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They built this house

Our uncle takes Susan to hospital

We have cleaned the car
They speak English
The policemen help the children
A robber broke the window of the shop
My mother sends me to the butcher
Peter will look after my ittle brother
They will open a new restaurant ne!t week
The teacher e!plains the words today
Shakespeare wrote that play
Waitresses serve customers
The teacher is going to e!plain the lesson
Shirley has suggested a new idea
"ill wil invite Ann to the party
Ale! is preparing that report
#athy had returned the book to the library
Someone stole my purse$
They listen to music.
She is reading an e-mail.
These cars are produced in Japan.
Alan teaches Geography.
German is spoken in Austria.
Lots of houses were destroyed by the earthquake.
enry !ord in"ented the assembly line.
The bus dri"er was hurt.
#ou should open your workbooks.
ouses ha"e been built.
They make shoes in that factory
People must not leave bikes in the driveway
They built that skyscraper in %&'(
The students will )nish the course by *uly
They are repairing the streets this month
They make these tools of plastic
They have )nished the new product design
They were cooking dinner when + arrived
Smithers painted ,red sunset- in %&./
0id the plan interest you1
They had )nished the preparation by the time the
guests arrived
2our should take care when working with electricity
They are going to perform "EET3O4E56S 7+7T3
Symphony tomorrow
Someone will speak *apanese at the meeting
#aren is going to prepare everything
The instructions have been changed
She will have to be taught
This car was manufactured in *apan by Toyota
Why aren6t the e!ercises being )nished on time1
ast year8 9::: new units had been produced by the
time we introduced the new design
;asual clothes must not be worn
(::$::: euros in pro)t have been reported this year
The test will be given at < this afternoon
Students are re=uired to wear uniforms all time
This rumor must have been started by our
All work will have been completed by < this evening
We were told to wait here
unch was being served when we arrived
ectures are recorded and posted on the +nternet
Portuguese has always been spoken in this village
This room has been painted blue
;ricket is played in Australia
+6m given a book
We have lost the keys
The report must be completed by ne!t 7riday
They were singing a song
A letter was written to her
The bike is being repaired
They don$t speak %nglish in this shop.
&e"in asked 'ennis a question.
Somebody built the house last year.
She gi"es him a bo(.
)a( will look after him.
The waiter brought !red a big steak.
Somebody broke into our bungalow last !riday.
The teacher told us a *oke.
They will meet 'oris at the station.
Michael has not sent me a te!t message
The man stole the blue car
She bought four apples
We won the match
The p>lice arrested the thieves
*ack swam the 9:: meters
The dog bit the old lady
Tom and Ma! ate < hamburgers
Oliver taught the children
4istoria rode the "rown horse
?randmother told good stories
Mr @ones watches the )lm
The p>lice speak English
3e reads comics
We play voleyball
They have sung a song
+ didn6t take potos
She had done her homework
3e had written %:: te!t messages
My mother didn6t water the Aowers
*ulia rescued three cats
The students handed in the reports
Maria crashed into the blue car
Ale! learnt the poem
Steven has forgotten the book
The mechanic has not repaired the 040 recorder
They had played handball
She puts the rucksack on the Aoor
The girls had lost the watch
The teacher is not going to open the window
This tomb was discovered by him
All the Money was spent in the market by us
My house was lent to Paul in the weekend by me
Some sub@ets were being found boring by students
The sensation couldn6t be felt by my parents
Modern hats were boutht by the smart woman
A bo! of chocolates had been bought for my birthday by her
A big surprise has been promised to me by her
The information is shared by "en and Pam
A parked car was accidentally damage by me
A new pair of glasses is )ven to me by William
The fence is going to be )!ed by Tom
A new appartment has been rented in Paris by my aunt
A new appartment has been built in my street
The truth has been told to your mother by me
A good advice has been given to my by my boyfriend
2our adres san pohe number will be asked to you by my secretary
My wallet was lost this morning by me
The bedrooms were cleanes by the maid
A doBen of White roses was ordered for the guests by me
A new @ob has been oCered to my father by his boss
Sara took a beautiful picture of the Empire State
Sheyla has an e!cellent @ob at the bank
The secretary did not bring the papers
*ohn is setting a new carpet in his oDce
My grandfather was milking the cows at the farm
+ will take a ta!i after the meeting
They are going to see the movie
Susan has lost her glasses
3e had begun his studies in "oston
The dog has bitten our neighbor
We will visit that museum
My neighbor lends me the ladder
Sally and Tom paid the bill
My friends are en@oying the party
They were feeding the puppies
Ann6s daughter will have a baby
Mike is going to plant a new tree in the garden
We have saves enough Money to buy a new Aat
Tom had already done his homework
My friend was thanking his birthday6s present
3e was buying a new pone
The teacher doesn6t e!plain the lesson
+ ordered a new computer
Peter6s sister is taking care of the baby
We were planning our holidays
We will taste me!ican food tonight
My mother is going to wEter the plants
3e has bought the newspaper this morning
+ had sold my old car to my boss
My mother is preparing a delicious dessert
We hade aten a delicious piBBa in italy
My son tells me the truth
3e dropped the eggs on my doorstep
She is )nding her trip very e!citing
*ane is going to )! the fence
Pam6s boyfriend will deliver the Aowers tomorrow
The workers are going to build a new wall
She has received ' emails this afternoon
The maid has broken the mirror
The gardener cuts the grass everyweek
"ritney Spears sang her new songs
The ladies were listening the speech carefully
My father gets a good salary
The boss lent me one of his books
3e did not pay the bill
My neighbour is going to buy a new car
+ had lost my umbrella when it began to rain
Alice was looking for her pencils
+ will hang a picture on the wall
Susan has not answered your letters
Amy Winehouse broke an e!pensive picture at the hotel
Tom6s mother keeps the youghurt in the fridge
She has the best garden in town
We will send the letter inmediately
The waiter brought a new bottle of wine
The truck was carrying a bag full of Money
The students had read the te!t in class
We were en@oying our dinner at the restaurant
Sally has accepted the invitation to my party
3e repeated the =uestion several times
Tom will know the ruins in Peru
My boss sent me detailed instructions
Sam6s friends solved the problem
The workers will complete the road ne!t year
Paul is going to repair the car
My brother forgot his wallet in the bank
My sister will send a letter to my brother
The ittle girl is drawing her dog
She dropped her bags in the train
My brother takes his medecine everyday
*ohn will climb this mountain
My wife crashed the new car
+ opened the Windows
+ had drunk a glass of wEter
2ou didn6t do your homework
The didn6t catch the thieves
*ane has taken some potos
The passengers ar going to visit the museum
The teacher made a big mistake
Mary is preparing a lot of food
*ane will buy a new computer
3er boyfriend will install it
Millions of people will visit the museum
Our boss will sign the contract
2ou won6t do it
They will not show the new )lm
3e won6t see Sue
They will not aske him
Will the company employ a new worker1
Will the plumber repair the shower1
+ can answer the =uestion
She would carry the bo!
2ou should open the window
We might play cards
2ou should wash the car
They need to buy bread
3e could not read the sentence
Will the teacher test our EnglishF
;ould *enny lock the door1
She is drinking a cup of tea
My father is washing the car
7armer *oe was miling the cows
She had taken a photo of him
+6m writting a poem
We are not playing football
3e6s not wearing a tie
+s she preparing the party1
Are they talking about the meeting1
+s she watering the Aowers1
We were talking about him
3e was playing the guitar
She was watching a )lm
+ was preparing their bikes
They were not painting the gate
We were not having dinner
2ou were not driving him home
3e was not feeding the dogs
Was she Geading these books1
Were they carrying bags1
Gachel will give you some advice
+ sent him a letter
She told him her secret
The p>lice showed us the way
Our neighbour gave us a cake
We have asked him a favor
She told me a lie
They have written her a postcard
#errie will make you a cup of tea
The waiter has not brought us the coCee
The didn6t oCer her a seat
+ have been reading an article
+ had not closed my window
The had not bougth bread
She had not warned me
3ad she solved the problem1
3ad she recorded that song1
7rank will have ordered the drinks
2ou will have spent all the Money
+ will have taken the dog for a walk
She will have solved the problem
The will have sold the car
She will not have read the book
They will not have trusted him
3e son6t have rung her
Will they have paid the bill1
Will you have washes my socks1
The poem was read aloud by her
The 2ankees were beaten by the Tigers
3er P; was given to her by my parents
Many letters have been sent by me to your oDce
#im was invited to a party by Gay
The truth was suddenly realiBed by the contestants
Pro@ects were @udged by the teachers
A brilliant performance was given by the choir
Adam and Ann were married by the priest
The test was taken by Amanda last week
The truck was broken by Tom while he played
The movie was seen by the class before the e!am
They arrested her last week
*ohn wrote me a letter
They invited %: friends to the party
They have @ust built a new house
The p>lice caught the thieves yesterday
The maid will clean all the house for tomorrow
My brother hit me
The removed two cars from the street
They have @ust cleaned the room
We eill build a new house
0id Susan draw this picture1
;ould you feed the dog1
;ould you open that window1

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