Scrap Sales

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As per client requirement, Quotation is created & issued to the customer bidding high value in
LEGACY system and sent the quotation Via MS Outlook(in Electronic Form) to create Sales order in sap
system, Using I-Docs(Intermediate Documents/Business Documents).
1) We created a sales order type: ZSCR for scrap sales with document category as c: order in
document Type.
2) We created a internal number range code: 27 which ranges from 10000-99999 for the scrap
sales and assigned it in document field: Number Range internal assignment
3) We specified the value 100 in Item number increment and 1 for Sub item increment to
which the material are incremented in sales document.
4)We checked the field Item Division to check at item level and check division to gives warning
message if item differs from header level as per client requirement to generate the reports for Material
wise sales.
5) As per client Requirement, we checked the Check credit Limit as the company dealing with
credit basis to the customer for scrap sales
6) We specified the Code: 02 in credit group to block at delivery level for the customers if
credit limits are exceeded.
7) we created an Incompletion procedure at header level for the fields:Enter Po Number, check
purchase order number, Terms of Payment and at item level for the fields: order quantity, Delivering
The system will not allow the user to save the document if any fields missed, for this we
checked the field: incompletion messages.
8)we specified the ZLF in delivery type document for the ZSCR document as delivery is created with
reference only and we specified the reason as Credit Limit exceeded in Delivery block in sales
document ZSCR ,if delivery is blocked on credit basis.
To Remove the Block, we had given an authorization to the Sales Area Manager with the
help of Basis.
9) We specified the Delivery related billing type ZF2 as per client requirement that invoice has
to generate based on Delivery.

Pricing Procedure for scrap sales:
We created a new pricing procedure ZSCR001 for scrap sales and with the condition types:
1) ZPR0 :Price with check Fields Required and Used print id it can be displayed to the
customer while billing and mapped to ZERL in account key.
2) ZDIP: Discountwith check fields as Manual if required the user can be used to give
discounts for particular users and used print id to display and mapped to ZERS in
accounting key.
For this , we specified Manaul enteries as c in corresponding condition type ZDIP and
under Change Tab page we checked the field ITEM condition & check the Field Amount/
percent to allow the user can change the amount.

3) We used the net value in description Field and check the field Statistical and specify as
Ain subtotal to update the credit limit utilized.
4) To Determine the condition types in Sales document we assigned the pricing procedure to
Sales organization(LK01), Distribution channel(IS,DS,DD), Division(WE,IN,FU,FE,HS,MS),
Document pricing Procedure(specified in Document Type Record), Customer pricing
Procedure (Specified in Customer Master Record).

1) We created ZLF Delivery type for scrap sales delivery with document category as J
2) We created internal number range code:29 ranges from 80000000-9999999 and assigned
that 29 code in the field Number range internal assignment in delivery type ZLF to
generate delivery document numbers.

Copying controls for creating delivery with reference to sales order:
We maintained copying controls at header level & item Level with
Header:1)we specified copying requirements routine 1 to copy the data from orderZSCR to
deliveryZLFAnd data transfer routine1copy the data from sales document to delivery at
header level and Routine51 in combination requirement Field to have same billing type to
combine multiple orders to create single delivery.
2)we checked the Field copy item number to copy the item number for materials from
sales document to delivery document based on item number increment specified in sales
document typeZSCR.
Item: 1)we specified routine 101 in order combination field to satisfy the condition delivery of
an item should not be completed & delivery related data should not be completed in reference
sales order documentZSCRand data transfer routines699 &2 to copy the general data and
business data into the delivery document ZLF from sales document.
To copy the Business data, we checked the field Business data in Item category
Type ZTAN.
2)To Display the delivery documents created with delivery document type ZLF with reference
to sales document using ZSCR, we checked the Field Update Document Flow.
Post Goods Issue:
As per client requirement, ware house Management is also used in the project
1)we used the standard picking condition MALA to determine the picking conditions based on
Plant, Shipping point & storage conditions and specified it in storage location rule in Delivery document
TypeZLF and checked the fields determine Storage location & Relevant for picking in Delivery item
category ZTAN.
2) As soon as goods issued, to reduce in the inventory management from storage location, we
specified the Movement type 601 in schedule line category zcv.
3)After the Material document generated, the Finance department will update the G/L account
based on posting keys specified in revenue account determination to the corresponding G/L accounts.
1) We created Invoice ZF2 with reference to deliveryZLF and assigned internal number
range code: 19 which ranges from 100000-999999 to generate billing documents numbers.
2) We specified document category as M in document category and specified 01Negative
posting to rectify the wrong entries at the same period if exists.
3) The values are updated by Finance department using accounting document with the posing
keys 01 to debit the payer account and 50 to credit for the company revenue account
based on Revenue account determination procedure maintained.

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