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Michael Brown Shooting Theory Based off Analysis of Current Information

I began writing most of this paper on Monday, August 25. Today, on the 26
CNN released a summary article of what the stories are for both sides of the witness
stories. I will post this article here to make it easier to gather information instead of
watching videos I have linked at appropriate times, and I will make a couple
corrections/statements just because they beat me to it and I believe they left some
important things out in this summary.

Things that I believe were left out of the above summary
1) During the tussle at the police cars window, this article uses only 1 video to
describe Dorians account of Michael being shot. In the video they posted,
Dorian says he saw blood coming from Michaels side. In another video I have
posted below at a later point, he says he saw blood running down Michaels
arm from this same shot. Which is it? It is unlikely the shot did both.
2) In the summary of witness Michael Bradys account of the final moments of
the incident, they do not include part of Mr. Bradys statement about how it
didnt even look like he was giving up. It just looked like Ah, Im hit. Im fixin
go down now. This quote in the article also leaves out a part taken from
later in the interview where Mr. Brady does confirm Michael taking more 1-2
more steps towards the officer after initially being shot. These are important
leave-outs in my opinion.
( Full video) (Parts just
discussed are at 4:40 in video and later)
3) This summary leaves out the crucial aspect of the Josie account about how it
was during the time after Officer Wilson had pulled ahead of Dorian and
Michael that he learned about the theft of cigarillos. He then saw these in
Michaels hands and reversed his car back to them. The article from CNN
leaves this part out and only shows the video of Ferguson Chief Police
confirming that the INITIAL confrontation was simply due to them walking in
the middle of the street. This is an important leave out by the article because
it gives Officer Wilson a reason for why he reversed his car back to them
instead of him just doing it for no reason.
4) They, just like almost all other media sources, have left out the other witness
conversation that supports Officer Wilsons side of the story caught in the JJ
Witness video. A bystander was unknowingly captured on video to have
described Michael as having running towards the officer even after having
been shot multiple times. Hardly anyone has reported on this video, but I
believe it is incredibly important because it is the only witness testimony we
currently have that was given without the persons knowledge of it being
filmed. This video is posted much later in this paper. With all the variables
going on in this community and incident, the lack of knowledge of being
filmed is something crucial, in my opinion.

Introduction and Description of Only the Undisputed Parts of the Timeline

Before I begin to try to logically make sense out of all the current facts, opinions,
and testimonies regarding the Michael Brown shooting, I want to say that this has
been a tragedy. The scenario itself is a tragedy; how the police handled the situation
in the aftermath has been a tragedy; and the media coverage has been absolutely
despicable. I will offer more thoughts on these things after I present my theory on
the events that lead to the death of this teenager. I apologize if I go over things twice
or skip over the place some, but I will attempt to keep my thoughts in as logical a
progression as I can while interjecting reasoning at relevant times.
There are still some unknowns in this case that need to be discovered which
will affect my theory, but I believe I have made fairly logical sense of all the
information. I am not claiming this theory is 100% and absolutely happened while
other possibilities are false, but I think it has the best chance of being correct
compared to other less likely outcomes. I am also not saying the shooting of Michael
Brown was in any way justified. Lets begin with a rough overview of the alleged
event without any spin added.
Dorian Johnson and Michael Brown are walking down the middle of the
street. Officer Darren Wilson pulls up alongside the teenagers and tells them in
some manner to get out of the road and go to the sidewalk. After a brief discussion,
he pulls ahead of them. He then stops and reverses back to the teenagers and parks
his car in a way that blocks the lanes of traffic. A physical altercation begins between
Michael Brown and Officer Wilson; this results in a shot being fired from Officer
Wilsons gun (A casing has been found in the police car to prove this). Dorian
Johnson and Michael Brown run away from the police car in a direction towards the
back of the car. At some point, Dorian and Michael split up with Michael continuing
to run down the street. Shots are fired soon after this by Officer Wilson; this is the
main part of the story being disputed so thats how I will leave it for now. Michael
Brown dies facing the police car, with the last bullet most likely having entered the
top of the head as determined by the autopsy.
Now, I will attempt to piece all of the witness testimony and evidence so far
into this story and give the rationale for my thinking process and how I arrived at
these conclusions. FYI, my current opinion is that Darren Wilsons story of the
events that took place is probably closer to being the most correct version of
events. I will try to go in order of the timeline of events to explain why I believe this,
and then I will give my full theory with some more explanation and description.

Beginning of My Analysis

First, Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson are reported to have robbed
somewhere around $50 of cigarillos from a gas station store. This is validated by the
footage, and even if it is later determined that at some point Dorian Johnson or
Michael Brown paid for these, there is still surveillance of Michael Brown shoving
the cashier and assuming the typical tough guy stance/walk to get the worker to
back down. As stated by the Ferguson police chief, Officer Wilson did not know at
the time of initial contact about the strong-arm robbery
( ). Although the robbery did not
play into their initial contact, it does show how Michael used his size as intimidation
without hesitation when needed and is not opposed to engaging in physical contact
with another individual. While this cannot be used in court due to laws against a
video such as this being allowed to determine a persons character, it can be used to
show a persons state of mind at the time if it is relevant to the event in question.
This leads me to believe, regardless of whether or not Michael began the physical
aspect of the altercation with Officer Wilson, that he is certainly capable of it. It also
lets us know that perhaps Michael was on higher alert than usual knowing he had
just robbed a store (allegedly). This could have led to several things.

Dorian Johnson

Next is Dorian Johnsons witness report(s). In order to save time and
diminish inaccurate statements from Mr. Johnson, here is a link to the initial report
he gave to the media so you can watch him and hear his words yourself. I believe
this is the earliest video.

First, it has been confirmed that Dorian had a prior incident in which he gave
false information to the police in order to protect himself. Im not saying he is lying
now, but it helps give context to the current situation in my opinion. Now, he has
also appeared in several other media interviews retelling his story with his attorney
present. Two other witnesses, Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell have also
turned in a video together and have given witness accounts similar to Dorians.
There have been several inaccuracies between these accounts and the evidence as it
has come out so far, as well as differences in the stories at different times when told
by the same person. First, Dorian Johnson recalls a different time at when the events
happened in one of his other interviews. He says they happened at 1:42 pm instead
of a little after noon noon like we know is true
( start at beginning) . Although
this may be viewed as a minor detail to mistake, the timeline of events is extremely
important in these cases. I believe he made this statement about the incident
occurring at 1:42 pm some time later than his initial interview with media. This is an
important time to emphasize the reliability of witness testimony as determined by
studies throughout the years; they arent very reliable at all, and diminish in
accuracy as time goes on from the initial event. If such an important detail as the
time at when things began to happen has changed within less than a week, what
other finer details may not be being recalled correctly or what information will
change as time progresses?
He has also stated that the initial shot to Michael from the altercation by the
police car door led to him seeing blood running down Michaels arm
( go to 7:00). In another video,
Dorian says that Michael was shot in the chest or upper region, but this time the
blood was running down Michaels side or right area (this does not mean arm)
( go to 2:00). Even though his
anatomy knowledge is probably scant at best, he most likely knows what a shoulder
and an arm are. A shoulder wound would run blood down the arm probably; a chest
wound would have blood running down the side. Which area was the blood actually
in? He gives two different accounts here for something fairly easy to remember if
seen so clearly, in my opinion. The autopsy does show that there is a wound to
Michael Browns right chest, but Parcells said that he concluded this to be a re-entry
wound in an interview. It is possible that Michael had his hand out towards the
officer when the gun went off, and the bullet created one of the wounds on Michaels
arm/hand and then re-entered into the chest. This is entirely possible, and I am not
dismissing this as an option. It would be very good to know if there was a blood trail
of some sort from the police car to where Michael was killed. This could potentially
corroborate the story of Michael being shot by the car. Lastly, Dorian said he was
crouching behind the first car he could find, but then said he returned to standing
and was frozen and couldnt move his limbs. At this time Dorian says he was in plain
view of Officer Wilson, but that his eyes were set on another target, Michael Brown go to 8:30). I thought he was
behind a car? Even if he did stand up and couldnt move, he still wouldve been
behind the car and not in plain view of the officer. Why even include this statement
unless trying to show the officers supposed bloodlust when he said he was hiding
for his life behind the car many times in interviews? Its just a weird statement and
came at a weird time in the interview. Dorian has now also introduced the narrative
of dodging the first bullet or else he would have been hit too by Officer Wilson. Once
again, theres a similar trend happening here as more time goes on.

Piaget Crenshaw

Piaget Crenshaw was shown in a video on her balcony describing her
account, and she mentions that she heard gunshotS, which prompted her to the
window where she saw Michael fleeing. At this point in time, there should have only
been one gunshot that prompted her to the window instead of multiple. In another
interview ( go to 30s), she says
that she heard the police car tires screeching and this is what brought her to the
window to view the incident. In yet another later interview with Tiffany Mitchell
and her attorney present on live media go to 2:00), she states that
Tiffany was yelling at her to come down because they had to go to work when she
saw the incident. Piaget also said that this viewing of the incident began with her
witnessing the altercation at the police car. Unfortunately, this is also before any
gunshots were fired, which she stated prompted her to the window in her initial
media statement. And in another later interview with just herself present
( ), Piaget says that because
Michael was a big guy he was able to pull away from the officer and get away. She
said this agitated the officer and caused him to chase after Michael down the street.
There was no mention of a gunshot going off at this point of the altercation in this
interview before Michael ran as had been alleged by her and Dorian multiple times. I
would also like to note that Tiffany Mitchell and Piaget Crenshaw are coworkers and
friends; possibly roommates based off of the account of Tiffany yelling at her to
hurry up to go to work. The moment when she begins to see the incident for the first
time is a crucial point, and its interesting that her many stories have changed so
much. Her more recent stories allow for her to have seen the incident at an earlier
point in the timeframe than what she initially said she saw. Her current versions
also allow Tiffany to have been heading outside, which would then let her see the
shooting of Michael Brown as well.

Tiffany Mitchell

In Tiffanys interview, she says she began to see the incident when she was
coming around the corner. It sounds to me like this is a street corner instead of any
other corner, and would mean she was not in the building with Piaget at this time
calling her to hurry downstairs. It could also just mean around the corner of the
building or the corner of Piagets room. Piaget used the words calling me to come
down to describe how Tiffany was getting her to leave the apartment. This could
mean Tiffany was in the building with her just yelling at her to come down, but as I
said this could be false based on the use of the word corner and in the context, but
that could be a wrong interpretation on my part. It could also mean that Tiffany was
calling her on the phone to come down, but that would mean that both women had
their cell phones readily available to film the incident as it was happening and failed
to do so until some time after, which causes concerns about the girls witness
accounts/videos. It could also be that Piagets window was open and Tiffany was
just yelling at her to come down from outside, but based on the windows location,
Tiffany would have had to be near the front of the building in plane view of the
incident. This also raises some concerns about why there was no video from either
of them, especially from Tiffany at ground level. I do understand how fast this
incident occurred and can reasonably see how many people would not have the
sense to immediately film it instead of being caught off-guard and just watching.
This could likely explain why there is no video from these two witnesses. Also, the
video they both are being related to is from Piagets window only and is showing
footage of after the incident happened, which shows some level of collaboration and
relationship between the two to be tagged to the same video. I could be reaching too
far with this last statement however.

More Analysis of these 3 Witnesss Statements with Known Information

Tiffany Mitchell looks to be the best of these three witnesses because she has
not given two different versions of a part of the story yet, and is also composed on
camera, which I will discuss at a later point. Their current stories are also ultimately
better than Dorians because, based on the audio released today of the 10 gunshots
that were fired ( begin at start),
their story is still intact with the amount of bullets shot; they did not limit
themselves like Dorian to a certain number of them shot at certain times of the
incident, except by Piaget in her initial interview where she said 2 bullets were fired
after Michael turned around, as shown earlier. Her most recent ones have changed.
Dorians account on the other hand began with two different instances where the
officer fired only one shot, and then shot and killed Michael Brown. I want to note
that this audio has not been confirmed yet, so this part of my theory is still capable
of a lot of change depending on what happens with that. It is possible that the audio
released today only captures the shots fired after Dorian states Michael was hit
while running, and then 10 successive bullets were fired into Michael and killed him.
That would be interesting because with the pause between the two outpourings of
shots it means that Officer Wilson had a moment to decide something. This pause
leads me to believe that perhaps Michael had fallen to his knees at that point or
lowered his head from being injured, and then Darren Wilson fired 4 more shots
into him, with the last being into the crown of his head. I say Michael had possibly
gone down to his knees because we know the shot to the top of the head to have
been the killing shot as determined by autopsy. While he is initially surrendering as
according to Dorian, he would have been talking to the officer so his head would
most likely not have been looking down. It is likely that during that pause he was
injured and fell to his knees or paused and reacted as injured; this creates a more
likely scenario that his head would have been facing down towards the ground
when the next 4 shots came. This progression of events I just described is also fairly
similar to how witness Michael Brady describes the final few shots to Michael
Brown. I will introduce his witness account later.
Ultimately, this timeline of events is conflicting with other information
because the scenario where the 10 shots came after Brown put his hands up and
turned around to surrender goes against both witness testimonies of Piaget and
Tiffany. They both stated multiple gunshots were fired as Michael was fleeing, with
Wilson chasing. Once again, this audio of 10 shots being fired, if confirmed, would
have had to occur after around 4-5 bullets had already been shot in Piagets and
Tiffanys accounts. Im not sure how many bullets are in a clip of the handgun Officer
Wilson possessed, but thats at least 14-15 bullets that would have had to be fired
with less than half of them hitting Brown. Even if he was capable of being able to fire
that amount of shots with his weapon, the total gunshot # is less relevant now
because it is different between these witness accounts. Its more likely that the first
6 shots in the audio correspond with when Michael was fleeing in Piagets and
Tiffanys account. As I said however, this would contradict the single bullet fired
when Michael was fleeing as according to Dorian. If the first 6 shots do correspond
with the time when Michael was fleeing and Officer Wilson was chasing him, then by
the time he turns around he probably had 2 gunshot wounds (one from the
altercation at window and one from running away). He cant have more because
even though Piaget and Tiffany mention Officer Wilson shooting more, he only
flinches once. He couldnt have been hit more than once running away because
Piaget and Tiffany say he flinches only once, and also because the autopsy has
revealed there is only one possible bullet that could have come from the back, the
one on the medial part of the arm. The next 4 shots would have had to all be hits
with 5/6 of the cops previous shots having just missed. Dorian Johnson also says
Michael was hit in the back when running away, but we know this to be false due to
the autopsy as well. He couldve only been shot in the arm. But wait! This is Piaget
Crenshaws first statement video
forward-with-footage-taken-immediately-after-the-michael-brown-shooting/ go to
second video). Piaget says he was only shot twice more after his arms were raised. If
we believe he was only to have been shot 2 times by the time he turned around and
at most 3 times, this conflicts with the autopsy report of at least six shots hitting
Michael and most likely conflicts with the audio. What should we believe?
I also have a hard time watching the witness videos with the attorneys
present. Dorians account of the story in interviews with the media is blatantly
scripted by the lawyer, and I find it incredibly hard to believe he would mention so
many times as to how they had done nothing wrong and how he couldnt
understand why this was happening to him. He interjected these types of statements
all over the place in a lawyer-like manner. He also made sure to mention that he
stayed behind the car in his hiding place until the whole event was over so that he
could confirm his friend was not moving and that he was dead
( go to 7:00). Confirm his friend
was dead? What emotionally upset and traumatized friend says this? This statement
reeks of being staged and I believe is only said in order to let the media and
everyone know that he saw the whole thing and was there instead of running and
hiding with his head in safety. Its only purpose is to increase his credibility to the
media and those following the story. Throughout the many interviews Dorian has
had with media, his attorney looks as if he is making sure Dorian is saying the
correct statements and not making slip ups. The attorney begins to interject many
times, but thinks better of it. This also looks to be the case with Piaget Crenshaw and
Tiffany Mitchell, but they do a better job of not sounding scripted. All of these
lawyers just sitting there nodding in approval and saying nothing just sends a bad
message to me. Perhaps Im reading into this, but it all appears that they are only
there to make sure the stories stay straight and that no slip-ups are made. In an
even weirder part of one of these interviews, the attorney himself gets told how he
should be responding to the situation and what he should be saying by an outsider
not in view of the camera (
(start at 10:30). You can determine if this point in the last video means anything to
you, but it just further makes me believe that this whole thing is being scripted to
portray certain things.

Michael Brady (full video)

This witness account is extremely intriguing. First, its the only account in
regards to the witnesses I mentioned above that gives a specific description of how
the last few bullets were fired, consistent with audio and autopsy results. It also is
the only one that does not mention that Michaels hands were raised to surrender.
This is because he says he did not see it, but I still find it interesting because it is a
different account. There are a couple holes with his initial story, but I really like how
he describes the last part of the shooting; it seems very plausible based on
everything we currently know. The holes I mentioned in the beginning have to deal
with how he was introduced to the altercation and began his viewing of it. He stated
he was in his bedroom when he could hear a strong voice from outside and an
altercation. He goes to the window and witnesses from there the point until Officer
Wilson shoots one to two shots towards Michael Brown as he is running away. He
then attempts to go outside with his phone to capture the situation unfolding. I
know people do dumb things sometimes, but why not film from the window? I can
understand wanting to get a clearer view, but this was a huge mistake because it
now is another witness testimony that did not videotape any aspect of the incident.
Because of this, it opens itself to the slight possibility that perhaps he did not
actually see the incident due to this very careless mistake. The keyword is slight. He
also says he did not hear a gunshot from the initial physical altercation at the police
car window. If he could hear a voice from outside, albeit strong, he certainly should
have heard a gunshot. But perhaps for some reason it was loud at the moment in his
house. Im not really sure. It just adds some questioning of the story again. Once
again, his version of how the end of the shooting happened is in my opinion the best
of all the execution narrative of Michael Brown accounts because it is the most
consistent with current evidence with nothing disproven yet there. It also was given
casually with no attorneys around (to my knowledge)! It appears to be casual and
flowing and has no type of speech that alerts me as being scripted. Hallelujah! Once
again, I cant stress how much those attorneys being there in the other interviews
rubs me the wrong way and gives me a bad feeling. Did anyone else feel this way?

That last section took a while! I hope youre all still with me because this is
when things really come together to support Officer Wilsons story instead of just
listing witness versions, locating possible holes in these event and other


Now, there is a woman claiming to a be a friend of Officer Wilsons girlfriend
that goes by Josie that called in to a radio show and supposedly gave Officer
Wilsons side of the story. Heres the full video so I do not make any mistakes in the

Apparently this video has garnered some interesting talk and some have
called it fake. I, however, do not consider it fake because it apparently is just like
Wilsons account of the story according to sources. This makes sense to me and fits
in line well with all of the information we now know to be true from the autopsy and
audio released earlier today as well.
The Josie video claims that although Officer Wilson did not know about the
stolen cigarillos at the time of the initial contact. He then received a report about
them after having passed Dorian and Michael and noticed them in Michaels hands.
This is consistent with Dorians account as well about how he pulled forward and
then reversed back to them in a short period of time. Based on the alleged theft
video shown of Michael Brown being physically aggressive and perhaps of his
knowledge of having committed a crime, it is not difficult to believe that Michael
may have been the one to initiate the physical altercation with Officer Wilson. This
does go against statements made by Dorian that Michael did not initiate physical
contact with Officer Wilson. If we continue to follow the Josie video timeline,
however, at no point is there anything that has been proven false at this point in the
investigation. There are some things that it claims which we still do not have
information on though. Most importantly, the altercation between Michael Brown
and Officer Wilson and how that unfolded is still unknown and unproven. However,
the most important thing is that this account has still not been found to have any
huge holes by current factual evidence and information. The description of the
amount of gunshots and how they were fired has not been disproven; the Josie story
also fits the autopsy reports of the bullet injuries Michael Brown received. It also has
no discrepancies with another witness account that has been vastly ignored by
media in my opinion. It is somewhat hard to hear, but luckily the Youtube account
has put captions on the video to help. I have listened to it many times, and I believe
the captions to be correct to my ears. You can listen for yourselves and come up
with your own opinions. The first instance in the video with captions describes the
incident leading up from the altercation at the police car to Michael Brown
apparently running back at the officer while getting shot. The second set of captions
near the 2-minute mark talk about the amount of shots fired and in what manner
they were fired. (first video with captions) (fast forward to 6:20) (fast
forward to 8:20 for second part) (no captions)

JJ Witness video

It also describes Dorian as having fled the scene pretty quickly and not
necessarily staying around to see what happened by hiding behind a vehicle. We do
not know this for sure, but according to this man he runs out of the area pretty
quickly. Michael Brady does state that Dorian was crouching behind the first car,
however. Another thing that is interesting in this video is that the man holding the
cell phone initially uploaded the video under the name blackcanseco, but then took
it down a day later. In that time span, someone noticed the commentary in the
background and saved the video to share with people. If he hadnt done that, this
video may have never been found. Another thing that is important in this video to
me is how 1) the community is reacting 2) how the man keeps saying this boy was
shot for no reason. This recorder was very clearly not a witness, but I believe it
echoed the small commentary that was shown in Piaget and Tiffanys video. Its also
interesting to me that in the small portion of Piagets video we dont hear anything
beyond Michael being shot. With having witnessed him raise his hands in the air to
surrender, why was there no mention of this in the video? Thats by far one of the
important points of the case and turns a phone recording of a black man being shot
by police into a monumentally huge deal if he was shot while surrendering; yet
there was no mention of it. I think that would be one of the first things said in a
video recording following the aftermath of a shooting if the filmer had seen the teen
surrender before being gunned down. Instead, she says the exact same things as a
person who is known (assumed by me due to context and video) not to have
witnessed the incident.
This video also goes hand in hand with the Josie video and account of what
happened. The witness in this video also claims there were several gunshots
followed by a pause, and then more as Brown began running towards the officer
during the pause (I took parts of the video and pieced them together in my last
statement). This goes along with the audiotape just released today, which claims to
capture the gunshots in the shooting. They follow the same pattern and are in a
similar number to the amount heard in the recording. This is the most specific and
accurate witness testimony as to the amount and pattern of shots being fired in the
incident, and it coincides with a video reporting to present Officer Wilsons side of
the story, the Josie account, which has been proven by sources to be accurate with
Wilsons statements as I said earlier.
This is the only witness statement that has been captured on video to not be
known that he was being recorded. As mentioned earlier, witness accounts dont
have a good track record in being very accurate. But, because of the situation in this
neighborhood with police and the type of community this is, as having been shown
in the aftermath of the shooting, I am more inclined to believe the story of a man
that did not know he was being filmed at the time than a group of individuals from
the community with time to prepare stories and whom have hired attorneys. This is
a statement from the attorney for the man who released the audio video capturing
the alleged gunshots. As for the veracity of the recording, Ms. Blumenthal said, I am
about as sure as I can be mainly because they had no idea what they had
recorded and they had no motivation to come forward. This statement is coming
from an attorney, someone versed in law. This statement can also be applied to the
man in the JJ Witness video that did not know his statements were being recorded. If
we do apply this statement to that mans account, apparently it becomes more
credible due to not having come forward as a witness knowingly. Thats pretty
interesting to me and echoes my thoughts about witnesses in cases such as this. (I
found this statement from Mrs. Blumenthal last night and seriously cannot find the
article I got this from. I copied and pasted the quote into this paper but closed the
article as I went to bed. I believe it was at the bottom of an article from one of the
major news sites, but I cant seem to find it again to link for my proof of the
statement. I apologize, but Im sure some of yall will have seen this statement or a
similar one somewhere and believe me here.)
Another main story that stems from the JJ Witness video is that it appears
that he claims the distance between Officer Wilson and Michael Brown was 10 yards
at one point during the shots fired after Michael turns around. The factual distance
at which these events occurred is still unknown, but this account of 30 yards agrees
with some earlier witness statements of around 25 feet and also gives us a huge
insight into how justified Officer Wilson was to fire at Michael Brown. If Michael
Brown was just standing there, 10 yards is still a decent distance away, but if he was
walking towards the Officer from that distance then that could be viewed as more
justifiable. If Michael had also tried to grab the Officers gun in the initial struggle by
the police car, he then becomes a threat that shouldnt be allowed to get closer at a
later point in time. All of these things play into how justifiable the shooting was, and
I am currently not able to say how justifiable the shooting was because we dont
know full details yet. My theory I am about to write only describes what I
believe to be the most likely timeline of events; it does not in any way make a
comment on how justifiable this shooting was.

This is the video after riots and protests during the night of August 10

showing a QuikTrip that was burned down. The incident was said to be caused by
outsiders that do not live in Ferguson, but the important part was that snitches get
stitches was spray painted onto the side of the building. Why was that particular
phrase chosen as the words to put on the wall? Of all the things to write such as the
pro Michael Brown chants or any number of statements against/about racism, why
did this one show up? Ill let you think about that, but it plays into the mentality in
neighborhoods like Ferguson in my mind. Why have the media only shown videos
and witnesses sympathetic to the Michael Brown cause? Besides the media being
entirely crooked and pushing agendas, I believe that people fear for their lives in
this neighborhood at the moment, especially the people that are supportive of
Officer Wilson. If there were a community member that saw the incident that
corroborated Officer Wilsons side of the event, would he or she put himself out
there in the spotlight in a community that has shown more than considerable
outrage about this shooting? A community that is currently filled with an
unquenchable desire for justice and racial tensions at an all time high? Will a black
individual be willing to risk their life and be seen as a traitor for telling media a
different version of what the witnesses have been saying? I dont think so. I wouldnt
be surprised if people are being threatened to keep quiet in this neighborhood if
they have any info at all that meshes with Officer Wilsons side of the incident. If
there are people that have seen the incident and it corroborates with Wilsons
statements, then they are most likely giving officials their statements secretly. Add
this with the media and people like Rev. Al Sharpton pumping up the situation and
increasing demands for justice, and youve got a very flammable situation. It is
hard to see any good stemming from this event. Now, based on everything I had
introduced and my analysis of it, here is what I believe to be the most likely scenario
to have occurred.

My Current Theory With Explanation

Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson are walking in the street. Officer
Wilson approaches them in his police car and asks them to move to the
sidewalk in a non-threatening manner. There is a conversation and Officer
Wilson drives ahead. In the near future, he receives word from the radio about
a possible cigarillo theft from a store. He is still near to Michael and Dorian
and then notices Michael with what appears to be the cigarillos in his hands.
He then reverses his car and blocks both lanes of traffic. Some type of
altercation happens now (I still do not know who started the struggle. This is
one of the most disputed parts of the story, so I will not state an opinion here
because I am not sure. I do believe that Officer Wilson did not reach out and
grab Michael by the throat, however. I just cant picture an officer doing this
from such a disadvantaged position as sitting in a car seat to a 64, 300 pound
man. It doesnt make sense at all to me, no matter how hateful Officer Wilson
is claimed to be). So, at some point during this struggle, Michael strikes Officer
Wilson in the face. Also at some point during the struggle, Michael either
reaches for Officer Wilsons weapon or from his perspective Officer Wilson
believes Michael to have done so. This paints the picture of Michael being a
considerable threat in Officer Wilsons mind, which is important for later
events. A shot is fired from the police car (I have no opinion on whether
Michael was hit or not at this point as it doesnt affect the final outcome very
much. If he was, hopefully drops of blood will be found on the street from the
cop car to where Michael died to confirm this because Dorian says he was
bleeding immediately after getting hit, apparently enough to either run down
Michaels arm or stain the shirt red in the area covering the side of his chest).
At this point, Dorian and Michael run from the police car. Dorian goes and
hides behind the first car in sight and Michael runs down the middle of the
street. Officer Wilson exits his car and begins to pursue Michael. He either
yells, freeze and Michael turns around with his hands up, or Officer Wilson
fires shots at Michael and yells, freeze. (I believe he just yelled freeze, but it
is still possible that shots were fired from Officer Wilson at this point before
Michael turns around. If he did fire shots though, I do not believe that they hit
Michael). From here, Michael turns around and faces Officer Wilson with his
arms up as to surrender. Michael drops his arms within seconds and taunts
Officer Wilson. I believe a statement similar to the one in the Josie video is
most accurate here, something like You wont shoot or What. So Youre
gonna shoot me now? At this point, Michael begins to walk back towards
Officer Wilson. At a certain distance, Officer Wilson fires 6 shots at Michaels
arms. Michael pauses and cradles his arm across his stomach similar to how
most people protect an injured arm. He also reacted to this by lowering his
head and becoming somewhat hunched over. After this brief period of pause,
he takes a few more steps towards Officer Wilson and then gets shot 4 more
times, with one of the bullets hitting his face above the right eye and one of the
final two shots hitting Mr. Brown on the top of the head. He then falls forward
to the ground and is dead.

Now, there is still a lot of information that must be known in this case in
order to fully understand the entire situation and how it played out. Based on all of
the current information I can find, this is the most likely scenario to be closest to the
truth, in my opinion. I also believe that if this is not the truest account of what
actually happened, then the true details of the event will point even more towards
Officer Wilsons side of the story, such as Michael running towards Officer Wilson
instead of walking or having initiated the first altercation at the police car.
One of the biggest problems with this case is the extreme degree to which the
accounts of each side differ at the most crucial point in the encounter, when Michael
turns around. I believe that these two sides of the story became so extreme for a
reason. When people lie, fabricate stories, or change events that happened, they
usually dont change the entire thing. Usually there is certain spot in the story that is
truthful, and then depending on the side the person is taking and their bias, they go
one of two directions from there. Currently, it is a huge change to go from he had his
hands up in the air asking the officer not to shoot to he bum-rushed the officer. I
believe that it is more likely that Michael Brown did have his hands up when he
initially turned around, but then put them down and came towards Officer Wilson.
This allows for Dorian Johnson and the other witnesses with similar narratives to
take a very specific action that happened (Michael raising his hands up) and just
expand upon that part of the story by changing the events that happened from that
point on to make their story favor Michael. It also allows Officer Wilson to ignore the
part about the hands being up at one point in his story and just proceed with the
events that occurred after without that one detail. According to the Josie story,
Officer Wilson couldnt believe that Brown was coming towards him. It sounds to me
like this is the aspect of the incident that Officer Wilson is more likely to put a lot of
emphasis on rather than the hands initially being up for a brief period. If we
establish this line of thinking, then the accounts begins to make a lot more sense as
to how each side of this incident developed such a contrasting story at the end.
I believe that Piaget Crenshaw and Tiffany Mitchell fabricated their story
based off of Dorians accounts, which is why they are so similar in all aspects except
how many shots were fired. Im not sure what to make of Michael Bradys. I think it
is fairly plausible he did actually see what he reported to have seen. I also believe
the Josie and JJ witness accounts to be very plausible as well.
As said earlier, I am not saying that the death of Michael Brown is justifiable
in any way; I am merely presenting the most likely series of events to have
happened based on current evidence and information in my opinion.


This is all I have to say, and I thank you for either taking the time to read my
theory or deciding to read the entire paper. I understand that these are solely my
opinions so there will be a lot of things that arent necessarily agreed with by
everyone. I also know people think differently than one another and will come to
different conclusions. However, the main thing I hope to accomplish with this paper
is the creation of a proactive discussion by people who are willing to put the entire
story together. We have only received this story in pieces from slanted media
coverage. Even if you do not agree with my current conclusions, I hope this acts as a
good source for people who want to be filled in on the entire story. If you remove
my input and opinions throughout the paper, there is a large collection of
information about this case proven by video evidence that I have linked. I hope this
is a good source for theories to be made by other people using the whole list of
current information instead of just the pieces lying around. Too much hate has been
spread based on parts of the story. Lets focus on the whole story and try to have
better discussions from this point on.
I will not be adapting this theory or updating this information as more
evidence comes out because I am in school currently and have been spending all of
the time I should be studying and sleeping dedicated to gathering information on
this incident and writing this paper. In a way, I also wrote this paper for myself so I
can hopefully stop thinking about this story. It has occupied my mind through many
parts of these last few days. Hopefully as more information is released, someone
feels inspired and takes the time to either write his or her own theory or update
My condolences go out to Michael Browns family and friends and all those in
Ferguson that have been involved with this tragedy and have had their lives
changed forever. My condolences also go out to Officer Darren Wilson and his family
and friends for the same reasons. No matter what the conclusion of this story is in
the future, I fear that more negative things will stem from this event and more hate
will be generated. I wish for people to start to try harder to understand those that
are different and to try to unite together for good as much as possible. Let this event
be something that begins to heal our country instead of further divide us.

With love,

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