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Borough of Chambersburg

A full service municipality in Franklin County

celebrating over 65 years of consumer owned natural gas service
over 100 years of community electric and a
regional wastewater, water, and municipal solid waste utility
Chambersburg On Friday August 22, 2014, the Borough of Chambersburg received word on another in a
series of decisions by the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board (PLRB) related to actions taken by Town
Council several years ago to protect volunteer firefighters from efforts by the Local 1813 of the International
Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF).
At the time, Town Council was considering layoffs of paid firefighters. After disciplining one employee for
writing letters to discourage volunteer firefighters from responding to fires scenes within the Borough of
Chambersburg, a second employee of the Borough ignored that action and wrote his own letters to discourage
certain individual firefighters. After that action, Council obtained a court order to stop the letters.
The issue is whether the second employees actions to discourage certain particular volunteer firefighters from
helping put out fires in Chambersburg was or was not acceptable?
Town Council acted to terminate his employment for cause due to his actions; following the civil service
process for disciplining a uniform employee.
The PLRB hearing examiner does not agree that Town Council had this right. The hearing examiners position
speaks for itself and is public information.
At this point, Town Council will likely wait to see if the full Board of the PLRB supports the hearing
examiners position before deliberating on whether or not to appeal this opinion with respect to their authority
to terminate the second firefighter given these circumstances.
As this is a legal matter, still very much in the courts, it would be inadvisable for any individual member of
Town Council to make a statement as to their personal opinion until the Town Council has an opportunity to
publicly vote, one way or another, on whether to appeal this opinion.
The last time this issue was before Town Council, related to the discipline of the first firefighter, who also
discouraged volunteers and was disciplined, the Town Council voted to appeal the PLRB opinion that the first
firefighters discipline was likewise not appropriate. Now we are dealing with the second firefighters case.
The question remains does Town Council want to continue to pursue an appeal of their action to discipline
these firefighters for their efforts to discourage volunteers, which the PLRB hearing examiner believes was
clearly within both firefighters right to do.
Meanwhile, Town Council will deliberate on whether or not to take action soon.
Given the legal nature of this issue, it is unlikely the Borough will add to these statements at this time.

Chambersburg is a unique community. Pennsylvanias only municipal natural gas utility, owned and operated by the
citizens of the Borough; Chambersburg is also Pennsylvanias largest municipal electric utility, and the only one that owns
and operates generation stations. Chambersburg provides natural gas, electricity, water, sewer and trash for the residents
and business throughout most of the Borough. Under local control, rates, policies, etc., and decided by Chambersburg
Town Council. Chambersburg currently has 20,360 residents (2012).

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