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Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 350

Fluid Mechanics
Fall Semester 2014


Faculty Instructor
Dr. Sean Patrick Holleran
354 Towne Building (215.898.9879)

Teaching Assistant
David Ring
360 Towne Building


Mondays / Wednesdays / Fridays
1:00PM 2:00PM
311 Towne Building

Recitation Session
Noon 1:00PM
311 Towne Building

----- COURSE WEBSITE -----


Wilkes, J.O.
Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers (2
Prentice Hall (2006)


Denn, M. Process Fluid Mechanics
Bird, R.B., Stewart, W.E., and Lightfoot, E.N. Transport Phenomena
Leal, L.G. Laminar Flow and Convective Transport Properties
Munson, B., Young, D., and Okiishi T. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics
CBE 350 Fluid Mechanics Holleran Fall 2014

The Conservation of Mass, Momentum, and Energy
Bernoullis Equation
Archimedes Principle
Terminal Velocity

Distinguish Between
Normal Stress and Shear Stress
Laminar and Turbulent Flow Regimes
A Forced Vortex and a Free Vortex
A Newtonian Fluid and a Non-Newtonian Fluid

Solve Problems Involving
Mass, Momentum, and Energy Balances
Flow Past a Sphere
Dimensional Analysis
Navier-Stokes Equations

1 Understand the fundamental characteristics of fluids.

2 Develop, starting from first principles, the basic equations for fluid statics, and
use them to assess buoyancy forces and determine the pressure variations in fluids
with rigid body rotation.

3 Understand in detail the basic types of fluid flow line patterns (eg. streamlines and
streamtubes) and the different types of interchangeable energy forms (eg. kinetic,
potential, and pressure).

4 Develop, starting from first principles, the formulations for inviscid and viscous
flow problems. These include the discussion of a control system and system
boundaries, the detailed construction of conservations equations of mass, energy,
and momentum for Newtonian fluids, the derivation of the Navier-Stokes
equations, and the determination of appropriate initial and boundary conditions.

5 Solve various fluid mechanics problems using control systems, dimensional
analysis, and developed equations. Such problems include, but are not limited to,
the terminal velocity of a falling sphere, Stokes flow, the relation between the
friction factor and the Reynolds number, and flow profiles in numerous

6 Pursue, with adequate background and motivation, the study of mass, energy, and
momentum transport phenomena from a Chemical engineering viewpoint on a
more advanced level.
CBE 350 Fluid Mechanics Holleran Fall 2014

Lectures will be used to introduce new material. You are highly advised to do any
assigned readings before the lecture you will be far more prepared to ask questions and
contribute to discussions (and therefore more greatly benefit from this class time). I will
attempt to not talk for more than 20 minutes without a break for questions or discussion.
In return for this I expect you to be willing and open-minded to participate in small
discussions (about fluid mechanics!) during the lecture period.

Recitation sessions will be used to review material discussed during lecture, to introduce
new material not covered during lecture (e.g. due to time constraints), to work on
homework sets, and to solve problems in a group work setting. Sessions will often
consist of one-quarter lecture/discussion and three-quarters group problem solving.
Some sessions will feature a problem, relevant to that weeks lecture topic, to be solved
by groups of three to four students. Some sessions will consist of questions presented by
the students these questions may be about the lecture material, the class problem from
the previous week, the homework set, upcoming exams, or anything else that is of
interest to you. Remember this is your class use this time wisely!

----- OFFICE HOURS -----

You should try to take advantage of all the helpful resources that are available to you for
this course. These office hours are for you (in addition to the time spent during the
Wednesday recitation session). All students may attend any or all office hours. Both the
TA and I are able to meet with you outside of these times if you contact us by email to
make an appointment.

Dr. Holleran
Tuesdays 3:00PM 4:00PM 354 Towne Building
Wednesdays 2:00PM 3:00PM 354 Towne Building

David Ring
(maybe Tuesday) (maybe later) TBD
(maybe Thursday) (maybe earlier) TBD


Homeworks (10) 10%
Quizzes (3) 10%
Prelim Exam #1 20%
Prelim Exam #2 25%
Final Exam 35%
TOTAL 100%

CBE 350 Fluid Mechanics Holleran Fall 2014

The quizzes will be designed as something that you should be able to complete in a full
recitation session. You should expect them to look similar to homework problems. The
quizzes will all be closed book / closed notes. I will provide you with any formulas or
unit conversions that you may need. Studying for, and taking, the quizzes should be a
way to prepare for the exams.

Quiz #1: Wednesday October 1

Quiz #2: Wednesday November 12

Quiz #3: Wednesday December 3

The exams will be a test of your problem solving and critical thinking abilities. There
will be a number (three or four) of multi-part problems that you will have 90 minutes to
complete. You should expect these problems to look similar (but not identical) to the
types of problems that you will be solving on your homework sets. The exams will all be
closed book / closed notes. You will be permitted one (1) single sheet of paper on which
you may write whatever you chose. Preparing this study sheet should be considered
an excellent, though not the only, way to study for the exams.

Prelim Exam #1: Tuesday October 7
6:15PM 7:45PM
Prelim Exam #2: Thursday November 20
6:15PM 7:45PM
Final Exam: Friday December 12
Noon 2:00PM

Please confer with your schedules quickly. You must alert me of an exam conflict before
the end of September. We can make arrangements as necessary if you have an issue with
either/both of the prelim exam dates/times.

Review Classes
A review session will be offered before each of the exams. I have, in past courses, used a
class period for the review session. I reserve the right to move the review sessions out of
the class period if we need that time for new material. You should discuss with us (me
and the TA) the material that you wish to see covered during these review sessions.

Review #1: Monday October 6

Review #2: Monday November 17

Final Review: Monday December 8

CBE 350 Fluid Mechanics Holleran Fall 2014

Homework is an essential part of this class it is the best way for you to ensure that you
are staying current with your understanding of the material. It is highly unadvised for
you to fall behind in this course. You are allowed, and even encouraged, to discuss the
homework problems with other students in this class. Working together in groups is
permitted for the homework sets. But you must write up and turn in your own work.
Be sure that you understand the work that you are turning in do not allow yourself to
grow comfortable working with others on the homework sets.

Homework sets will be due at 4:00PM each Friday. The CBE350 Homework
Collection will be located in the same hallway as your undergraduate student mailboxes.
There will be a slot specific for the CBE350 course. Any homework that is turned in
after 4:00PM WILL NOT BE GRADED. You are welcome to submit your homework
early (after the completion of the Friday lecture seems the most likely time).

Solutions for the homework sets will be posted to the course website after 4:00PM each
Friday. You are encouraged to compare your work with the solutions this is a good
way to learn from any mistakes that you may make.

Homework and exam re-grades will only be accepted for one week following solution
being posted to the course website. All re-grade requests must be accompanied by a
written explanation of why you think you deserve a re-grade. You must be able to show
why you deserve additional points.

Additional note

I will not discuss the current homework set during the two-hour window between the
completion of the Friday lecture and the time when the homework is due in the CBE350
mailbox (2:00PM 4:00PM). This would be a dangerous precedent to establish. I want
to be clear that you should not wait until the last two hours to complete the CBE350
homework. There are five out-of-lecture hours available to you each week (recitation +
2.0 SpH hours + 2.0 DR hours) during which the homework can be readily discussed.
Please take advantage of those hours.

Second additional note

I understand that there is an amount of material available from past versions of this
course. I want to make it explicit that use of any previous years homework or quiz or
THE ACADEMIC CODE OF INTEGRITY. Do not give me any reason to suspect
that you may be doing anything unethical. I will award you a zero for your total
homework score if I discover that you are cheating on any of the homework assignments.

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