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Fat Scorching Workout Finishers


You must get your physicians approval before beginning this exercise program.
These recommendations are not medical guidelines, but are for educational purposes only.
You must consult your physician prior to starting this program, or if you have any medical
condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for
healthy individuals 18 years and older only.
The information in this book is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training.
All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The author advises readers to take full
responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this
book, be sure your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level
of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises in this book are not intended as
a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment that may have been prescribed by your
physician or other health professional.
Do not lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Do not
perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified
personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist or coach. Always ask for
instruction and assistance when lifting weights. Do not perform any exercise without
proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to strength training and interval training.
See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any
medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program,
including the exercises contained in this book. If you experience any lightheadedness,
dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a
You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary; have high
cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30
years old. Please discuss any nutritional changes with your physician or a registered
dietician. If your physician recommends that you do not engage in the exercises in this
book, please follow your doctors orders.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

First off, thanks for downloading this e-book! Im confident that no matter what your
workout level or experience you are going to find at least a couple of great ideas in here
that you can add into your existing exercise program. Be warned though, this book is not
for everyone. If you are the type that gets upset because your recumbent bike at the gym is
missing a fancy TV, climate control fans, and a personal massage therapist to keep your
shoulders loose while you pedal, then you probably wont get much out of this book. On
the other hand, if you are in the majority that understands the value of hard work, this will
be a book that can help take your fitness to new levels.
The term workout finishers has been around for a few years now, but if you are still
wondering what the heck they are, here is my best definition. Workout finishers are
intended to be tacked on to the end of a workout in order to ramp up your metabolism
and keep you burning additional calories for as long as possible. Pretty simple, right?
Sometimes youll hear other terms like metabolic conditioning or high intensity
interval training. Though they can be applied differently to a program, they are pretty
much the same thing. They are definitely a great addition to a workout program if you are
looking to fast track your fat loss goals, or just increase your overall fitness levels.
Another great thing about these finishers is they are really versatile. Many of these can be
combined and used as an entire workout on a day where you may have no equipment or
you just didnt have the time to make it to the gym.
To make things simple, Ive broken this book into chapters based on what equipment
youll need.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

Chapter 1 Bodyweight Only Finishers ......................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 Dumbbell Finishers ..................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3 Barbell Finishers ......................................................................................... 9
Chapter 4 Traditional Cardio Finishers ...................................................................... 11
Chapter 5 Suspension Training Finishers .................................................................. 15
Chapter 6 Kettlebell Finishers ................................................................................... 17
Chapter 7 Medicine Ball Finishers ............................................................................ 19
Chapter 8 Jeremys Favorite Finishers....................................................................... 21
Closing Thoughts .......................................................................................................... 23

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

Bodyweight finishers are great for a couple of reasons. First, you dont have to belong to a
gym that has special equipment like ropes, sleds, sandbags, etc. to be able to do them. In
fact, you dont need to belong to a gym at all. Secondly, you can use these as an entire
workout if you are a little crunched for time, or just dont feel like making your way to the
gym. Once you have a few bodyweight workouts in your toolbox, you never have an
excuse to skip a workout!
Bodyweight exercises are also great gauges of overall fitness. Pulling big numbers on a
dead lift is great, but if you had to gain 40 extra pounds of fat in the process of getting
strong and now you cant do a single quality pushup, your overall fitness is pretty limited.
Bodyweight exercises are a great reality check.
One final caveat before we jump into the workouts. Dont let your form and technique go
because you are really tired. One thing I see way to much is people thinking they should
continue with terribly ugly form just because they are getting fatigued. Trust me when I
say there is absolutely nothing cool or hard core about flopping around like a fish during a
set of pushups because you think your form shouldnt matter when youre exhausted.
Swallow your pride and adjust an exercise if you cant do it correctly; and avoid injury.
Ok, here we go
1. Prisoner Squats to Box - 30 seconds
Pushups - 30 seconds
The goal here is to get as many reps as possible in the 7 minutes it takes to
complete this finisher. You will do the prisoner squats for 30 seconds, then
immediately start with 30 seconds of pushups. Now take 30 seconds of rest, and
repeat the whole circuit 4 more times (5 total rounds).
On the squats you want to get down to a box that is about 12 -14 in. but if you need to
start higher to keep good form thats fine. If you need to adjust your pushup to an
easier version, I would recommend using a bench to elevate as opposed to kneeling.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

2. Ice Skater Hop to 1-Leg Squat x10
Iso-pushup Side to Side Touch x20
This one is really simple and is a great way to add some additional single leg work to
your program. Just go back and forth between the two exercises. Once you complete
ten ice skater hops to 1-leg squats, then do 20 Iso-pushup side to side touches and
keep repeating. Record how many rounds you can complete in 5 minutes.
3. T-pushup x10
Prisoner Squat Jumps x10
The idea here is similar to the previous one, but you will be completing 6 rounds of
each exercise and recording the total time it takes to finish. Again, you will alternate
back and forth until you have done 6 sets of each one. Try to beat your previous time
each time you repeat this finisher.
4. Inchworm x5
1-Leg Squat x10/side
Burpees x10
You will complete all your reps of each exercise and then go on to the next in this
circuit style finisher. At the beginning, set the clock and see how many rounds you
can complete in 5 minutes.
Who doesnt love lots of burpees at the end of each circuit??!!
5. Alternating Front Lunge x30 seconds
High Knees x30 seconds
Pushups x30 seconds
For this next short circuit you will simply try to complete three rounds through. You
will do each exercise for 30 seconds and then move immediately into the next. The
goal is to keep moving for the entire 4 minutes. This is a tough one. Resist that little
voice that tells you its ok to rest for a little bit!!

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

The dumbbell finishers only require one or two dumbbells. Dumbbells are great for those
looking to tax the muscular system a bit more than they can with the bodyweight finishers.
I have chosen mostly unilateral exercises for two reasons. First off, they put a higher
stability demand on your core. Anytime you are doing a 1 arm or 1 leg dumbbell exercise,
your core has to stabilize against the offset load. The second great thing about the
unilateral exercises is that you basically have to do twice as many total reps. When youre
looking for a big metabolic demand, thats a huge bonus!
Alright lets get right into the dumbbell finishers
1. Grab a pair of fairly heavy dumbbells.
Walk about 30 yards with them, then set them down and do 10 burpee pushups.
Pick up your dumbbells and walk back to the start.
Set them down and do 10 Prisoner Squat Jumps.
Repeat this 4 times. Record the total time it took you to complete.
Before you start, you want to mark out your 30 yard mark so you know where to stop
with the dumbbells. Trust me, by the end you wont want to get any extra yards in.
To progress, you can either go heavier on your dumbbells or add additional reps to the
bodyweight exercises. For example each week you could increase the burpee pushups
and prisoner squat jumps by 2 reps until you are at 20, or bump up the dumbbells by
2 lbs each week.
2. Dumbbell Squat to Press x10
Alternating Renegade Row x5/side
Find a weight you feel you could do for about 15 quality reps on the squat to press.
Try to complete 5 rounds as fast as possible (with good form of course).

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

3. Pushup/Renegade Row/Weighted Burpee Complex
Find a weight you can do approximately 10 good renegade rows with. Do 1 pushup, 1
renegade row on each arm and one weighted burpee. Thats one rep.
Do 8 reps to complete an entire set. Rest for 45 seconds. Repeat 2 more times for a
total of 24 reps.
4. 1-Arm Dumbbell Row x10/side
1-Arm Dumbbell Push Press x10/side
1-Arm 1-Leg Dumbbell Dead Lift x10/side
This is a really tough one since you are doing 60 reps per circuit! You will complete
all 10 reps on each side, then move on to the next exercise. Finish 3 entire circuits in
as little time as possible. Just remember, even though you are working against the
clock, always perform quality reps.
5. 1-Arm Dumbbell Power Snatch x5/side
1-Arm Dumbbell Plank Row x5/side
This combo will smoke even the best athletes! You will complete all 5 reps on each
side, then move on to the next exercise. Finish 4 rounds in a little time as possible.
6. Offset Reverse Lunge x8/side
1-Arm Dumbbell Push Press x8/side
Again, you will complete all 8 reps on each side, then move on to the second exercise.
The alternating upper and lower body exercises really get your heart rate up! You are
going to complete 5 rounds as fast as possible. Record your total time.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

Most of the barbell finishers do not require a lot of additional weight beyond the bar itself.
The barbell finishers offer a great chance to get lots of practice reps on some of the more
traditional exercises like squats, lunges, and rows, as well as a few Olympic lifting
While you wont do quite as many total reps as most of the dumbbell finishers, you will
usually be using a little more weight on your reps. Plus, there is just something fun about
working with a trusty ole barbell.
Try these out. Theyre at least as fun as a kick in the shins
1. Barbell Row x10
Barbell Squat to Press x10
Barbell Row x10
Barbell Alternating Reverse Lunge (front) x10
You will repeat this circuit 3 times for a total of 120 reps. Record your total time.
I would highly recommend starting with just the bar or even a slightly lighter training
bar if you have access to one.
2. Barbell Hang Clean x10
Barbell Push Press x10
Barbell Romanian Dead Lift x10
You are going to complete 4 rounds of this circuit in as little time as possible. In this
circuit the Romanian dead lift will probably feel like a bit of a rest after the first 2, but
its such a great posterior chain exercise that I couldnt help throwing it in there. Plus
youll be happy for the easier exercise after the first two in this circuit!

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

3. Pushups to a Barbell x6
Barbell Hang Cleans x6
Youre going to set up the hang cleans first with whatever plates you are using on the
bar. This will get the barbell up off the ground enough to be able to grip the barbell for
your pushups.
Once you are set up, you will set the clock for 5 minutes. Alternate back and forth
between the sets of pushups and the sets of hang cleans. Keep track of how many
rounds you can complete in 5 minutes. Remember, you can rest whenever you need to
but youre working against the clock.
4. Barbell Squat to Press
You are going to use the Tabata protocol for this evil little finisher. If youve never
done Tabatas youre in for a treat. If you have done them you know its more like a
kick in the groin than a treat. Heres how the Tabata works.
Set the clock for 4 minutes. Youre going to crank out the squat to press for 20
seconds and then rest for a mere 10 seconds. Repeat this 8 times. Then spend the next
10 minutes catching your breath!
You will probably want to use a squat rack with the bar set at about shoulder height
for this one. Thats really the only way to get an actual rest period, otherwise youre
going to have to pick up the bar and set it down 8 times instead of just racking and
unracking the bar.
5. Landmine Row x10/arm
Landmine 1-Arm Squat to Press x10/side
Landmine Core Rotations x10
If you dont have access to a traditional landmine, you can simply prop the barbell in a
corner and youll be fine. Complete all of your reps on each side before moving on to
the next exercise. These are a little less traditional barbell exercises, but if you take the
time to learn them, they can be a good way to throw some variety into your program.
Repeat circuit 4 times. Thats a total of 240 reps! Have fun
Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

Walk into most commercial gyms and youll find all of the cardio equipment being used at
a ridiculously light intensity. Most people would be better off staying at home and
cleaning the house. That would probably burn more calories than they do plodding away
on the elliptical machine while watching Dr. Phil But youre not most people! You are
at the gym to get results.
I hope you dont mind everyone in the gym staring at you, because youll probably be the
only person actually getting work done with these crazy finishers! Were going to take
traditional boring cardio and crank it up a few notches.
Lets get these going
1. Treadmill Sled Pushes
Keep power off of the treadmill. Hold onto the front and sprint so that you are moving
the belt.
Start with 15 second sprints and 45 seconds of complete rest for 6 total rounds. There
are two ways to progress this scorcher. I would recommend adding a set or two each
week until you are able to do 10 sets.
Once you can complete 10, then start to increase the work and decrease the rest on
each set. For example, bump it up to 20 seconds of sprinting and 40 seconds of rest for
a week or two. Then 25/35 and so on. Like I said, you will probably get weird looks,
but you will also get amazing results!

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

2. Old Fashion Sprints
This is about as simple as it gets. Make sure you are good and warmed up before you
jump into all out sprints. You will mark out about 100 yards. Sprint the 100 yards and
use your walk back as the rest period.
Just as a guide, your rest period should take no more than 4 times the time it took to
sprint down. If its taking longer, youre walking too slowly.
Start with about 6-8 sprints on week one and add one additional per week until you
are at 10-12.
Just as a safety note, if you havent sprinted in a while, DO NOT sprint at full speed at
first. I would take at least 3 to 4 weeks until you are actually sprinting at full speed.
3. Suicides
Yea, these have a horrible name, but almost everyone remembers them from back in
high school sports or PE, so I didnt change it to a more politically correct name like
A basketball court works best for these. Start at one baseline. You will sprint to the
free throw line and back, then to the half court line and back, then to the opposite side
free throw line and back, and finally to the opposite baseline and back.
Try to keep the rest to about 45 seconds. Start with 3-4 and gradually work your way
up to about 6 total.
One quick technique point make sure to change the plant leg as you change
directions. Most people have one plant leg that feels much more comfortable and they
will favor that side. This will contribute to muscle imbalances and overuse injuries, so
resist the temptation.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

4. Rowing Machine/500 Meter Sprint
Most decent rowing machines have a preset 500 meter setting. Once you are all set,
you will simply race against the clock to complete 500 meters as fast as possible. You
will probably have to practice this a few times to find the right pace so you dont lose
all of your energy and bonk at the last 100 meters or so.
My personal best is 1:31 after about a week of training for it. If you beat me, feel free
to send me a boastful email telling me about how you kicked my butt!
5. Rowing Machine/30-30 Intervals
Unlike the 500 meter row, there is no pacing on the 30/30 intervals. You simply go
as hard as you can for 30 seconds, then completely rest for 30 seconds.
Just do 5 total intervals. A great way to progress these is to record your total meters
rowed during the 5 minutes and try to improve on that each week.
One helpful tip is to find the 30/30 setting on the rower, that way you can see exactly
how far you row on each 30 second sprint. If you just try to freestyle it, the meters
will keep going as you coast on your rest period and youll never be able to tell how
far you truly rowed during the work periods.
6. Spin Bike Tabata
If you remember back to the barbell finishers, you already know exactly what to do
here. If you dont have access to a spin bike, you can use a regular stationary bike.
Remember the Tabata protocol? 20 seconds of all out work followed by 10 seconds of
complete rest. Repeat 8 times for a total of 4 minutes.
You need to have plenty of resistance on the bike while you are pedaling. If it does
not feel darn near impossible to keep your legs moving by the last set, you arent
doing it right.
As much as I love getting outside for my workouts, Ive tried this on a regular bike
and its just not the same. You dont get that great feeling of your legs wanting to
explode by the last few sets like you do on the indoor bikes!
Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

7. Stadium Stairs or Stairclimber Machine
I love getting outside when I can so I prefer some stadium stairs at my local high
school. If you are just finishing a workout though, I get it if you just want to hop on
the stairclimber machine and get done.
This one is pretty simple. Go as fast as you can without falling on your face for 20
seconds, then rest for 40 seconds. Do this 6-8 times. As with other similar finishers,
you can work your way up to about 10 total sets, then start increasing the work time
and decreasing the rest.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

I think almost everyone could benefit from investing in a good pair of suspension trainers.
There are lots of good brands on the market ranging from about $70-$200. These are great
for travelling. It gets a little tough to pack a kettlebell in your suitcase on a road trip, but
you have no excuse to skip workouts on the road with one pair of these bad boys.
Aside from the convenience of suspension trainers, anything that can get you outside for a
workout is a plus in my book. You can literally hook these up to a sturdy tree and get a
great workout.
Suspension trainers are generally very joint friendly as well. Doing exercises like pushups
and rows on the straps allow for natural rotation of the wrist, elbow and shoulder.
Try these finishers on for size
1. Atomic Pushups/Bodyweight Row Combo
The ultimate goal here is to finish 100 reps of each exercise in as little time as
possible. You are going to start with a set of atomic pushups. Then do a set of
bodyweight rows.
Here are a couple tips to help with this tough finisher. First, if you keep a tally in a
workout journal or on a piece of scratch paper as you go along, it is much easier to
keep track. Ive found it a little hard to do math in your head when youre gasping for
air near the end of these.
Secondly, if you need to start with easier progressions of these you can simply adjust
your angle. Lots of folks wont be able to do 100 reps of the horizontal progression
you see in the video database. Dont let that discourage you. Just start where you can
and work your way up.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

2. 1-Leg Burpees
You will do 50 total reps. The idea here is to alternate legs every 5 reps until you have
completed all 50 (25 per leg). Record your total time.
3. Face Pulls x10
Mountain Climbers x20
This is a fun little 10-20 finisher that is guaranteed to leave you smoked. You are
going to start with 10 face pulls, and then transition right into 20 mountain climbers.
This is a good one to race against the clock since the transition from the face pulls to
the mountain climbers can take a few seconds. Most folks have the tendency to take
their sweet time getting into the mountain climber position, but when you are going
for time it keeps you moving!
Complete 5 rounds as fast as possible.
4. Bicep Curls x10
Tricep Extensions x10
Assisted Squat Jumps x10
Its rare that I will use single joint exercises, especially when Im looking for a
maximum metabolic effect. When done on the suspension trainers though, they turn
into more of a total body exercise.
This one is really simple, but really effective. You simply go through 5 circuits in as
little time as possible. Complete your 10 reps and move on to the next one until you
are done. The squat jumps will really send your heart rate through the roof.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

Because of their unique size and weight distribution the kettlebell has some really good
exercise options that just cant be duplicated with other workout tools. The kettlebell
swing is a great exercise that will give you a great backside. If youve ever tried this
exercise with a dumbbell, you know its not nearly as effective. The forearm strength
required becomes the limiting factor well before the big muscles get effectively taxed.
The other great thing about the kettlebell is the seamless transition from the clean up to the
shoulder, directly into other lifts. This makes the kettlebell the perfect tool for combos
which will absolutely light up your metabolism.
Alright, put on your big boy (or girl) pants and try these out
1. Kettlebell Snatch Ladders
The ladders are a fun way to get in a brutal finisher. You will start by performing 1
snatch per arm, then 2 per arm, then 3 per arm and so on until you have finished at 10.
You will want to use a fairly conservative weight when you first attempt the ladders.
Have fun finishing your workout with 110 kettlebell snatches!
2. Swing/pushup combo
This is a great superset that will really test your willpower while working a ton of
muscle. Complete 10 kettlebell swings, then hop down and immediately do 5 quality
pushups. Now just repeat this combo for as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes.
Very simple, but very effective.
3. 1 arm clean/squat/press complex
Complexes are great with kettlebells. You will do a 1 arm clean, then with the
kettlebell at the shoulder you will perform a seamless squat to press combo. Thats
one rep. Complete 10 on the first side and then do 10 with the other. This finisher will
not take long to complete, but you will feel like it took 45 minutes!!

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

4. 1-Arm Kettlebell Supported Row x10/side
1-Arm Kettlebell Push Press x10/side
Alternate Arm Kettlebell Swing x20
This finisher utilizes some big strength exercises. The circuit of one pull, one push
and one lower body exercise will burn a ton of calories really quickly. Start with the
kettlebell supported row and complete 10 per side. Next move on to the 1 arm
kettlebell push press and complete 10 per side. Finally finish the circuit with 20
alternating arm kettlebell swings. Repeat this circuit 2 more times with as little rest as
possible. Record your total time and try to beat it the next time around.
5. Kettlebell Fourplay
This is an awesome finisher with an even more awesome name! Begin by completing
a complex of a 1-arm kettlebell swing, right into a 1-arm kettlebell clean, followed
directly by a 1-arm kettlebell high pull, and finally finishing with a 1-arm kettlebell
snatch. This complex of 4 exercises equals 1 rep!
Do 1 rep on one arm and then go immediately into the other arm. Continue with this
until you have completed a total of 20 reps (10 per arm). This ones a doozie!

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

Just like most of the other exercise tools in this book, the medicine balls are very versatile.
The one big benefit to using medicine balls versus many other tools is that the options for
explosive power type exercises is huge since you are able to actually let the ball go. You
can feel free to try doing that with a kettlebell, or better yet try to javelin throw a barbell
across your gym, but Im pretty confident youll get yourself kicked out for life!
So the medicine ball gives us the ability for almost anyone to train for power, without
having to learn pretty technical exercises like the Olympic lifting variations. And even
though the medicine ball will be a little lighter than many of your other tools, they still get
the job done.
Alright, check these out
1. Squat Toss Against a Wall
If youre a Crossfitter, you probably know these as wall balls. Were going to employ
the Tabata method again on this finisher. If you remember the barbell squat to press
Tabata from earlier, this one is very similar. Instead of using a barbell, were going to
grab a medicine ball and just let it go at the top.
Remember the Tabata protocol is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest
for 8 rounds (4 minutes total). Your legs will feel like theyre on fire at the end of this
2. Side Toss x10/side
Ice Skater Hops x20
This is a great finisher for rotational athletes like golfers, baseball players, tennis
players, etc. You will simply do 10 reps per side on the side toss. Then set your
medicine ball down and do 20 ice skater hops.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

3. Medicine Ball Chest Pass Against Wall x20
Medicine Ball Burpee x10
This finisher is really simple but really tough. All youre going to do is complete 20
chest passes against a wall, and then go immediately into 10 medicine ball burpees.
For this pair you will see how many rounds you can complete in 5 minutes.
4. Medicine Ball Slams x20
Prisoner Squat Jumps x10
This is a great explosive upper body/lower body pair of exercises. You start with 20
medicine ball slams, and then go right into 10 prisoner squat jumps. This one just lasst
for 4 minutes, but it will smoke your legs! Complete as many rounds as possible in 4
5. Medicine Ball Mountain Climbers
This is only one exercise, but youre doing Tabatas so you dont need much more to
get your metabolism ramped up. Just as a reminder, the Tabatas will be 20 seconds of
work and 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds (4 minutes).
I would recommend finding a fairly large medicine ball, like a Dynamax so your
hands dont slip off the sides if you start sweating a lot (which is very likely!) If you
dont have a great medicine ball around, putting a workout towel over the ball will
usually help keep your hands in place.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

Alright, now for the best chapter in the book!! Here are a few of my all time favorite
finishers. Hopefully you know by now that means that all of them are tough. In this
chapter youll find kettlebells, battling ropes, dumbbells and even cars!
You may never want to hear my name again after trying these, but I promise they will
speed up your fat loss results, and they are a whole lot more fun than sitting on an elliptical
machine for hours.
1. Car Pushing!
Thats right, you are pushing a car for this finisher. So there are a couple things to
know about this one. The first is (and I hope this is obvious), you need a partner in the
Heres the setup: Map out a space of about 50 yards. Make sure you are on a pretty
even surface. If the road is too inclined, you wont go anywhere. If its too declined,
the whole thing becomes way too easy.
On your command have the driver put the car in neutral and let off the brakes. Youre
simply going to maintain a good forward lean with your arms extended out pushing
the back of the car as fast as you can.
When you get to the 50 yard marker, walk back to the beginning while your partner
drives the car back to the start. As soon as you get back start the second push. Try
starting with about 4 total and work your way up to 8. Have fun!
2. Alternating Rope Waves/Prisoner Squat Jumps
Fortunately, more of your typical big box gyms now have battling ropes lying around
for you to use. I love this upper body/lower body combo.
Set the clock for 4 minutes. You will be alternating back and forth between the
alternating waves on the ropes and prisoner squat jumps. This is going to be a Tabata,
so work for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. You will do a total of 4 rounds of
each exercise as you switch back and forth.
Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

3. Pullups X/max reps
Dumbbell Squat to Press x12
This combo gets almost every muscle in your body. Set the clock for 4 minutes. You
will do as many pull-ups as you can. Then complete 12 dumbbell squats to presses.
Continue switching back and forth for 4 minutes. Count the total number of reps.
If you cant do pull-ups, simply use a seated lat pulldown machine and try keeping the
reps to about 12 per set.
4. The Two Kettlebell Killer!
Set 2 kettlebells about 50 yds apart. Start at one kettlebell by doing 5 snatches per
arm. Then sprint 50 yds to the other kettlebell and do 5 Clean+Squat+Press combos
per arm. Sprint back to the start and repeat 5 times.
This one sucks. Theres really no other way to put it. I dont do these really often, but
when I do I prefer to go outside if the weather allows for it.
5. Pushup/Prisoner Squat Jump Countdowns
Countdowns can actually be done with a number of different exercises, but I love this
one because there is no equipment involved. Theres never an excuse to skip a
workout when you can get a super intense one in with no equipment in under 10
Heres how the countdowns work: You will start doing 10 pushups, followed
immediately by 10 prisoner squat jumps. Now do 9 pushups and nine prisoner squat
jumps. Then 8, 7, 6, etc.
Even though these are extremely tough, there is a point when you get to about 3 of
each when you know you can finish. Its a great feeling.

Fat Scorching Workout Finishers

Well, there you have it. You now have 42 awesome finishers that you can add into your
workout program to speed fat loss and take your fitness to new levels. Aside from the
amazing results you will see from incorporating some of these finishers, it will do a ton to
break up the monotony of many typical programs. I hope you try some of these out and
shoot me and email telling me about the awesome results!
If you live in or around the Sacramento California area, and are considering a training
program, check out my website for programs and special trial offers. And always feel free to email me any questions.
Finally, if you dont have access to some of the equipment mentioned in this book like
kettlebells, ropes, and suspension trainers, I would highly recommend investing in a few
portable pieces of exercise equipment. Having a pair of suspension trainers and a couple
kettlebells at home will cut way back on skipped workouts and when you cant make it to
the gym. Check out to pick up whatever you need. They have tons of
quality equipment, and their customer service is excellent, and they regularly run specials
to save you money.
Dedicated to Your Success,

Jeremy Jones

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