Fall2014 Agenda

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Social Venture Network 2014 Fall Conference

The Power to Change

Fall Conference Agenda
October 23 - 26, 2014, Greenwich, Connecticut
Thurda!, October 23, 2014
1"30 # $"00%& Registration Open
3"30 # 4"4'%& Welcome and Networking Session
How to Make the Most of an SVN Conference
4"4' # 6"1'%& Networking Reception
6"1' # ("30%& !inner
("30 # ("4'%& Welcome Remarks
)eb *elon, +ocial ,enture *etwor-
("4' # $"4'%& Opening "lenar#
True Confessions with Linda Mason, .right /ori0on Fa&il! +olution
$"4' # 1"00%& $rtist in Residence "erformance
)ani +ha!, .e 2ore /eroic
1"1' # 10"1'%& %ntrepreneurs& "la#ground
Facilitated b! +hil%a 3ain, 45+6
Frida!, October 24, 2014
("30 # $"1'a& 'oga
("30 # $"1'a& (orning Walk
$"00 # 1"00a& )reakfast
$"30a& # ("00%& Registration Open
1"00 # 10"30a& "lenar# Catalyzing Positive Change
1 Creating !"ual #ccess to the $reen !cono%y
*i--i +il7etri, Green for All
28 9erfor&ance
& The Power to Change the 'ules
Alnoor :adha, ;The <ule
10"30 # 11"00a& )reak
11"00a& #
*nteracti+e )reakout Sessions
1 # (ifferent )ind of *inance for a (ifferent )ind of +usiness
.rendan 2artin, The =or-ing =orld
2. Tanka 'eturns, +ringing +ack the +uffalo to Native Lands-
Lives and !cono%ies
2ar- Tilen and >arlene /unter, *ati7e A&erican *atural Food8
Facilitated b! +arah 7an Gelder, YES! 2aga0ine
& The 'es.onsi/le !ntre.reneur, 'egenerating 0ndustries-
Ca.ital Markets- Cultural +eliefs and $overnance
9a&ela 2ang, <egenei Grou% and Carol +anford, The
<e%onible 5ntre%reneur ?ntitute
12"30 # 2"00%& ,unc-
2"1' # 3"30%& "lenar#
(ivest10nvest 0nitiative
)r8 5llen )ore!, =allace Global Fund and Chloe 2a@&in, )i7et /ar7ard
and Firt /ere, Then 57er!where8 Facilitated b! )a7id Fenton, Fenton8
1 8/28/1411:26 PM
Frida!, October 24, 2014
3"4' # 4"4'%& Nature Walk
3"4' # 4"4'%& (usic .our
'"00 # 6"30%& *ntergenerational (en&s Circle
Facilitated b! 3ared :e7!, Guru 2edia +olution and 5d )ugger,
<ein7enture Ca%ital
'"00 # 6"30%& *ntergenerational Women&s Circle
Facilitated b! 5li0abeth Croo-, Orchard Ad7ior and )ico7er 4our
6"30 # ("4'%& !inner
2e&ber-led +abbath )inner begin at 6"4'%&
("4' # 1"00%& SVN *nno+ation $wards Cele/ration
/oted b! And! +hallal, .ubo! and 9oet
2014 +,* ?nno7ation Award =inner"
18 +hannon )o&egan, 9ublic :ab
28 +7ati .hogle, +utaintech ?ndia
38 3aon .radford and Craig =ichner, Far&land :9
48 Alfa )e&ellah, <iing Tide Ca%ital
1"00 # 1"1'%& $rtist in Residence "erformance
1"30 # 10"30%& %ntrepreneurs& "la#ground
Facilitated b! +hil%a 3ain, 45+6
+aturda!, October 2', 2014
$"00 # $"4'a& 'oga and (editation
:ed b! Cara .radle!, ,erge 4oga and ,erge ?n%ire
$"00 # $"4'a& (orning Walk
$"30 # 1"30a& )reakfast
$"30a& # 2"00%& Registration Open
1"30 # 10"4'a& "lenar#
+usiness as a *orce for Social Change, 2en and the $reyston Story
<ohi .ernie Gla&an, Aen 9eace&a-er and Gre!ton +ocial
5nter%rie and 2i-e .rad!, Gre!ton +ocial 5nter%rie
10"4' # 11"1'a& )reak
11"1'a& #12"30%& *nteracti+e )reakout Sessions
1 #ccelerating 0%.act !nter.rises
>eha Cah, ?&%act A&erica Fund, 2ichele >ahane, The *ew
+chool for 9ublic 5ngage&ent and *atalia Oberti *oguera, 9i%eline
3 #rt- Healing and Social Change
3effre! +%arr, 9eace:o7e +tudio and :auren .ettencourt and <!an
.onifacino, Ale@ and Ani
12"4' # 2"1'%& ,unc- and Call to $ction Round 0a/le !iscussions
2"1' # 2"4'%& )reak
2"4' # 4"1'%& "lenar#
'ace *orward, Turning our Values into #ctions
Facilitated b! <in-u +en, <ace Forward
4"30 # 6"30%& "roducts and Ser+ices %1po and Reception
2 8/28/1411:26 PM
+aturda!, October 2', 2014
6"30 # ("30%& !inner
("30 # $"00%& SVN $uction
Co-/oted b! Cher!l Contee Fiion +trateg! and 3oh 2ail&an, +eriou
Change :9
$"00 # 1"00%& "lenar#
The Power of Hu%or
.aratunde Thurton, Culti7ated =it
1"00 # 1"1'%& $rtist in Residence "erformance
=o&en of the =orld
+unda!, October 26, 2014
$"30 # 1"30a& )reakfast
1"30 # 10"1'a& "lenar#
How to $row 4our Mission1(riven Co%.any
)aniel :ubet0-!, >?*) /ealth! +nac-8 ?nter7iewed b! :eigh .uchanan,
Inc. 2aga0ine8
10"30 # 11"1'a& "lenar#
S.arking #ction
Co-Facilitated b! Anna 2cGrath, =onder=or- Conulting and )eb
*elon, +ocial ,enture *etwor-
11"1' #11"4'a& )reak
11"4'a& #1"00%& Closing Circle
1"00 # 2"00%& ,unc-
3 8/28/1411:26 PM

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