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Hip Abduction Keep pelvic tilt 25 lbs 3 sets of 10
Hip Adduction 25 lbs 3 sets of 10
Row 35 lbs 3 sets of 10
Chest Press (decline) 35 lbs 3 sets of 10
High-tec Leg Extension Keep pelvic tilt 10 lbs 3 sets of 10
Leg Press Sit very close 60 lbs 3 sets of 10
Low Back Extension 45 lbs 3 sets of 10
Lat Pull 40 lbs 3 sets of 10
Cable Tricep (rope) Elbows touching body 30 lbs 3 sets of 10
Barbells (shoulders) Arms straight out; up/down 3 lbs 3 sets of 10
Barbells (bicep curl) Palms up; palms facing hips 5 lbs 3 sets of 10

STRETCHES ON MY BACK (BOLD & Underline = Mon, Wed, Fri exercises)
10 x Pelvic Tilt (Relax back; suck in belly button & flatten back to
5 x Single Knee to Chest (opposite leg is straight)
5 x Hamstring Stretch
20x Straight Leg Raise (opposite leg is bent)
30 x Theraband with Knees Out (Loop Theraband around knees,
push knees out as far as comfortable; relax; repeat)
5 x Piriformis Stretch (opposite leg is straight; pull knee across body)
20 x Exercise Ball Crunches (With exercise ball under knees, do
typical crunches/sit-ups)
20 x Exercise Ball Hand Press (With exercise ball
20 x Marching (keep back flat on table, march feet on table)

5 x Side Lying Quad Stretch (one leg straight; pull other ankle to butt)

20 x Hip/Leg Extension (Extend opposite leg & arm slowly; hold)
20 x Cat Stretch (arch back; hold; relax back)
30-60 Plank on Knees & Elbows/Forearms (work up to being on Toes
seconds & Elbows/Forearms

Place a chair in front of a wall. With the right foot on chair, and the left leg back
almost 1 yard (left heel down), place the left hand on the wall. Press body into the
wall. Good stretch for the front hip (left front hip). Hold for 20-30 seconds.
Switch sides and repeat.

Weight Bike Stretching Weight Treadmill Stretching
Machines & & machines &
& pool Core & stretching
Treadmill & bike &
& stretching & Core
Stretching stretching &
& pool


Dont hold onto the rails. Stand up straight and pull your stomach in. Pump
your arms when you walk.
STEP ONTO THE SIDE RAILS any time to escape the treadmill.
Use the settings to vary your treadmill workout:

A. Try speed intervals
B. Try rolling hills
C. Always make sure you can breathe and talk at the same time.
D. Try a job at 5.1
E. Try setting the incline to 1 for 1 minute. Then increase the incline .5
for 1 more minute, etc. until youve made it to an include set that you
can hold for 10 minutes.

Slow the treadmill way, way down:

A. HOLD ONTO THE HANDRAIL & try walking sideways (grapevine walk)
B. Try walking backwards - this works both your thighs and improves
your balance.


Walk the length of the pool & swing your arms all the way forward & back. Keep
your tummy tight the whole time. Do this for 5-15 minutes.
Side step the length of the pool with your arms coming out to your sides. Do
this for another 5-10 minutes.
March in place or even as you walk (get your knees up)

STATIONARY EXERCISES (Keep shoulders down and relaxed.)

Look over your right shoulder Hold for 20-30 seconds
Look over your left shoulder Hold for 20-30 seconds
Bend your right ear to your right shoulder Hold for 20-30 seconds
Bench your left ear to your left shoulder Hold for 20-30 seconds
Look down at the pool floor Hold for 20-30 seconds
Roll your shoulders forward in big circles Do for 30-45 seconds
Roll your shoulders backwards in big circles Do for 30-45 seconds
Shrug your shoulders up to your ears Do for 30-45 seconds
Make big forward circles with your arms Do for 30-45 seconds
Make big backwards circles with your arms Do for 30-45 seconds
Make little forward circles with your arms Do for 30-45 seconds
Make little backwards circles with your arms Do for 30-45 seconds
Make Bear Claws (open & close your fists) Do for 15-30 seconds
Play the piano (wiggle your fingers) Do for 15-30 seconds
Flip pancakes (palms uppalms down) Do for 15-30 seconds

If necessary, hold onto the side of the pool for the following exercises. Build up
your balance and core strength to do these standing away from the wall.

Also, choose a way to keep track of your progress in the following exercises: A) Do
each of these for 45 seconds; B) Do each of these for a set number of times, working
your way to a goal (ie: start with doing 10 and work your way up to 25).

Keeping your right knee straight, swing your right leg as far as it will go, forward
and backward. Choose a way to keep track of your progress (ie: 45 seconds, 10
x, 15 x, 20 x, 25 x, etc.)
Keeping your left knee straight, swing your left leg as far as it will go, forward
and backward.
Keeping your right knee straight, swing your right leg out to the side
Keeping your left knee straight, swing your left leg out to the side
Keeping your right knee straight, swing your right leg behind you
Keeping your left knee straight, swing your left leg behind you
Optional: Keeping your right knee straight, swing your right leg all the way
through (forward and backward) in one continuous motion
Optional: Keeping your left knee straight, swing your left leg all the way through
(forward and backward) in one continuous motion
Starting with your right knee at a 90-degree angle, gently kick your right knee
Starting with your left knee at a 90-degree angle, gently kick your left knee
Holding onto the wall, gently circle your right ankle counter-clockwise; then the
other direction.

Holding onto the wall, gently circle your left ankle in the same two directions.
Holding onto the wall, point your toes on your right foot and hold it for 5
seconds; then pull your toes towards you (not with your hands - just the strength
of your own foot). Repeat with the left foot.
Holding onto the wall, raise yourself up and down on your tiptoes (calf raises) -
do both feet at the same time
Holding onto the wall, tip yourself back on your heels (calf & shin stretch)
Holding onto the wall with feet a little more than shoulder-width apart, do
mini-squats. Do not let your knees go over your toes.

STYROFOAM BAR BELLS All of these exercises are done standing in place.
Standing in chest-deep water with your bar bells in front of you and slightly
under the water, open arms out to the side, hold, and then bring back in front of
Open and close
Hold bar bells straight out in front of you, straight elbows - then bring them
straight down to thighs
Half jacks (not full jumping jacks - and no jumping)G
Row toward you (make big circles down your body, out & away into the water,
toward your body again)
Row away from you
Reverse breaststroke
Triceps - bend elbows with barbells touching sides of you, then push barbells
behind you
Arms straight out in front, straight elbows - down to your thighs - out to your
sides - up and around
Cross country skiing (bring one arm forward while other arm is in back & then
Carry your luggage while leaning slightly to the left and right
Keep your elbows bent all the time on this one, keep them tight to your body,
push the barbells down and control them on the way up - never let the barbells
pop up on their own
Keep your elbows bent all the time on this one, keep them tight to your body, flip
them upside down so your palms would be facing up and then take them down
under the water (this is the hardest one for me)
Windshield wipers
Gently & slowly turn to the left and the right - barbells straight out in front of you
knees slightly bent - follow the barbells & relax

The noodle is terrific for keeping your back in a neutral position and for
supporting you while you bicycle in the water for 5-20 minutes.

Leaning up against the wall of the pool, do a piriformis stretch (pull one knee
toward opposite shoulder; keep shoulders & hips against pool side) - hold for
20-30 seconds; reverse
With back to the pool wall, do Knee-to-chest (pull knee toward same side
shoulder) - hold for 20-30 seconds; reverse
Facing pool wall & holding the side of it, do a quad stretch (grasp a foot behind

you) - hold for 20-30 seconds; reverse
In the shallow end, do the runners stretch
On the pool steps, stretch your hamstrings (keeping your back straight, put your
heel on the first step and lean forward) - hold for 20-30 seconds; reverse
Straight right arm across chest, hold with left hand on right elbow for 20-30
seconds; reverse
Give yourself a hug; hold for 20-30 seconds

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