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Forest Service
Klamath National Forest
1711 South Main Street
Yreka CA 96097
News Release
Me"ia Contact! Fire #n$ormation
%&0'6()'&*7& +)!00 a.m. to )!00 ,.m.-
./itter! 01ul2Com,le3in$o
4e5! ///.$"a.6ov7klamath
Face5ook! htt,!77on.$5.me71sn$8F9
July Complex Morning Update
August 28, 2014
Start :ate! 1ul2 &1; (01* Cause! <i6htnin6
Acrea6es7Containment! Whites Fire - 35,925 at 80%; Man Fire 2,228 at 0%;
Log Fire 3,629 at 100% Cost to "ate: $37M
T!e 1 "re#s 12, T!e 2 "re#s 17, T!e 3 $ngines %1, &o'ers %, Water Ten(ers 30, )e*i+o!ters 11
Current #n$ormation!
4hites Fire "re#s are +ontin,ing to re-o.e ha'ar( trees, ro+/s an( ro**o,t (e0ris 1ro- 2a#ers
3ar 4oa(5 The 2heri116s &e!art-ent #i** 0e anno,n+ing at noon to(a in1or-ation a0o,t o!ening
the 2a#er6s 3ar 4oa(5 2-o*(ering 1,e*s aro,n( the M,*e 3ri(ge 4oa( to 7(*e#i*( #i** +ontin,e to
0,rn an( #i** 0e -onitore( 0 +re#s #or/ing in the area5 Mo! ,! o!erations in these areas #i** he*!
!re.ent an e8isting threats to the 1ire*ine5 )an(*ine +onstr,+tion has !rogresse( (o#n the #estern
e(ge o1 the 1ire to Lo#er 4,ssian La/e an( #i** +ontin,e thro,gh the ne8t 1e# (as5 The
so,theastern an( so,thern e(ges o1 the 1ire +ontin,e to 0e !atro**e(, an( erosion !re.ention #or/
+ontin,es on 1ire*ines +onstr,+te( (,ring 1ire s,!!ression5
Man Fire 9n the northeast +orner o1 the 1ire, 0e*o# the e(ge o1 the :a+i1i+ "rest Trai*, ta+ti+a*
1iring o!erations re+o--en+e( ester(a5 3 -i(a1ternoon the hea. s-o/e gro,n(e( a** air
tan/ers an( he*i+o!ters5 Fire1ighting +re#s +ontin,e to -a/e goo( !rogress i-!*e-enting 1,**
s,!!ression strateg--,ti*i'ing Mini-,- 7-!a+t 2,!!ression Ta+ti+s to re(,+e i-!a+ts on the
#i*(erness .a*,es5
<o6 Fire 2,!!ression re!air e11orts +ontin,e, an( +re#s #i** -onitor an( -o! ,! re-aining
Fire 4eather7=ehavior!
)ot an( (r +on(itions #i** +ontin,e to(a the 1ire area an( are e8!e+te( to *ast thro,gh the en( o1
the #ee/5 Te-!erat,res #i** 0e near tri!*e (igits an( re*ati.e h,-i(it +o,*( (ro! to sing*e (igits5 This
-orning #i** 0ring ,!s*o!e;,!+anon #in(s the 1ire area an( so,th#est trans!ort #in(s #i**
0e+o-e stronger to(a 0 *ate a1ternoon5
<2&= is an e>,a* o!!ort,nit !ro.i(er an( e-!*oer5
vacuation >r"ers; A"visories; an" ?oa" Closures!
The e.a+,ation or(ers, a(.isories, an( roa( +*os,re in1or-ation +on+erning the ?,* "o-!*e8 #i**
+hange at noon, =,g5 28, 201%5 @isit htt!A;;###5+o5sis/io,5+a5,s , or 7n+i#e0
htt!A;;in+i#e05n#+g5go.;in+i(ent;%035;; or Fa+e0oo/ at htt!A;;on5105-e;1sn1BFC 1or (etai*s5
@ealth an" Sa$et2 #ssues!
Li-it !ro*onge( o,t(oor a+ti.ities in areas e8!erien+ing s-o/e 1ro- 1orest 1ires5 The e*(er*, o,ng
+hi*(ren an( !eo!*e #ith asth-a, +hroni+ res!irator i**ness or heart (isease -a 0e !arti+,*ar*
!rone to a(.erse hea*th e11e+ts 1ro- hea. s-o/e5 For air->,a*it ,!(ates, !*ease .isit the
2is/io, "o,nt :o**,tion "ontro* &istri+t at htt,!77///,,35
Fire +re#s an( e>,i!-ent #i** re-ain in the area5 :*ease t,rn hea(*ights on #hi*e ( an( &9 D9T
sto! or !ar/ a*ong the roa(s to #at+h the 1ire or 1ire1ighting a+ti.ities5 :*ease (o not (ist,r0 or atte-!t
to o!erate 1ire1ighting e>,i!-ent !*a+e( on o,r !ro!ert5
National Forest Closure >r"ers!
Dationa* Forest "*os,re 9r(er Do51%-05-755 is in e11e+t 1or the area o1 the ?,* "o-!*e8 an( )a!!
"a-! "o-!*e8 ,nti* these 1ires are (e+*are( o,t5
To .ie# (etai*s on this an( other +*os,res in the area, go to
htt!A;;###51s5,s(a5go.;a*erts;/*a-ath;a*erts-noti+es 5
Air 9ualit2!
2-o/e -ight i-!air .isi0i*it on roa(#as in 2is/io, "o,nt areas5 2o-e a(.erse hea*th i-!a+ts are
!ossi0*e5 For in1or-ation on s-o/e +on(itions .isit htt!A;;+a*i1ornias-o/ein1o50*ogs!ot5+o-;
#n$ormation Contacts!
E*a-ath Dationa* Forest Fire 7n1or-ation LineA 530-8%1-%%51, 2is/io, "o,nt 911i+e o1 $-ergen+,
2er.i+esA 530-8%1-2155, 2is/io, "o,nt 2heri116s 911i+eA 530-926-2552
<2&= is an e>,a* o!!ort,nit !ro.i(er an( e-!*oer5

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