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Matthew 1.

The Genealogy, Conception and Birth of Jesus

Matthew 2. Visit of the Magi; Escape to Egypt; Slaughter of Infants; Return to Nazareth
Matthew 3. John Preaches Repentance and Baptizes Jesus in the Jordan
Matthew 4. The Temptation of Jesus; Jesus Begins to Preach, Calls First Disciples, Ministers in Galilee
Matthew 5. The Sermon on the Mount; Beatitudes; Salt; Law; Murder; Adultery; Divorce; Oaths; Enemies
Matthew 6. Giving to the Poor; Lord's Prayer; Fasting; Treasure in Heaven; Do Not Worry
Matthew 7. Do Not Judge; Ask; Seek; Knock; Golden Rule; Narrow Gate; Good Fruit; Foundation on Rock
Matthew 8. Jesus Heals Leper; Centurion's Servant; Peter's Mother-in-Law; Cost of Discipleship; Rebuking the
Storm; Demons into Pigs
Matthew 9. Jesus Heals a Paralytic, Calls Matthew and Heals; the Workers are Few
Matthew 10. Christ Sends out His Twelve Apostles, enabling them with power to do miracles
Matthew 11. John's Disciples and Jesus' Tribute; Woe to Unrepentant Cities; Rest for the Weary
Matthew 12. The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath; By Their Fruit; Sign of Jonah; Who are my Mother and
Matthew 13. Parables of the Sower; Weeds among Wheat; Mustard Seed; Yeast; Treasure; Pearls; Net; Prophet
without Honor
Matthew 14. John the Baptist Beheaded; Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, Walks on Water
Matthew 15. Clean and Unclean; Jesus Heals the Canaanite Woman's Daughter, Feeds Four Thousand
Matthew 16. Pharisees Demand a Sign; Peter's Confession of Christ; Jesus Foretells His Death and Rebukes Peter
Matthew 17. The Transfiguration of Christ; Healing a Boy with a Demon; Paying the Temple Tax
Matthew 18. Greatest and Least in the Kingdom; Parables of the Lost Sheep, Brother who sins, Unmerciful Servant
Matthew 19. Divorce; Jesus and the Little Children; the Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 20. Parable of the Vineyard Workers; Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection, Heals Two Blind Men
Matthew 21. The Triumphal Entry; Moneychangers; Withered Fig Tree; Jesus' Authority; Parables of the Two Sons,
Matthew 22. Parable of the Wedding Banquet; Render to Caesar; the Greatest Commandment; Sadducees
Question Jesus
Matthew 23. Woes Pronounced on Pharisees; Lament over Jerusalem
Matthew 24. Christ Foretells the Destruction of the Temple and His Glorious Return
Matthew 25. Parables of Ten Virgins, Talents, Sheep and Goats
Matthew 26. Plot to Kill Jesus; Jesus Anointed at Bethany; Last Supper; Judas' Betrayal; Jesus before Caiaphas;
Peter Disowns Jesus
Matthew 27. Judas Hangs Himself; Jesus' Trial, Crucifixion and Burial
Matthew 28. Christ's Resurrection; The Guards' Report; The Great Commission

Mark 1. John the Baptist Preaches, Baptizes Jesus; Jesus Tempted, Calls First Disciples, Preaches, Heals and
Prays in Galilee
Mark 2. Jesus Heals a Paralytic, Calls Matthew; Fasting; Lord of the Sabbath
Mark 3. Jesus Heals on the Sabbath, Chooses the Twelve, discusses Beelzebub, Mother and Brothers
Mark 4. Parables of the Sower, Lamp on a Stand, Seed Growing Secretly, Mustard Seed; Jesus Calms the Sea
Mark 5. Jesus Sends the Demons into the Pigs, Heals the Woman with Bleeding, Raises Jairus' Daughter
Mark 6. Jesus at Nazareth; Sending out the Twelve; John Beheaded; Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, Walks on Water,
Mark 7. Clean and Unclean; the Heart of Man; Healing of a Syrophoenician Woman and a Deaf Mute Man
Mark 8. Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand, Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida; Peter's Confession of Christ
Mark 9. Jesus is Transfigured, Heals a Boy with an Evil Spirit; Who Is the Greatest; Do Not Cause to Sin
Mark 10. Divorce; Let the little children; Rich Young Ruler; Jesus Predicts His Death; James and John's Request;
Blind Bart
Mark 11. The Triumphal Entry; the Money Changers; the Withered Fig Tree; Jesus' Authority
Mark 12. The Parable of the Tenants; Render to Caesar; Marriage at the Resurrection; Greatest Commandment;
Widow's Offering
Mark 13. Christ Foretells the Destruction of the Temple and His Return; Day and Hour Unknown
Mark 14. Jesus Anointed; Last Supper; Gethsemane; Judas Betrays Jesus; Jesus before the Sanhedrin, disowned
by Peter
Mark 15. Jesus before Pilate; Mocked by Soldiers; Crucifixion; Burial
Mark 16. The Resurrection; Christ Commissions the Disciples

Luke 1. Introduction; John's and Jesus' Birth Foretold; Mary's Song; Zachariah's Prophecy
Luke 2. Jesus' Birth; Announcement by Angels; Presentation at the Temple; Return to Nazareth; The Boy Jesus
Visits the Temple
Luke 3. John the Baptist Preaches and Baptizes Jesus; Genealogy of Jesus
Luke 4. Jesus' Temptation; Rejection at Nazareth; Public Ministry; Healings
Luke 5. Jesus Calls First Disciples, Heals the Leper and Paralytic, Calls Matthew, Questioned about Fasting
Luke 6. Lord of the Sabbath; The Twelve Apostles; Beatitudes; Love for Enemies; Do not Judge; Tree and Fruits;
House on the Rock
Luke 7. Jesus Heals a Centurion's Servant, Raises a Widow's Son, answer John's messengers; Mary Anoints Jesus
Luke 8. Parables of the Sower and Lamp; Jesus Calms the Storm, Heals the Demoniac, Raises a Dead Girl
Luke 9. Jesus Sends out the Twelve, Feeds 5000, Heals a Boy; Transfiguration; Cost of Following Jesus
Luke 10. Jesus Sends out the Seventy-two; Good Samaritan; Martha and Mary's House
Luke 11. Instruction about Prayer; Casting out Demons; the Sign of Jonah; Woes upon Pharisees
Luke 12. God Knows All; Parable of the Rich Fool; Anxiety; Watchfulness
Luke 13. Call to Repent; Healing on the Sabbath; Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast; Enter by the Narrow
Luke 14. Jesus Heals Again on the Sabbath; Parable of the Banquet; Cost of Discipleship
Luke 15. Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Prodigal Son
Luke 16. The Parables of the Shrewd Manager, and the Rich Man and Lazarus
Luke 17. Forgiveness and Faith; Cleansing of the Ten Lepers; Second Coming Foretold
Luke 18. Parables of the Persistent Widow, Pharisee and Tax Collector; The Rich Young Ruler; The Healing of a
Blind Beggar
Luke 19. Zacchaeus Converted; Parable of the Ten Minas; Triumphal Entry; Driving Traders from Temple
Luke 20. Jesus' Authority; Parable of the Tenants; Give to Caesar; Marriage at the Resurrection
Luke 21. The Widow's Gift; Signs of the End of the Age
Luke 22. Preparing the Passover; Jesus Arrested, Disowned by Peter
Luke 23. Jesus before Pilate and Herod; Jesus' Crucifixion and Burial
Luke 24. The Resurrection; Road to Emmaus; Appearances to disciples, Ascension

John 1. In the beginning was the Word; The Testimony of John; Jesus calls Simon and Andrew, Philip and
John 2. Wedding at Cana; Jesus Clears the Temple
John 3. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus: You Must be Born Again; John's Testimony about Jesus
John 4. Jesus Testifies to the Samaritan Woman and Townspeople, Heals an Official's Son
John 5. The Pool of Bethesda; Testimony about Christ
John 6. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand, Walks on Water; "I am the Resurrection"; Many Desert Jesus; Peter
Confesses Christ
John 7. Jesus Teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles; Diverse Opinions of Him among the People
John 8. The Woman Caught in Adultery; Jesus the Light of the World; The truth will set you free
John 9. Jesus Heals a Blind Man; Pharisees Question His Authority; Jesus Affirms He Is the Son of God
John 10. Parable of the Good Shepherd; Belief and Unbelief of the Jews
John 11. Jesus Comforts Martha and Mary, Raises Lazarus; The Plot to Kill Jesus
John 12. Jesus Anointed at Bethany; Enters Jerusalem; Sought by Greeks; Foretells His Death
John 13. Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet, Predicts His Betrayal and Peter's Denial
John 14. Jesus Comforts His Disciples; "I am the way, the truth, and the life"; The Promise of the Holy Spirit
John 15. I am the vine and you are the Branches; If the world hates you remember it hated me first
John 16. Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit, Foretells His Death and Resurrection
John 17. Jesus Prays for Himself, His Disciples and all Believers
John 18. Judas Betrays Jesus; Peter Denies Him; Jesus Questioned by Annas and Pilate
John 19. The Crown of Thorns; Jesus' Crucifixion and Burial
John 20. The Empty Tomb; Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene, His Disciples and Thomas
John 21. The Miraculous Catch at the Sea of Galilee; "Feed my Sheep"

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