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XXXX - you will get a split of normal isometric drawing

CCCC - use it to output comment in the place of this ATTA. Comment is stored in
Stext. And you will get dimension line to this ATTA
CCNN - as above but no dimension output
FLOW - flow arrow on pipeline
SSSS - split point on system isometric
INPP - point of start or end of insulation, normally there should be two ATTA wi
th some distance in between and in this place items Ispec should be Nulref
PENI - shows penetration hole
SPRE = unset
ATTY = 'CCCC' (General dimensioned Comment, comment stored in STEXT)
STEXT = TIEIN-12345-TP001
ATTY = 'CCNN' (General UNdimensioned Comment)
STEXT = 12345-$TP001
Note: Example: STEXT SUPPORT NAME RT-06 $L=40 <- the $ will force a return
Description: The ATTAchment point has three main applications:
1. To allow pipe HANGERS to be connected to a point in the BRANCH
2. To indicate a special point on the BRANCH, which can be dimensioned, labeled,
3. To allow forces, moments, etc. to be applied to the BRANCH during pipe stress
The ATTA is created, selected, and consistency-checked in the same way as other
Components. However, it is ignored as an in-line fitting by the CONNECT command
and is ignored by REPORTER when listing tube lengths.
Special Attributes
ATTYPE - Attachment type. Code used by ISODRAFT to indicate the rule of the ATTA
as follows:
* Setting ATTY = XXXX indicates to ISODRAFT that the ATTA
marks a user-controlled point at which the isometric is split onto
another sheet. Use SSSS for a system isometric
(connected branches owned by different PIPEs.)
* Setting ATTY = CCCC indicates to ISODRAFT that the ATTA
represents a dimensioned general comment. Comment ATTAs
should lie on the centreline of the pipe. Set the Stext attribute
with your comment.
* Setting ATTY = CCNN indicates to ISODRAFT that the ATTA
represents a non-dimensional general comment. Set the Stext
attribute with your comment.
* Setting ATTY = FLOW causes ISODRAFT to plot in-line flow
arrows. The arrow is not dimensioned, but it is positioned on the
tube in proportion to its 3D position.
* Setting ATTY = INPP is used to identify a change in insulation
* Setting ATTY = PENN will cause a dimensioned penetration
symbol to be drawn on the isometric.
(Note: If the ATTY is left UNSET, then in Isodraft the Attachment type will be r
as a support, with the Spref name used as the itemcode.)
STEXT Used by ISODRAFT to generate information notes. Set this attribute to crea
te a text string for a general comment ( Attype CCCC or CCNN).
SPKBRK If True, ATTA treated as in-line component for implied tube length calcul
ation. If False, ATTA is offline and is ignored when determining implied tube le
ngth. Set this attribute if Attype = 'INPP'
Note: In the training specifications, you may select a Normal ATTA for creating a
comment, pipe-splitting, flow, penetration, or insulation change attachment. Ano
ther type of ATTA is the pipe shoe

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