ways, protects them. Lastly, one of the chief
qualities that distinguish a good parent from a bad parent is self-sacrifice. A
good parent does all that s\he can to meet the needs of his children, and
nurturing his children is the most important thing in his life. It guides him
decisions, the ways he spends money and how much or little personal time
she takes for himself. Even the decision to work from home and not outside
the home demonstrates a self-sacrificing attitude.
So the question is it the amount of intellectual maturity can define you as
a parent? Being a parent is a huge responsibility. Although being intellectually
mature can help in directing your child toward whats right but love is more
important because it is love that gives a child a sense of trust and security
especially in the early ages of childhood. But still some may say that all we need
is love. But I believe that before you love, you should have first the knowledge
about what love really is. Without knowledge, you would not know where your
"love" can go.So for me, it requires both. Both the intellectual maturity displayed
and the level of love given.

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