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A Microprocessor is a multipurpose programmable logic device which reads the binary instructions from a
storage device called Memory accepts binary data as input and process data according to the instructions
and gives the results as output. So, you can understand the Microprocessor as a programmable digital
device, which can be used for both data processing and control applications. In view of a computer student,
it is the CPU of a Computer or heart of the computer. A computer which is built around a microprocessor
is called a microcomputer. A microcomputer system consists of a CPU (microprocessor), memories
(primary and secondary) and I/O devices as shown in the block diagram in Fig 1. The memory and I/O
devices are linked by data and address (control) buses. The CPU communicates with only one peripheral at
a time by enabling the peripheral by the control signal. For example to send data to the output device, the
CPU places the device address on the address bus, data on the data bus and enables the output device. The
other peripherals that are not enabled remain in high impedance state called tri-state.

Fig.1 Block diagram of a Microcomputer

The Intel 8085 Microprocessor:
Intel 8085A is a single chip 8-bit N-channel microprocessor which works at +5V DC power supply. It is a
40 pin IC available as a DIP (Dual Inline Package) chip. 8085A can operate with a 3MHZ single phase
clock and 8085A-2 version can operate at a maximum frequency of 5MHZ. This 8085 is an enhanced
version of its predecessor the 8080A. Its instruction set is upward compatible with that of the 8080A.
8085A has an on-chip clock generator with external crystal, LC or RC network. This 8085 microprocessor
is built with nearly 6200 transistors. The enhanced version of 8080 is the Intel 8085AH. It is an N channel
depletion load, silicon gate (HMOS) 8-bit processor. Here 3MHZ, 5MHZ and 6MHZ selections are
available. It has 20% lower power consumption than 8085A for 3MHZ and 5MHZ. Its instruction set is
100% software compatible with the 8085A. It is also 100% compatible with 8085A.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The Central Processing Unit of any microcomputer is the microprocessor. Hence microprocessor is also
known as the heart of the computer. The CPU performs the various activities in response to a set of
instructions called a program. Programs are stored in the memory. The CPU reads in data control signals
(instructions) through the input ports and executes one instruction at a time. So, generally speaking, a
microprocessor is nothing but the CPU .The Intel 8085 CPU is an 8-bit device with a clock speed of 3 - 5
MHZ. It has 80 basic instructions and 246 op-codes. Its clock cycle is 320 ns. The time for the clock cycle
of Intel 8085 is 200 ns. The block diagram of 8085 microprocessor is shown in Fig 2. The 8085 CPU
consists of three major sections,
They are:
(i) Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
(ii) Registers
(iii) Timing and Control unit.

Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)

The ALU performs all the arithmetic and logical operations like addition, subtraction, complementing,
logical AND, logical OR, logical Exclusive OR, incrementing and decrementing, rotate, shift and clear. An
ALU is made of many logic gates and adders etc.
The arithmetic and logic unit consists of the following units
(a) Accumulator (A).
(b) Temporary register.
(c) Flag register.

(a) Accumulator (A):
It is an 8-bit register which is treated as a special function register. Most of the arithmetic and logic
operations are performed using this accumulator. All the I/O data transfers between 8085 and I/O devices
are performed via accumulator. One of the operands for arithmetic operations in ALU is from the
accumulator. After performing the arithmetic operations the result is stored back in accumulator. It is from
the accumulator only, the data is sent out to an output device. Similarly, the data from an input device is
read only through the accumulator. The data in the accumulator alone can be rotated or shifted. No other
register can be used for these operations. Certain instructions like DAA are performed using only
accumulator. So, many times the Accumulator register is treated as a default register.


Figure 2 .The Block Diagram of 8085 Microprocessor

(b) Temporary register:
This is an 8-bit register which is not accessible to the user. This register is used by the
microprocessor to load the second operand during arithmetic/logical operations in ALU. The final result is
stored in the Accumulator and the flags are set or reset according to the result of the operation. For
example when MVI M, 17H instruction is fetched, IR register will receive the opcode for MVI M and the
Temporary register will receive 17H.
In arithmetic and logical operations, that involve two operands, the accumulator provides one operand. The
other is provided by the temporary register. For example in ADD C instruction C register contents are
moved to the Temp. Register and the addition of A and Temp. Register contents is performed by the ALU.
(c).Flag register: The flag register is an 8- bit register which generally reflect data conditions in the
accumulator with certain exceptions. Hence this flag register is also known as Status register. Though this
flag register is an eight bit register, it contains only 5 flag bits and the remaining three bits are undefined as
shown in Fig.3.3 In the Flag register each flag bit is a Flip-Flop. i.e., the bit may be either in the flip state
or flop state

Figure 3. Flag Register
S - Sign Flag
After execution of an arithmetic and logic operation, if bit D
of the result (Normally in the Accumulator)
is 1, the sign flag is set. This Flag is used with signed numbers.For example in a given byte, if D
is 1, the
number is treated as a negative number. Else (if it is zero), it is viewed as a positive. In arithmetic
operations with signed numbers bit D
is reserved for indicating the sign and the remaining seven bits are
used to denote the magnitude of the number.
Z - Zero Flag
This Flag is set (made 1) if the result after any arithmetic operation is zero, and the flag is reset (made 0) if
the result is not zero. So, this flag is set or reset based on the results in the accumulator as well as in the
other registers.
AC Auxiliary carry Flag
In this arithmetic operation, when a carry is generated by and passed on to bit 4 , the AC flag is set. This
flag is used internally for BCD arithmetic and is not available for the programmer to change the sequence
of a program with a jump instruction. But the Z and CY flags can be used for this purpose.
P-Parity Flag
If the result after an arithmetic and logical operation has an even number of 1s, this parity flag is set to 1
otherwise (if number of 1s is odd) the flag is reset (made0).
For example the data byte 10111101 has even parity and the data byte 10011011 has odd parity. So P
CY-Carry flag
After an arithmetic operation, like addition, subtraction if there exists a carry or barrow, this flag CY is set
to 1 else it is reset (made0)
Example : Let us consider the addition of two binary numbers 11011001 and 11101101 and check the Flag


1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1

1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0

In the result, the sum is not zero, So Z-Flag is reset (Z=0).
There is a carry from the third bit to fourth bit. So AC Flag is set (AC=1).
The D
bit=1, so, the sign Flag is set (S=1).
In the result, the no. of 1s is even. So, parity is even (P=1).
After addition, there is a carry. So carry Flag is set (CY=1).

The Flag register contents after addition are shown below:

Register Organization
The 8085 microprocessor has different types of registers. It includes six , 8 bit registers (B, C, D. E, H
and L), one 8-bit Accumulator and two 16-bit registers (SP and PC). Also there are two 8-bit temporary
registers W and Z. Among these registers W and Z are not accessible to the user, They are used by the
processor for internal, intermediate operations. The remaining registers are accessible to the user. The
organization of 8085 registers is shown in Fig. 3.4
The various registers of 8085 are classified into three types. They are
(i).Temporary registers.
(ii).General purpose registers
(iii).Special purpose registers.

(i) Temporary registers:
The Temporary registers are temporary data registers, W register and Z register. All are 8-bit registers. The
temporary data register is associated with the ALU operations. One of the operand is stored in this register.
This is not accessible to user.
Similarly W and Z are also temporary registers used to hold 8-bit data during execution of certain
instructions. As these registers are internally used by the CPU, they are not accessible to the user.
The W and Z registers are used by the processor during CALL instruction. When a CALL instruction is
encountered in any program, the current Program counter (PC) contents are pushed on to the stack and the
given address is loaded on to PC. The given address is temporarily stored in W and Z registers and placed

on the bus for the fetch cycle. Thus the program control is transferred to the address given in the
Another example is, during the execution of XCHG instruction, the contents of H-L pair are exchanged
with D-E pair. At the time of exchange W and Z registers are used for temporary storage of data.

(ii) General purpose registers:
B, C, D, E, H and L are six, 8-bit general purpose registers to store data. These registers can be
used as separate 8-bit registers and also can be paired as 16-bit registers to store the address of a memory
location. But they must be paired as B-C; D-E and H-L register pairs only as shown below.

Figure 4. Register organization

When used as pair, for example B-C, the higher order byte moves to the first register (B) and the low order
byte moves to the second register (C). The H-L pair also functions as a data pointer or memory pointer
For Ex: LXI H, 8500 H.
This will load immediately the address of memory location (8500H) in to H-L pair .Now the H-L pair
points to the location 8500 H.

(iii) Special purpose registers:
The Special purpose registers, as their name indicates, are used for some specific purpose. The Special
purpose registers are Accumulator (A), Flag Register, Instruction Register (IR), Program Counter (PC) and
Stack Pointer (SP).
Accumulator (Register A): It is an 8-bit tri-state register. It is mainly used for arithmetic, logic, load and
store operations. It is also used in I/O operations. In most of operations, the result is stored in Accumulator
after execution.
Flag Register: It is an 8-bit register, which consists of only five flags. Each flag bit is a flip flop that
indicates either a set or reset state. The five flags are Sign, Zero, Auxiliary carry, Parity and
Carry as shown below

Here X means undefined.

Sign Flag: The sign flag is set to1 if the most significant bit of the result of an arithmetic or logic
operations is 1. Else it is reset (0).

Zero Flag: The Zero status flag is set to 1 if the result of an arithmetic or logic operation is Zero For non-
Zero result it is reset to 0.G

Auxiliary carry Flag: This flag is set if there is a carry from 3
bit to 4
bit during BCD operations (carry
from lower nibble to higher nibble). This flag is not accessible to the user.

Parity Flag: Parity is defined by the number of 1s present in a binary number stored in A register. After
any arithmetic or logical operation, if the result has an even number of 1s it is called even parity and the
Parity Flag is set to 1. Otherwise. i.e. If there is odd number of 1s in the result, it is called Odd Parity and
the Parity flag is set 0.

Program Counter (PC):
It is a 16-bit special purpose register, which stores the address of the next instruction to be fetched
or executed. The execution of a program is initiated by loading the PC by the address of the first
instruction of the program. Once the first instruction is executed, the PC is automatically incremented to
point to the next instruction unless a jump to some specific address occurs. This process is repeated till the
last instruction of the program.
In case of JUMP or CALL instructions, current address is stored in the Program Counter. The
processor then fetches the next instruction from the new address specified by the JUMP or CALL
instruction. In conditional JUMP and conditional CALL instructions, if the condition is not satisfied, the
processor increments the Program Counter by three so that it points the instruction followed by the
conditional JUMP or CALL instruction. Otherwise the processor fetches the next instruction from the new
address specified by JUMP or CALL instruction.

Stack Pointer (SP):
It is a 16-bit special purpose register which always stores the address of top of the Stack. i.e. it
always points to top of the Stack. Stack is a part of the memory location used to store the data temporarily.
A stack works on Last in First out (LIFO) basis. As the Stack pointer always points to the top of the Stack,
only top of the Stack of the memory can be accessed. When a Write operation (PUSH) takes place, the
contents of the stack pointer is decremented by two so that the SP points to the new location. Similarly
when the Read operation (POP) occurs, the Stack pointer is incremented by two to point to the next data on
top of the Stack.
The Stack Pointer is initialized by load register pair immediate instruction.

Ex: LXI SP, 8530 H
Here 8530 H is the 16 bit address of the top of Stack location.

The remaining blocks of 8085 microprocessor block diagram

Instruction Register and Decoder: The instruction register and the decoder are also part of the ALU.
When an instruction is fetched from memory, it is loaded in the instruction register. The Decoder decodes
the instruction and develops the sequence of events to follow. The instruction register is a 8 bit special
register, but it is not a programmable and is not accessible to the user. The instruction decoder decodes the
instruction at a binary level and sends the appropriate signals to the control unit.

Increment/ Decrement Address Latch: This is a 16 bit special register not accessible to the user. This
register is used by the CPU to increment/ decrement the contents of the Stack Pointer (SP) and increment
program counter (PC) during instruction execution. During first T - state of op code fetch machine cycle
) the microprocessor increments the PC register contents to point to the next location. This increment
operation takes place on increment/ decrement register address latch. The 16 bit address that is sent out
through AD
and A
are latched into this register. The address bus AD
continues to be
available on the bus after T
state from this latch.

Address Buffer: This is an 8-bit unidirectional buffer. It is used to drive external higher order address
bus. It is also used to tri-state the higher order address (A
) bus under certain conditions like reset,
hold, and halt and also when address lines are not in use.

Address/Data Buffer: This is an 8-bit bi-directional buffer. It is used to drive multiplexed address/data
bus. It means low order address bus (A
) and data bus (D
). It is also used to tri-state the
multiplexed address/data bus under certain conditions like reset, hold, and halt and also when A/D bus
lines are not in use.
The address and data bus buffers are used to drive external address and data buses respectively.
Due to these buffers the address and data buffers can be tri-stated when they are not in use. In actual
practice, in a microprocessor the driving capacity of the address pins after the internal buffering may not be
adequate. So, there will be external buffer chips also available.

Serial I/O control:
This control provides two lines SOD (Serial Out Data) and SID (serial In Data) for serial communication.
These lines are used during serial data transmission over long distance where data is transmitted and
received bit by bit. The Serial Output Data (SOD) pin is used to send data out serially and serial Input
Data (SID) pin is used to receive data serially by the 8085 microprocessor.

Interrupt control:
This is an important block related to interrupts. This block is linked to the CPU through the 8-bit
internal data bus. This interrupt control has five interrupt signals. They are TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST
5.5 and INTR. The control block will take care of enabling and disabling of these interrupts etc

8085 Interrupts:
The 8085 microprocessor has five interrupts. They are TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST5.5 and INTR.
Among all these interrupts TRAP has the highest priority and INTR (Interrupt Request) has the lowest
priority. The TRAP is also a non maskable interrupt. The numbers succeeding the RST (7.5, 6.5, and 5.5)
are related to the call locations. The various interrupts, their locations in the order of highest to lowest
priority are given in Table 3.1. Here RST means RESTART. Among these interrupts INTR is the only
non-vector interrupt whereas the other interrupts are vectored interrupts.

TRAP: It is a non maskable interrupt with highest priority. It means that whenever the pin is activated, the
8085 will always get interrupted even if the 8085 is in DI (Disable Interrupt) state. Trap input is both edge
and level sensitive. So, the microprocessor is interrupted when the input is both edge and level sensitive.
So, the microprocessor is interrupted when the input pulse goes from low to high or when it remains high
.When interrupted, the microprocessor loads the program counter with 0024H.

RST 7.5: It is an edge sensitive pin. Internal to 8085 there is a flip-flop connected to RST 7.5 interrupt pin
. This flip flop is set 1, when a positive going edge occurs on RST 7.5 input. RST 7.5 interrupt has a
higher priority than RST 6.5, RST 5.5 and INTR. This RST 7.5 is a maskable interrupt known as MI. This
interrupt is enabled under program control with two instructions EI (Enable Interrupt) and SIM (Set
Interrupt Mask)

RST 6.5and RST 5.5: These interrupts are level sensitive, it means the triggering level should be on until
the microprocessor completes the execution of the current instruction. If the microprocessor is not able to
respond to the requests immediately, they should be stored or held by external hardware. These two
interrupts are also maskable interrupts. RST 6.5 and RST 5.5 have higher priority than INTR interrupt. The
condition of these interrupts can be known using RIM (Read Interrupt Mask) instruction and the condition
of the masking interrupt can be set and reset using SIM instruction (Set Interrupt Mask).

INTR: It is only non-vectored interrupt in 8085 microprocessor. This interrupt has the lowest priority
among all the interrupts. This is also a maskable interrupt and can be disabled using the instruction DI
(Disable Interrupt). The mask on INTR can be removed by executing EI (Enable Interrupt) instruction.
When EI instruction is executed, the flip flop associated with this is set and the mask is removed. This is a
non-vectored interrupt because when the remaining interrupts are initialized, they are automatically
transferred (vectored) to specific locations on memory page 00H without any external hardware. They do
not require the

signal. The necessary hardware is already implemented inside the 8085. But coming
to INTR, interrupt, it executes interrupt acknowledge machine cycle. During this cycle, the device that has
interrupted this microprocessor will provide the operation code. The

signal works as a

during acknowledge machine cycle. During this time, the microprocessor loads the code into instruction
register from I/O device. Based on the code, the remaining operation is executed by the processor.

S. No Interrupts Call locations
1 TRAP (Highest priority) 0024H
2 RST 7.5 (7.5 x 8)H = 003CH
3 RST 6.5 (6.5 x 8)H = 0034H
4 RST 5.5 (5.5 x 8)H = 002CH
5 INTR (least priority) No location

Timing and control Unit
This unit of the microprocessor issues necessary timing and control signals for the execution of
instructions. It generates three types of signals namely status, control and timing signals required for the
operation of memory and I/O devices. This unit with the help of these signals controls the entire operation
of the microprocessor and the peripherals. The signals associated with this unit are two control signals.


three status signals IO/

, S
and S
to identify the nature of the operation and one special signal
ALE which indicates the starting of the operation. These signals are explained below in detail.

-Read (active low): This is a Read control signal. This signal indicates that the selected I/O or memory
device is to be read and data are available on the data bus.

- Write (active low): This is a Write control signal. This signal indicates that the data on the data bus
are to be written into a selected memory or I/O device.
Table 2. Status signals of 8085


: This is a status signal used to differentiate between I/O and memory operations. When this signal is
high, it indicates an I/O operation, when it is low it denotes a memory operation. This signal is combined
with Read (

) and Write

to generate necessary I/O and memory control signals.

and S
These signals are also status signals like IO/

, used to identify various operations. The

complete operation of the microprocessor can be understood by these three signals. The various operations
and the associated status signals are shown in Table 3.2 .

ALE (Address Latch Enable): This is a positive going pulse generated every time the 8085 begins an
operation, It indicates that the bits on AD
- AD
are address bits. This signal is used primarily to latch the
low-order address from the multiplexed bus and generate a set of eight address lines A

Address, Data and Control Buses:

Intel 8085 has 16-bit unidirectional address bus which carries the address of memories and
peripheral devices. A bus is nothing but a group of electrical lines used to transmit the information as
S. No





0 Memory Write




0 Memory Read




1 I/O Write


1 1 0 I/O Read



1 Opcode fetch










8 * X



9 * X



electrical signals. So, this 16-bit parallel address bus carries address from microprocessor to
memories/peripherals. Hence it is Uni-directional(because the converse is not possible). The width of the
parallel bus determines how much memory that a microprocessor can address.The 8085 microprocessor
with 16-bit address bus can address a maximum of 2
= 65536=64 KB of memory locations. The size of
the address bus is independent of the size of the microprocessor.
In INTEL 8085 microprocessor, the 8 most significant bits of the address are transmitted by the
high order address bus A
. But the 8 least significant bits of the addresses are transmitted by
Address/Data bus or A/D bus. i.e. the lower order address lines are multiplexed with the data bus. So, the
A/D bus operates in a time shared mode. i.e. the data and address are sent on the same lines but at different
instants of time. A
will always have the address during the first

T state (T
) of the machine cycle. To
demultipl exe the A/D bus the pin ALE is used. When ALE=1 (high) the A/D bus acts as a lower order
address bus else it acts as Data bus.
The Data bus is a bidirectional bus which is used to send data to and from the microprocessor. This is also
a parallel bus. The size of the data bus determines the size of the microprocessor. The 8085 microprocessor
has 8-bit data bus and hence it is called an 8-bit microprocessor. This refers to the width of the data bus but
not the address bus. Similarly8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor and its data bus width is 16 bits
INTEL 8085 has Address/ Data bus namely AD
. i.e. at some instances it acts as a 8- bit
address bus and at other instances it works as a 8-bit data bus. INTEL used this time multiplexing
technique to save the pins. Generally the size of the internal general purpose registers matches the size of
the data bus. Thus, the INTELs 8-bit general purpose registers matches with its 8-bit data bus. The size of
the data bus matches the size of the internal registers, so that all the bits on the bus can at one time come
into or go out of any of the registers.
The control bus of 8085 is a uni-directional bus because the microprocessor alone sends control
signals to memories or peripheral devices. The size of the control bus depends upon the specific
microprocessor. Typical control signals are Read or Write signals. It means whether the microprocessor
operation is a read or writes and whether it is memory or I/O operation. In addition to this it includes state
signals, and address latch enables. A microprocessor may also have certain additional control signals and
such as interrupt signals, acknowledgement signals and hold signals. But they are not considered as part of
control bus even through they take part in control of microprocessor based systems.
The above three buses that interface the CPU to the system components are combinedly known as the
System bus.

Pin configuration

The pin diagram of 8085 microprocessor is shown in Fig 5. From the figure it is clear that it is 40 pin
DIP chip. The various pins of 8085 microprocessor can be grouped in the following categories
Power Supply and Clock pins
Data bus and Address bus
Control and Status signals
Interrupt signals
DMA signals
Serial I/O signals

The description of various pins is given below.

Power supply and clock pins:
Vcc: +5V power supply

Vss: Ground reference.

and X
: A Crystal (or RC, LC Network) is connected at these two pins. The internal clock
generator divides oscillator frequency by 2, therefore to operate a system at 3MHZ, the crystal of
the tuned circuit should have a frequency of 6MHZ.

CLK (OUT): This signal is used as a system clock for other devices. Its frequency is half the
oscillator frequency

Data bus and Address bus:
: These lines are Address/Data lines, which are bidirectional with dual purpose. They are
used as the low-order address bus as well as the data bus. During the first part of the machine cycle
), lower 8 bits of memory address or I/O address appear on the bus. During the remaining part of
the machine cycle (T
) these lines are used as a bi-directional data bus

. Figure 5. Pin Diagram of 8085 A

: These are the upper half of the 16 bit address lines. These lines are exclusively used for the
most significant 8 bits of the 16 bits of the16 bit address bus.

Control and Status Signals:
ALE (Address Latch Enable): This is a positive going pulse generated every time the 8085 begins
an operation. The ALE=High indicates that the bits on AD
are address bits. This signal is
mainly used to latch the low order address from the multiplexed bus and generate a separate set of
eight address lines (A7-A

(Read): This is an active low read control pin. This signal indicates that the selected I/O or
memory device is to be read and data are available on data bus.

(Write): This is an active low write control pin. It indicates that the data on the data on the
data bus are to be are to be written into a selected memory or I/O location


: This is a status signal used to differentiate between IO and memory operations. When it is
high, it indicates an I/O operation and when it is low, it indicates a memory operation. This signal
is combined with


signals to generate I/O and memory control signals.

and S
: These are status signals and they indicate the type of machine cycle in progress during
execution of an instruction.

READY (Input): Through this pin, the microprocessor will know whether peripheral device is
ready or not for data transfer. If the device is not ready the processor waits. So, this pin helps to
synchronize slow devices to the microprocessor.

Interrupt signals:

TRAP, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST5.5 and INTR: These are the interrupt signals which are externally initiated.

INTR (Interrupt Request): This is used as a general purpose interrupt. It has a lowest priority and
it is the only non-vectored interrupt.

RST 7.5: It is a restart interrupt pin. It has higher priority than RST 6.5, RST5.5 and INTR. It is a
maskable vectored interrupt.

RST 6.5 and RST5.5: These two are maskable vectored interrupt with higher priority than INTR.

TRAP: It is a non-maskable vectored interrupt. It has higher priority.

(Output): It is an active low interrupt acknowledge pin. This will acknowledge the receival
of interrupt request to the peripheral device.

DMA Signals:
Hold: This pin is used during the Direct Memory Access. A high on this pin indicates that, a
peripheral like DMA controller is requesting the use of address and data buses.

HLDA (Output): A high on this p in acknowledges the hold request from peripheral.

: It is an active low signal. When the signal on this pin goes low, the system is in reset i.e.
the program counter is set to zero, the address & data buses are tristated.

RESETOUT: This signal is used to Reset other devices in microprocessor system.

Serial input/ Output signals:
SID: Serial input Data is a pin through which serial data are brought into the micro processor
accumulator after the RIM instruction is executed.

SOD: Serial output Data pin is used by the microprocessor to output data serially to the external
devices. Serial data is sent out of the microprocessor by executing SIM instruction. The most
significant bit of accumulator should have the serial bit and D
bit of the accumulator must be made
high to enable the serial data transfer.

Timing Diagram :

The graphical representation of the time taken for the execution of each instruction by a microprocessor is
known as timing diagram. The execution time is denoted by T-states. One T-state is equal to the time
period of the internal clock signal of the microprocessor
For Ex: If the internal clock frequency of 8085 microprocessor is 3 MHZ, One T-state is equal to

sec. (333 nano seconds nearly)

As far as execution of instructions is concerned, in 8085 microprocessor, each instruction is divided into
two parts: The operation code (opcode) and the operand. The opcode tells us what
the operation is and the operand is the necessary information required for the instruction. The operand may
be either data or an address or other information required for the instruction.
Each instruction is divided into machine cycles and each machine cycle is divided into clock cycles or T-
The first machine cycle is every instruction is the op-code fetch. During this time the opcode is fetched
from memory and returned on the data bus to the microprocessor. The 8085 machine cycles are divided
into following six types. They are
1. Opcode fetch
2. Memory read
3. Memory write
4. I/O read
5. I/O write
6. Interrupt acknowledge

Opcode fetch Machine cycle:

The first operation in every instruction is the opcode fetch. The opcode fetch cycle is called the M

machine cycle and is usually for four T-states or clock cycles (certain instructions may also have 6T states
in their opcode fetch machine cycle). During T
states the address is placed on the address bus and the
opcode is returned on the data bus. The T
-state is used to decode and execute the opcode. The next
machine cycles (M
, M3------) that follow depend upon what the instruction actually is.
The timing diagram for execution of MVI A, 25 machine cycle is shown in Fig 6 as shown in the timing
diagram, in T
state, the 8085 places the contents of the program counter o n the address bus. The high
order byte of the P.C (80) is placed on the A
lines. The low-order byte of the P.C(00) is placed on the
line which stays only on only during T
. So, the microprocessor activates the ALE (Address
Latch Enable) pin which is used to latch the low-order byte of the address in external latch before it
vanishes. During T
state, 8085 also sends status signals IO/

, S
and S
. The IO/

signal specifies
whether the operation is read or write. In opcode fetch machine cycle status signals are IO/

=0, S
=1 and
In T
state, the lower order address disappears from AD
lines and 8085 sends

signal low to
enable the addressed memory location. The memory device then places the contents of the addressed
memory location on the data bus (AD
During T
state, the microprocessor loads the data from the data bus in its instruction register and raises

to high which disables the memory device

In T
state, the microprocessor decodes the opcode and based on the instruction it decides whether to T

state T
or to enter state T
of the next machine cycle (M
). All the one byte instructions which operate on
8-bit data like MOV A, B, ADDB, DCRC, RAL etc..are executed T
state. One byte instructions which
operate on 16-bit data are executed in T
and T
For example: INXH, SPHL, 5DCXH etc.

Figure 6 Timing diagram for Opcode fetch Machine cycle

Memory Read cycle:

Memory read machine cycle is a machine cycle during which memory is read. For example, the instruction
LDA 8900H which is a 3-byte instruction has three memory read cycles immediately after the opcode fetch
cycle. The first two cycles are to get the memory address, in two 8-bit groups (the low-order part of the
address and then the high-order address). The third read cycle is needed to read the data located at the
address previously retrieved. This data is then loaded into accumulator.
The timing diagram for memory read cycle [For Ex: LDA 2020H] is shown in Fig 7. As shown in the
memory read timing diagram, after the opcode fetch cycle, the first two read cycles have the address going
out over the address bus first for the low-order of the address (2001H) and then for the high-order of the
address(2002H). In the third read cycle, the address of the instruction just read from memory (2020H) is
sent back over the address bus in T
and then data from that memory location is returned over the data bus
in T
. IO/

goes low at the beginning of the opcode fetch cycle and remain low during the next three

, on the other hand goes low each time data on the data bus is to be read into the

Figure 7. Timing diagram for Memory Read machine cycle

Memory Write cycle:

This memory write cycle is used when the microprocessor needs to send data out from accumulator or
specific register and then write into the memory. As an example let us consider the instruction MOV M, A
(50H). This instruction requires two machine cycles-an opcode fetch machine cycle followed by one write
cycle. Because, after fetching the opcode, the instruction has to write the data in the accumulator out to
memory at the address location in the H-L register. This operation requires 7-T states for opcode fetch and
three T states for the memory write.


Figure 8 .Timing diagram for Memory Write machine cycle

The timing diagram of the instruction MOV A, M is shown in Fig .8. The opcode fetch cycle shows the
address [2000H] going out over the address bus and the opcode for the MOV M, A (50H) returning over
the data bus. During the write cycle (M
), the address that was stored in the H-L pair goes out from the
microprocessor during T
and data to be written from the accumulator goes out during T
. The
remaining signals like ALE, IO/


have their usual meaning as shown in the timing diagram.

I/O Read cycle:

This I/O read cycle occurs when the microprocessor executes IN instruction and during the I/O read cycle,
data is read in from an I/O device. In the case of IN PORT, there are three machine cycles. The opcode
fetch cycle, a memory read cycle and an I/O read cycle. The three machine cycles combinedly taken 10-
The Fig 9. shows the timing diagram of the instruction IN 80H, Here 80H is the port address of the device
being read.
The opcode fetch cycle shows the address of the instruction (2000H) going out over t he address bus and
the opcode (DBH) for the IN instruction returning on the data bus. The memory read cycle (M
) displays
the address of the second byte of the instruction (8001H) going out over the address bus and the port
address (80H) returning on the data bus. During the I/O read cycle, the port address of the device being
read is sent over the address bus and the lower 8-bits carry the same 8-bit port address and the data from
the input device is returned on the data bus during T2-T3.


Figure 9. Timing diagram for I/O Read machine cycle

I/O write cycle:

During this I/O write cycle DATA is written into I/O device specified by the port address from the
accumulator. The out port instruction has three machine cycles. The first one is opcode fetch cycle, second
one is memory read to get the port address and the third cycle is an I/O write cycle. The OUT command
writes the data stored in the accumulator over the data bus to the device whose port address was sent out
over the address bus. The three machine cycle that forms the outport command has a total of ten T-states.
The Fig 10 Shows the timing diagram for OUT 04H instruction. 04H is the address of the output device
The opcode fetch cycle sends the address of the instruction (2000H) over the address bus while the opcode
(D3H) for the OUT instruction is returns on the data bus. The second machine cycle shows the address of
the second byte of the instruction (2001H) going out over the address bus with the port address (84H)
returning over the data bus.
From the timing diagram it is clear that, In the third machine cycle the port address (84H) is sent out over
both the upper and lower parts of the address bus, similar to I/O read cycle whenever the microprocessor
addresses an I/O device, the port address of the device being read is sent out over both the lower and
higher order parts of the address bus.
It is also to be noted that the data in the accumulator is being written to the output device and goes out over
the data bus during T
states after the port address has been sent over the two parts of the address bus
during T
of the I/O write cycle


Figure 10 Timing diagram for I/O Write machine cycle

Interrupt Acknowledge

This Interrupt acknowledges machine cycle is a special machine cycle that is used in place of opcode fetch
cycle in the RST (restart) instruction. It is same as an opcode fetch except that it 0sends out an

instead of an

signal and the status lines IO/

, S
and S
are 111 instead 011. Another difference is, the
interrupt acknowledge is six-T states whereas opcode fetch is only four T-states

Instruction cycle, Machine cycle, fetch and execute cycles

Instruction cycle

An instruction is a command given to the microprocessor to perform a specific operation on the given data.
Sequence of instructions written for a processor to perform a particular task is called a program. Program
& data are stored in the memory. The microprocessor fetches one instruction from the memory at a time &
executes it. It executes all the instructions of the program one by one to produce the final result. The
necessary steps that a microprocessor carries out to fetch an instruction & necessary data from the memory
& to execute it constitute an instruction cycle.
In other words, an instruction cycle is defined as the time required completing the execution of an
An instruction cycle consists of a fetch cycle and an execute cycle. The time required to fetch an opcode
(fetch cycle) is a fixed slot of time while the time required to execute an instruction (execute cycle) is
variable which depends on the type of instruction to be executed.
Instruction cycle(IC) = Fetch cycle(FC) + Execute cycle(EC)

This is shown diagrammatically in the Fig.3.11

Figure 11 Instruction cycle

Machine cycle:

Machine cycle is defined as the time required for completing the operation of accessing either memory or
I/O device. In the 8085, the machine cycle may consist of three to six T states. The T-state is defined as
one sub-division of the operation performed in one clock period. These sub-divisions are internal states
synchronized with the system clock. In every machine cycle the first operation is op-code fetch and the
remaining will be read or write from memory or IO devices.

Fetch operation:

The first byte of an instruction is its op-code. An instruction may be more than one byte long. The other
bytes are data or operand address. The program counter (PC) keeps the memory address of the next
instruction to be executed. In the beginning of a fetch cycle the content of the program counter, which is
the address of the memory location where op-code is available, is sent to the memory. The memory places
the op-code on the data bus so as to transfer it to the microprocessor. The entire operation of fetching an
op-code takes three clock cycles.

Execute operation:

The op-code fetched from the memory goes to the instruction register (IR). From the instruction register it
goes to the decoder circuitry which decodes the instruction. After the instruction is decoded, execution
begins. If the operand is in general purpose registers execution is immediately performed.
The time taken for decoding and execution is one clock cycle. If an instruction contains data or operand
and address which are still in the memory, the microprocessor has to perform some read operations to get
the desired data. After receiving the data it performs execute operation. A read cycle is similar to a fetch
cycle. In case of a read cycle the quantity received from the memory are data or operand address instead of
an op-code. In some instructions write operation is performed. In write cycle data are sent from the
microprocessor to the memory or an output device. Thus we see that in some cases an execute cycle may
involve one or more read or write cycles or both.

Instruction set of 8085

An Instruction is a command given to the microprocessor to perform a given task on specified data. Each
instruction has two parts one is the task to be performed called the operation code (op-code) and the second
is the data to be operated on, known as operand. The operand or data can be specified in various ways.

Instruction and data formats:

The format of a typical instruction is composed of two parts: an operation code or op-code and an operand.
Every instruction needs an op-code to specify what the operation of the instruction is and then an operand
that gives the appropriate data needed for that particular operation code.
According to the word or byte size the 8085 instructions are classified into three types. They are
(a) One byte (single) instructions.
(b)Two byte instructions.
(c) Three byte instructions.

Onebyte instructions: An instruction with only opcode and do not require any dat or address is called a
one byte instruction.

Ex: 1. MOV C, A Hex code = 4FH (one byte)
2. ADD B Hex code = 80H (one byte)
3. CMA Hex code = 2FH (one byte)

Twobyte instructions: A two byte instruction is one which contains an 8-bit op-code and 8-bit operand

Ex: 1. MVI A, 09 Hex code = 3E, 09 (two bytes)
2. ADD B, 07 Hex code = 80, 07 (two bytes)
3. SUB A, 05 Hex code = 97, 05 (two bytes)

Threebyte instructions: A three byte instruction contains an opcode plus a 16 bit address.

Ex: 1.LXI H, 8509 Hex code = 21, 09, 85 (Three bytes)
2 .LDA 8509 Hex code = 3A, 09, 85 (Three bytes)
3. JMP 9567 Hex code = C3, 67, 95 (Three bytes)
4. STA 3525 Hex code = 32, 35, 25 (Three bytes)

DATA FORMATS: The 8085 is an 8-bit microprocessor which process only binary numbers. But it is
very difficult to understand these binary numbers by a common user. So, we have to code these binary
numbers into different data formats. The commonly known data formats are ASCII, BCD, signed integers
and unsigned integers. The ASCII code is a 7-bit alpha-numeric code that represents decimal numbers,
English alphabets and certain special characters. The ASCII stands for American Standard code for
Information Interchange
The term BCD stands for binary coded decimal, used for decimal numbers from 0-9.An 8-bit register can
store two BCD numbers. A signed integer is either a positive or a negative number. In 8085
microprocessor the most significant bit
D is used for the sign. Here 0 denotes
positive sign and 1 denotes the negative sign. An integer without a sign can be represented by all the 8-bits
in a microprocessor register. So, the largest number that can be processed at one time
is FFH. The numbers larger than 8-bits like 16, 24, 32 bits can be processed by dividing them in groups of


An instruction is a binary pattern designed inside a microprocessor to perform a specific function. The
entire group of instructions, called the instruction set, determines what functions the microprocessor can
perform. The 8085 microprocessor instruction set has 74 operation codes that result in 246 instructions.
This instruction set includes all the 8080A instructions plus two additional instructions namely SIM and
The instruction set of 8085 microprocessor is classified into five groups. They are:
1. Data transfer (copy) group.
2. Arithmetic group
3. Logic group
4. Branch control group
5. Machine control and I/O group.

Data transfer (copy) instructions

The data transfer instructions are used to transfer data from one register to another register, from memory
to register or register to memory but not from one memory location to another memory location. Actually
this data transfer instruction copies the data from source to destination and the contents of the source are
not altered. So, the data transfer instruction performs basically copy operation.
Examples of data transfer instructions are MOV, MVI (Move Immediate), LXI (Load Immediate H-L
Pair), LDA (Load Accumulator), STA (Store Accumulator), LHLD (Load H-L pair direct), SHLD (Store
H-L pair direct), XCHG (Exchange the contents of H-L pair with D-E pair) etc

Ex: MVI A, 55H ; Move the data 55H into Accumulator
MOV B, C ; Copies the contents of C register into B register
IN 00H ; Read the Input port(00H is the port address)
OUT 01H ; write data to an output port(01H is the port address)
LXIH 8570H ; Load H-L pair by address 8570H.
In the 8085 microprocessor, data transfer instructions do not affect any flags.

Arithmetic Instructions

The arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, increment and decrement are performed by the 8085
microprocessor using the following arithmetic instructions.
ADD, ADI (Add Immediate), SUB (Subtract), SUI (Subtract Immediate), INR (Increment), DCR
(Decrement) etc
The arithmetic operations Add and subtract are performed in relation to the contents of the accumulator.
But, the increment or the decrement operations can be performed in any register.

Ex:ADD B, C ; Add the contents of B register to the B register contents
ADI 08 ; Add the data 08 to the accumulator.
SUB A, B ; Subtract the contents of B register from accumulator.
SUI 05 ;Subtract immediate the 8-bit data from accumulator
INR B ; Increment the B register contents by one bit
DCR C ; Decrement the C register contents by one bit.

Arithmetic instructions modify all the flags according to the data conditions of the result. The INR and
DCR instructions affect all flags except the carry flag.

Logical Group of Instructions:

Since the microprocessor is a programmable logic chip, it can be perform all the logic functions of the
hard-wired logic through its instruction set. The 8085 processor can perform the logic instructions like,
AND, OR, NOT (Complement) and X-OR (Exclusive OR) etc The mnemonics of these instructions are
given below.

ANA : Logically AND the contents of a register
ANI : Logically AND immediate the 8-bit data.
ORA : Logically OR the contents of a register.
OR : Logically OR immediate the 8-bit data.
XRA : Exclusive-OR the contents of a register.
XRI : Immediate Exclusive-OR the 8-bit data
CMA : Complement the accumulator

All the logic operations are performed in relation to the contents of the accumulator. The CMA instruction
does not affect any flags. The executions of the logical instruction do not affect the contents of the operand

Branch Instructions

These instructions are very important because they allow the microprocessor to change the sequence of a
program either conditionally or unconditionally. The conditional branch instructions transfer the program
to the specified label when certain condition is satisfied. The unconditional branch instructions transfer the
program to the specified location unconditionally.

We know that the microprocessor is a sequential machine. So, it executes machine codes from one memory
location to the next. Branch instructions instruct the microprocessor to go to a different memory location
and the processor continues executing machine codes from the new location. The address of the new
locations either specified explicitly or provided by the microprocessor or some times by additional
hardware. The Branch instructions are classified into three categories. They are

(a). Jump instructions
(b). Call and return instructions
(c). Restart instructions.
Jump instructions specify memory locations explicitly and they are 3-byte instructions. These Jump
instructions are of two types. They are , Unconditional Jump and Conditional Jump.

Unconditional Jump:

This is similar to Unconditional Go to statement in BASIC. When this instruction is executed the 16-bit
address available immediately in the instruction is loaded into the program counter , so that the next
sequence of instruction execution starts from this location. This Unconditional Jump instruction enables
the programmer to create continuous loops.
JMP (16 bit address). So, this is a 3-byte instruction where the first byte is op-code and the second, third
bytes specify memory address.
For example, the instruction JMP 8500H, instructs the microprocessor to go to the memory location8500H
unconditionally. Sometimes, the jump location is specified using a label also.

Conditional Jump:

This instruction allows the microprocessor to make decision depending on certain conditions indicated by
flags. The 8085 processor Jump instruction is associated with four flags. Namely Carry flag (CY), Zero
flag (Z), Sign flag (S) and Parity flag (P). The following instructions shown in Table 3.3 transfer the
program sequence to the memory location specified under the given conditions.


S. No Instruction Description
1 JC (16 bit Addr) Jump on carry (if CY=1)
2 JNC (16 bit Addr) Jump on no carry (if CY=0)
3 JZ (16 bit Addr) Jump on Zero (if Z=1)
4 JNZ (16 bit Addr) Jump on no Zero (if Z=0)
5 JP (16 bit Addr) Jump on plus (if D
=0; S=0)
6 JM (16 bit Addr) Jump on minus (if D
=1; S=1)
7 JPE (16 bit Addr) Jump on Even Parity (if P=1)
8 JPO (16 bit Addr) Jump on Odd Parity (if P=0)

Table 3 various conditional jump instructions

To understand the instructions, let us consider the instruction JC (16 bit address). The meaning of this
instruction is, the microprocessor is instructed to jump the specified 16 bit memory location if there exists
a carry after the arithmetic operation else it will execute the next instruction in the sequence.

CALL and RETURN Instructions
The microprocessor uses the two instructions CALL and RETURN to implement subroutines. Here
CALL instruction calls a subroutine program which is not a part of the main program and the RET
instruction at the end of the subroutine program to return the control to the main program.

Ex: CALL (16 bit memory address)
RESET (RST) Instruction
The 8085 processor provides eight RST instructions to transfer the program control to a specific location
on page 00H. These instructions are 1-byte instructions. The various RST instructions and their call
locations are given in the following Table 3.4

S. No Mnemonics Hex code Call location
In Hex
1 RST 0 C7 0000
2 RST1 CF 0008
3 RST2 D7 0010
4 RST3 DF 0018
5 RST4 E7 0020
6 RST5 EF 0028
7 RST6 F7 0030
8 RST7 FF 0038

Table 4 Various RST instructions and their call locations

Machine control and I/O Instructions

There are six basic machine control instructions. They are
EI (Enable Interrupt)
DI (Disable Interrupt)
NOP (No Operation)
SIM (Set Interrupt Mask)
RIM (Read Interrupt Mask)
HLT (Halt)

EI (Enable Interrupt): This is a one byte instruction used to enable the interrupt. This instruction is used
to enable the interrupts when the microprocessor is reset or the interrupt enable flag is reset after interrupt
acknowledge. This instruction takes one machine cycle with four states. The op-code is FBH.

DI (Disable Interrupt): This is a one byte instruction which resets the interrupt enable flag to disable all
the interrupts except TRAP. It takes one machine cycle with four states. The op-code is F3H.

NOP (No Operation): when this instruction is executed, the microprocessor performs nothing.
Microprocessor spends four states doing nothing. It is a one byte instruction whose op-code is 00H.This
instruction is normally used to generate very small time delays of the order of few micro seconds. This
NOP instruction is also very useful when we are required to insert a few instructions in the main program
additionally .

SIM (Set Interrupt Mask): This instruction masks the interrupt as desired. This is a dual purpose
instruction. The first purpose is to set or reset the mask of the maskable interrupt. The second purpose is to
send the data out through the SOD pin at pin number 4 of the microprocessor.

RIM (Read Interrupt Mask): This instruction copies the status of the interrupts into the accumulator. It is
also used to read the serial data through the SID pin

HLT (Halt): After execution of this instruction the microprocessor goes into the halt state. The processor
can be restarted by a valid interrupt or by applying a RESET signal. The microprocessor takes 5T states to
implement the halt instruction.

I/O instructions:
There are two important instructions to input the data into the microprocessors accumulator through the
input port and output the data from the accumulator to the output port. They are

IN (port address)
OUT (port address)

This port address is an 8-bit address. In both these instructions the default register is Accumulator.

Ex: (i) IN 01H. This instruction will copy the contents into the Accumulator through the port whose
address is 01H. It takes three machine cycles and takes 10 states. The op-code is DBH.
(ii)OUT 02H. This instruction sends the contents of Accumulator to the outport whose address is 02H.
It is a two byte instruction which requires 10 states. The op-code for this instruction is D3H.
















SOD Serial output Data .Bit D
of accumulator is latched in to the SOD output line made available to
serial peripheral if bit D
=1 .
SOE Serial output enable.If this bit =1 ,it enables the serial output.
XXX Dont care condition
R7.5 Reset RST7.5.If this bit = 1 ,RST7.5 flip-flop is reset .This is an additional control to reset
MSE Mask set Enable.If this bit is high ,it enables the function of bits D
and D
.This is a
master control over all the interrupt masking bits.
M7.5 D
=0 ,RST 7.5 is enabled
=1 RST7.5 is masked or disabled
M6.5 D
=0 RST6.5 is enabled
=1 RST 6.5 masked or disabled.
M5.5 D
=0 RST5.5 is enabled
=1 RST 5.5 is disabled or masked.


Majority of the instructions of 8085 microprocessor requires an operand (either data or address) on
which the intended operation can be performed. Some instructions may require only one operand and some
other instructions require two operands for its instruction execution. The speed of execution mainly
depends on the position of the operand in the instruction. The scheme involved in identifying the position
of operands in an instruction is known as addressing mode.

There are five addressing modes 8085 processor.They are
(i). Immediate addressing mode
(ii). Direct addressing mode
(iii). Register addressing mode.
(iv). Register indirect addressing mode.
(v). Implicit addressing mode.

(i). Immediate Addressing mode: The mode of addressing in which the operand is a part of the
instruction itself is known as Immediate Addressing mode. If the immediate data is 8-bit, the instruction
will be of two bytes. If the immediate data is 16 bit, the instruction is of 3 bytes.
Ex: (1). ADI DATA ; Add immediate the data to the contents of the accumulator.
(2).LXIH 8500H : Load immediate the H-L pair with the operand 8500H
(3). MVI 08H ; Move the data 08 H immediately to the accumulator
(4). SUI 05H ; Subtract immediately the data 05H from the accumulator

(ii) Direct Addressing mode: The mode of addressing in which the 16-bit address of the operand is
directly available in the instruction itself is called Direct Addressing mode. i.e., the address of the operand
(data) is available in the instruction itself. This is a 3-byte instruction.
Ex: (1). LDA 9525H ; Load the contents of memory location into Accumulator.
(2). STA 8000H ; Store the contents of the Accumulator in the location 8000H
(3). IN 01H ; Read the data from port whose address is 01H.

(iii). Register addressing modes: The mode, in which the operand is in one of the general purpose
registers, is known as the register addressing mode.
Ex: (1). MOV A, B; Move the contents of B register to A register.
(2). SUB D; Subtract the contents of D register from Accumulator.
(3). ADD B, C; Add the contents of C register to the contents of B register.

(iv). Register indirect addressing modes: The 16-bit address location of the operand stored in a register
pair (H-L) is given in the instruction. The address of the operand is given in an indirect way with the help
of a register pair. Hence it is called Register indirect addressing mode
Ex: (1). LXIH 9570H ; Load immediate the H-L pair with the address of the location 9570H
MOV A, M ; Move the contents of the memory location pointed by the H-L pair to

(v). Implicit Addressing mode: The mode of instruction which do not specify the operand in the
instruction but it is implicated, is known as implicit addressing mode. i.e., the operand is automatically
considered to be in the Accumulator.
Ex: (1).CMA; complement the contents of Accumulator
(2).CMC; Complement carry
(3). RLC; Rotate Accumulator left by one bit
(4). RRC; Rotate Accumulator right by one bit
(5). STC; Set carry.


Addition Programs

Example 1: Addition of two 8-bit numbers whose sum is 8-bits.

Explanation: This assembly language program adds two 8-bit numbers stored in two memory locations
.The sum of the two numbers is 8-bits only. The necessary algorithm and flow charts are given below.

Step1. : Initialize H-L pair with memory address XX00 (say: 9000).
Step2. : Clear accumulator.
Step3. : Add contents of memory location M to accumulator.
Step4. : Increment memory pointer (i.e. XX01).
Step5. : Add the contents of memory indicated by memory pointer to accumulator.
Step6. : Store the contents of accumulator in 9002.
Step7. : Halt


of the
Label Mnemonics Comments
8000 21,0
LXI H, 9000 Initialise memory pointer to point the
first data location 9000.
8003 3E MVI A, 00 Clear accumulator
8004 00
8005 86 ADD A, M The first number is added to
accumulator [A] [A] + M
8006 23 INX H Increment the memory pointer to next
location of the Data.
8007 86 ADD A, M The 2
number is added to contents
of accumulator
8008 32 STA 9002 The contents of accumulator are
stored in memory location 9002. 8009 02
800A 90
800B 76 HLT Stop the execution

Ex: Input: Ex: (i) 9000 29 H Ex :(ii) 9000 49 H
9001 16 H 9001 32 H

Result: Ex: (i) 9002 3F H Ex :( ii) 9002 7B
Flow Chart

Fig 3.18
Initialise H-L Pair
with XX00
Clear Accumulator
(00) A
Add contents of M to
# Increment memory pointer(XX01)
# Add contents of M to A
Copy the contents of Reg. A
to memory location XX02

Example 2: Addition of two 8-bit numbers whose sum is 16 bits.

Explanation: The first 8-bit number is stored in one memory location (say 8500) and the second 8-bit
number is stored in the next location (8501).Add these two numbers and check for carry. Store the LSB of
the sum in one memory location (8502) and the MSB (carry) in the other location(8503).
Step1. : Initialize H-L pair with memory address X (say: 8500).
Step2. : Clear accumulator.
Step3. : Add contents of memory location M to accumulator.
Step4. : Increment memory pointer (i.e. 8501).
Step5. : Add the contents of memory indicated by memory pointer to accumulator.
Step6. : Check for Carry
Step 7 : Store the sum in 8502.
Step8 : Store the Carry in 8503 location
Step 9 : Halt

Flow Chart



Initialise H-L Pair with XX00
Clear Accumulator
(00) A
Add contents of M
to Accumulator
# Increment memory
pointer(XX01) &
# Add contents of M to A
Store the sum in the location
exists ?
Stores carry in the
XX03 location

Store Zero in the
XX03 location



Address of
Mnemonics Comments
8000 21,00,
LXI H, 8500 H Initialise memory pointer to point the
first data location 9000.
8003 3E MVI A,00 Clear accumulator
8004 00
8005 86 ADD A, M The first number is added to
accumulator [A] [A]+M
8006 0E MVI C,00 Initial value of Carry is 0
8007 00
8008 23 INX H Increment the memory pointer to next
location of the Data.
8009 86 ADD A, M The 2
number is added to contents
of accumulator
800A 32 JNC FWD Is Carry exists ? No,go to the label
800B 0E
800C 80
800D 0C INR C Make carry =1
800E 32 FW
STA 8502 H The sum is stored in memory
location 8502.
800F 02
8010 85
8011 79 MOV A,C
8012 32 STA 8503 H Store the carry at 8503 location
8013 03
8014 85
8015 76 HLT Stop the execution

Ex: Input: Ex : 8500 97 H RESULT: 8502 32 H
8501 98H 8503 -- 01 H

Example 3: Decimal addition of two 8-bit numbers whose sum is 16 bits.

Explanation: Decimal addition of two 8-bit numbers is same as that of two 8-bit numbers program.
Except that the use of DAA instruction. The first 8-bit number is stored in one memory location (say 8500)
and the second 8-bit number is stored in the next location(8501).Add these two numbers and use the
DAA instruction to get the result in decimal. Also check for carry. Store the LSB of the sum in one
memory location(8502) and the MSB (carry) in the other location(8503).

Step1. : Initialize H-L pair with memory address XXXX (say: 8500).
Step2. : Clear Carry register C.
Step3. : Move contents of memory location M to accumulator.
Step4. : Increment memory pointer (i.e. 8501).
Step5. : Add the contents of memory indicated by memory pointer to accumulator.
Step6. : Apply the instruction DAA(Decimal adjust after addition)
Step7: Check for Carry
Step8: Store the sum in XX02.
Step9: Store the Carry in XX03 location
Step10: Halt

Flow Chart



Initialise H-L Pair
with XX00
Clear Carry register
(00) C
Add contents of M to
# Increment memory
pointer(XX01) &
# Add contents of M to A
Store the sum in the
location XX02
Stores carry in the
XX03 location

Store Zero in the
XX03 location

Apply DAA instruction to
convert Hex data to decimal


Address of
the memory
Label Mnemonics Comments
Op-code Operand
8000 21,
LXI H, 8500 H Initialise memory pointer to point the
first data location 9000.
8003 0E MVI C, 00 Clear accumulator
8004 00
8005 7E MOV A, M The first number is added to
accumulator [A] [A]+M
8006 23 INX H Increment the memory pointer to next
location of the Data.
8007 86 ADD A, M The 2
number is added to contents of
8008 27 DAA
8009 D2 JNC FWD Is Carry exists? No, go to the label
800C 0C INR C Make carry =1
800D 32 FWD STA 8502 H The contents of accumulator are stored
in memory location 8502. 800E 02
800F 85
8010 79 MOV A, C Carry is moved to accumulator
8011 32 STA 8503 H A Carry is stored in the location 8503
8012 03
8013 85
8014 76 HLT Stop the execution

Ex: Input: Ex : 8500 67 D RESULT: 8502 52 D
8501 85 D 8503 01 (Carry)

Example 4: Addition of two 16-bit numbers whose sum is 16 bits or more
Explanation: First 16-bit number is stored in two consecutive locations (Ex 8500 &8501) because in each
location we can store only one 8-bit number. Store the second 16-bit number in the next two consecutive
locations (For Ex: 8502 &8503).Add the LSB of the first number to the LSB of the second number and the
MSB of the first number to the MSB of the second number using the DAD instruction. Store the sum in the
next two locations and the carry (if any) in the third location
Step1: First 16 bit number is in locations 8500 & 8501 respectively
Step2: Second 16-bit number is in locations 8502 & 8503
Step3: Add the two 16-bit numbers using DAD Instruction.
Step4: Sum is stored in locations 8504 & 8505.
Step5: Carry (if any) is stored in the location 8506.
Step6: Halt

Flow Chart



Fig 21

Initialise H-L Pair
with 8500
Load the first 16-bit
number in to H-L Pair
Exchange this
number in to D-E
Load the second 16-bit number
in to H-L pair
Add the LSB of Ist number to
the LSB of the second number
& MSB of the second number to
MSB of the second number
using DAD instruction
Store 0 in the location 8506

Store1 in the 8506

Store the LSBs of the sum in
8504 & 8505 locations
8000 2A,00,85 LHLD 8500 H First 16-bit number in H-L pair
8001 00
8002 85
8003 EB XCHG Exchange first number to D-E Pair
8004 2A LHLD 8502 H
8005 02
8006 85
8007 0E MVI 00 MSB of the sum is initially 00
8008 00
8009 19 DAD D Add two 16 bit numbers
800A D2 JNC FWD Is Carry? If yes go to the next line
.Else go to the 800E LOCATION 800B 0E
800C 80
800D OC INR C Increment carry
800E 22 FWD SHLD 8504 H Store the LSB of the Sum in 8504 &
MSB in 8505 locations 800F 04
8010 85
8011 79 MOV A, C MSBs of the sum is in Accumulator
8012 32 STA 8506 H Store the MSB (Carry) of the result
in 8506 location 8013 06
8014 85
8015 76 HLT Stop execution

Ex: INPUT: 8500- 12 H LSB of the I
Number RESULT : 8504 - 25H LSB of the Sum
8501- 13 H MSB of the I
Number 8505 25H MSB of the Sum
8502 -13 H LSB of the II
Number 8506 -- 00 Carry .
8503 -12H MSB of the II
Subtraction Programs:
Example 5: Subtraction of two 8-bit numbers without borrows.
Explanation: Its a simple program similar to addition of two 8- bit numbers, except that we use the
instruction SUB instead of ADD. The first 8-bit number is stored in XX00 memory location and the
second 8-bit number is stored in the XX01 location .Use the SUB instruction and store the result in the
XX02 location.
Step1. : Initialize H-L pair with the address of minuend.
Step2. : Move the minuend into accumulator
Step3. : Increment H-L pair
Step4. : Subtract the subtrahend in memory location M from the minuend.
Step5. : Store the result in XX02.
Step6. : Stop the execution


Flow Chart

Figure 22


8000 21 LXI H, 8500 Initialise H-L pair and get the First
number in to 8500 location
8001 00
8002 85
8003 7E MOV A,M [A] [M]
8004 23 INX H [M+1] [M]
8005 96 SUB M A [A] [M]
8006 23 INX H Next memory location
8007 77 MOV M,A Store the result in the location
8008 76 HLT Stop the execution
Initialize H-L Pair with
Move the contents of M
to Accumulator
Increment memory
Subtract the subtrahend in
memory location M from
the minuend in A
Store the result in the
location XX02
INPUT: Ex : 8500- 59H Result: 8502 29H
8501- 30H

Example 6: Subtraction of two 8-bit Decimal numbers.

Explanation: In this program we cant use the DAA instruction after SUB or SBB instruction because it is
decimal adjust after addition only. So, for decimal subtraction the number which is to be subtracted is
converted to 10s complement and then DAA is applied.

Step1. : Initialise H-L pair with the address of second number (XX01).
Step2. : Find its tens complement
Step3. : Decrement the H-L pair for the first number (XX00)
Step4. : Add the first number to the 10s complement of second number.
Step5. : Store the result in XX02.
Step6. : Stop the execution

Flow Chart

Figure 23
Initialise H-L Pair with XX01
and get the second number
Find its 10s
Add first number to the 10s
complement of the second number
Apply the DAA instruction to get
decimal result
Store the result in the
location XX02


8000 21 LXI H,8500 Initialise H-L pair and get theSecond
number in to 8501 location
8001 00
8002 85
8003 3E MVI A,99 [A] 99
8004 99
8005 96 SUB M 9s complement of second number
8006 3C INR A 10s complement of second number
8007 2B DCX H Address of the first number
8008 86 ADD M Add first number to 10s
complement of second number
8009 27 DAA
800A 32 STA 8502 Store the result in the location 8502
800B 02
800C 85
800D 76 HLT Stop the execution

Ex: Input: 8500 -76 D Result: 8502 - 41 D

8501- 35 D

Example 6: Subtraction of two 16 bit numbers.

Explanation: It is very similar to the addition of two 16-bit numers.Here we use SUB &SBB instructions
to get the result .The first 16-bit number is stored in two consecutive locations and the second 16-bit
number is stored in the next two consecutive locations.The lsbs are subtracted using SUB instruction and
the MSBs aare subtracted using SBB instruction.The result is stored in different locations.

Step1. : Store the first number in the locations 8500 & 8501.
Step2. : Store the second number in the locations 8502 &8503.
Step4. : Subtract the second number from the first number with borrow.
Step5. : Store the result in locations 8504 & 8505.
Step6. : Store the borrow in location 8506
Step 7: Stop the execution


Flow Chart




Fig 24

Initialize H-L Pair
with XX00
Load the first 16-bit number in
to H-L Pair A
Exchange this
number in to D-E
Load the second 16-bit number
in to H-L pair
Subtract LSB of 2 nd number
from the LSB of the Ist number
& MSB of the 2 nd number from
MSB of the first number
Set ?
Store 0 in the location XX06

Store 1 in the
XX06 location

Store the result in XX04 &
XX05 locations



8000 2A,
LHLD 8500 H First 16-bit number in H-L pair
8003 EB XCHG Exchange first number to D-E Pair
8004 2A LHLD 8502 H Get the second 16-bit number in H-L
pair 8005 02
8006 85
8007 7B MOV A, E Get the lower byte of the First number
in to Accumulator
8008 95 SUB L Subtract the lower byte of the second
8009 6F MOV L, A Store the result in L- register
800A MOV A, D Get higher byte of the first number
800A 9C SBB H Subtract higher byte of second number
with borrow
800B 67 MOV H, A
800C 22 SHLD 8504 Store the result in memory locations
with LSB in 8504 & MSB in 8505
800D 04
80OE 85
80OF 76 HLT Stop execution
Ex: INPUT : 8500- FF H LSB of the I
Number RESULT: 8504 - 11H LSB
8501 - FF H MSB of the I
Number 8505 11 H MSB
8502 -EE H LSB of the II
8503 EE H MSB of the II

Multiplication Programs

Example 7: Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers. Product is 16-bits.
Explanation: The multiplication of two binary numbers is done by successive addition. When
multiplicand is multiplied by 1 the product is equal to the multiplicand, but when it is multiplied by zero,
the product is zero. So, each bit of the multiplier is taken one by one and checked whether it is 1 or 0 .If
the bit of the multiplier is 1 the multiplicand is added to the product and the product is shifted to left by one
bit. If the bit of the multiplier is 0 , the product is simply shifted left by one bit. This process is done for all
the 8-bits of the multiplier.

Step 1 : Initialise H-L pair with the address of multiplicand.(say 8500)
Step 2 : Exchange the H-L pair by D-E pair. so that multiplicand is in D-E pair.
Step 3 : Load the multiplier in Accumulator.
Step 4 : Shift the multiplier left by one bit.
Step 5 : If there is carry add multiplicand to product.
Step 6 : Decrement the count.
Step 7 : If count 0; Go to step 4
Step 8 : Store the product i.e. result in memory location.
Step 9 : Stop the execution

Flow Chart

Load the multiplier in to Accumulator &
multiplicand in D-E pair
Initial value of product=00.
Shift product left by one bit &Shift
multiplier left by one bit
Is carry
exists from
multiplier ?





Figure 25


8000 2A,0
LHLD H, 8500 Load the multiplicand in to H-L pair
8003 EB XCHG Exchange the multiplicand in to D-E pair
8004 3A LDA 8502 Multiplier in Accumulator
Product = Product + Multiplicand
Count = count -1
Store result

Is count
= 0 ?
8005 02
8006 85
8007 21 LXI H.0000 Initial value in H-L pair is 00
8008 00
8009 00
800A 0E MVI C,08 Count =08
800B 08
800C 29 LOOP DAD H Shift the partial product left by one bit.
800D 17 RAL Rotate multiplier left by one bit
800E D2 JNC FWD Is Multiplier bit =1? No go to label FWD
800F 12
8010 80
8011 19 DAD D Product =Product +Multiplicand
8013 C2 JNZ LOOP
8014 0C
8015 80
8016 22 SHLD 8503 Store the result in the locations 8503 & 8504
8017 03
8018 85
8019 76 HLT Stop the execution

Address Data
8500 8AH LSB of Multiplicand
8501 00 H MSB of Multiplicand
8502 52 H - Multiplier

Result: 8503 34 H LSB of Product
8504 2C H MSB of Product

Division Programs

Example 7: Division of a 16- bit number by a 8-bit number.

Explanation: The division of a 16/8-bit number by a 8-bit number follows the successive subtraction
method. The divisor is subtracted from the MSBs of the dividend .If a borrow occurs, the bit of the
quotient is set to 1 else 0.For correct subtraction process the dividend is shifted left by one bit before each
subtraction. The dividend and quotient are in a pair of register H-L.The vacancy arised due to shifting is
occupied by the quotient .In the present example the dividend is a 16-bit number and the divisor is a 8-bit
number. The dividend is in locations 8500 &8501.Similarly the divisor is in the location 8502.The quotient
is stored at 8503 and the remainder is stored at 8504 locations.

STEP1. : Initialise H-L pair with address of dividend.
STEP2. : Get the divisor from 8502 to register A & then to Reg.B
STEP3. : Make count C=08
STEP4. : Shift dividend and divisor left by one bit
STEP 5: Subtract divisor from dividend.
STEP6. : If carry = 1 : goto step 8 else step7.
STEP7. : Increment quotient register.
STEP8. : Decrement count in C
STEP9. : If count not equal to zero go to step 4
STEP10: Store the quotient in 8503
STEP11: Store the remainder in 8504
STEP12: Stop execution.





Initialise H-L pair with address of
Copy the divisor in to Reg. A
# Shift dividend left by one bit
# Shift Quotient left by one


8 MSBs of dividend =
8 MSBs of dividend -divisor
Quotient = Quotient +1
Count = Count-1
store th quotient in 8503
&remainder in 8504
Move the divisor in to Reg. B
Move count =08 in to C register
Is MSBs of
Dividend >
Divisor ?

No Yes



8000 21 LHLD H, 8500 Initialize the H-L pair for
dividend 8001 00
8002 85
8003 3A LDA 8502 H Load the divisor from location
8502 to accumulator 8004 02
8005 85
8006 47 MOV B,A Move Divisor to Reg.B from A
8007 0E MVI C,08 Count =08
8008 08
8009 29 BACK DAD H

Shift dividend and quotient left
by one bit
800A 7C MOV A,H MSB of dividend in to
800B 90 SUB B Subtract divisor from MSB bits
of divisor
800C DA JC FWD Is MSB part of dividend >
divisor ? No,goto label FWD 800D 11
800E 80
800F 67 MOV H,A MSB of the dividend in Reg.H
8010 2C INR L Increment quotient
8011 0D FWD DCR C Decrement count
8012 C2 JNZ BACK If count is not zero jump to8009
location 8013 09
8014 80
8015 22 SHLD 8503H Store quotient in 8503 and
remainder in 8504 locations 8016 03
8017 85
8018 76 HLT Stop execution

Ex: Input & Result

Address Data
8500 64 LSB of Dividend
8501 00 MSB of Dividend
8502 07 Divisor
8503 0E Quotient
8504 02 Remainder

Largest & Smallest numbers in an Array

Example 8: To find the largest number in a data array

Explanation: To find the largest number in a data array of N numbers (say)first the count is placed in
memory location (8500H) and the data are stored in consecutive locations.(8501.onwards).The first
number is copied to Accumulator and it is compared with the second number in the memory location. The
larger of the two is stored in Accumulator. Now the third number in the memory location is again
compared with the accumulator. And the largest number is kept in the accumulator. Using the count, this
process is completed , until all the numbers are compared .Finally the accumulator stores the smallest
number and this number is stored in the memory location.85XX.


Step1: Store the count in the Memory location pointed by H-L register.
Step2: Move the I st number of the data array in to accumulator
Step3: Compare this with the second number in Memory location.
Step4: The larger in the two is placed in Accumulator
Step5: The number in Accumulator is compared with the next number in memory .
Step 6: The larger number is stored in Accumulator.
Step 7; The process is repeated until the count is zero.
Step 8: Final result is stored in memory location.
Step 9: Stop the execution


Flow Chart





Initialise H-L pair
Get the count in Register C
Get Larger number in
Number in
Next number ?
Get first number in Accumulator
Decrement Count
Is count = 0


Fig 27
store the result in the
location 85XX


8000 21,00,85 LXI H, 8500 INITIALISE H-L PAIR
8003 7E MOV C,M Count in the C register
8004 23 INX H First number in H-L pair
8005 4E MOV A,M Move first number in to
8006 0D DCR C Decrement the count
8007 91 LOOP1 INX H Get the next number
8008 BE CMP M Compare the next number with
previous number
8009 D2 JNC LOOP2 Is next number >previous
maximum?No,go to the loop2
800A 0D
800B 80
800C 7E MOV A,M If,yes move the large number in
to Accumulator
800D 0D LOOP2 DCR C Decrement the count
800E C2 JNZ LOOP1 If count not equal to zero,repeat
800F 07
8011 80
8012 78
8013 32 STA 85XX Store the largest number in the
location 85XX
8014 XX
8015 85
8016 76 HLT Stop the execution

Ex : Input : 8500- N(Say N=7 ) Result : 8508 - 7F
8505 -7F


Example 9 : To find the smallest number in a data array.

Explanation: To find the smallest number in a data array of N numbers (say)first the count is placed in
memory location (8500H) and the data are stored in consecutive locations.(8501.onwards).The first
number is copied to Accumulator and it is compared with the second number in the memory location.The
smaller of the two is stored in Accumulator.Now the third number in the memory location is again
compared with the accumulator.and the smallest number is kept in the accumulator.Using the count,this
process is completed until all the numbers are compared .Finally the accumulator stores the smallest
number and this number is stored in the memory location.85XX.


Step1: Store the count in the Memory location pointed by H-L register.
Step2: Move the I st number of the data array in to accumulator
Step3: Compare this with the second number in Memory location.
Step4: The smaller in the two is placed in Accumulator
Step5: The number in Accumulator is compared with the next number in memory .
Step 6: The smaller number is stored in Accumulator.
Step 7; The process is repeated until the count is zero.
Step 8: Final result is stored in memory location.
Step 9: Stop the execution


Flow Chart



Initialise H-L pair
Get the count in Register C
Get first number in to
Get smaller number in
Number in
Next number ?
Decrement Count


store the result at 85xx

Is count =
0 ?


8000 21 LXI H, 8500 Initialise the H-L pair.
8001 00
8002 85
8003 7E MOV C,M Count in the C register
8004 23 INX H First number in H-L pair
8005 4E MOV A,M Move first number in to
8006 0D DCR C Decrement the count
8007 91 LOOP1 INX H Get the next number
8008 BE CMP M Compare the next number with
previous number
8009 D2 JC LOOP2 Is next number <previous
smallest ?If yes go to the loop2
800A 0D
800B 80
800C 7E MOV A,M No,move the smaller number in
to Accumulator
800D 0D LOOP2 DCR C Decrement the count
800E C2 JNZ LOOP1 If count not equal to zero,repeat
800F 07
8011 80
8012 78
8013 32 STA 85XX Store the smallest number in the
location 85XX
8014 XX
8015 85
8016 76 HLT Stop the execution

Ex: Input : 8500 - N((Say N=7) Result : 8508 04
8505 -7F

Stack and Subroutines

Stack is a set of memory locations in the Read/Write memory which is used for temporary storage of
binary information during the execution of a program. It is implemented in the Last-in-first-out (LIFO)
manner. i.e., the data written first can be accessed last, One can put the data on the top of the stack by a
special operation known as PUSH. Data can be read or taken out from the top of the stack by another
special instruction known as POP.
Stack is implemented in two ways. In the first case, a set of registers is arranged in a shift register
organization. One can PUSH or POP data from the top register. The whole block of data moves up or
down as a result of push and pop operations respectively. In the second case, a block of RAM area is
allocated to the stack. A special purpose register known as stack pointer (SP) points to the top of the stack.
Whenever the stack is empty, it points to the bottom address. If a PUSH operation is performed, the data
are stored at the location pointed to by SP and it is
decremented by one. Similarly if the POP operation is performed, the data are taken out of the location
pointed at by SP and SP is incremented by one. In this case the data do not move but SP is incremented or
decremented as a result of push or pop operations respectively.

3.14.1 Application of Stack: Stack provides a powerful data structure which has applications in many
situations. The main advantage of the stack is that,
We can store data (PUSH) in it with out destroying previously stored data. This is not true in the case of
other registers and memory locations.
stack operations are also very fast
The stack may also be used for storing local variables of subroutine and for the transfer of parameter
addresses to a subroutine. This facilitates the implementation of re-entrant subroutines which is a very
important software property.
The disadvantage is, as the stack has no fixed address, it is difficult to debug and document a program that
uses stack.

3.14.2 Stack operation: Operations on stack are performed using the two instructions namely PUSH and
POP. The contents of the stack are moved to certain memory locations after PUSH instruction. Similarly,
the contents of the memory are transferred back to registers by POP instruction.
For example let us consider a Stack whose stack top is 4506 H. This is stored in the 16-bit Stack
pointer register as shown in Fig.3.29

Figure.29 The PUSH operation of the Stack

Let us consider two registers (register pair) B & C whose contents are 25 & 62.
Reg. B Reg. C

After PUSH operation the status of the Stack is as shown in Fig 3.30

Figure .30 After PUSH operation the status of the stack

Let us now consider POP operation: The Figs 3.31 & 3.32 explains before and after the POP operation in




Figure 3.31 The POP operation of the Stack

Figure 32 After POP operation the status of the stack

Before the operation the data 15 and 1C are in the locations 4502 & 4503 and after the pop operation the
data is copied to B-C pair and now the SP register points to 4504 location.This is shown in Fig.3.32

Programming Example FOR PUSH & POP
Write a program to initialize the stack pointer (SP) and store the contents of the register pair H-L on stack
by using PUSH instruction. Use the contents of the register pair for delay counter and at the end of the
delay retrieve the contents of H-L using POP.












SP, 4506 H

H,2565 H



Initialize Stack

Push the


Subroutine: It is a set of instructions written separately from the main program to execute a function that
occurs repeatedly in the main program.
For example, let us assume that a delay is needed three times in a program. Writing delay programs for
three times in a main program is nothing but repetition. So, we can write a subroutine program called
delay and can be called any number of times we need
Similarly, in 8085 microprocessor we do not find the instructions for multiplication and division. For
this purpose we write separate programs. So, in any main program if these operations are needed more than
once, the entire program will become lengthy and complex. So, we write subroutine programs MUL &
DIV separately from main program and use the instruction CALL MUL (or) CALL DIV in the main
program. This can be done any number of times. At the end of every subroutine program there must be an
instruction called RET. This will take the control back to main program.
The 8085 microprocessor has two instructions to implement the subroutines. They are CALL and RET.
The CALL instruction is used in the main program to call a subroutine and RET instruction is used at the
end of the subroutine to return to the main program. When a subroutine is called, the contents of the
program counter, which is the address of the instruction following the CALL instruction is stored on the
stack and the program execution is transferred to the subroutine address. When the RET instruction is
executed at the end of the subroutine, the memory address stored on the stack is retrieved and the sequence
of execution is resumed in the main program.

Diagrammatic representation
Let us assume that the execution of the main program started at 8000 H. It continues until a CALL
subroutine instruction at 8020 H is encountered. Then the program execution transfers to 8070 H. At the
end of the subroutine 807B H. The RET instruction is present. After executing this RET, it comes back to
main program at 8021 H as shown in the following Fig. 3.34

Fig.33 Diagrammatic representation of subroutine program execution

The same is explained using the assembly language program example.

Program Example:

Subroutine Program:









Next Subroutine


Beginning of the Subroutine.

End of the program

Instructions of next subroutine if any

End of the subroutine.

Delay programs:
In many situations it may be desired to provide some delay between the execution of two
instructions by a microprocessor. The delay can be produced by either hardware chip like 8253 or by






Next instruction

SP, 8400 H

8070 H

Initialize the Stack pointer at 8400 H

Call a subroutine program stored at the
location 8070 H. (It is a three by
The address of the next instruction
following CALL instruction.

End of the main program

writing a software program using registers of the processor. Here we will discuss the software delay
program. This delay program is not a part of the main program. Hence it is called delay sub-routine
program. For small delays we can use only one register. But for longer delays one has to use two or three
registers. The technique involved here is, a register is loaded with a number and then decremented by using
the instruction DCR until it becomes zero. The time of execution of the microprocessor is equal to the
delay time produced.

For example, we have constructed a display system where the LEDs receive the input from a
microprocessor. Since the microprocessor is a very fast device it sends the signal at very high speeds there
by our eye cannot recognize the display pattern. So, if you provide some delay between two input signals,
the display can be visualized clearly. Similarly to observe the rotations of a stepper motor, a delay is
needed between every two excitation signals applied to the motor.

Delay Subroutine with one register:


Address Label Machine
Mnemonics Operand Comments
9000 MVI A, FF Get FF in register A
9002 LOOP DCR A Decrement register A.
9003 JNZ LOOP Has the content of register
B becomes zero? No, jump
to LOOP. Yes, proceed
9006 RET Return to main program

Calculation of Delay time for the above program:

In the above program register A is loaded by FFH B(255 decimal) and it is decremented in a loop until it
becomes zero. The delay produced by this program is as follows
We should know the number of times each instruction of the above program is being executed. The
number of states required for the execution of each instruction is as follows:


(loop) DCR A 4
JNZ loop 7/10
RET 10


Total T States=3584

The time required for one T-state in INTEL 8085 microprocessor is nearly 330n.sec

Delay time is= 3584 x 333n.sec
= 3.584 x 0.333 x 10
= 1.18272 x 10
= 1. 193472 milliseconds

Delay Subroutine with two registers


Address Label Machine
Mnemonic Operand Comments
8400 MVI B, 10H Get desired number in register B
8402 LOOP1 MVI C, 56H Get desired number in register
8404 LOOP2 DCR C Decrement C.
8405 JNZ LOOP2 Is [C] zero? No, go to LOOP2. Yes, proceed
8408 DCR B Decrement register B
8409 JNZ LOOP1 Is [B] zero? No, go to LOOP1. Yes, proceed
840C RET Return to main program.

Delay Subroutine using register pair

Address Label Machine
Mnemonic Operand Comments
8000 LXI D, FFFF Get FFFF in register pair D-E
LOOP DCX D Decrement count
MOV A, D Move the contents of register D to
ORA E Check if D and E are zero.
JNZ LOOP If D-E is not zero, jump to LOOP
RET Return to main program

Delay Subroutine using three registers

Address Label Machine
Mnemonic Operand Comments
8400 MVI A, 98H Get control word
8402 OUT 03 Initialize port foe LED Display
8404 MVI B, 50H
8406 MVI C, FFH
8408 MVI D, FFH
840A DCR D Delay Subroutine with three registers
840E DCR C
8412 DCR B
8413 JNZ LOOP1
8416 MVI A, 01
8418 OUT 01 Output for LED
8419 HLT Stop.

From the above discussion it is clear that with increase of T-states required for a delay subroutine ,the
delay time also increases.


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