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It seems that we have been facing many problems of PCB failures and malfunctions in
many of the machines installed in the field. I hope all of us are aware that the PCBs are
not supposed to fail at normal voltage fluctuations. Please note that ninety nine percent of
PCB failures are due to improper electrical environment, surge voltage and voltage
fluctuations. Once we take care of these we can avoid almost all PCB failures.
s such, I would recommend the following points to be implemented without further
1. Electrical Environment

##! "

Ne$tral Line

##! "
1. !nsure proper earthling.
#. Check "oltage between #ine and $eutral% It should be &&' "
%. Check voltage between #ine and !arth% It should be &&' "
&. Check voltage between $eutral and !arth % It 'o$l( )e ! "
Ti' volta*e 'o$l( not e+cee( more tan , ".
If the voltage is more than 5 V, please do not install machine.
(. #ine should be on the right side and $eutral on the left side of the power
socket. $ever interchange #ine and $eutral while connecting machine.
&. S$r*e "olta*e
)ou all may be aware that when we switch on any current consuming e*uipment, surge
voltages are developed to the tune of +''' v to &''' v. ,hese surge voltages are very
dangerous. -hy these voltages does not affect the e*uipment always is that it happens
normally for microseconds. But, if this voltage persists for a millisecond, it can spoil the
e*uipment. .ometimes these voltages corrupt the !P/O0s in the machine that can cause
,herefore, we need to prevent the machine from these voltages. surge voltage can be
prevented by using a coil and a capacitor in series to the in put line.
1. "olta*e -l$ct$ation'.
voltage fluctuation of more than +'2 can damage current consuming e*uipment like a
photocopier machine. ,herefore we need to connect the machine to a voltage stabili3er
which gives an output of &&' " always. ,he best stabili3er is a C",. But the cost of the
C", is high making customers not to prefer it. ,he customer can go in for an automatic
voltage stabili3er of .C/ controlled type. -e (o not prefer /elay type or .ervo
controlled as these stabili3ers create surge voltages. s such, we can suggest customer to
purchase a SCR type stabili3er and the price is *uite affordable. ,he specification is as
+. I4p "oltage range 5 +6' " 7 &8'"
&. ,ype 5 .C/ Controlled
1. /egulation 5 $ot to e9ceed (2
:. Capacity 5 & ;"
(. O4P "oltage 5 &&' "
-e must ensure that all machines must be connected to a stabili3er and we must educate
our customers4dealers about the use of stabili3ers. In fact, warranty to machines should
void if customer does not use the stabili3er recommended by us.
<It would have been nice if we sell our own stabili3er.=
#et us find out the customers who are not using a stabili3er even now. ll of us please
discuss with our dealers at the earliest.
Please contact me inn case you re*uire any further information.
,hanks and regards.
P... "ar*e'e

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