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An Epistle from Ed
By Ed Cadwallader, Pastor

Do you remember the first time you visited our church? Did you walk in not knowing anyone? Did
you encounter unknown faces, music, and habits? What made you feel welcome? What brought you
back? Since you received this newsletter you most likely worshipped with us- maybe more than once.
Some of you are longtime members. Many have recently started to worship and serve with us. Others
are in the process of checking things out. Regardless of how - each of us was at one time a visitor.
We are a congregation built upon honest relationships with God and one another - not pretense or false
piety. Because we know we have sinned, and are saved by our Gods grace, we seek to extend that
grace to others. All of us, in the Body of Christ, participate and contribute as we are able. We become
active and involved rather than standing by as spectators - a family rather than an audience! The con-
cerns and joys of each of us are truly shared by the others. Our greatest effort must be to serve
others in the name of our God rather than ourselves. These are marks of the body of Christ.
God calls us to invite others to take part in what our God is doing right here in Bradford Woods.
Signs, websites, special events, and follow-up programs are all important, but if love, relationships,
and participation are distinguishing marks of this congregation then love, personal relationships, and
involvement are the ways that we will grow and bear fruit for the kingdom of God. Each of us, as
members of the congregation, reaching out to our neighbors, friends and coworkers is far more
effective than the most costly advertising campaigns. Personal contact and care offered to those who
know us best as well as newcomers - is far more effective than fancy brochures or any type of flashy
unwanted mail stuffed into a mailbox.
As we shift gears into the more active autumn months, lets continue to dedicate ourselves to
reaching out to those God brings into our lives. Im so glad that Jesus chose to leave his comfort and
position in heaven to reach out to all of us. I pray that we will continue to demonstrate this love to
others. Churches dont grow by accident and neither do relationships.
Think about it...
Come and Sing!
By Cindy Snyder, Choir Director

As summer ends, choir practice begins! Choir rehearsal will begin on Monday,
September 8th at 7 o'clock and will meet every Monday after at 7 p.m. Everyone is
welcome and encouraged to join.
Bible Study Classes Resume For All
By Norma Liebenguth, Worship Committee

Rally on back to Sunday School on September 7
. Classes are available for
anyone over the age of 3! The kids meet during the latter part of the worship
service. Shelly Muhlenkamp and Melanie Verbaarschott take turns teaching
the older group and I will teach the younger kids. Im again looking for
occasional subs for my class. And, I can provide curriculum. Call me at
(724) 934-0731 or send an e-mail to
Pastor Eds popular Adult Sunday School class will once again be held at 10:00 a.m., upstairs in the
back chapel area. Adults may drop in to this class at any time. Thanks to Jeff Kowal for the donation
of a Keurig coffee maker. That should save Ed a teeny bit of time on his busy Sunday mornings. (And
thanks, Ed, for faithfully providing coffee for us all this past year!) In celebration of Rally Day, the
Hospitality Committee will be hosting a luncheon following the service. Rumor has it that mac n
cheese and ham barbeque sliders are on this family-friendly menu.
See you then!
"Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all the earth: make a loud noise, and rejoice, and sing praise. " ~ Psalm 98:4
Sunday School Teachers Needed
By Norma Liebenguth, Christian Education Committee

When Sunday School resumes on September 7th, please consider team-teaching our wonderful youth.
We need a few more teachers to help out on a rotational basis. No experience is necessary and
curriculum is provided. Please call me with your questions (724) 934-0731.
Thanks for considering helping. Your time commitment will be greatly rewarded!
By Jane Siefers, Hospitality Committee

As a number of you are aware, the local Meals-on-Wheels is again being operated as
an independent organization. Additionally, their client base has expanded due to the
closing of another local Meals-on-Wheels service; they are now serving over 40
people. This means that our local Meals-on-Wheels is now more dependent on the
support that is provided to them by local organizations and individuals. It also allows
the reintroduction of home-baked desserts for their clients. At its last meeting,
church council agreed to resume our treat-baking connection to Meals-on-Wheels, and we are on the schedule to provide
desserts in October. Check next months newsletter for details on dates, tips on what to bake and how to wrap them. If
you are interested in supporting Meals-on-Wheels immediate need for funds, please check out the church bulletin board
for information on their raffle tickets. Support a good cause and take a chance on some very valuable prizes!
Save The Date!
By Shelly Muhlenkamp

The Bradford Woods Volunteer Fire Company is having their Spaghetti and BINGO night on
Saturday, September 27th. So save the date! Time to be announced.
The Churchs Wish List
By Caitalyn Kowal, Office Manager

To keep up with our growing church and daily maintenance we will be publishing a
wish list for items you may have lying around that could greatly benefit our church.
If you have any of these items and wish to donate to our wish list please contact the
church office at (724) 935-3135. Also, there will be a specially marked box in the church library where you may drop off
these donated items. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Fully Functional Filing Cabinets
2 DVD Players (that can connect to a TV)
By Jean Hipwell, Missions Committee

Cereal is the requested food item for September. Please donate any extra boxes of cereal you have to
the Food Bank. Missions Committee will be taking a trip to NHCO with donated food for their pantry
at the end of each month. Your donation will go to benefit local families in hardship, crisis or poverty. Thank you for
your continued and kind support.
Altar Flower Dedications
By Caitalyn Kowal, Office Manager

When you donate altar flowers you can have them be dedicated to a special event, anniversary, birthday, celebration or
in remembrance of someone special. Send your dedication to: and see it printed in the bulletin!
Treasurers Report as of 8/24/14

Actual Budget
Pledge $18,642 $33,333
Plate $15,745 $13,333

TOTAL: $34,387 $46,666

Total Year Budget $70,000
Worship Leaders and Acolytes
If you would like to volunteer to be a worship leader, please contact
Pastor Ed. Thank you for your service.

Sept 7 Melanie Verbaarschott, Chloe Coltharp, acolyte
Sept 14 Joe Bayer, Vanessa Verbaarschott, acolyte
Sept 21 Chuck Brehm, Ben Cadwallader, acolyte
Sept 28 Paul Swann, Amber Swann, acolyte

August Happenings
Yard Games Day!
Fun in the sun!
We enjoyed an
worship service
followed by
lunch and
Blessing Of The Animals
By Caitalyn Kowal, Office Manager

Mark your calendar for October 5th for our 'Blessing of the Animals' service that
will be held outside as part of the morning worship service! Bring your furry family
members to this fun pet friendly event (but Joe and Norma: you may want to leave
the bees at home, haha). St. Francis, whose feast day is October 4th, loved the larks
flying about his hilltop town. He and his early brothers, staying in a small hovel,
allowed themselves to be displaced by a donkey. A special ceremony called the Blessing of the Animals is conducted
in remembrance of St. Francis of Assisis love for all creatures.
7 Communion Sunday and Rally Day
10 Church Council Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

Adult Sunday School: Every Sunday, 10 a.m.
Choir Practice: Every Monday, 7 p.m.
AA/NA: Thursdays, 7:00 p.m.
Events for the Month of September:
September Birthdays
4 Ann Brehm and Allyn Mathews; 11 Jason Trickett-
Lammers; 15 Norma Liebenguth; 16 Dale Schmidt; 18 Ed
Cadwallader; 21 Bob Doak and Doris Stokes; 22 Mike Slater;
24 Shanna Spec; 25 Susan Long; 26 Ed Grieser; 28 Nick
Hendrickson and Travis Thornblade; 30 Mac Coltharp

4836 Wexford Run Road | P.O. Box 421
Bradford Woods, PA 15015
(724) 935-3135
Fax: same as above
Serving Bradford Woods and surrounding North Hills communities.
Visit our website: | Contact us:
ICCC Mission Statement
Bradford Woods Community Church is a member of the ICCC (International Council of Community Churches) whose mission state-
ment is: As people devoted to following Christ we are committed to community, to treasuring diversity, to living our faith in service and
Please help us with our mailing list costs. If you could view this newsletter via email or online, please
contact us at 724.935.3135 or
Prayer Concerns and Praise
Joseph Bossman, Chad Brown, Cathy Carter,
Jody Dentici, Diane Dilanni,
The Davenport Family, Lois Fawcett,
Christine Feagin, Martha Finley,
Katherine Gardner, Laurie & Joe Gillespie,
Jim Harding, Mary Kowal, Ron Liguori, Jace James Lippert,
Sue Long, Beth Muhlenkamp, Carol OBrien,
Clay OConnor, Myleigh Smith, John Valley,
and The Waldron Family
If you are new to our congregation, please pass your
information to Caitalyn Kowal in the church office, regarding
your address, phone number, email address, etc. so we can
keep our records up to date and keep you up to date. Thank
Coffee Hour
Please sign up to handle the duties of coffee
hour any Sunday. Preparing coffee, a cold
drink and an (optional) refreshment is all
thats needed. And, its appreciated!
Ushers Needed
Please volunteer to handle the duties of ushering any
Sunday. Greeting new guests, handing out bulletins, and
collecting contributions in the collection plates during
service is all thats needed. And, its appreciated!

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