The Power of Attitude

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Submitted by: Maria Ericka R.

Subject: Industrial Psychology
Book: The poer o! attitude by "ohn Ma#ell
The book says that our attitude is important in our career and ork because
it is the re$ection o! our true sel%es. The book is about maintaining a positi%e
attitude is the key to personal sucess in li!e. Some o! the memorable &uotes in the
book are the !olloing:
"Your are only an attitude away from sucess" - John Maxwell
Being negati%e toards a situation ill not get your !urther' in !act it ill only get
you orse results because it is better to ha%e a positi%e outlook in li!e. (a%ing
positi%ity in our attitude ill attract more success in our li%es.
"Your attitude determines your action. Your action determines your
accomplishment" -John Maxwell
I! e ha%e a positi%e attitude ithin oursel%es' our producti%ity le%els ould
increase and e)d be more acti%e but i! e ha%e negati%e attitudes ithin
oursel%es' our producti%ity le%els ould be %ery much a*ected' e)d be lethargic
and sleepy and tired most o! the time. (ence' e couldnt per!orm to our !ullest. +nd
this ill determine i! e ill succeed and accomplish something.
"We cannot direct the wind...but we can adjust the sails" -John Maxwell
In li!e' e encounter situations that e cannot control itsel!. But hat e can do is
control our actions to counter,act the situation and not let it a*ect us or take control
o! us.
The book also encourages us to think right' act right- it is hat you think and do
that makes you hat you are. So i! e think doing such actions ill be good and
positi%e then e should do it. .ur attitudes speaks so loudly that ords are no
longer needed !or e#planation. Sometimes' our mere actions ill su/ce.
"Your problem is not your problem. Your attitude - how you handle your
problem - is your problem" -John Maxwell
0e are gi%en situations in li!e that e struggle on. (oe%er' those situations are not
the problem itsel!' ho you !ace the situations is the main struggle. 0e ha%e to
options' e either !ace it positi%ely and think this situation gi%en to us ill help us
nurture and gro. .r' e !ace it negati%ely and condone that li!e is indeed a series
o! struggle then gi%e up !rom there.
It is also stressed se%eral times in the book that 1eadership has less to do ith
position than it does ith disposition. Meaning' e%eryone is capable o! being a
leader hether in a group' city or country. Recei%ing the title o! a leader is not
enough' one should me more mind!ul o! his nature and character. Its easy to be
called a leader but to be a good leader one should be o! good character.
This book is all about ne%er settling and accepting negati%ity unless you ha%e
thoroughly e#plored the positi%e. Most o! us in our struggles gi%e up hal!,ay be!ore
the 2nish line. 0e gi%e up because e are tired o! all the struggles' the hard ork
and the negati%ity. 0e shouldn)t. Instead' push oursel%es and 2nish our lap. 0e
oursel%es kno hat e deser%e and that is positi%ity and goodness. 3e%er settle
!or the negati%es.

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