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1. If he____________(FORGET) my birthday, I __________ (BE) very angry.

2. If he____________ (NOT DRIVE) more slowly, he______________ (HAVE)
an accident.
3. What__________we_________ (DO) if we __________(RUN) out of money?
4. If I ______________(NOT PHONE) her now, she ____________(WORRY).
5. You_____________(LOSE) your keys if you _____________(PUT) them away.
6. If Bill____________(BE) our, I ____________(LEAVE) a message.
7. If they_____________ (NOT COME), I ________________(not invite) them
8. If I __________(SEE) Caroline, I ____________(TELL) her you called.
9. We __________________(STAY) at the same hotel if we ___________(GO)
there again.
10. If he __________________(NOT STUDY) harder, he ___________(NOT
PASS) the exam.
11. If she _______________ (BE) vegetarian, I ____________(NOT COK) any
12. If I________________(NOT GET UP) tomorrow, I___________(MISS) the
13. If I______________(MISS) the train, I _____________ (HAVE) to drive.
14. If I ______________(HAVE) to drive, I ______________(GET) stuck in traffic.
15. If I______________(GET) stuck in traffic, I ___________(BE) late for work
16. If I___________(BE) late for work again, I ____________(LOSE) my job.
17. If I _____________(LOSE) my job, I _____________(RUN OUT) of money
18. If you_______________(NOT HURRY), you_________(BE) late.
19. Ok, Im going. I_________(RING) you if there___________ (BE) a problem.
20. Dont worry. If she __________(MISS) the bus, she __________(GET) a taxi.
21. But look at the time. If she_________ (NOT BE) home soon, I______________
(START) worrying.
22. If he__________(NOT GET) here in the next ten minutes, I __________(GO)
without him.
23. If I ______________(SEE) him, I_________(TELL) him youre waiting.
24. If I ______________(CAN) live anywhere in the world, I____________(LIVE)
in New York.
25. If I_____________(HAVE) more free time, I__________(LIKE) to learn
26. If I_____________(CAN) have any job in the world, I___________(BE) a
27. If I_______________(NOT BE) in thes English class now, I___________(BE)
in the park.
28. If I ________________(HAVE) more money, I ___________(BUY) a new
29. If I______________(CAN) change one thing in my life, I___________
(CHANGE) my hair.
30. If I_____________(WIN) a parachute jump in a competittion, I
__________(DO) it.
31. If someone_________(ASK) me to hold a tarantula, I___________(NOT DO) it.

32. If Erin_____________(OWE) him any money, she _________(PAY) him back.

33. If Peter ____________(ASK) me to marry him, I______________(NOT
KNOW) what to say.
34. If she_____________(NOT WORK) so hard, se_____________(BE) less
35. If we _____________ (HAVE) enough money, we _____________(BUY) a new
36. I_______________(WORK) harder if I ______________(HAVE) a million
pounds, I ____________(GIVE) half of it to charity.
37. How______________ you_________(FEEL) if I __________(TELL) everyone
your secrets?
38. We_____________(HAVE) to sell the house if I____________(LOSE) my job.
39. You___________(LEARN) a lot more if you ____________(SPEAK) less and
____________(LISTEN) more.
40. I _______________(LIVE) in the north if it ______________(NOT RAIN) so
41. If you__________(CAN) hypnotise anyone in the world,
who__________you___________ (CHOOSE)?
42. If Alicia_____________(WORK) morre quickly, she_______________(VNOT
HAVE) to stay so late.
43. If he _______________(WEAR) a suit, I______________(PROMOTE) him to
44. If he_______________(NOT GO) out so late, he ______________(NOT BE) so
45. If she ______________(BE) more organised, she_____________(NOT LOSE)
46. If he_______________(LIVE) nearer work, he_______________(NOT
ARRIVE) late every day.
47. If I________________(NOT WORRY) so much, I_____________(BE) a lot
48. Vince never invites me to his parties, so I dont invite him to mine.

49. Chrissy doesnt enjoy going to the cinema because the seats arent comfortable.

50. We dont like chindrens books so we dont read Harry Potter.

51. My children dont live near me so I dontt see them often.

52. If we ___________(CREATE) better cerals, we__________(HELP) solve food

problems in the developing world.

53. If we_____________(MODIFY) some genes in a plant, the plant

___________(BECOME) more productive.
54. If we ______________(NOT EXPERIMENT), we____________(NEVER
MAKE) progress.
55. I_____________(BE) happy in the future if ...............
56. I wont be happy in the future if................
57. if I live for 100 years,.....................
58. Well destroy the environment if........................
59. If we dont stop wars,........................
60. If scientists create human clones,......................
61. If we _______________(CLONE) humans, people___________(BE) identical.
62. If we ________________ (NOT PROTEST), people______________(NOT
KNOW) about the problems.
63. If people _______________(NOT NDERSTAND), then
64. If we___________________(EXPERIMENT) with nature, we
___________(PAY) the consequences.
65. If scientists______________(STOP) work, our lives_____________(NOT
66. If we _________________(NOT HELP) the developing world, people
67. If I___________(HAVE) more money, I____________(BUY) some new boots.
68. If I _____________(HAVE) new boots, I_____________(GO OUT).
69. If I ________________(SO OUT) more, I_____________(MEET) more people.
70. If I_______________(MEET) more people, I_______________(BE) happier.
71. If I______________(BE) happier, I______________(FEEL) more confident.
72. If I ________________(FEEL) more confident, I____________(LOOK FOR) a
better job.
73. If I ______________(FIND) a better job, I ___________(HAVE) more money.
74. If I had a lot of money, I........................
75. If I changed the colour of my hair,I........................................
76. If I had cosmetic surgery, my parents...........................
77. I would wear crazy clothes if.........................
78. I wouldnt be surprised if......................
79. My friends wouldnt believe it if.................
80. If I was a pop star, I......................
81. If I could choose any job, I.......................
82. My parents would be angry if.........................
83. If you ______________(NOT HAVE) a stupid name, people ____________
(NOT LAUGH) at you.
84. If you____________(CALL) te group Fantastic, people __________
85. If you _______________(CHANGE) your image, you___________(BE) a lot
more attractive.
86. If the boys_________________(HAVE) better haistyles, the fans___________
(LOVE) them
87. If Dina_______________(WEAR) a wig, she______________(LOOK)
88. If I________________(NOT LIKE) your music, I_____________ (NOT TRY)
to help you.

89. If Remington____________(NOT BUY) Sholes invention, the

company_____________(NOT MAKE) millions of follars.
90. If Alexander Bell_____________(NOT KNOW) about electricity,
he______________(NOT MAKE) the first telephone.
91. People in Europe_______________(NOT START) to smoke if Amercan
Indians_______________(NOT DISCOVER) tobacco.
92. If Otis______________(NOT INVENT) the lift, architects_____________
(DESIGNE) the first skyscrapers.
93. If Bayliss_________________(SEE) the TV programme about SIDS in Africa,
he______________(NOT KNOW) about the problem.
94. If more African villages_______________(HAVE) electricity in the early 90s,
more people________________(BUY) radios.
95. People in African villages_________________(KNOW) more about the dangers
of AIDS if they______________ (HAVE) radios.
96. If the BBC_______________(NOT MAKE) a documentary about Baylisss
invention, nobody_________________(HEAR) about it.
97. African villagers _____________(BUY) radios if they_________________
(BE) cheaper.

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