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LP 12 THPT-NM HC 2010 -2011
MN THI: TING ANH - Thi gian lm bi: 180 pht
Ngy thi: 02-11-2010


I. Listen and complete the dialogue (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
Joe : Do you want to do something tonight? We could play badminton, or just (1) hang out with the others at the
youth club.
Lucy: Sorry, Id rather stay in and read my book.
Joe: That sounds so boring! Youre always reading these days. Youre going to (2) turn into a real bookworm!
Lucy: But its such a great book Point Blanc, the second Alex Rider book. Honestly, its so exciting, I just cant
(3) put it down.
Joe: whats it about?
Lucy: Alex Rider has to pretend hes someone else a boy called Alex Friend . His mission is to go to Point
Blanc, a school for spoilt, rich kids, in order to (4) find out whats really going on there. He learns that its a very
strange place, with lots of strange things happening. Honestly, its such a good book that just dont want it to end.
Joe: I enjoyed the first Alex Rider book, although it took me a while to (5) get into it but it was really good. This
one sounds even better. Let me have a look at it.
Lucy: (6) Hang on. Im still reading it!

II. Suzanne Jameson, communications manager at LWP, is interviewed about electronic communication
(email, internet and intranet). Listen and choose the correct options (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
1. According to Suzanne, companies use intranets to
A. reduce company costs. B. motivate their employees.
C. keep teams in contact with each other.
2. Which statement does Suzanne make?
A. The majority of staff do not have the same first language.
B. Many employees work away from their workplace.
C. Key vacancies are filled by the wrong people.
3. Which of these advantages of an intranet is mentioned?
A. Companies can monitor staff contact with suppliers.
B. It is a way of providing free training courses.
C. Everyone can receive the same information.
4. How does Fords management use the company intranet?
A. to inform staff about company business
B. to provide technical support C. to recruit new staff
5. What problem arose at SAP?
A. The Chairman felt he was losing control.
B. Employees thought the intranet was a waste of time.
C. Some middle managers were unhappy about changed roles.
6. Which statement is made about communication at Siemens?
A. Arrangements are all made by secretaries.
B. All emails go via the Chief Information Officer.
C. Everyone has the right to communication across the organization.

III. Choose the words or phrases that best complete the sentences. Circle your choices (0.25 x 8 = 2pts)
A brief raise of the hand and a small wave is fine in most social situations where some .......... is
A. informality
B. inhospitality
C. incorporation
D. incompetence
Because of the foggy weather, our train was ............... for several hours.
A. put off
B. turned off
C. held up
D. got over
.............. language should be avoided in any sports game.
A. Wrong
B. Mistaken
C. Swear
D. Foul
4. Constant .............. in bad habits brought about his ruin.
A. application
B. integration
C. registry
D. indulgence
5. Your answers are very good, but there is still one more thing I would like to .......... you .......... .
A. put/through
B. get/through
C. hold/in for
D. take/up on
6. He doesnt want to be called that funny name.
A. with
B. by
C. under
D. as
7. Some people enjoy further training. However, others find it only a to an end.
A. means
B. method
C. road
D. tool
8. - .............. is your car? - A Mercedes.
A. What kind
B. How
C. What trade
D. What make

IV. Supply correct form of the verbs in brackets (0.25 x 4 = 1 pt).

It is compulsory for taxi-drivers to help their passengers who (1.) are struggling with heavy loads, yet most
passengers and some drivers are unaware of this. When (2.) asked why they did not come to their fares aid, the
errant drivers gave excuses such as I (3.) was getting the change and There was only one luggage and it
looked light, and claimed that they normally do help. Service was much better at the airport, with nine in ten
cabbies (4.) helping with passengers bags.

V. Complete the passage by writing the correct form of the words given in brackets (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
Although speech is the most advanced form of communication, there are many ways of (1.communication)
without using speech. Signals, signs, symbols, and gestures may be found in every
known culture. The main function of a signal is to impinge upon the environment in such a way that it attracts
attention, as for example, the dots and dashes of a telegraph circuit. Coded to refer to speech, the potential for
communication is very great. Less (2. adaptation)
ADAPTABLE to the codification of words, signs also
contain meaning in and of themselves. A stop sign or a barber pole conveys meaning quickly and more difficult
to describe than either signals or signs because of their intricate relationship with the receivers cultural
perceptions. In some cultures, applauding in a theatre provides performers with an auditory symbol of (3.
approve) APPROVAL . Gestures such as waving and handshaking also communicate certain cultural messages.
Although signals, signs, symbols, and gestures are very useful, they do have a major (4. advantageous)
DISADVANTAGE . They usually do not allow ideas to be shared without the sender being (5. direction)
adjacent to the receiver. As a result, means of communication intended to be used for long

distances and (6. extension) EXTENDED periods are based on speech. Radio, television, and the telephone are
only a few.

VI. Comple the passage by writing in each blank with ONE suitable word (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
Publications that come (1. OUT ) at regular periods of more than one day are known as periodicals. The majority
of periodicals are to press between a week and six weeks before publication and they are therefore able to print
topical new stories and articles in a way that a book cant. This is one advantage that the periodical has over the
book. (2. OTHER ) advantages are that periodicals are cheaper, they are easier to read, and their (3. CONTENT
) is more varied. Periodicals (4. DIFFER ) from newspapers because they do not concentrate upon giving the
reader a summary of the immediate news. (5. THERE ) are also physical differences. Most periodicals are
printed on better paper, they are smaller and are stapled or stitched up so that they last longer. The line between
newspapers and periodicals is not clearly drawn, however, because some weeklies that appear in newspaper (6.
FORM ) are really periodicals.
VII. IDENTIFY underlined words or phrases that are wrong and then CORRECT them (0.25 x 8 = 2 pts)
1. The Nobel Prize winner, accomplished (A) by her husband and children, (B) are staying in Sweden (C) until
(D) after the presentation.
2. I put my new (A) book of zoology here on (B) the desk a few minutes (C) ago, but (D)I cannot seem to find it
3. (A)She being (B) chosen as the (C) most outstanding student on her campus (D) made her parents very happy.
4. Jane said she would borrow me her new movie camera if I wanted to use it on my trip to Thailand.
1/ B: is staying / was staying
2/ A: book on zoology
3/ A: She (omitted)
4/ A: lend
VIII. Read the passage and choose the word that best completes each blank.Circle your choices (0.25 x 6 = 1.5 pts)
The rhinoceros horn fetches a high price in the Far East, where it is believed to be effective when (1) . As a
result, rhinoceroses are hunted to such an (2) that the five species in the world are (3) . with
complete extermination. In Africa, there are two species black rhinos and white rhinos. The black rhinoceros is
the more common, but its numbers are being considerably reduced both by the native poachers who kill for its
horn, and by the (4) . in human population and agricultural (5) . . In Kenya, the black rhino is being
(6) transferring it to special Game Parks.
1. A. dissolvedB. liquefied
C. melted
D. powdered
2. A. expand
B. extend
C. extent
D. extension
3. A. endangered
B. imperiled
C. risked
D. threatened
4. A. enlarging
B. expansion
C. extension
D. increase
5. A. activities
B. actions
C. movements
D. workings
6. A. prohibited
B. protected
C. screened
D. sheltered

IX. Read the passage then circle the best answer to each of the questions. (0.5 x 4 = 2 pts)
Different colours can affect us in many different ways; thats according to Verity Allen. In her new series Colour
me Healthy, Verity looks at the ways that colours can influence how hard we work and the choices we make. They
can even change our emotions and even influence how healthy we are.

Have you ever noticed how people always use the same colours for the same things? says Verity. Our toothpaste
is always white or blue or maybe red. Its never green. Why not? For some reason we think that blue and white is
clean, while we think of green products as being a bit disgusting. Its the same for businesses. We respect a
company which writes its name in blue or black, but we dont respect one that uses pink or orange. People who
design new products can use these ideas to influence what we buy.
During this four-part series, Verity studies eight different colours, two colours in each programme. She meets
people who work in all aspects of the colour industry, from people who design food packets, to people who name
the colours of lipsticks. Some of the people she meets clearly have very little scientific knowledge to support their
ideas, such as the American Colour Doctor who believes that serious diseases can be cured by the use of coloured
lights. However, she also interviews real scientists who are studying the effects of green and red lights on mice,
with some surprising results. Overall, its an interesting show, and anyone who watches it will probably find out
something new. But because Verity is goes out of her way to be polite to everyone she meets on the series, its up
to the viewers to make their own decisions about how much they should believe.
1. What is the writer doing in this text?
A. giving information about how colours influence us. B. reporting what happens in a new television series.
C. giving information about a television presenter.
D. giving his opinion of a recent television show.
2. According to Verity, why is a knowledge of colour important?
A. It can help you to choose the best products.
B. It can give you new ideas.
C. It can help you to change peoples minds.
D. It can help you to sell products.
3. Who does the writer respect least?
A. Verity Allen
B. The people who name lipsticks
C. The Colour Doctor
D. The scientists who work with mice
4. Which of the following would make a good title for the text?
A. Enjoy it, but dont believe everything.
B. Another great show from Verity Allen! Five Stars!
C. Dont miss this if you work in Business!
D. Watch this programme! It will make you healthy.

X. Complete the sentences, keeping the meaning unchanged (0.5 x 5 = 2.5 pts)
1. Final year students dont have to attend lectures. (OPTIONAL)
Lectures are optional for final year students / Attendance at lectures for final year students is optional.
2. Dickens last novel was unfinished when he died. (WITHOUT)
Dickens died without finishing his last novel.
3. John was shocked to hear that he had failed his driving test. (CAME)
It came as a shock / surprise to hear that he had failed his driving test.
4. He is very likely to come. (PROBABILITY)
In all probability he will come / is coming.
5. Wed better leave them a note, because its possible theyll arrive later. (CASE)
Wed better leave them a note in case they arrive later.
XI.Composition (3pts)
People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good health? Use specific reasons and
examples to support your answer (about 250 300 words).
1. Pay attention to the form, style of a piece of argumentative writing.
2. The idea, and the links of the ideas.

3. The proper use of language.

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