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Mark Scheme

Chemistry PEKA Form 4

Experiment No : ......6.2............
Topic : Electrochemistry
Aim To investigate the effect of concentration of ions on selective discharge of ions at the
Problem statement How does the concentration of ions in hydrochloric acid, HCl affect the discharge of ions
at the anode?
[ K1PP1(i) - Able to write the aim or problem statement correctly]
Hypothesis hen the concentration of chloride ion, is higher, then the chloride ion, preferentially

Variables !anip"lated varia#le : Concentration of chloride ion
$esponding varia#le : %on discharged
&ixed varia#le : Type of electrolyte, type of electrode, d"ration of electrolysis
[ K1PP1(ii) - Able to write the hypothesis or variables correctly]
Materials '.( mol dm
hydrochloric acid, (.((' mol dm
hydrochloric acid
Apparatus #atteries, car#on electrodes, connecting wires with crocodile clips, ammeter, electrolytic
cell, test t"#es, litm"s paper and splinter
[ K1PP1(iii) - Able to list all the materials and apparatus correctly]
Proceure '. * electrolytic cell is filled with '.( mol dm
hydrochloric acid "ntil it is half f"ll.
+. The switch is t"rned on.
). ,as prod"ced at anode is collected and tested with moist litm"s paper and glowing
-. .#servations are recorded.
/. 0teps ' to - are repeated #y "sing (.((' mol dm
hydrochloric acid to replace '.( mol
hydrochloric acid.
[ K1PP1(i!) - Able to write the procedure correctly]


K1PP1(!) - Able to use a
appropriate method to
collect data ]
[ K#PP1 1 Able to state observation ]
[ K#PP2 - Able to state an observation correctly]
[ K#PP# - Able to state all the observations correctly]
[K%PP1& Able to 'rite hal( e)uation at anoe correctly]

[K%PP2 - Able to name the product formed correctly]
$onclusion The hypothesis is accepted.
[K%PP#& Able to state the hypothesis is accepted or rejected]
.lectrolyte "bser!ation
'.( mol dm
hydrochloric acid * greenish-yellow gas with p"ngent
smell is released.
The gas t"rns the #l"e litm"s paper to
red then to white.
(.((' dm
hydrochloric acid ,as #"##les are released.
* colo"rless gas relight a glowing
.lectrolyte Hal( e)uation at anoe
'.( mol dm
hydrochloric acid +Cl
Cl+ 2 +e
(.((' dm
hydrochloric acid -.H
.+ 2 +H+. 2 -e
.lectrolyte /ame o( prouct (orme at anoe
'.( mol dm
hydrochloric acid Chlorine gas
(.((' dm
hydrochloric acid .xygen gas

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