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We can all agree that everyone has a sense of humor. It just comes in
all shapes and sizes. As the saying goes, one mans joke is another
mans poison.
Some people may be better at epressing humor that suits more
peoples tastes. Some people are just less adept in saying the right
things at the right time. And if one doesnt eercise his or her sense of
humor often, he or she goes into a vicious cycle !here he loses even
more sense of humor. "o!ever, no matter !hat kind of bores youve
met so far, you kno! that everyone is born !ith a sense of humor.
#ut heres the key point$ !hat can you do !ith humor%
Sure you can have fun !ith it&or else !hy do people pay for the
comedy sho!s and those comedy channels% 'ou can also use it to
reduce tension, find a great bargain, and keep your children in their
seats(you name it)
*here are a thousand and one uses of humor, and they al!ays
+supposedly, lead to an ultimate goal&laughter.
-aughter is po!erful&much more powerful than most people
have ever imagined and will ever know.
-et me eplain.
"uman beings have an obsessive desire to remain consistent. It is
psychologically impossible to dislike the person !ho has already made
you laugh genuinely for more than . times, because humans cant
handle the incongruity bet!een laughter +liking someone, and disliking
In other !ords, !omen tend to get closer to a guy !ho has
consistently made them laugh) *his not only occurs at a logical level
+oh, being with him gives me so much joy and I want more,, but
also at a subconscious level +maintaining consistency,. /nce !e !ere
made laugh by someone, it !ould be very inconsistent if !e still
maintained an antagonistic attitude to!ards that person.
*herefore, I use laughter to make women fall in love with me.
And the more !omen I could make laugh, the better I get.
#ut I realize that I cant possibly make all the !omen in the !orld to
fall in love !ith me. *hats !hy I !rote this book for you. *hats !hy
Ive decided to share my techni0ues of making !omen laugh.
I only have this one 0uestion for you$ !hy must you learn to make
!omen laugh% Since youve bought this book, youve made a
commitment. And I made a commitment too&to make sure you get
the most out of this book and completely transform you into a much
more humorous and attractive person.
'eah I kno! being funny !ould be a nice 0uality to have. It !ould
certainly benefit many aspects of your life, and blah, blah, blah(
#ut !ould it really matter if you stay the !ay you are% Its nice to be
humorous and all, but why cant you settle for whom you are
right now?
1aybe I sound crazy, but !hat I really !ant you to think about is this$
is making !omen fall in love !ith you through laughter a must for you
or a should%
We never achieve our shoulds. +I should exercise more, I should
stop watching TV now, I should improve my public speaking skills2(,
We only achieve our musts +I must finish this project by ednesday
or I!ll be fired, I must leave now or I!ll miss my plane(,
We all get what we must have.
So must you be a funny guy%
Intolerance of your present condition can ignite changes just
as tolerance of your current conditions will prevent changes.
art !
What Kind of Book is This?
Since you have bought this book I assume you are smart and have no
time to !aste. So let me point out the most important fact of this
book&it is not a book for entertainment. +Sounds interesting,
doesnt it% A book about being funny isnt funny(,
Ive done my best to chisel a!ay all the fluff !hich !ould other!ise
have been there for pleasure reading purposes or simply to blo! up
the content to make the book look thicker +or 3longer2, for that
I !ant you to have the right mentality !hen reading the book. #his is
not a leisure bed$time reading% nor is it going to offer you an
abundance of anecdotes. If you !ant leisure reading, go surfing the
I !ant you to get the most out of the time you can afford to spend on
this book and Ill promise to make every !ord !orth !hile. I dont
!ant to !aste your time by making you read paragraph after
paragraph of useless information.
All you need are some tricks and techni0ues and then you just have
to go out and apply them)
In other !ords, this is a book that is condensed with years of
e&perience% research% and tried$and$true techni'ues, and its up
to you !hether to skim through it or read every page carefully to get
the most out of it.
*his book is certainly not about theory. It is designed to improve or
transform you. It is primarily designed to !ork +as opposed to
entertain,. Some of the eercises involve intense mental practices and
may appear a little bit strange +3bizarre2 if you !ill, at first. #ut you
have to trust me on this one.
4o eactly as I tell you and remember$ the more you participate,
the more you get.
Overview of the Book
Im sure in your entire life so far, you have made many, many, many
!omen laugh, and sometimes you can get pretty good at it&
sometimes !ith a particular !oman or under some particular
*his book has a very specific objective, !hich is to sho! you$
(ow to make women laugh and fall in love with you through
It aims to provide you !ith a systematic and fool5proof approach to
fully unleash your potential to make women laugh and fall in love
with you. /f course, by the time you can do that youll have had tons
of fun and become a more attractive. *hose are the secondary gains.
art one of this book gives you an overvie! as !ell as the right
humor mentality before you start delving into the techni0ues.
art two e0uips you !ith the kno!ledge of dealing !ith !omen in a
more general sense, !hich serves as a catalyst to humor and laughter.
art three sho!s you the basic mechanism of humor and ground
kno!ledge of making !omen laugh.
art four deals !ith continual perfection of your skills to make !omen
laugh and other topics such as dealing !ith frustration and rejection.
4ont treat this book only as a reference. It is designed to empo!er
you !ith the ability to make !omen fall in love !ith your o!n style of
humor. #reat it as a course and participate !))*, other!ise you
!ill not benefit fully from my years of eperience and research.
What !se?
6eep in mind humor doesnt !ork all by itself. It has to be
supported by other 'ualities and works only if certain
conditions are met. 7or eample, you have to be able to start a
conversation and get it going in order to demonstrate your sense of
Are you the kind of guy !ho is brave enough to stop any beautiful
!omen on the street and pick up a conversation !ith her at ease%
*hats called confidence +or being 3out5of5your5mind2, !hatever you
call it,.
1any men talk unsatisfactorily. *hey often say things they dont mean
to and fre0uently regret about !hat they should have said and could
'ou see, making !omen laugh is not just about kno!ing the
techni0ues and applying them. Its also about an inner game you play
!ith yourself constantly.
And thats !hy a portion of this book is devoted to the topic of
becoming a good conservationist in general. Wouldnt you !ant that&
to be able to talk to anyone comfortably and make everyone like you%
1aking !omen laugh at your will re0uires hard !ork and practice. I
once asked a friend of mine !ho is popular among !omen !hy hes so
good at making them laugh, and he replied, 38perience.2 #eing an
in0uisitive guy, I then asked !here he got all his eperience from. "e
said !ith a grin, "y "oring the heck out of !ots and !ots of

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