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Next week, we will continue

working on different
strategies that we can use
for adding and subtracting.
We will discuss how to add
and subtract zero, and how
to add all. Please continue
to practice those addition
and subtraction facts at
home! Practice makes per-

We had a great week build-
ing our stamina! We
reached our goal of 15 min-
utes and are now challeng-
ing ourselves to maintain
that amount of time during
Read to Self. Next week we
will continue practicing so
that we can be sure all stu-
dents feel comfortable
reading for fifteen minutes.
Our focus on writing next
week will be on how to write
a card. We will discuss the
different reasons we send
cards to people and we will
get lots of practice writing
cards for important people
in our lives! We will also
continue discussing the 6
traits of writing: Ideas, Or-
ganization, Word Choice,
Voice, Sentence Fluency, and
Conventions. Students will
learn a song for each of the
six traits to help them re-
member what each trait
means in their writing.
As we work to get our Daily
5 going, we will launching
our third component next
week. During word work,
students will practice build-
ing words in fun ways. Stu-
dents will get to use
stamps, pipe cleaners, play-
doh, whiteboards, magnetic
letters, iPads, and many
other fun tools to help de-
velop their skills to become
better readers, writers,
and spellers.

Our word wall wards this
week were had, that, and
ran. Many students have
already mastered these,
while others still need more
practice. Thank you for
taking the time at home to
practice! There were lots
of creative ideas on last
weeks homework. Some of
my favorite were:
Spelling a word each
time you shoot a bas-
Stair step spelling
Letter stamps
Other ideas that might be
Write words in shaving
Use letter beads
Next Weeks
red, ten, get
Word Wall Words
A Peek at Next Week
565-3135 ext.5110
Follow us on twitter:
Miss Newcombs Class
Miss Newcombs
Contact Information:
Dates to Remember:

9/1: Labor DayNo School
9/8: Picture Day
9/15: NWEA testing begins

A few of you havent turned
in your $2.00 for your childs
BEE book. Please remember
to do so ASAP so that I can
turn our money in!
August 2, 2014

To opt out of a paper
copy of this newslet-
ter and to sign up for
an electronic copy
instead, please email
me at
erin.newcomb@nwcs. or send a
note to school with
your child!

This week we did an AMAZ-
ING job building our reading stamina
and have already reached our 15 min-
ute goal! Please continue to have your
child read at home and encourage
them to choose Good-Fit Books!
Its also fun for your child to listen to
YOU read to THEM! Listening to flu-
ent readers will help your child also
become more fluent!
In writing we spent a lot of
time writing lists. This is a great
place for early writers to start be-
cause they dont have to worry about
developing sentences. The students
also had a lot of fun illustrating the
lists they created! We will continue
to build our writing stamina next
Weve continued to explore
with our iPads and will continue to
work with those as often as we can!
Our goal is to be able to implement
them all throughout the day rather
than setting aside specific time for
iPad use. Please remind your child
that the iPads are not toys and its
important to follow directions when
using the iPads!

7th: Bridget
14th: Caiden
28th: Delaney
You are welcome to send a treat with your
child for his or her birthday. We have 18
students. Please do not send treats with
peanuts or peanut butter. Thanks! :)
Page 2
August Birthdays:
Miss Newcombs Class
Our Week in Review
Many of you may have gotten your
childs first assessments back for
reading, spelling, or math. Please re-
member that these are only our initial
assessments. If your child hasnt
mastered certain skills yet, DONT
WORRY! We will continue to work on
these skills every day! These assess-
ments are only used to determine
where your child is right now and
what skills he or she needs to work on
the most. Our goal is for all 18 stu-
dents to master each skill by the end
of quarter one. The more you prac-
tice with your child at home, the
more like we are to achieve that goal!
Dont let your child get discouraged if
they dont know how to read and write
all 25 sight words already Practice
Makes Perfect!


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