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Project Management Body of Knowledge

Valmiki Ramayana
S.Ganapathy Suramanian! PMP
"o#an$y$ India P#t %td

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When I was preparing for PMP exam, I read the PMBok a few times. At that time, I was also
reading the Valmiki Ramaana. I !ame a!ross man s!enes in Ramaana stor that made me
think that pro"e!t management pra!ti!es were in #og$e e#en in an!ient India.
%i#en the PMBok definition of &Bod of knowledge' (Bod of knowledge in!l$des knowledge of
pro#en, traditional pra!ti!es, whi!h are widel applied, as well as knowledge of inno#ati#e and
ad#an!ed pra!ti!es) I tried to map some s!enes from Valmiki Ramaana to a few ke pro!esses
el$!idated in PMBo*.
+his paper is an effort to share some s$!h profo$nd insights, with other Pro"e!t Management
Professionals who re!ogni,e the #al$e of traditional wisdom.
+he pro!esses I !hose from PMBok for this exer!ise are-
1. .!hed$le !ontrol from +ime Management
2. /ost estimating from /ost Management
3. Perform 0$alit ass$ran!e from 0$alit Management
4. Manage Pro"e!t team from 1R Management
5. Manage stakeholders from /omm$ni!ation Management
6. Risk Response planning from Risk Management
7. /ontra!t administration from /ontra!t Management
8. .!ope definition from .!ope Management
9. /lose pro"e!t from Integration Management
.afe 1ar2or-
a. I am referring to the third edition of PMBok, the latest edition that was released in 2334
2. It is ass$med that most readers will know the Ramaana stor to a de!ent le#el of detail
!. M moti#e is onl to exemplif some PMBok pro!esses $sing a well known stor and not
anthing religio$s or e#angelisti!.
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'. (ime Management
PMBo* definition of Schedule control -
/ontrolling !hanges to the pro"e!t s!hed$le
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
After Rama killed Vali, he makes .$gri#a the king of *ishkinda and tells him to rest and relax
for the next two months of rain season and after that help him in finding .ita. .$gri#a gets
intoxi!ated with al!oholi! drinks and pleas$res of flesh that he forgets his promise to Rama.
After stern reminder 2 1an$man, .$gri#a sends messengers with orders to assem2le the
monke arm in *ishkinda.
Meanwhile Rama sends his 2rother 5akshmana to warn .$gri#a with a !lear message that the
doors thro$gh whi!h Vali was sent to netherworld are not et !losed. 1earing this, .$gri#a
!omes to Rama and apologi,es for the dela. B then the monke arm arri#es and .$gri#a was
sa#ed from Rama6s wrath. 1e di#ides the arm into fo$r s7$ads and orders them to go in sear!h
of .ita in all fo$r dire!tions of 8arth setting a deadline of one month.
+he s7$ad that goes in the so$thern dire!tion !omes 2a!k onl after fo$r months 2$t 2rings the
report on wherea2o$ts of .ita. 1an$man 2rings the message from .ita that she will not 2ear to
li#e more than a month in the si!kening sit$ation she is in. +he #er same da Rama mar!hes to
5anka with the monke arm.
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
Rama !hanges the s!hed$le 2aseline three times in this pro"e!t of res!$ing .ita.
9irst time he postpones the a!ti#it &.end s7$ads in sear!h of .ita' 2 two months knowing
that not m$!h !an 2e a!hie#ed in rain season. It will sap the energ of the monke arm to
!arr the sear!h in rain and it ma kill their moti#ation to fight Ra#ana6s arm later.
When .$gri#a delas the sear!h d$e to negligen!e and distra!tion, Rama reprimands the
monke king, 2$t still forgi#es him 2e!a$se he has marshaled the arm. +he 2aseline is now
mo#ed to middle of fall season.
+he monkes ret$rned onl in spring season, 2$t sin!e the had #alid reasons for the dela and
also the were s$!!essf$l in their mission, Rama admitted the dela.
B$t he mar!hes towards 5anka and res!$es .ita within the one month deadline that she set for
her res!$e. +h$s he shows that !hanges to s!hed$le sho$ld 2e managed with appropriate
!ontrol on the dependen!ies.
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). "o$t Management
PMBo* definition of "o$t *$timating -
;e#eloping an approximation of the !osts of the reso$r!es needed to !omplete the pro"e!t
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
Rama helps .$gri#a get his wife and kingdom from Vali and in t$rn takes help from .$gri#a6s
monke arm to res!$e .ita. 1e moti#ates heroes like 1an$man, <am2a#an, Angada and .$gri#a
to work for his !a$se who in t$rn moti#ate the arm to wage a great war against Ra#ana and
win the war. Rama prote!ts the arm with his might from r$thless ogres like *$m2hakarna and
At the end of the war, Rama dire!ts Vi2hishana to reward the monke arm with gold and
diamonds, whi!h Vi2hishana was more than happ to o2lige, 2e!a$se Rama made him the king
of 5anka. Again d$ring Rama6s !oronation he re!ogni,es the heroes of the war with memora2le
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
Rama is exiled and in exile he looses his wife. +o find her wherea2o$ts and res!$e her from a
tranni!al enem like Ra#ana, he !annot afford to hire an arm of men. 1e had to work within
the reso$r!e and !ost !onstraints.
1e 2efriends .$gri#a, a monke with a few known frailties, 2$t a good !hara!ter with great
potential, and works with him to !omplete the pro"e!t a!ti#ities. After s$!!essf$l !ompletion,
Rama takes good !are of the team that helped him.
In I+ these das, man managers fret that the are not a2le to retain talented reso$r!es
2e!a$se the team mem2ers a2s!ond from the pro"e!t and go awa for greener past$res. B$t if
the manager !an moti#ate emergent people of potential with !hallenging work, safeg$ard them
from risks, and reward and re!ogni,e them at the s$!!essf$l !ompletion of pro"e!ts, he wo$ld
2e a2le to 2etter !ontrol attrition and in t$rn finish pro"e!ts within estimated !ost.
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+. ,uality Management
PMBo* definition of Perform ,uality -$$urance -
Appling the planned sstemati! 7$alit a!ti#ities to ens$re that the pro"e!t emplos all
pro!esses needed to meet re7$irements
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
In .$ndarakandam, there is a fine des!ription of P$shpaka Vimana, an aerial !ar that is in
possession with Ra#ana. After des!ri2ing how spa!io$s and neatl de!orated the #imana is and
how it !an fl from one pla!e to another on #oi!e !ommands and how smoothl it lands et!.
Valmiki sas, &It was 2$ild 2 Vishwakarma, the di#ine ar!hite!t, exa!tl as !on!ei#ed in the
mind of Brahma.' Again he sas, &+here was no part of the !ar that was not 2$ilt with great
effort, no part that was not signifi!ant, and no part that was not from the 2est material.
=literal translation of the sloka>' .impl p$t it means, &8a!h and e#er part of the aerial !ar
was !onsidered signifi!ant and 2$ilt with the 2est material a#aila2le and with all re7$ired
effort to make it perfe!t.'
Brahma gi#es it as a gift to *$2era. Ra#ana engages *$2era in a war and takes possession of the
p$shpaka #imana. After Ra#ana was killed Rama ret$rns the #imana to *$2era.
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
What !apt$red m attention is the senten!e &&It was 2$ild 2 Vishwakarma, the di#ine
ar!hite!t, exa!tl as !on!ei#ed in the mind of Brahma.' +his is the definition of 7$alit. If it
!an 2e ass$red that the design and !onstr$!tion pro!esses emploed is s$!h that the prod$!t
t$rns o$t exa!tl as !on!ei#ed 2 the !$stomer in his mind, what more !an the !$stomer ask
Again, this senten!e, &ea!h and e#er part of the aerial !ar was !onsidered signifi!ant and
2$ilt with the 2est material a#aila2le and with all re7$ired effort to make it perfe!t' so$nds
like the earliest definition of +otal 0$alit Management.
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.. /uman Re$ource$ Management
PMBo* definition of Manage Project team -
+ra!king team mem2er performan!e, pro#iding feed2a!k, resol#ing iss$es, and !oordinating
!hanges to enhan!e pro"e!t performan!e
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
After killing Ra#ana and making Vi2hishana the king of 5anka, Rama sends for .ita. When .ita
arri#es, he tells her !r$ell that he defeated Ra#ana onl to $phold the honor of the famil and
he is not interested in her as she has staed too long awa from him. 1e tells her that she !an
freel !hoose to li#e with anone else like 5akshmana, Bharatha or .$gri#a. +hese words
gra#el h$rt .ita. .he enters fire #o$!hing that she shall 2e prote!ted if she is tr$l !haste in
her heart. 9ire %od 2rings her 2a!k ali#e and gi#es her to Rama. Rama a!!epts her
wholeheartedl. +he whole world finds what Rama alread knew that .ita was pristine p$re.
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
+his s!ene is $s$all mis$nderstood. B$t this s!ene sho$ld 2e seen in !on"$n!tion with an
earlier s!ene. When Rama goes 2ehind a deer that .ita desired, 1e orders 5akshmana to sta
2a!k and safeg$ard .ita. .ita was disill$sioned to 2elie#e that Rama was in danger 2 Ra#ana6s
sting operation. .he tells 5akshmana to go after Rama. 5akshmana replies that Rama will ne#er
need his prote!tion whereas she does. B$t s$ddenl .ita gets into a fit of anger and a!!$ses
5akshmana that he has !ome to the forest not to help them 2$t l$sting after her and that is
wh he is letting Rama die awa. .he sas, &Ma 2e Bharatha sent o$ to kill Rama and get
me.' 9or a !hara!ter as spotless as 5akshmana, these were like arrows of fire into his ears that
he lea#es. .oon Ra#ana !omes there and a2d$!ts .ita.
When 5akshmana rea!hes Rama, Rama !hides him for lea#ing .ita alone. 5akshmana explains
his a!tion. Rama sas, &.till it is a mistake that o$ diso2eed m order. It is going to lead to
great grief.'
9or Rama his team in!l$des 2oth .ita and 5akshmana. 1e ga#e 5akshmana feed2a!k on the
same da. Rama wanted to show .ita how it feels if one6s !hara!ter is assassinated when one is
inno!ent at heart. .o he !reated the s!ene, where he disowns .ita and then a!!epts her again.
+h$s he ga#e feed2a!k to .ita the #er next time he met her after she was lost.
In another !ase, when Rama wanted to a!!ept Vi2hishana, Ra#ana6s 2rother who seeks his
shelter, into the team, he does not do it $nilaterall. 1e takes the opinion of all the monke
heroes. Among them, onl 1an$man s$pports the idea of taking Vi2hishana into the !amp while
fi#e others oppose it. B$t Rama !on#in!es them that he !an prote!t himself and the monke
arm from an danger and gi#es shelter to Vi2hishana.
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0. "ommunication Management
PMBo* definition of Manage Stakeholder$ -
Managing !omm$ni!ations to satisf the re7$irements of and resol#e iss$es with pro"e!t
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
When .$gri#a saw Rama and 5akshmana !oming towards his hiding pla!e, he 2e!ame "itter. 1e
sent 1an$man to find o$t who the are. 1an$man talks pleasantl to the 2rothers and finds o$t
who the are and wh the are wandering in the forest. 1e makes a "$dgment !all that the
will help .$gri#a and .$gri#a !an ret$rn the fa#or. 1e takes them to .$gri#a and forges
friendship 2etween Rama and .$gri#a.
1an$man goes with the s7$ad that tra#els in the so$thern dire!tion, !rosses the o!ean and
finds .ita in the pala!e garden of Ra#ana. Ra#ana and the rakshasis threaten her life. .he was
a2o$t to !ommit s$i!ide. 1an$man tells the stor of Rama and gains her attention. 1e knows
that this is .ita. B$t he still asks her who she is and wh she is !ring and listens patientl to
her lament and th$s wins her tr$st. 1e !onsoles her with words, &;on6t !r.' 1e gi#es her the
signet ring of Rama and repeatedl ass$res her that Rama will soon !ome and res!$e her.
1e meets Ra#ana and warns him in the name of Rama and .$gri#a. B$t seeing that Ra#ana is
too arrogant and reali,ing that terror !an 2e answered onl with terror, he !a$ses signifi!ant
damage to the rakshasa arm and 2$rns down 5anka !it to p$t fear in the heart of Ra#ana.

Bn ret$rn from 5anka he narrates to his monke friends all the e#ents that transpired and
moti#ates them to fight for Rama to res!$e .ita.
1an$man !omes 2a!k to Rama and !on#es the !risis sit$ation .ita is in. 1e instigates Rama to
mar!h to 5anka right awa. 1e also des!ri2es the defense g$ard and se!$rit sit$ation in 5anka
to help Rama strategi,e his offen!e.
After Ra#ana was defeated, Rama asks 1an$man to !on#e the good news to .ita. .imilarl
when approa!hing Aodha in P$shpaka Vimana, Rama stops at a sage6s hermitage. 1e sends
1an$man ahead of him to Aodha to tell Bharatha that he will arri#e the next da.
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
1an$man is remem2ered for his prowess to mo#e mo$ntains and !ross o!eans. B$t more
signifi!ant is his !omm$ni!ation skills thro$gh whi!h he !onne!ted all the stakeholders in this
pro"e!t and mo#ed the e#ents forward. .ignifi!ant point to note is that he not onl talks
pleasantl and !oherentl 2$t listens attenti#el and wins other person6s tr$st.
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1. Ri$k Management
PMBo* definition of Ri$k re$pon$e planning -
;e#eloping options and a!tions to enhan!e opport$nities, and to red$!e threats to pro"e!t
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
.$gri#a segregates his arm into fo$r s7$ads and sends them in fo$r dire!tion of the 8arth in
sear!h of .ita. B$t he sends three fo$rth of his arm in the so$thern dire!tion knowing that is
where Ra#ana6s !o$ntr is. .eeing that .$gri#a has great tr$st in 1an$man to find .ita, Rama
gi#es his signet ring to 1an$man to gi#e it to .ita, if he meets her.
1an$man !rosses the o!ean and lands in 5anka. 1e takes the si,e of a !at, enters lanka after
d$sk and sear!hes for .ita. 1e finds her in Ashoka#ana, the garden pala!e of Ra#ana. +ho$gh he
gets agitated 2 Ra#ana6s arri#al and "eering !omments and threats to .ita, he does not a!t. 1e
waits for the Rakshasis to go to sleep. B then .ita gets into a desperate mood and prepares to
!ommit s$i!ide. 1an$man does not "$mp in front of her 2$t narrates the stor of Rama from
the treetop so that she onl !an hear. +his diss$ades .ita from her s$i!ide attempt and she
looks at 1an$man. 1an$man talks to her and also makes her talk. .ita still s$spe!ts that it is
Ra#ana in a different disg$ise. 1an$man narrates all that happened after she was lost and
praises Rama and explains how Rama is longing to get her 2a!k. After gaining her tr$st thro$gh
long !on#ersations he shows Rama6s signet ring and gains her f$ll !onfiden!e. 1e then offers to
!arr her on his 2a!k to Rama. When .ita ref$ses o$t of anxiet, 1an$man a!!epts her de!ision.
After !onsoling .ita, he !a$ses signifi!ant damage to the rakshasa arm and 2$rns down 5anka
to p$t fear in the heart of Ra#ana. B$t he 2e!omes worried a2o$t the safet of .ita from the
fire. 1e meets her again and ens$res that she is safe 2efore ret$rning to Rama.
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
+he first s!ene shows how Rama and .$gri#a are exploiting an opport$nit =positi#e risk>.
+he se!ond s!ene =1an$man in enem6s territor> shows how he takes man risks along with
steps to mitigate the impa!t, as he knows that the impa!t of his getting killed will 2e
irre#ersi2le, as he is onl soldier who has penetrated Ra#ana6s island fort, 2$t at the same time
he has to a!hie#e man goals.
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2. "ontract Management
PMBo* definition of "ontract admini$tration -
Managing the !ontra!t and relationship 2etween the 2$er and the seller, re#iewing and
do!$menting how the seller is performing to esta2lish re7$ired !orre!ti#e a!tions and pro#ide a
2asis for f$t$re relationship with the seller
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
When <anaka gi#es .ita in marriage to Rama he sas, &+his is m 2elo#ed da$ghter .ita. 1old
her hands and take her as o$r wife and prote!t her. +his !haste and fort$nate girl will s$pport
o$ in all o$r dharma and will follow o$ like a shadow where#er o$ go.' Both .ita and Rama
2ea$tif$ll honor this !ontra!t of marriage.
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
When Rama goes to forest, he ad#ises .ita to sta 2a!k in Aodha with his parents !iting the
dangers in forest life. B$t .ita thro$gh m$!h pers$asion gets Rama6s permission to go with him.
In spite of 2eing a prin!ess from 2irth, she happil li#es the fr$gal life of forest dwellers and
keeps good !ompan for Rama.
In t$rn, Rama $ndertakes enormo$s efforts to res!$e her when she was lost. 1e 2efriends
.$gri#a, kills Vali, a powerf$l monke king, finds o$t where .ita is hidden with the help of
1an$man, 2$ilds a 2ridge on the o!ean, wages a war on the might Ra#ana to kill him and
res!$e .ita.
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3. Scope Management
PMBo* definition of Scope definition -
;e#eloping a detailed pro"e!t s!ope statement as a 2asis for f$t$re pro"e!t de!isions
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
In the !osmi! stage show, sometimes an antihero grows into a powerf$l for!e, so powerf$l that
he e#en o#erthrows deities or de#as, who stand for all that is moral and right. Bne s$!h
antihero was Ra#ana and de#as pra to 5ord Vishn$ to help them. Vishn$ promises them
prote!tion and de!lares, &Be relie#ed of o$r fearF Go$ will 2e safe $nder m shelterF I will
des!end on 8arth as sons of *ing ;asaratha and get rid of Ra#ana and his 2r$tal gang that ha#e
2e!ome a terror to deities and sages. I will r$le the earth for ele#en tho$sand ears and
esta2lish the path of ;harma.' +he deities prod$!e offspring of their e7$i#alent #alor on 8arth
to help Vishn$ in this pro"e!t.
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
9or the pro"e!t of getting rid of Ra#ana, in order to prote!t sages and deities, Vishn$ dis!loses
the &s!ope statement' of the pro"e!t as a2o#e. It is !risp and !omplete. A!!ordingl, Vishn$
des!ends on 8arth as Rama. .$gri#a, the son of .$n %od, knows all the nooks and !orners of the
world =like s$n who o2ser#es e#erthing on 8arth> and is a2le to instr$!t his arm where to look
for .ita. 1an$man, the son of Wind %od is a2le to fl =like wind> and !ross the o!ean. Hala, the
son of Vishwakarma, the di#ine ar!hite!t is a2le to 2$ild a 2ridge on the o!ean. .$shena, the
son of Water %od plas the role of the militar do!tor =im2i2ing water6s !$rati#e power> of the
monke arm. <am2a#an, who was 2orn of Brahma, plas the role of a g$ide and mentor to the
monke arm =Brahma who !hants all fo$r #edas from his fo$r fa!es, plas that role for de#as>.
In the !o$rse of time, ;asaratha plans to !oronate his 2elo#ed son Rama the next king. *aikei,
who lo#es Rama more that her own son Bharatha, in a sp$r of the moment is fren,ied with
"ealo$s and persists on ;asaratha to order Rama to exile for fo$rteen ears. ;asaratha is
2o$nd 2 promises he made to *aikei long ago. 1e tells Rama a2o$t his predi!ament, 2$t
prompts Rama to p$t him in "ail and take the kingdom. B$t Rama de!ides to go to forest in line
with an esta2lished dharma !alled &o2edien!e to father6s words'. It led to e#ents that
!$lminated in f$lfilling the pro"e!t s!ope statement.
+he exe!$tion of Vali 2 Rama is often de2ated. Vali was also 2orn on 8arth, as a son of Indra,
with extraordinar strength, to help Rama in this pro"e!t. B$t he 2e!omes a !lose friend of
Ra#ana. Be!a$se of the 2ad !ompan his mind is s$llied and he a2d$!ts .$gri#a6s wife at an
opport$ne moment. .o Rama p$nishes him for the sin of a2d$!ting his 2rother6s wife, who
sho$ld 2e treated like a da$ghter, with death, th$s esta2lishing dharma. Vali was a monke and
so h$nting him down from a hiding pla!e was allowed. Rama took that ro$te 2e!a$se Vali had a
2oon from Indra that an2od that !omes in front of him will loose their powers to Vali. Rama
also s$!!eeded in killing Ra#ana 2 getting Vali o$t of the wa.
9rom the moment Vishn$ des!ends into the world as Rama, he a!ts as a h$man 2eing witho$t
an s$preme power or e#en the knowledge of his s$prema!. B$t all his de!isions 2ased on
dharma and the f$t$re t$rn of e#ents f$lfills the &s!ope statement' to the dot. It is to show
that if a man tra#erses the path of righteo$sness, he will f$lfill his mission on earth as exa!tl
defined in di#ine plans.
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4. Integration Management
PMBo* definition of "lo$e Project -
9inali,ing all a!ti#ities a!ross all of the pro"e!t management pro!ess gro$ps to formall !lose
the pro"e!t or a pro"e!t phase
+he s!ene from Ramaana-
After Ra#ana was killed Rama asks Vi2hishana, Ra#ana6s 2rother to perform the final rites for
Ra#ana. Rama then !ommands 5akshmana to !oronate Vi2hishana as the king of 5anka with the
help of .$gri#a and others, as Rama himself wo$ld not enter an !it or town for 14 ears. 1e
orders Vi2hishana to reward the monke arm with gold and gemstones for their #alor
displaed in warfare. 1e sends 2a!k the Mathali, the !harioteer of Indra who !ame for help in
his !om2at with Ra#ana, after paing d$e respe!ts. 1e 2ids farewell to Vi2hishana and .$gri#a.
When the express their wish to !ome to Aodha to witness Rama6s !oronation Rama agrees.
1e ret$rns to Aodha in the p$shpaka #iman, an aerial !ar with his friends. +he moment he
lands he sends p$shpaka #iman 2a!k to *$2era to whom it originall 2elonged 2efore Ra#ana
gra22ed it from him.
After all this done, Rama was !oronated as the king of Aodha with .ita on his side.
1ow the s!ene maps to the pro!ess-
Rama was in a h$rr to ret$rn to Aodha to meet Bharatha and his mothers. B$t he 2ro$ght
the pro"e!t =Refer to s!ope management to know more a2o$t the pro"e!t> to a formal !los$re
2 performing all the !los$re a!ti#ities of the pro"e!t.
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What I !on!l$ded from this exer!ise is that we !an get an empiri!al $nderstanding of pro"e!t
management and leadership e#en when we st$d o$r s!ript$res. We !an p$t that to $se in o$r
profession and s$!!eed in o$r !areer.
B$t one thing I want to add is that the s!ript$res like Ramaana ha#e li#ed thro$gh ages, not
"$st for a few pra!ti!al !on!epts the tea!h, 2$t the #al$es and ethi!s that the heroes and
heroines of the epi!s exhi2it d$ring trials and tri2$lations. I g$ess we !an learn that as well, as
PMI also pla!es great emphasis on &Professional ethi!s' in getting PMP !ertifi!ation and
maintaining that stat$s.
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