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Ecuador Report

C r i s a n d D a n i e l a J o n e s
Prai se
Young Life
Expeditions team
New roof for the
For Jane and her
For leader
juniors at camp
For evangelistic
camp in
For provision
A u g u s t 2 0 1 4
What I mean, brothers and sisters, is that the time is short. From now on those who have
wives should live as if they do not; those who mourn, as if they did not; those who are happy,
as if they were not; those who buy something, as if it were not theirs to keep; those who use
the things of the world, as if not engrossed in them. For this world in its present form is pass-
ing away. 1 Corinthians 7:29-13
I recently asked our Puyo leaders what they would do if God gave them unlimited funds with
only one instruction, to enjoy life. The answers I got were revealing. For the most part they
were thinking far too smallthings like traveling the world or building a big house some-
where, but one of our guys had the right idea. He wanted to build his mansion on top of
Angel Falls like in the
movie UP. It would, of
course, have its own
helicopter and helipad for
getting around and an
elevator to get up and
down the mountain, etc.
That sparked their
imagination and the
conversation became a lot
more lively. After reigning
it back in, I shared my
wifes favorite Bible verse,
1 Corinthians 2:9 But as
it is written: 'Eye has not
seen, nor ear heard, nor
have entered into the heart
of man, the things which
God has prepared for those
who love Him.
Nothing that we can
imagine compares to what
God has planned for us.
We must constantly fight
the tendency to find our
life in the things that we
think will bring us
happiness, security and
pleasure. We forget that
even if we were to obtain
all the world can provide, it
would never come close to
the reward He has for us
when He returns. I told the
group, I might never get
to go diving in Fiji or trout
fishing in Argentina, but
when Jesus returns, I will
spend forever enjoying His
restored, perfect creation.
Recently, our first Young Life Expeditions team came from the States to help us construct a
new roof for
our Shell
club. It was
What we had
barely kept
the rain out,
here where it
rains 24 feet
a year.
$3200 for
Leadership camp in
$1300/mo support
Funds for
evangelistic camp
To pay off the
Send checks to:
CornerStoneI nternational
Wilmore, KY 40390
Note UntoLife,
UL-Outreach or
UL-Vehicle on the
memo of your check.
Donate by Paypal/credit
card from CI website:
Leadership meeting with the Young Life Expeditions team
Putting up the new roof
Club meeting under the new roof!
P a g e 2
Right now, we are busy raising support
and planning our second leadership
training camp in Quito. Now that we have
4 clubs, there are quite a few leader
juniors, We are expecting up to 50 for the
3-day camp. It will cost about $3200. We
have done several fundraisers and are
getting close to what we need. However,
as soon as this camp is done we will start
planning and raising funds for our big
evangelistic camp in November!
I met Jane almost 2
years ago in Young Life when she was only 12. She always wore black
with her hair covering her face. She considered herself emo and would
often cut herself. Six months ago she accepted Jesus and He has been
changing her life little by little. Jane's family is Shuar and came to Shell
from the jungle when she was still a baby. Her mother worked from 5 am
to 8 pm to feed her and her sister and brother. The family lived in a small
room with her aunt and cousin. Her father was an alcoholic and often beat
her mother, so she left him.
Sometime later, because of problems with her mother, Jane decided to
live with her father and little brother in a single room with only one bed
where they all slept. Four months ago Jane shared with me that her father
was sexually abusing her. I had suspected something because of how Jane
acts and because one time I visited her house and felt that something was
wrong, but it still shocked me when she opened up about it. We prayed
together and decided to talk to her mom and tell her what was happening.
Her mom cried when she heard and told Jane that she could come back and live with her and
her sister. We found a bed for Jane and helped her move her things.
Jane and I have been studying the Bible, and spending time together since she accepted Jesus.
She has a lot of emotional trauma and sometimes says she wants to kill herself. Its hard for
her to believe that God could love her. Recently she met a boy who came to Shell after a drug
rehabilitation program. He dresses goth and doesn't like to hear anything about God since it
makes him feel uncomfortable. They are boyfriend and girlfriend now and it makes me sad. I
feel that it's very dangerous for her but it's her decision. I wish I could change all these things
for her but I know that the only thing I can do is help her remember that God sent His son to
die for us. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever be-
lieves in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Pray for Jane and her family to know God, and that He will continue to work in their hearts.
Sometimes I feel that I cant do enough and I wonder, God, what else can I do? Am I doing
this right? I wish I could get easy answers for my questions, but I think God is telling me:
So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes
things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will
each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in Gods service; you
are Gods field, Gods building. 1 Corinthians 3:7-9
Financial Report
This year is the first year that Dani and I have been fully dependent on support and God has
been faithful. We currently need around $1300 monthly and receive about 80% of that. The
vehicle has cost us more than we expected due to some big repairs we have had to make, but I
think it's a good vehicle and will continue to serve us well. It has been a real blessing to have
and has made possible a number of outings with the youth and makes all of our
activities that require transport more efficient. (see Support, pg1)
Thank you
so much for
your support
and prayers
for us!
Dani giving the
message for club
Jane by Daniela
Daniela and Jane
Making empanadas and bolones for fundraiser

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