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To obtain a position in software design, development and leading projects in an organization

working on any technology and that provides an opportunity to exhibit and enhance my skill-
Computer Proficiency
C, C, .!"T
#$ %ffice, $&'
Qualification Institute / University Year Percentage
(" Com.$cience %xford "ngineering College, Trichy )*++,-*+--. /0.++1
* 2eriyar #aniammai 3irl4s 5r. $ec. $chool,
*++, /+.++1
$$'C 2eriyar #aniammai 3irl4s 5r. $ec. $chool,
*++6 7+.++1
Working Eperiences
89ug *+-- to :eb *+-*;
<orked as Tele caller at =%>? C%#, Trichy for six months
89pril *+-* to 9ug *+-*;
<orked as 9ir travel consultant at 3%'@"! "93'" 9>A TA9="'$, Trichy for four months
8$ep *+-* to #arch *+-B;
<orked as project guide at >A>$ $%'CT>%!$, Trichy for six months
$elf- @riven
$mart <ork with high level of >ntegrity
%rganized and well structured at work
'%C9'>?"@ #C'T>C9$TD "::>C>"!T 9!@ @>$TA>(CT"@ A"2'>C9 @"T"CT>%! >! '9A3"
$C9'" $"!$%A !"T<%AE$
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<>!@%<$ G2
@ue to poor protection of sensor nodes, it is generally assumed that an adversary
can capture and compromise a small number of sensors in the network. >n a node replication
attack, replicas can be used to launch a variety of attacks that undermine many sensor
applications and protocols. $o we presented a novel distributed approach called 'ocalized
#ulticast for detecting node replication attacks. 'ocalized #ulticast is more efficient in terms
of communication and memory costs in large-scale sensor networks, and at the same time
achieves a higher probability of detecting node replicas.
'ca(emic Participation
$ubject topper in Technical "nglish->> during the academic year *++7-*++H
2articipated in one week training program on I"GC"''"!C" :%A $C$T9>!9('"
@"="'%2#"!TI held from *B
to *7
2articipated in $tate level students Technical "xhibition
2articipated in JAC)Junior Aed Cross. one day study cum training program
2articipated in drawing Competitions
'istening #usic
Aeading !ews paper
Personal (etails
#arital $tatus - $ingle
!ationality K >ndian
'anguages Enown K "nglish and Tamil )To <rite, To $peak and To Aead.
5indi )To <rite, To Aead.
> do hereby confirm that the information given in this form is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

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